Generalized Land Status of Alaska NAD83

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Frequently-anticipated questions:

What does this data set describe?

Title: Generalized Land Status of Alaska NAD83
This dataset contains generalized land status pattern for Alaska with respect to Federal, State, and Native Lands. The Land Status attributes are a snapshot of the Land Information System Database and are only accurate as that database. The data is produced to the section (square mile) level.
For further information regarding this data please contact Jerry Cartwright
  1. How should this data set be cited?

    Bureau of Land Management - Branch of IRM, 20090302, Generalized Land Status of Alaska NAD83.

    Online Links:

    • \map_files\data\shp_nad83\genstat.shp

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?

    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -180.000000
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: 180.000000
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 71.405010
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 49.127139

  3. What does it look like?

  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?

    Calendar_Date: 02-Mar-2009
    Currentness_Reference: publication date

  5. What is the general form of this data set?

    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data

  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?

    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?

      This is a Vector data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology):

      • G-polygon (51595)

    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?

      The map projection used is Albers Conical Equal Area.

      Projection parameters:
      Standard_Parallel: 55.000000
      Standard_Parallel: 65.000000
      Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -154.000000
      Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 50.000000
      False_Easting: 0.000000
      False_Northing: 0.000000

      Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
      Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.001875
      Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.001875
      Planar coordinates are specified in meters

      The horizontal datum used is North American Datum of 1983.
      The ellipsoid used is Geodetic Reference System 80.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378137.000000.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/298.257222.

  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?

    polygon attribute table (Source: none)

    Shadeset ID (used for screen display) (Source: User Defined)

    2Shadeset ID
    46Shadeset ID
    52Shadeset ID
    65Shadeset ID
    77Shadeset ID
    84Shadeset ID
    91Shadeset ID
    93Shadeset ID
    103Shadeset ID
    112Shadeset ID
    122Shadeset ID

    Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting) (Source: User Defined)

    21Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    67Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    77Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    84Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    95Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    96Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    120Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    259Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    333Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    382Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)
    540Shadeset ID (used to define shadeset colors for plotting)

    General Status Type (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    Bureau of Land ManagementBureau of Land Management
    Fish and Wildllife ServiceFish and Wildllife Service
    Metlakatla Indian ReservationMetlakatla Indian Reservation
    MilitaryMilitary, one or more branches
    National Park ServiceNational Park Service
    Native Patent or ICNative Patent or Interim Conveyance
    Native SelectedNative Selection - regional corporation or village corporation
    Forest ServiceForest Service
    State Patent or TAState Patent or Tentative Approval
    State SelectedState Selected




    Feature geometry. (Source: ESRI)

    Coordinates defining the features.

    State Patent or TA (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yState Patent or TA Lands
    null or blankNot State Patent or TA Lands

    State Selected (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yState Selected Lands
    null or blankState Patent or TA Lands

    Native Patent or IC (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yNative Patent or IC Lands
    null or blankNot Native Patent or IC Lands

    Native Selected (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yNative Selected Lands
    null or blankNative Selected Lands

    Military (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yMilitary Lands
    null or blankNot Military Lands

    Forest Service (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yForest Service Lands
    null or blankNot Forest Service Lands

    National Park Service (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yNational Park Service Lands
    null or blankNot National Park Service Lands

    Private (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yPrivate Lands
    null or blankNot Private Lands

    Internal feature number. (Source: ESRI)

    Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

    Metlakatla Indian Reservation (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yMetlakatla Indian Reservation
    null or blankNot Metlakatla Indian Reservation

    Current Date (Source: System Date)

    Data Currency Date- date query was run against ACRES database.

    Fish and Wildlife Service (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yFish and Wildlife Service
    null or blankNot Fish and Wildlife Service

    Feature geometry. (Source: ESRI)

    Coordinates defining the features.

