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1996 Individual Exemptions

Grant; PTE-1996-01


G: 61 FR 3479 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 47598 (09/13/95)

First Hawaiian Bank, et al.

Permits the in-kind transfer to any open end investment company (the Fund or Funds) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 to which First Hawaiian Bank or any of its affiliates (collectively, the Bank) serves as investment adviser and may provide other services, of the assets of various employee investment funds maintained by the Bank or otherwise held by the Bank as trustee, investment manager, or in any other capacity as fiduciary on behalf of the Plans, in exchange for shares of such Funds. Also permits, the receipt of fees by the Bank from the Funds for acting as the investment adviser, custodian, sub-administrator, and other service provider for the Funds in connection with the investment in the Funds by the Plans for which the Bank acts as a fiduciary.

Grant; PTE-1996-02


G: 61 FR 3482 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 53806 (10/17/95)

The Chase Manhattan Bank Pooled Investment Trust for Employee Benefit Plans (the Trust)

Permits the past cash sale of certain commercial paper notes for $25,129,748 by two collective investment funds in the Trust known as VAN 1 and VAN 18 (the VANs) to The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., a party in interest with respect to the employee benefit plans invested in the VANs.

Grant; PTE-1996-03


G: 61 FR 3482 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 55857 (11/03/95)

Retirement Plan for Employees of Concord Hospital Capital Region Healthcare Corp. (the Plan)

Permits (1) the transfers to the Plan (occurring on July 7, July 13, July 18, August 19 and August 22, 1994) of publicly-traded securities from non-ERISA accounts (the Accounts) of Concord Hospital, Inc. and its parent corporation, parties in interest with respect to the Plan; (2) the transfer of $3,761,319 of publicly traded securities from the Plan to the Accounts; (3) the proposed transfer of approximately $3.6 million from the Plan to the Accounts.

Grant; PTE-1996-04


G: 61 FR 3483 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 55861 (11/03/95)

Larson Distributing Co. Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits (1) the extension of credit to the Plan (the Loan) by Larson Distributing Co., Inc., the sponsor of the Plan, with respect to the Plan’s investment in annuity accounts maintained with USG Annuity and Life Co. and All American Life Insurance Company, and (2) the Plan’s potential repayment of the Loan.

Grant; PTE-1996-05


G: 61 FR 3483 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 55862 (11/03/95)

Retirement Savings Plan and Trust for Employees of the J.H. Heafner Company, Inc. (the Plan)

Permits the sale by the Plan of certain limited partnership units in two limited partnerships to the J.H. Heafner Company, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-06


G: 61 FR 3489 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 53808 (10/17/95)

WLI Industries, Inc. Employees’ Stock Ownership Plan (the Plan), et al.

Permits, as of December 29, 1995, the cash sale by the Plan of its interest in a limited partnership (the Partnership) to James Van DeVelde and Robert Van DeVelde, the general partners of the Partnership and parties in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-07


G: 61 FR 3489 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 58664 (11/28/95)

Ventura County National Bancorp 401(k) and Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the Plan)

Permits, for the period from May 12, 1995 until June 21, 1995, (1) the receipt of certain stock rights (the Rights) by the Plan, which is sponsored by Ventura County National Bancorp (Ventura) and its affiliates, pursuant to a stock rights offering by Ventura to shareholders of record of Ventura’s common stock; (2) the holding of the Rights by the Plan during the Offering Period; and (3) the exercise of the Rights by the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-08

D-10065 and D-10066

G: 61 FR 3489 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 55859 (11/03/95)

Industrial Bank of Japan Limited (IBJ)

Permits (1) the granting to IBJ, as the representative of lenders (the Lenders) participating in a credit facility, of security interests in the Tiger Real Estate Fund, L.P. (the Partnership) owned by certain employee benefit plans (the Plans) with respect to which some of the Lenders are parties in interest; and (2) the agreements by the Plans to honor capital calls made by IBJ in lieu of the Partnership’s general partner.

Grant; PTE-1996-09


G: 61 FR 3490 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 58668 (11/28/95)

Fidelitone, Inc. Employees’ Profit Sharing and Savings Plan & Trust (the Plan)

Permits the sale by the Plan of certain securities to Fidelitone, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-10


G: 61 FR 3490 (01/31/96)

P: 60 FR 58670 (11/28/95)

Intrenet Employee Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale by the Plan of certain units of limited partnership interests to Intrenet Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-11


G: 61 FR 3490 (01/3196)

P: 60 FR 58671 (11/28/95)

ContiFinancial Services Corporation

Permits, effective November 28, 1995, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor r underwriter and an employee benefit plan when the sponsor, servicer, trustee or insurer of a trust, the underwriter of the certificates representing an interest in the trust, or an obligor is a party in interest with respect to such plan; (2) the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of certificates by a plan in the secondary market for such certificates; and (3) the continued holding of certificates acquired by a plan. Also permits, effective November 28, 1995, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates between the sponsor and underwriter and a plan when the person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the investment of plan assets in the certificates is (a) an obligor with respect to 5 percent or less of the fair market value of obligations or assets contained in the trust, or (b) an affiliate of a person described in (a). Further, this exemption permits, effective November 28, 1995, any transactions to which ERISA restrictions and Code sanctions would otherwise apply merely because a person is deemed to be a party in interest or a disqualified person (including a fiduciary) with respect to a plan by virtue of providing services to the plan (or by virtue of having a relationship to such service provider, as described in section 3(14)(F), (G) or (I) or ERISA or section 4975(e)(2)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Code, solely because of the plan’s ownership of certificates.

Grant; PTE-1996-12


G: 61 FR 10025 (03/12/96)

P: 60 FR 5865 (11/28/95)

World Omni Financial Corporation and Its Affiliates, et al.

