JPL Educators' Workshop

Life in the Solar System

March 5, 1999

GEM Workshop 8:30-8:55 Welcome and Overview
James Klemaszewski, Workshop Coordinator
Galileo Education/Outreach Specialist
8:55-9:35 Life On Planet Earth : What and Where Is Life?
Dr. Gene McDonald, JPL Astrobiology Scientist
9:35-9:45 Q&A
9:45-10:00 BREAK
10:00-10:20 Comets: Delivering the goods
Dr. Stephen Edberg, Cassini Investigation and Discipline Scientist & Lead Outreach Coordinator
10:20-10:30 Q&A
10:30-10:50 Europa: Life Under the Ice?
James Klemaszewski, Senior Research Specialist, Arizona State University
10:50-11:00 Q&A
11:00-11:15 The Not Ready for Realtime Players
11:15-12:45 LUNCH
12:45-1:10 Planetary Environments in the Classroom
James Klemaszewski, Galileo Education/Outreach Specialist
1:10-1:25 Mars: Life on the Red Planet?
Dr. Donna Shirley, President of Managing Creativity
1:25-1:35 Q&A
1:35-1:50 Titan: Life Beneath the Clouds?
Dr. Ellis Miner, Cassini Science Advisor
1:50-2:00 Q&A
2:00-2:30 Discussion: Bringing Life to the Classroom
Richard Shope, Outer Planets/Solar Probe Lead Outreach Coordinator
2:30-2:50 Searching for Life In the Solar System
Dr. Lonne Lane, Principle Investigator, Deep Ocean Extremophile Detection
2:50-3:00 Q&A
3:00-3:20 Life: Responses and Resources / Give-aways / Evaluations / Packet Handout
Leslie Lowes, Galileo Lead Outreach Coordinator


Workshop staff and coordinators are wearing badges with pins on them -- please don't hesitate to ask questions. We would like to make this workshop as rewarding and enjoyable as possible, and we would like you to feel comfortable today at JPL.

When You Arrive:

If you arrive by 7:30 and wish to visit the ERC souvenir store, you should meet the ERC escort, at the yellow sign at 7:45 and 8:00. If you are unable to arrive in time to visit the ERC in the a.m. there will be another opportunity at the conclusion of the Workshop.

The workshop will begin promptly at 8:30, so you should be seated in the auditorium no later than 8:15.

Lunch (11:15-12:45):

If you brought your lunch with you, feel free to eat it either outside or in the cafeteria.

If you plan to purchase your lunch, we encourage you to head to the cafeteria right away as the lines tend to become very crowded during the noon hour. Inside the cafeteria, you can find grilled items, prepared salads, and a sandwich bar to the right; to the left are entrees and Mexican foods along with a salad bar, soup, and frozen yogurt.

You will also have the opportunity to participate in the following activities during lunch:

Tour of SFOF: The Spacecraft Flight and Operations Facility. Learn about mission operations and find out how we keep track of our spacecraft! Tours will depart from the green sign shortly after 11:30 and 12:00 and are limited to 60 people each.

Welcome to Outer Space: This exciting video presentation takes you on JPL’s journey through the solar system with an overview of its many missions and projects. It will be shown in the Von Karman auditorium at 12:00.

Summary of lunchtime activities:

Activity Location Time
Flight Operations facility tour Depart from green sign 11:30, 12:00
"Welcome to Outer Space" Von Karman Auditorium 12:00

Summary of p.m. activities:

Activity Location Time
Visit ERC Depart from yellow sign 3:30
Classroom Bridging Session Von Karman Auditorium 5:30

Classroom Bridging Session: From 5:30-7:30 p.m., special discussion and brainstorming groups will consider how to bring the topics presented in this Workshop into the classroom. If you have not pre-registered, you’re still welcome to attend.