    Bureau of Land Management (Source: Alaska Land Information System)

    yBureau of Land Management Lands
    null or blankNot Bureau of Land Management Lands

    Internal record number (Source: ESRI)

    sequential unique number

    Identifies Lagoon Water Bodies (Source: User Defined)

    null or blankNot a Lagoon
    lagoonLagoon Waterbody

    Map display of this data set usually requires symbolizing based on status_type: Bureau of Land Management Fish and Wildlife Service Forest Service Metlakatla Indian Res. Military National Park Service Native Patent or IC Native Selected Private State Patent or TA State Selected
    This dataset was generated from an extract from the Bureau of Land Management Land Information Database. A file is exported that contains a unique identifier for each section in the state and what status types occur in that particular section. This file is related to the section polygon coverage and the attributes that pertain to each status type (see attribute description) are populated with a 'y' or a ' ' in the coverage. The attributes, status type, inkjet and screen all represent the status type that has been determined to have priority for display. The order from lowest to highest are as follows:
    1) Bureau of Land Management 2) National Park Service 3) Fish and Wildlife Service 4) Forest Service 5) State Selected 6) Native Selected 7) State Patented 8) Native Patented 9) Military 10) Metlakatla (Indian Reservation)
    When more that one of the above status types occur in a section the one with the highest number will display if screen, inkjet or status type attributes are used.
    Division of Conveyance Management determined how land status should be represented down to section level and which land status may take precedence over other land status types.

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)

  2. Who also contributed to the data set?

    Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office

  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?

    Jerry Cartwright
    Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office
    222 W. 7th, #13
    Anchorage, Alaska 99513

    907-271-4446 (voice)
    907-271-4549 (FAX)

Why was the data set created?

This dataset was created for general mapping purposes.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?

    Bureau of Land Management's section grid (secgrid) (source 1 of 1)
    Bureau of Land Management, 2001, secgrid: Alaska State Office-BLM, Alaska State Office-BLM.

    Type_of_Source_Media: computer program
    Source_Contribution: The sections create the polygons for the landstatus.

  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?

    Date: 03-Dec-2008 (process 1 of 1)
    This dataset was generated from an extract from the Bureau of Land Management Land Information Database. A file is exported that contains a unique identifier for each section in the state and what status types occur in that particular section. This file is related to the section polygon coverage and the attributes that pertain to each status type (see attribute description) are populated with a 'y' or a ' ' in the coverage. The attributes, status type, inkjet and screen all represent the status type that has been determined to have priority for display. The order from lowest to highest are as follows:
    1) Bureau of Land Management 2) National Park Service 3) Fish and Wildlife Service 4) Forest Service 5) State Selected 6) Native Selected 7) State Patented 8) Native Patented 9) Military 10) Metlakatla (Indian Reservation)
    RBG Values for Symbolizing Land Status: 1) Bureau of Land Management 255,224,163 2) National Park Service 255,212,255 3) Fish and Wildlife Service 158,215,194 4) Forest Service 76,147,20 5) State Selected 204,255,255 6) Native Selected 255,255,214 7) State Patented 51,153,204 8) Native Patented 177,130,98 9) Military 245,162,176 10) Metlakatla (Indian Reservation) 255,0,0 11) Private (null)
    When more that one of the above status types occur in a section the one with the highest number will display if screen, inkjet or status type attributes are used.
    Below is a description of the various land status types
    Land Status from the Alaska Land Information System (ALIS) is calculated by grouping case types into categories. These categories are then divided into either conveyed or selected based on the land status for the land in the case.
    State Lands - Lands that have been conveyed to the State of Alaska or are under selection by the State. Case types used: 260010 Gt-Specific Public Laws , 262400 State Gt School Sec Patents,
    262710 AK-Mental Health Grants, 262711 Community Grants, 262712 Community Grant Forest, 262713 AK-Terms & Conditions GT, 262714 AK-School Lands Settlement, 262720 AK-University Grant , 262722 Clear-List University, 262730 General Grant, 262740 Mineral Estate (Retained Mineral Interest), 2658000 Alaska Railroad Transfer, 186500 Conveyance Document Corr, 220010 Ex-Alaska (Other), 220200 Ex-FS Sec 206; FLPMA, 221007 Ex-State of Alaska, 222005 Ex-Alaska Natives, 223000 Ex-FS, General ex Act, 224000 Ex-National Park Ser, and 225002 Ex-Natl Wildlife Refuge. Conveyed Land Status codes: TA - Tentative Approval and PA - Patent Issued Selected/Pending Land Status codes: FR - Filing Received, RT - Rejected Remains Topfiled, and SU - Suspended.
    Native Lands - Lands that have been conveyed or selected by a Native corporation or village. Case types used: 265101 Village Selections-AK , 265102 Reallocated Selection-AK , 265200 Regional Selections -AK, 265201 Auto Subsurface Cnvy-AK , 265202 In-lieu Selection-AK, 265203 CIRI-Nom Outside Reg Pool, 265204 CIRI-GSA Pool, 265206 CIRI-from State thru US, 265208 CNI-12C/14H8 ANILCA Exch, 265209 CIRI-Dfncy Recon to VLG, 265210 CIRI-Misc &Coal/O&G , 265301 Cemetery-Hist Site-AK, 265302 Native Group Sel-AK ,265303 Four Cities Sel-AK, 265306 NPPR-AK, 265308 ANCSA 14(H)(8) Sel-AK , 265311 Reg SSE-14H6-AK, 265400 Native Res-AK;AMCSA 19b, 265600 Barrow GFTA , 265701 Aleut-ATTU is Restitution, 186500 Conveyance Document Corr , 220010 Ex-Alaska (Other) , 220200 Ex-FS Sec 206; FLPMA, 221007 Ex-State of Alaska , 222005 Ex-Alaska Natives , 223000 Ex-FS, General ex Act , 224000 Ex-National Park Ser , and 225002 Ex-Natl Wildlife Refuge Conveyed Land Status Codes: PA - Patent Issued and IC - Interim Conveyed Selected/Pending Land Status codes: FR- Filing Received, SU - Suspended, and LF - Litigation Filed
    Withdrawals - Lands that have been withdrawn from public use for specific purposes. The two major categories are Federal Lands and Military Lands. Federal Lands case types: 231107 Wdl-BLM Wild & Scenic River, 231109 Wdl-Power Site Res, 231117 Wdl-AK Utility Corridor, 231110 Wdl-Power Site Classification, 231134 Wdl-AK Natl Petro Reserve, 231145 Wdl-BLM Special Designation, 231401 Wdl-FWS Natl Refuge System, 231403 Wdl-FWS-Wild & Scenic River, 231404 Wdl-FWS-Wilderness Desig, 231470 Wdl-FWS Miscellaneous, 231501 Wdl- National Parks, 231502 Wdl-NPS Wilderness Desig,
    231503 Wdl-NPS Natl Monument, 231504 Wdl-NPS Wild & Scenic Rivers, 231509 Wdl-Natl Hist Site/Park, 231570 Wdl-NPS Miscellaneous, 232113 Wdl-FS National Forests, 232107 Wdl-FS Wilderness Desig, 232109 Wdl-FS National Monument, 232170 Wdl-FS Miscellaneous, 231304 Wdl - Indian Use, 236102 Wdl-Natl Marine Fisheries, 231370 Wdl- BIA Miscellaneous, 238200 Wdl-Veterans Admin, 231601 Wdl-US Geological survey, 238301 Wdl-Public Health Svc, 232700 Wdl-Soil Conservation Svc, 238400 Wdl-Dept of Treasury, 232800 Wdl-Bureau of Mines-Misc, 238700 Wdl-Dept of Justice, 233201 Wdl-Corps of Engineers, 231301 Indian Reservations, 234900 Wdl-Alaska Power Admin, 235070 Wdl -Dept of Trans Misc, 235100 Wdl-Fed Aviation Admin, 235200 Wdl-Coast Guard, 236100 Wdl-Natl Ocn Atmo-NOAA, 236101 Wdl - Natl Weather Service Military Lands case types: 233170 Wdl-Dept of Def Misc, 233200 Wdl-Dept of Army, 233300 Wdl-Dept of Navy, 233400 Wdl - Dept of Air Force Land Status Codes: WN - Withdrawn and WC - Withdrawn Conditional
    Private Lands - Lands that have been conveyed to entities other than the State of Alaska, Native individuals or Native associations. Case types used: 251101 HE Original , 251103 HE-Forest , 256200 Trade and Mfg Site, 256301 Headquarters Site, 256302 Homesite Alaska, 256400 Native Townsite, 256500 Nonnative Townsite, 256600 Alaska RR Townsite, 256601 Cemetery Reserve, 256700 HE Alaska, 261000 Script or Nature of Scrip, 263000 GT-RR-Railroad, 264000 Airport Conveyance, 271000 Sale-Public Lands-FLPMA, 272000 Sale-Sec 203 & 209 FLPMA, 272001 Sale- Pub Land Sale Act, 273000 Sale- Small Tract Act, 274000 Sale- Rec & Pub Purposes, 274001 Sale- Mission Site-AK, 275000 Sale Cemetery Land, 276000 Sale Presidential Townsite, 276200 Sale Townsite Settlement, 276300 Sale Trustee Townsite, 277100 Sale AK Pub Sale Act, 278005 Sale PLO 1613 Hwy Lots, 278200 Sale Private Laws, 372000 Coal Land Mine PL 357, 386000 Mineral Patent Apln , 386201 Min Pat Apln Lode BLM, 386202 Min Pat Apln Lode FS, 386301 Min Pat Apln Placer BLM , 386302 Min Pat Apln Placer FS Conveyed Land Status Codes: PA - Patent Issued Selected/Pending Land Status codes:FR - Filing Received, SU - Suspended, and LF - Litigation Filed.

