FAC31CFR README.DOC The FAC31CFR file library contains the complete text of Title 31 of the Code of Federal Regulations Parts 500-595 as published annually on July 1. The FAC31CFR file library should be used in tangent with the FAC_FR file library to ensure that you have the most current information on the status of all sanction and embargo programs administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control. Following is a listing of Parts 500-595 and the programs covered by each: Part 500 - Foreign Assets Control Regulations - cover the sanctions and embargoes against North Korea, Vietnam and residual authority with regard to blocked Cambodian assets. Part 505 - Transaction Control Regulations - detail the prohibitions against transactions involving certain strategic merchandise. Part 515 - Cuban Assets Control Regulations - detail the requirements for complying with the sanctions and embargo against Cuba. Part 535 - Iranian Assets Control Regulations - residual authority based on the sanctions imposed against Iran following seizure of the American Embassy in Teheran in 1979. Involves a minimal number of assets in the United States consisting mainly of military and dual-use property. Part 550 - Libyan Sanctions Regulations - detail the requirements for complying with the sanctions against Libya. Part 560 - Iranian Transactions Regulations - detail the requirements of the current Iranian import prohibitions. Part 575 - Iraqi Sanctions Regulations - detail the requirements for complying with the sanctions against Iraq. Part 585 - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro) Sanctions Regulations - detail the requirements for complying with the sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro)