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Title: Carbon sequestration and southern pine forests
Author(s): Johnsen, Kurt H.; Wear, David N.; Oren, R.; Teskey, R.O.; Sanchez, F.; Will, Rodney E.; Butnor, J.; Markewitz, D.; Richter, D.; Rials, T.; Allen, H.L.; Seiler, J.; Ellsworth, D.; Maier, C.; Katul, G.; Dougherty, P.M.
Date: 2001
Source: Journal of Forestry. 99(4): 14-21
Description: In managed forests, the amount of carbon further sequestered will be determined by (1) the increased amount of carbon in standing biomass (resulting from land-use changes and increased productivity); (2) the amount of recalcitrant carbon remaining below ground at the end of rotations; and (3) the amount of carbon sequestered in products created from harvested wood. Because of the region's high productivity and industrial infrastructure, carbon sequestration via southern pine forests could be increased, and this may benefit the Nation in terms of global policy commitments.
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