PEPE is installed on Deep Space 1 in the PHSF


  • Photo Number: KSC-98PC-1096

  • Release Date: 16-Sep-1998

  • Description: The Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration (PEPE), one of two advanced science experiments flying on the Deep Space l mission, is being installed on the spacecraft in the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility. PEPE combines several instruments that study space plasma in one compact 13-pound (6-kilogram) package. Space plasma is composed of charged particles, most of which flow outward from the Sun. The first flight in NASA's New Millennium Program, Deep Space 1 is designed to validate 12 new technologies for scientific space missions of the next century. The spacecraft is scheduled to launch during a period opening Oct. 15 and closing Nov. 10, 1998. Most of its mission objectives will be completed within the first two months. A near-earth asteroid, 1992 KD, has also been selected for a possible flyby.

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    Photos By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    Scanned By: Bionetics and NASA/KSC Public Affairs Office
    Captions: Sherikon Space Systems
    Curator: NASA/KSC Internet Systems Lab (Dumoulin, Downs, Paladino)
    Last Updated: Friday August 13 18:16:13 EDT 1998 (Kay Grinter)

    A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Office