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sends signals to kill, suspend, or resume unfinished jobs


bkill [-l] [-R] [-J job_name] [-m host_name | -m host_group] [-q queue_name] [-r | -s (signal_value | signal_name)] [-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all] [job_ID ... | 0 | "job_ID[index]" ...]

bkill [-h | -V]


By default, sends a set of signals to kill the specified jobs. On UNIX, SIGINT and SIGTERM are sent to give the job a chance to clean up before termination, then SIGKILL is sent to kill the job. The time interval between sending each signal is defined by the JOB_TERMINATE_INTERVAL parameter in lsb.params(5).

On Windows NT, job control messages replace the SIGINT and SIGTERM signals (but only customized applications can process them) and the TerminateProcess() system call is sent to kill the job.

Users can only operate on their own jobs. Only root and LSF administrators can operate on jobs submitted by other users.

If a signal request fails to reach the job execution host, LSF tries the operation later when the host becomes reachable. LSF retries the most recent signal request.

If a job is running in a queue with CHUNK_JOB_SIZE set, bkill has the following results depending on job state:


Job is removed from chunk (NJOBS -1, PEND -1)


All jobs in the chunk are suspended (NRUN -1, NSUSP +1)


Job finishes, next job in the chunk starts if one exists (NJOBS -1, PEND -1, SUSP -1, RUN +1)


Job finishes (NJOBS-1, PEND -1)

To remove a repetitive job from the system, use bdel. Using bkill on a repetitive job kills the current run, if the job has been started, and requeues the job. See bcadd(1) and bsub(1) for information on setting up a job to run repetitively. See bdel(1) for more information.

If the job cannot be killed, use bkill -r to remove the job from the LSF system without waiting for the job to terminate, and free the resources of the job.

A job ID or -m, -u, -q, or -J must be specified with bkill.



Displays the signal names supported by bkill. This is a subset of signals supported by /bin/kill and is platform-dependent.


Operates on jobs recursively on the job group tree.

-J job_name

Operates only on jobs with the specified job_name. The -J option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.

-m host_name | -m host_group

Operates only on jobs dispatched to the specified host or host group.

If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is operated on. The -m option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option. See bhosts(1) and bmgroup(1) for more information about hosts and host groups.

-q queue_name

Operates only on jobs in the specified queue.

If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is operated on.

The -q option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.

See bqueues(1) for more information about queues.


Removes a job from the LSF system without waiting for the job to terminate in the operating system.

Sends the same series of signals as bkill without -r, except that the job is removed from the system immediately, the job is marked as EXIT, and the job resources that LSF monitors are released as soon as LSF receives the first signal.

Also operates on jobs for which a bkill command has been issued but which cannot be reached to be acted on by SBD (jobs in ZOMBI state). If SBD recovers before the jobs are completely removed, LSF ignores the zombi jobs killed with bkill -r.

Use bkill -r only on jobs that cannot be killed in the operating system, or on jobs that cannot be otherwise removed using the bdel or bkill.

The -r option cannot be used with the -s option.

-s (signal_value | signal_name)

Sends the specified signal to specified jobs. You can specify either a name, stripped of the SIG prefix (such as KILL), or a number (such as 9).

Eligible signal names are listed by bkill -l.

The -s option cannot be used with the -r option.

Use bkill -s to suspend and resume jobs by using the appropriate signal instead of using bstop or bresume. Sending the SIGCONT signal is the same as using bresume. Sending the SIGSTOP signal to sequential jobs or the SIGTSTP to parallel jobs is the same as using bstop.

You cannot suspend a job that is already suspended, or resume a job that is not suspended. Using SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP on a job that is in the USUSP state has no effect and using SIGCONT on a job that is not in either the PSUSP or the USUSP state has no effect. See bjobs(1) for more information about job states.

-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all

Operates only on jobs submitted by the specified user or user group (see bugroup(1)), or by all users if the reserved user name all is specified.

If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is operated on. The -u option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.

job_ID ... | 0 | "job_ID[index]" ...

Operates only on jobs that are specified by job_ID or "job_ID[index]", where "job_ID[index]" specifies selected job array elements (see bjobs(1)). For job arrays, quotation marks must enclose the job ID and index, and index must be enclosed in square brackets.

Jobs submitted by any user can be specified here without using the -u option. If you use the reserved job ID 0, all the jobs that satisfy other options (that is, -m, -q, -u and -J) are operated on; all other job IDs are ignored.

The options -u, -q, -m and -J have no effect if a job ID other than 0 is specified. Job IDs are returned at job submission time (see bsub(1)) and may be obtained with the bjobs command (see bjobs(1)).


Prints command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.


% bkill -s 17 -q night

Sends signal 17 to the last job that was submitted by the invoker to queue night.

% bkill -q short -u all 0

Kills all the jobs that are in the queue short.

% bkill -r 1045

Forces the removal of unkillable job 1045.


bsub(1), bjobs(1), bqueues(1), bhosts(1), bresume(1), bstop(1), bdel(1), bparams(5), mbatchd(8), kill(1), signal(2)

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