Permits, effective June 27, 1994, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange, or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and an employee benefit plan when the sponsor, servicer, trustee or insurer of a trust, the underwriter of the certificates representing an interest in the trust, or an obligor is a party in interest with respect to such plan; (2) the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of certificates by a plan in the secondary market for such certificates; and (3) the continued holding of certificates acquired by a plan. Also permits, effective June 27, 1994, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates between the sponsor and underwriter and a plan when the person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the investment of plan assets in the certificates is (a) an obligor with respect to 5 percent or less of the fair market value of obligations or assets contained in the trust, or (b) an affiliate of a person described in (a). Further, this exemption permits, effective June 27, 1994, any transactions to which ERISA restrictions and Code sanctions would otherwise apply merely because a person is deemed to be a party in interest or a disqualified person (including a fiduciary) with respect to a plan by virtue of providing services to the plan (or by virtue of having a relationship to such service provider, as described in section 3(14)(F), (G) or (I) or ERISA or section 4975(e)(2)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Code, solely because of the plan’s ownership of certificates.

Grant; PTE-1996-13


G: 61 FR 10031 (03/12/96)

P: 60 FR 24901 (05/10/95)

Pediatric Dentistry Ltd. Profit Sharing Trust (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of a parcel of improved real property by the Plan to William Hunter, M.D., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-14


G: 61 FR 10032 (03/12/96)

P: 60 FR 5865 (11/28/95)

O: 61 FR 28243 (06/04/96) (Tech. Corr.)


Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated (MS&C) and Morgan Stanley Trust Company

Permits (1) the lending of securities to MS&Co and to any other U.S. registered broker-dealers affiliated with MSTC (collectively, the MS Broker-Dealers) by employee benefit plans with respect to which the MS Broker-Dealer who is borrowing such securities is a party in interest or for which MSTC acts as directed trustee or custodian and securities lending agent; and (2) the receipt of compensation by MSTC in connection with these transactions.

Grant; PTE-1996-15


G: 61 FR 10034 (03/12/96)

P: 60 FR 58667 (11/28/95)

Life Insurance Corporation Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale of 16 residential mortgage loans by the Plan to the Life Insurance Company of the Southwest, a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-16


G: 61 FR 10034 (03/12/96)

P: 60 FR 58679 (11/28/95)

LEGENT Retirement Security Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of a limited partnership interest in Consolidated Capital Institutional Properties Two Limited Partnership to LEGENT Corporation, a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-17


G: 61 FR 11876 (03/22/96)

P: 61 FR 58662 (11/28/95)

General Motors Hourly-Rate Employees Pension Plan, et al. (collectively, the Plans)

Permits any transaction arising in connection with the acquisition, ownership, management, development, leasing, financing, or sale of real property (including the acquisition, ownership, or sale of any joint venture or partnership interest in such property) or the borrowing or lending of money in connection therewith, between a party in interest and the Plans.

Grant; PTE-1996-18


G: 61 FR 11877 (03/22/96)

P: 61 FR 3474 (01/31/96)

H.E.B. Investment and Retirement Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan to H.E. Butt Grocery Company, the Plan sponsor and a party in interest with respect to the Plan, of an interest in a certain parcel of improved real property known as the South Congress Shopping Center in Austin, Texas.

Grant; PTE-1996-19


G: 61 FR 11877 (03/22/96)

P: 61 FR 3485 (01/31/96)

Rose’s Stores, Inc. Retirement Savings 401(k) Plan (the Retirement Savings Plan)

Permits (1) the past acquisition and holding by the Rose’s Stores, Inc. Variable Investment Plan (Variable Investment Plan) of subscription rights (the Subscription Rights) offered by Rose’s Stores, Inc. (the Employer) to purchase shares of new common stock (the New Stock) upon the emergence of the Employer from bankruptcy; (2) the past acquisition and continued holding by the Variable Investment Plan and subsequently, the Retirement Savings Plan, of warrants (the Warrants) to purchase shares of the Employer’s New Stock; and (3) the proposed acquisition of shares of the New Stock by the Retirement Savings Plan upon the exercise of the Warrants.

Grant; PTE-1996-20


G: 61 FR 14827 (04/03/96)

P: 61 FR 3467 (01/31/96)

Associated Hospital Service of Maine (d/b/a BCBSME) and Blue Alliance Mutual Insurance Company (Blue Alliance)

Permits, as of August 18, 1993, the sales of certain securities by the Associated Hospital Service of Maine Retirement Plan (the Plan) to the Associated Hospital Service of Maine (d/b/a BCBSME) and Blue Alliance, parties in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-21


G: 61 FR 14827 (04/03/96)

P: 61 FR 3487 (01/31/96)

W.W. Taylor, Jr., M.D., P.C. Money Purchase Pension Plan (the Plan)

Permits, as of October 7, 1994, the contribution by W.W. Taylor, M.D., P.C. to the Plan of certain publicly traded securities.

Grant; PTE-1996-22


G: 61 FR 14828 (04/03/96)

P: 61 FR 5577 (02/13/96)

First Union Corporation (First Union)

Permits (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and an employee benefit plan when the sponsor, servicer, trustee or insurer of a trust, the underwriter of the certificates representing an interest in the trust, or an obligor is a party in interest with respect to such plan; (2) the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of certificates by a plan in the secondary market for such certificates; and (3) the continued holding of certificates acquired by a plan pursuant to the transactions described above in items (1) or (2). Also permits (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and a plan when the person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the investment of plan assets in the certificates is (a) an obligor with respect to 5 percent or less of the fair market value of obligations or receivables contained in the trust, or (b) an affiliate of a person described in item (a) above. Further, this exemption applies to transactions in connection with the servicing, management and operation of a trust, provided: (1) such transactions are carried out in accordance with the terms of a binding pooling and servicing arrangement; and (2) the pooling and servicing agreement is provided to, or described in all material respects in the prospectus or private placement memorandum provided to, investing plans before they purchase certificates issued by the trust. Finally, permits any transactions to which the restrictions under ERISA or the taxes under the Code would otherwise apply merely because a person is deemed to be a party in interest or disqualified person (including a fiduciary) with respect to a plan by virtue of providing services to the plan (or by virtue of having a relationship to such service provider described in section 3(14) (F), (G), (H) or (I) of ERISA or section 4975(e)(2) (F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Code), solely because of the plan's ownership of certificates.

Grant; PTE-1996-24

D-10036 and D-10037

G: 61 FR 18159 (04/24/96)

P: 61 FR 8673 (03/05/96)

Biscayne Bay Pilots, Inc. Money Purchase Pension Plan (M/P Plan) and Biscayne Bay Pilots, Inc.401(k) Profit Sharing Plan (P/S Plan; collectively the Plans)

Permits the sale of certain improved real property by a trust established on behalf of Helge Krarup within the Plans to Mr. Krarup, a party in interest with respect to the Plans.

Grant; PTE-1996-25


G: 61 FR 18159 (04/24/96)

P: 61 FR 8683 (03/05/96)

Zausner Foods Corp. Savings Plus Plan (the Plan)

Permits, as of December 29, 1995, the sale by the Plan of certain units of limited partnership interests to Zausner Foods Corp., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-26


G: 61 FR 18160 (04/24/96)

P: 61 FR 5574 (02/13/96)

Jack, Lyon, & Jones, P.A. Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the (1) purchase by the Plan of certain improved real property (the Property) from Jack, Lyon & Jones, P.A., (the Employer), a party in interest with respect to the Plan; (2) the subsequent leasing of the Property by the Plan to the Employer; and (3) the potential future repurchase of the Property by the Employer from the Plan pursuant to the terms of an option agreement.

Grant; PTE-1996-27


G: 61 FR 18160 (04/24/96)

P: 61 FR 8684 (03/05/96)

IRA Rollover FBO John W. Meisenbach (the IRA)

Permits the sale by the IRA of certain stock to John W. Meisenbach, a disqualified person with respect to the IRA.

Grant; PTE-1996-28


G: 61 FR 18161 (04/24/96)

P: 61 FR 5576 (02/13/96)

Associated Claims Management 401(k) Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale of a group annuity contract issued by Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company by the Plan to Foundation Health Corporation, a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-29


G: 61 FR 18161 (04/24/96)

P: 61 FR 8685 (03/05/96)

Floral Glass and Mirror, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan and Trust (the Plan)

Permits the sale of 20 shares of stock of Floral Glass Industries, Inc. by the Plan to Mr. Charles Kaplanek, Jr., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-30


G: 61 FR 20277 (05/06/96)

P: 61 FR 5572 (02/13/96)

Aultman Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits the guarantee (the Guarantee) by Aultman Health Services Association (the Employer), the sponsor of the Plan, of amounts due the Plan with respect to four guaranteed investment contracts issued by Confederation Life, including the Employer's potential cash advances to the Plan pursuant to the Guarantee and the potential repayment of the Advances.

Grant; PTE-1996-31


G: 61 FR 20277 (05/06/96)

P: 61 FR 10016 (03/12/96)

C.C.L. Label, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale by the Plan of certain publicly traded limited partnership interests (the Interests) to CCL Label, Inc. (CCL), a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-32


G: 61 FR 20277 (05/06/96)

P: 61 FR 8686 (03/05/96)

Coin Acceptors, Inc. Savings and Protection Plan (the Plan)

Permits, effective September 29, 1995, the sale by the Plan of certain publicly traded securities to Coin Acceptors, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-33


G: 61 FR 20277 (05/06/96)

P: 61 FR 11895 (03/22/96)

Gail L. Belt Self Employed Retirement Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale of a parcel of real property by the Plan to Ms. Gail L. Belt, a disqualified person with respect to the Plan for $115,000.

Grant; PTE-1996-34


G: 61 FR 21501 (05/10/96)

P: 60 FR 31512 (06/15/95)

General Electric Pension Trust (the Trust)

Permits, effective August 3, 1994, the past and continued lease by the Trust of office space in a commercial office building located at 201 Mission Street in San Francisco, California, to GE Capital Aviation Services, Inc., a party in interest with respect to employee benefit plans participating in the Trust.

Grant; PTE-1996-35


G: 61 FR 21502 (05/10/96)

P: 61 FR 8670 (03/05/96)

NBD Bancorp

Permits the merger of the INB Principal Stability Fund into the NBD Stable Asset Income Fund.

Grant; PTE-1996-36

D-09999 - D-10001

G: 61 FR 21502 (05/10/96)

P: 61 FR 3470 (01/31/96)

Spreckles Industries, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan, et al. (collectively, the Plans)

Permits the acquisition, holding or exercise by the Plans of certain warrants for the purchase of Class A new common stock of Spreckels Industries, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plans.

Grant; PTE-1996-37


G: 61 FR 21504 (05/10/96)

P: 61 FR 10015 (03/12/96)

Budge Clinic Profit Sharing Plan and Trust (the Plan)

Permits the sale of certain improved real property, located in Logan, Utah, by the Plan to IHC Health Services, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-38


G: 61 FR 25909 (05/23/96)

P: 61 FR 11878 (03/22/96)

RREEF USA Fund – I (the Trust)

Permits, effective January 1, 1993, the receipt by RREEF America L.L.C., the investment manager of the Trust, of a certain performance compensation fee in connection with the liquidation of the Trust.

Grant; PTE-1996-39

D-09969 and D-09970

G: 61 FR 25910 (05/23/96)

P: 60 FR 63064 (12/08/95)

Timberland Investment Group, Inc. and Wachovia Bank of Georgia, N.A. (the Investment Manager)

Permits the payment of an incentive fee by Timberland, a special purpose corporation which holds plan assets from the American Telephone and Telegraph Master Trust and the BellSouth Master Pension Trust, to the Investment Manager of Timberland, a party in interest with respect to the Trusts.

Grant; PTE-1996-40


G: 61 FR 25911 (05/23/96)

P: 61 FR 11892 (03/22/96)

Herzog, Heine, Geduld, Inc. (HHG)

Permits the extension of credit between Herzog, Heine, Geduld, Inc. (HHG) and various individual retirement accounts for which HHG serves as passive trustee or custodian (HHG IRAs) resulting from the in-kind transfer to HHG IRAs at the direction of the owners of such HHG IRAs of certain senior subordinated notes (the Notes) issued by HHG, and thereafter the holding of such Notes by the HHG IRAs.

Grant; PTE-1996-41

D-10133 and D-10134

G: 61 FR 25911 (05/23/96)

P: 61 FR 15142 (04/04/96)

The Buchanan Broadcasting Co., Inc. Profit Sharing Plan and Trust (the Plan)

Permits the leasing of certain office space in a building by the individual account of Robert M. Buchanan, Jr. in the Plan to Buchanan Broadcasting Co., Inc. and to Westwood Square, Ltd., both parties in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-42


G: 61 FR 25912 (05/23/96)

P: 61 FR 15144 (04/04/96)

James Flynn & Associates, Ltd. Pension Plan (the Plan)

Permits (1) the transfer of a parcel of real property to the Plan by James T. and Britt Marie Flynn (the Flynns), disqualified persons with respect to the Plan, together with a cash payment by the Flynns to the Plan of $29,000, and (2) the transfer of another parcel of real property by the Plan to the Flynns.

Grant; PTE-1996-43


G: 61 FR 25912 (05/23/96)

P: 61 FR 11894 (03/22/96)

Pierre W. Mornell, M.D., A Sole Proprietorship, Defined Benefit Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale of certain unimproved real property located in Mill Valley, California by the Plan to Pierre W. Mornell and Linda C. Mornell, parties in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-44


G: 61 FR 28244 (06/04/96)

P: 61 FR 15140 (04/04/96)

Sprague Electric Company Retirement and Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of its 34.2 interest in both the Group Annuity Contract No. CG 0128203A, issued by Executive Life Insurance Company and the Group Annuity Contract No. GA-4724, issued by Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, to American Annuity Group, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-45


G: 61 FR 28244 (06/04/96)

P: 61 FR 10017 (03/12/96)

Dauphin Deposit Bank and Trust Company (Dauphin)

Permits, as of May 31, 1996, the in-kind transfer of assets of plans (the Client Plans) for which Dauphin acts as a fiduciary, other than plans established and maintained by Dauphin, that are held in certain collective investment funds maintained by Dauphin (CIFs) in exchange for shares of the Marketvest Funds (the Funds), open-end investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, in situations where Dauphin acts as investment advisor for the Fund and may provide some other “Secondary Service” to the Fund, in connection with the termination of such CIFs. Also permits, as of April 1, 1996, the receipt of fees by Dauphin from the Funds for acting as an investment adviser to the Funds as well as for providing other services to the Funds which are “Secondary Services,” in connection with the investment by the Client Plans in shares of the Funds.

Grant; PTE-1996-46


G: 61 FR 31959 (06/21/96)

P: 61 FR 18421 (04/25/96)

Jacor Communications Inc. Retirement Plan (the Plan)

Permits, as of January 11, 1993, (1) the receipt by the Plan of certain stock-purchase warrants (the Warrants) pursuant to the restructuring of Jacor Communications, Inc., excluding that portion of Warrants which was acquired by the Plan’s Qualified Matching Contribution Account; (2) the past and future holding of the Warrants by the Plan; and (3) the disposition or exercise of the Warrants by the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-47


G: 61 FR 31959 (06/21/96)

P: 61 FR 18424 (04/25/96)

EAI Partners, L.P. (EAI)

Permits, as of December 29, 1995, the in-kind transfer of assets of employee benefit plans that are participant-directed account plans intended to satisfy section 404(c) of ERISA as to which EAI serves as a fiduciary, including a plan established by EAI, as well as two plans that are sponsored by affiliates of EAI, that are held in the Small Managers Equity Fund Trust (SMEF), which is maintained by EAI, in exchange for shares of the EAI Select Managers Equity Fund, an open-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 for which Evaluation Associates Capital Markets, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of EAI, acts as investment adviser, in connection with the partial termination of SMEF.

Grant; PTE-1996-48


G: 61 FR 31961 (06/21/96)

P: 61 FR 18428 (04/25/96)

Pension Plan of Roper Hospital, Inc. (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of Separate Investment Account Group Annuity Policy No. GA-4619 maintained by New England Mutual Life Insurance Company to Roper Health System, Inc., the Plan sponsor and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-49


G: 61 FR 31961 (06/21/96)

P: 61 FR 18433 (04/25/96)

First Security Group Life Insurance Plan (the Plan)

Permits, as of August 1, 1993, the reinsurance of risks and the receipt of premiums therefrom by First Security Life Insurance Company of Arizona from the insurance contracts sold by Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company (MM) or any successor insurance company to MM which is unrelated to First Security Corporation, to provide life insurance benefits to participants in the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-50


G: 61 FR 36766 (07/12/96)

P: 61 FR 20278 (05/06/96)

San Diego National Bank Deferred Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits, as of May 30, 1995, (1) the past acquisition by the Plan of certain stock rights (the Rights) pursuant to a stock rights offering (the Offering) by SDNB Financial Corp., a California corporation, which wholly-owns and is the parent company of the San Diego National Bank, the sponsor of the Plan and a party in interest with respect to the Plan; (2) the past holding of the Rights during the subscription period of the Offering; and (3) the disposition or exercise of the Rights by the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-51


