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Aid in Action

Bringing the Shahidan Market Back to Life

USAID rebuilds Shahidan Market in Afghanistan and revitalizes the community

At the request of the Bamiyan Business Association, USAID provided a $36,000 grant to provide materials and labor for rebuilding the Shahidan Market which has brought new life and activity into the bazaar. The debris was cleared from the sidewalks and streets, while new blue doors mark each business stall. The president of the business association reports that fifty stalls were opened, and he believes that more merchants will return.


The Shahidan Market, which sits in a valley in the west of Bamyan Province, was destroyed by the Taliban as they fled the region in late 2001. All that remained were rows of burned-out business stalls.

Photo: USAID/D. Alexander


The market is again filled with people and shops including a small flour mill where people stand in line to have their wheat ground, paying with a portion of the flour. The shop owner expressed pride in his small enterprise and thanked the United States "...for helping to finish the Taliban.” He said, "I no longer have to keep my doors closed and the sun now shines in my shop."

Photo: USAID/D. Alexander

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Last updated March 16, 2009

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