SUBENT A0572001 970220 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 15 62 TITLE Production of 128,131-Ba,132-Cs in Proton Induced Reactions on a Cs Target and of 127,129-Cs in 3,4-He Induced Reactions on I Target. AUTHOR (C.DEPTULA,KIM SEN HAN,O.KNOTEK,S.MIKOLAJEWSKI, L.M.POPINENKOVA,E.RURARZ,N.G.ZAITSEVA) INSTITUTE (3POLIPJ).Radioisotope Research and Development Center, Swierk,Poland. (3KDRKDR).Institute of Radiochemistry,Pyongyang,D.P.R. Korea. (3CZRUJV,4RUSFVE,4ZZZDUB,3POLIPJ) REFERENCE (J,NKA,35,63,90) HISTORY (970217C) (970220U) Last checking has been done. SAMPLE The Thin Targets were Prepared by Compressing the Necessary Amount of the Natural,High Purity Cs-Cl Powder. Pellets Thicknesses were Obtained by the Weight and Area Measurement. The Weight of Pressed Cs-Cl Pellets, Diameter 1.5 Cm,Area 1.76 Cm**2, Varied Throughout the Stacked Thin Cs-Cl Discs According to Necessary Energy Loss of Protons in Each Discs. The Number of Pellets Varied in Different Irradiations. The Thin Target Discs were Then Stacked in Thin-Walled Aluminum Tube, Which Used As Taeget Holder, With Aluminum Foils Between Each Cs-Cl Discs. ADD-RES (COMP).Hybrid Model of Nuclear Reactions Using the Well Developed Computer Code Overlaid Alice. Advantages of Using I-127-He-3,4 Reactions For Production of Cs-127,129 Are Discussed. (TTY-C) MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG,,,EVAL) MONIT-REF (,J.TOBAILEM+,R,CEA-N-1466,,71) The Compiler Beleived That Author'S Reference For Monitor Reaction is Incorrect. REL-REF (R,,C.F.WILLIAMSON+,R,CEA-R-3042,,66) The Tables of Stopping Power. (A,A0320001,M.C.LAGUNAS-SOLAR+,J,ARI,33,619,82).Within the Experimental Uncertainties and Energetical Ranges. DETECTOR (GELI) FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSFVE).Lu-100 at the Institute For High Energy Physics in Serpukhuv (RUSSIA). METHOD (STTA) See Sample. (EXTB) The Duration of Irradiations were 2-5 Hours. (ACTIV) (GSPEC) The Stacks were Repeatedely Measured Over a Period of Several Day. STATUS (TABLE) ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The Uncertainty of the Primary Energy of the Proton Beam. (ERR-2) The Uncertainty of Measurement of Proton Beam Intensity. Mainly Errors From Monitor Reaction Cross Section. (ERR-3) The Uncertainty in the Target Thickness Variations. (ERR-4) The Error in the Computer Spectral Integration. (ERR-S) The Error in Counting Statistics. (ERR-6) The Error in the Detector Efficiency. (ERR-7) The Error in the Attenuation Corrections. (ERR-8) The Error in Decay Corrections. (ERR-9) The Error in the Gamma-Ray Probabilities Per Decay. (ERR-10) The Error in Counting Geometry. ENDBIB 62 COMMON 10 6 EN-ERR ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-S ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 0.5 5. 8. 4. 3. 5. 5. 3. 5. 3. ENDCOMMON 6 ENDSUBENT 72 SUBENT A0572002 970220 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 3 9 REACTION (55-CS-133(P,6N)56-BA-128,,SIG) DECAY-DATA (56-BA-128,2.49D) (55-CS-128,3.62MIN,DG,371.9,0.317, DG,411.3,0.219) ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T).The Uncertainty is Reported by Authors. the Total Cross Sections was Obtained by Summing Up in Squares All the Individual Errors.They Range Between 13-18%.Authors Assumed For the Cross Section and Yields the Error 15%. ENDBIB 9 COMMON 1 3 ERR-T PER-CENT 15. ENDCOMMON 3 DATA 2 29 EN DATA MEV MB 97.9 60. 96.5 68. 94.5 70. 93.4 74. 91.2 78. 89.4 84. 88.6 88. 87.5 81. 85.4 91. 83.5 92. 82.6 98. 81.2 102. 79.5 107. 78.3 105. 75.3 128. 74.4 144. 71. 164. 69.2 189. 67.4 260. 66.7 280. 62.5 323. 60.9 197. 58.8 185. 57.7 158. 56.5 112. 54.2 46. 52.5 22. 49.5 8. 46.5 7. ENDDATA 31 ENDSUBENT 49