G: 61 FR 36766 (07/12/96)

P: 61 FR 15143 (04/04/96)

Puckett Machinery Company Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale of improved real property by the Plan to Richard H. Puckett, a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-52

D-10175 - D-10177

G: 61 FR 36767 (07/12/96)

P: 61 FR 18430 (04/25/96)

First Virginia Banks, Inc. (First Virginia)

Permits (1) the cash sale, on December 23, 1994, of certain variable rate certificates of deposit (CDs), issued by Merrill Lynch National Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah, by forty employee benefit plans, Keogh plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs) for which First Knoxville Bank in Knoxville, Tennessee (the Bank) serves as a fiduciary, to First Virginia, a party in interest or disqualified person with respect to such plans and IRAs; (2) the cash sale, on various dates during 1995, of certain fixed rate CDs issued by various unrelated financial institutions, by eighteen employee benefit plans, Keogh plans and IRAs, for which the Bank serves as a fiduciary, to First Virginia; and (3) the proposed cash sale of certain additional fixed rate CDs, issued by various unrelated financial institutions, by approximately twenty-one employee benefit plans, Keogh plans and IRAs, for which the Bank serves as a fiduciary, to First Virginia. This exemption is effective as of December 23, 1994 for the transaction described in item (1) above and at various times during 1995 for the transaction described in item (2).

Grant; PTE-1996-53


G: 61 FR 36768 (07/12/96)

P: 61 FR 20283 (05/06/96)

AmSouth Bancorporation Thrift Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale of Guaranteed Investment Contract No. 62531 and Guaranteed Investment Contract No. 62651, both issued by Confederation Life Insurance of Atlanta, Georgia, by the Plan to AmSouth Bancorporation, a Delaware corporation, the sponsor of the Plan and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-54


G: 61 FR 37933 (07/22/96)

P: 61 FR 15123 (04/04/96)

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (the Bank), et al.

Permits, effective July 2, 1993 until October 1, 1993, the in-kind transfer of all or a pro rata portion of the assets of employee benefit plans that are held in certain collective investment funds (the CIF or CIFs), for which the Bank or any of its affiliates (collectively, Wells Fargo) serves as fiduciary, to the Stagecoach Funds, Inc. (the Fund or Funds), an open-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, for which Wells Fargo acts as investment adviser and may provide other services, in exchange for shares of the Funds, in connection with the partial termination of the CIFs.

Grant; PTE-1996-55


G: 61 FR 37935 (07/22/96)

P: 61 FR 3476 (01/31/96)

Aircon Energy, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale by the Plan of certain office equipment to Aircon Energy, Inc., a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-56


G: 61 FR 37935 (07/22/96)

P: 61 FR 25905 (05/23/96)

Smith Barney

Permits, effective September 25, 1995, the lending of securities, under certain “exclusive borrowing” arrangements, to Smith Barney, and to any affiliate of Smith Barney, who is a U.S. registered broker-dealer or a government securities broker or dealer, by employee benefit plans with respect to which Smith Barney is a party in interest.

Grant; PTE-1996-57


G: 61 FR 37936 (07/22/96)

P: 61 FR 25907 (05/23/96)

VVP America, Inc. Incentive Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sales by the Plan to VVP America, Inc., the sponsor of the Plan, of universal life insurance policies issued by the Confederation Life Insurance Company.

Grant; PTE-1996-58

D-10180 and D-10181

G: 61 FR 37936 (07/22/96)

P: 61 FR 20281 (05/06/96)

Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan for Salaried Employees, et al. collectively, (the Plans)

Permits the (1) the guaranty by Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc. (the Employer), the sponsor of the Plans, of amounts due the Plans with respect to three guaranteed investment contracts (the GICs) issued by Confederation Life Insurance Company; (2) the potential extensions of credit (the Advances) to the Plans by the Employer pursuant to the Guaranty; (3) the Plans’ potential repayment of the Advances; and (4) the potential purchase of the GICs from the Plans by the Employer for cash.

Grant; PTE-1996-59


G: 61 FR 40000 (07/31/96)

P: 61 FR 11882 (03/22/96)

PaineWebber Incorporated (PaineWebber)

Permits, effective August 18, 1995, the purchase or redemption of shares by an employee benefit plan, a plan described in section 403(b) of the Code, an individual retirement account or a retirement plan for a self- employed individual (collectively referred to herein as the Plans) in the PaineWebber Managed Accounts Services Portfolio Trust established in connection with such Plans’ participation in the PaineWebber PACE Program (the PACE Program). In addition, this exemption permits, effective August 18, 1995, (a) the provision, by PaineWebber Managed Accounts Services, a division of PaineWebber, of asset allocation and related services to an independent fiduciary (the Independent Fiduciary) of a Plan or to a directing participant (the Directing Participant) in a Plan that is covered under and permits participant selection as contemplated by the provisions of section 404(c) of ERISA, which may result in the selection by the Independent Fiduciary or the Directing Participant of portfolios of the Trust in the PACE Program for the investment of Plan assets; and (b) the provision of investment management services by Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management, Inc. to the PACE Money Market Investments Portfolio of the Trust.

Grant; PTE-1996-60


G: 61 FR 40004 (07/31/96)

P: 61 FR 28238 (06/04/96)

The Everett Clinic Profit Sharing Plan and 401(k) Employee Savings Plan and Trust (the Plan)

Permits, as of June 1, 1996, the Plan and Everett Clinic (the Employer), a party in interest with respect to the Plan to engage in the following transactions: (1) the exchange of cash and real property (Parcel B) owned by the Plan for other real property (Parcel C) owned by the Employer; (2) the grant by the Employer to the Plan of a perpetual easement to run with the land on the Plan’s Parcel B (to be exchanged) and on certain Employer-owned property; (3) the modification and extension of an existing lease (the New Lease) of improved real property by the Plan to the Employer, so as to include Parcel C and, effective January 1, 1997, a parking lot owned by the Employer to be contributed gratuitously to the Plan; and (4) the potential future purchase of the leased premises by the Employer pursuant to the terms of an option agreement contained in the New Lease.

Grant; PTE-1996-61


G: 61 FR 40005 (07/31/96)

P: 61 FR 28241 (06/04/96)

The SUP Welfare Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale by Plan of the remaining term of a one hundred year pre-paid leasehold interest to the Sailors’ Union of the Pacific Building Corporation, a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-64


G: 61 FR 44081 (08/27/96)

P: 61 FR 8674 (03/05/96)

Society National Bank; KeyTrust Company of Ohio; Society Asset Management, Inc.; and KeyCorp (collectively, the Bank)

Permits, effective December 1, 1993, the in-kind transfer of assets of plans for which the Bank serves as a fiduciary (the Client Plans), other than plans established and maintained by the Bank, that are held in certain collective investment funds maintained by the Bank (the CIFs), in exchange for the shares of the Victory Portfolios (collectively, the Funds), an open-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, for which the Bank acts as an investment adviser as well as a custodian, sub-administrator, and/or shareholder servicing agent, or provides some other “secondary service,” in connection with the termination of such CIFs. Also permits, effective October 1, 1995, the receipt of fees by the Bank from the Funds for acting as an investment adviser to the Funds in connection with the investment by Client plans in shares of the Funds; and (2) the receipt and retention of fees by the Bank from the Funds for acting as custodian, sub-administrator, and shareholder servicing agent to the Funds, as well as for providing any other services to the Funds which are not investment advisory services (i.e., “secondary services”), in connection with the investment by Client Plans in shares of the Funds.

Grant; PTE-1996-65


G: 61 FR 44084 (08/27/96)

P: 61 FR 31954 (06/21/96)

Bill Ussery Motors, Inc. Fourth Amended and Restated Profit Sharing Plan and Trust (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale of certain real property by the Plan to Mr. John C. Brockway, the sole shareholder of the sponsoring employer and a party in interest.

Grant; PTE-1996-66


G: 61 FR 44084 (08/27/96)

P: 61 FR 31955 (06/21/96)

Hach Company 401 (k) Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of Group Annuity Contract No. 5000008 issued by Anchor National Life Insurance Company to Hach Company, a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-67


G: 61 FR 44084 (08/27/96)

P: 61 FR 28242 (06/04/96)

Cablevision Industries Corporation Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the purchase from the Plan by Cablevision Industries Corporation, the sponsor of the Plan of its entire remaining interest in guaranteed investment contract number GCNG8690011A issued by the Executive Life Insurance Company.

Grant; PTE-1996-68


G: 61 FR 44085 (08/27/96)

P: 61 FR 31956 (06/21/96)

Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc. Matching Contribution Plan (the Plan)

Permits, from July 18, 1995 until August 2, 2005, the continuing guarantee by Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc. of a loan made to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-69


G: 61 FR 49171 (09/18/96)

P: 61 FR 40006 (07/31/96)

Westinghouse Savannah River Company/Bechtel Savannah River, Inc. Pension Plan, (the Plan), et al.

Permits, effective October 15, 1994, the past and future use by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), acting on behalf of Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) and Bechtel Savannah River, Inc. (BSRI), parties in interest with respect to the Plan, of portions of DOE’s interest in Group Annuity Contract GR-409 (GR-409) issued by Connecticut General Life Insurance Company (CGLIC), an insurance company headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut, to purchase interests for the Plan in CGLIC Group Annuity Contract IN-16111 (IN-16111) for the purpose of funding the benefits under the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-70


G: 61 FR 49175 (09/18/96)

P: 61 FR 37926 (07/22/96)

Dillard’s Marine & Sports Center, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the loan of $47,962.50 by the Plan from the individual account of Willard M. Dillard, Jr. to Dillard’s Marine & Sports Center, Inc., the sponsoring employer and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-71


G: 61 FR 49175 (09/18/96)

P: 61 FR 37926 (07/22/96)

Normike Industries, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits, effective August 20, 1996, the sale by the Plan of certain improved real property located in Plainville, Connecticut to Norman and Diane Stoll, parties in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-72


G: 61 FR 49176 (09/18/96)

P: 61 FR 37931 (07/22/96)

Mei Technology Corporation 401 (k) Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale of Guaranteed Annuity Contracts No. GA-7192, Certificate Nos. 0001-0004 (collectively, the GAC), issued by Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, by the Plan to Mei Technology, the sponsoring employer and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-73


G: 61 FR 51463 (10/02/96)

P: 61 FR 20284 (05/06/96)

The Masters, Mates and Pilots Pension Plan and Individual Retirement Account Plan (together, the Plans)

Temporarily permits the continued holding by the Plans of their shares of the stock in American Heavy Lift Shipping Company, a party in interest with respect to the Plans. This exemption is effective until the later date of (1) December 31, 1997 or (2) December 31, 1998,provided another application is filed with the Department prior to December 31, 1997.

Grant; PTE-1996-74


G: 61 FR 51464 (10/02/96)

P: 61 FR 18435 (04/25/96)

Chicago Trust Company and Its Affiliates (collectively, Chicago Trust)

Permits, effective September 21, 1995, the in-kind transfer to any diversified open-end investment company (the Fund or Funds) registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 to which Chicago Trust serves as investment adviser and/or may provide other services, of the assets of various employee benefit plans (the Client Plans), including plans established or maintained by Chicago Trust that are either held in certain collective investment funds maintained by Chicago Trust as trustee or investment manager, in exchange for shares of such Funds. Also permits, effective September 21, 1995, (1) the receipt of fees by Chicago Trust from the Funds for investment advisory services to the Funds; and (2) the receipt or retention of fees by Chicago Trust from the Funds for acting as custodian or shareholder servicing agent to the Funds, as well as any other services provided to the Funds which are not investment advisory services (i.e., the Secondary Services), in connection with the investment of shares in the Funds by the Client Plans for which Chicago Trust acts as a fiduciary.

Grant; PTE-1996-75


G: 61 FR 51469 (10/02/96)

P: 61 FR 37928 (07/22/96)

Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company (PM)

Permits, effective September 2, 1993, the sale to employee benefit plans (the Plans) of a synthetic guaranteed investment contract offered by PM, which is a party in interest with respect to the Plans.

Grant; PTE-1996-76


G: 61 FR 54229 (10/17/96)

P: 61 FR 15128 (04/04/96)

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA)

Permits, effective October 2, 1995, (1) the purchase by TIAA of certain units (the Liquidity Units) in a real estate separate account established and operated by TIAA (the Separate Account); and (2) the sale of Liquidity Units of the Separate Account by TIAA in the event of net contributions to the Separate Account. Also permits, effective October 2, 1995, (1) the use of cash flow from the Separate Account; (2) the use of liquid investments in the Separate Account; or (3) the use of the proceeds from the sale of certain properties owned by the Separate Account for the purpose of purchasing Liquidity Units in the Separate Account from TIAA in connection with a decrease in the participation by TIAA in the Separate Account after the trigger point has been reached or during the wind down period of the Separate Account.

Grant; PTE-1996-77


G: 61 FR 54236 (10/17/96)

P: 61 FR 37925 (07/22/96)

Mewbourne Oil Company, Inc. Plan (the Plan)

Permits, effective February 11, 1994, the contribution by Mewbourne Oil Company (the Employer) to the Plan of a U.S. Treasury Strip Bond (the Bond) and the subsequent exchange by the Employer of the Bond for cash.

Grant; PTE-1996-78


G: 61 FR 54237 (10/17/96)

P: 61 FR 44085 (08/27/96)

Zerhusen and Ghazi, M.D. Inc. Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the sale by Dr. J. Robert Zerhusen’s individual, self-directed account within the Plan of a parcel of real property to his spouse, Marilyn E. Zerhusen, a participant and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-79


G: 61 FR 54237 (10/17/96)

P: 61 FR 47203 (09/06/96)

Huggler & Silverang Profit Sharing Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of two 5 percent limited partnership interests in Rosemont Square Association, L.P., one to Mr. David H. Huggler and the second to Mr. Kevin J. Silverang, respectively, parties in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-80


G: 61 FR 55325 (10/25/96)

P: 61 FR 44087 (08/27/96)

Lehman Brothers, Inc. (Lehman)

Permits the sales of collateralized guaranteed investment contracts by Lehman to employee benefit plans.

Grant; PTE-1996-81


G: 61 FR 55326 (10/25/96)

P: 61 FR 44089 (08/27/96)

Rexam Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits, effective June 25, 1996, the loan of $1,620,246.56 to the Plan from Rexam, Inc. (the Employer) with respect to the Guaranteed Investment Contract No. 63217 (the GIC) issued by Confederation Life Insurance Company and the Plan’s potential repayment of the Loan upon the receipt by the Plan of payments under the GIC.

Grant; PTE-1996-82


G: 61 FR 58232 (11/13/96)

P: 61 FR 49156 (09/18/96)

Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. (DFA)

Permits the in kind transfers of the assets of employee benefit plans (the Client Plans) for which DFA or an affiliate act as a fiduciary and which are held in DFA sponsored group trusts to the DFA Investment Trust Company, in exchange for the shares of the Master Fund, an open-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Grant; PTE-1996-83


G: 61 FR 58233 (11/13/96)

P: 61 FR 40011 (07/31/96)

Operating Engineers Local 150 Apprenticeship Fund (the Plan)

Permits the sale by the Plan of a parcel of unimproved real property in Will County, Illinois to the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, AFL-CIO, a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-84


G: 61 FR 58231 (11/13/96)

P: 61 FR 49163 (09/18/96)

HSBC Securities, Inc. (HSBC)

Permits (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and an employee benefit plan when the sponsor, servicer, trustee or insurer of a trust, the underwriter of the certificates representing an interest in the trust, or an obligor is a party in interest with respect to such plan; (2) the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of certificates by a plan in the secondary market for such certificates; and (3) the continued holding of certificates acquired by a plan. Also permits (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and a plan when the person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the investment of plan assets in the certificates is (a) an obligor with respect to 5 percent or less of the fair market value of obligations or receivables contained in the trust; or (b) an affiliate of a person described in (a); (2) the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of certificates by a plan in the secondary market for such certificates; and (3) the continued holding of certificates acquired by a plan. Further, permits transactions occurring in connection with the servicing, management and operation of a trust. Finally, permits any transactions to which the restrictions of ERISA and the taxes imposed under the Code would apply, merely because a person is deemed to be a party in interest or a disqualified person (including a fiduciary) with respect to a plan by virtue of having a relationship to such service provider solely because of the plan’s ownership of certificates.

Grant; PTE-1996-85


G: 61 FR 59466 (11/22/96)

P: 61 FR 47195 (09/06/96)

The Chase Manhattan Bank (Chase)

Permits (1) any acquisition or sale of “emerging market” securities (the Securities) and any repurchase agreement involving such Securities, which occurs between Chase or its Affiliates and the IBM Retirement Plan, to which Chase or an Affiliate is a party in interest under ERISA at the time of the transaction; and (2) certain repurchase agreements involving the Securities which occurred between the IBM Plan and Chemical Bank (Chemical) that were outstanding as of March 31, 1996, the date of the merger between the holding companies of Chemical and Chase. The exemption is effective as of September 6, 1996 for the transactions described in item (1) and as of March 31, 1996 for the transactions described in item (2).

Grant; PTE-1996-86


G: 61 FR 59467 (11/22/96)

P: 61 FR 47204 (09/06/96)

Acme 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan)

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of a 2.86 percent interest in the Arizona Equities V Real Estate Investment Trust to RSC Holdings, Inc., the sponsor of the Plan and a party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-87


G: 61 FR 64763 (12/06/96)

P: 61 FR 25900 (05/23/96)

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Virginia (the Company)

Permits the receipt of cash and/or common stock of Trigon Healthcare, Inc., the Company’s sole owner, by any employee benefit plan policyholder of the Company, other than an employee benefit plan sponsored by the Company or its affiliates, in exchange for such policyholder’s membership interest in the Company, in accordance with the terms of a plan of reorganization adopted by the Company and implemented pursuant to the insurance laws of the State of Virginia.

Grant; PTE-1996-88


G: 61 FR 64766 (12/06/96)

P: 61 FR 49160 (09/18/96)

First National Bank of Anchorage Common Trust Fund (the Fund)

Permits the sales of certain defaulted real estate mortgages by the First National Bank of Anchorage Common Trust Fund to the First National Bank of Anchorage, a party in interest with respect to the Fund.

Grant; PTE-1996-89


G: 61 FR 64766 (12/06/96)

P: 61 FR 54227(10/17/96)

John A. Colglazier Self Employment Retirement (the Plan)

Temporarily permits, for a period of 90 days subsequent to the date of the publication of the grant notice in the Federal Register, the cash sale by the Plan, for $74,250, of a parcel of unimproved real property to John A. Colglazier, a sole proprietor and a disqualified person with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-90


G: 61 FR 66333 (12/17/96)

P: 61 FR 54224 (10/17/96)

The Smith Barney Shearson Prototype Defined Contribution Plan (the Plan)

Permits the past acquisition, holding, and exercise by the Plan of certain stock purchase rights, which were issued by the Highland Federal Bank (the Employer) to all shareholders of record, as of November 7, 1995, of common stock of the Employer pursuant to a rights offering.

Grant; PTE-1996-91


G: 61 FR 66333 (12/17/96)

P: 61 FR 47202 (09/06/96)

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 613 (IBEW) Local 613 Defined Contribution Pension Fund (the Fund)

Permits the sale of a certain parcel of improved real property from the Fund to Mr. Charles W. Eason, Sr., a party in interest with respect to the Fund.

Grant; PTE-1996-92


G: 61 FR 66334 (12/17/96)

P: 61 FR 57468 (11/06/96)

BA Securities, Inc. (BA)

Permits, effective August 29, 1996, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and an employee benefit plan when the sponsor, servicer, trustee or insurer of a trust, the underwriter of the certificates representing an interest in the trust, or an obligor is a party in interest with respect to such plan; (2) the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of certificates by a plan in the secondary market for such certificates; and (3) the continued holding of certificates acquired by a plan pursuant to the transactions described above in items (1) and (2). Also permits, effective August 29, 1996, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and a plan when the person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the investment of plan assets in the certificates is (a) an obligor with respect to 5 percent or less of the fair market value of obligations or receivables contained in the trust, or (b) an affiliate of a person described in (a) above. Further permits, effective August 29, 1996, transactions in connection with the servicing, management and operation of the trust. Finally, permits, effective August 29, 1996, any transactions to which the restrictions of ERISA and the taxes under the Code would apply merely because a person is deemed to be a party in interest or disqualified person (including a fiduciary) with respect to a plan by virtue of providing services to the plan (or by virtue of having a relationship to such service provider described in section 3(14)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Act or section 4975(e)(2)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Code), solely because of the plan’s ownership of certificates.

Grant; PTE-1996-93


G: 61 FR 68787 (12/30/96)

P: 61 FR 55321 (10/25/96)

Beall Corporation 401I(k) Profit Sharing Plan

Permits the cash sale by the Plan of four acres of unimproved real property to the Diamond Beall Development Corporation, an Oregon general partnership and party in interest with respect to the Plan.

Grant; PTE-1996-94


G: 61 FR 68787 (12/30/96)

P: 61 FR 58244 (11/13/96)

First Chicago NBD Corporation

Permits, effective October 8, 1996, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and an employee benefit plan when the sponsor, servicer, trustee or insurer of a trust, the underwriter of the certificates representing an interest in the trust, or an obligor is a party in interest with respect to such plan; (2) the direct or indirect acquisition or disposition of certificates by a plan in the secondary market for such certificates; and (3) the continued holding of certificates acquired by a plan. Also permits, effective October 8, 1996, (1) the direct or indirect sale, exchange or transfer of certificates in the initial issuance of certificates between the sponsor or underwriter and a plan when the person who has discretionary authority or renders investment advice with respect to the investment of plan assets in the certificates is (a) an obligor with respect to 5 percent or less of the fair market value of obligations or receivables contained in the trust, or (b) an affiliate of a person described in (a) above. Further permits, effective October 8, 1996, transactions in connection with the servicing, management and operation of the trust. Finally, permits, effective October 8, 1996, any transactions to which the restrictions of ERISA and the taxes under the Code would apply merely because a person is deemed to be a party in interest or disqualified person (including a fiduciary) with respect to a plan by virtue of providing services to the plan (or by virtue of having a relationship to such service provider described in section 3(14)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Act or section 4975(e)(2)(F), (G), (H) or (I) of the Code) solely because of the plan’s ownership of certificates.

Grant; PTE-1996-95


G: 61 FR 68790 (12/30/96)

P: 61 FR 57477 (11/06/96)

Zions Bancorporation and Affiliated Companies (Zions)

Permits the reinsurance of risks and the receipt of premiums there from by Zions Life Insurance Company in connection with an insurance contract sold by American Bankers Life Insurance Company to provide group life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance to employees of Zions.

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