    Transform geometry from Alaska Albers NAD27 to Alaska Albers NAD83. INPUT PROJECTION ALBERS UNITS METERS DATUM NAD27 PARAMETERS 55 0 0.000 65 0 0.000 -154 0 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 OUTPUT PROJECTION ALBERS UNITS METERS DATUM NAD83 PARAMETERS 55 0 0.000 65 0 0.000 -154 0 0.000 0.00000 0.00000 END

    Person who carried out this activity:

    Jerry Cartwright
    Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office
    IT Specialist
    222 W. 7th, Box 13
    Anchorage, Alaska 99513

    907-271-4446 (voice)
    907-271-4549 (FAX)

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?

    The land statuts attributes are a snapshot of the Land Information System Database and is only as accurate as that database. The data is produced down to the section (square mile) level.

  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?

    This data layer is initially based on the BLM protracted township and section grid, but GIS processing is conducted in arcinfo and is 'cleaned' to create polygon topology. Clean process generates a coverage with correct polygon or arc-node topology. To do this, CLEAN edits and corrects geometric coordinate errors, assembles arcs into polygons and creates feature attribute information for each polygon or arc. Clean is executed againsta the statewide coverage and relies on a fuzzy tolerance that adjusts the input coverage and create small coordinate adjustments.

  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?

    not assessed

  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?

    This dataset is considered complete at the time of creation.

  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

    Polygon topology exists.

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?

Discretionary, contains no sensitive information; generally considered releasable.
Any hardcopies or published datasets using these data should clearly indicate their source. Any users wishing to modify the data are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent the data, nor to imply that changes were approved or endorsed by the Bureau of Land Management, (BLM). Any discrepancies or errors in this data should be reported to Sue Faught. E-mail:

  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)

    Tim Varner
    Bureau of Land Mangement
    IT Specialist
    222 W. 7th, Box 13
    Anchorage, Alaska 99513

    (907) 271-5799 (voice)
    (907) 271-4549 (FAX)

    Hours_of_Service: 8:00 am - 3:00pm (Alaska Standard)
    Contact_Instructions: leave message
  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?

    Downloadable Data

  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?

    No warranty is made by the Bureau of Land Management as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data. This data should be used for graphic display only. For official land status and boundary information, refer to Cadastral Survey Plats, Master Title Plats, Landstatus case-files.

  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 06-Mar-2009
Last Reviewed: 06-Mar-2009
To be reviewed: 06-Mar-2010
Metadata author:
Tim Varner
Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office
IT Specialist
222 W. 7th, #13
Anchorage, Alaska 99513

907-271-5799 (voice)
907-271-4549 (FAX)

Metadata standard:
FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)
Metadata extensions used:

Generated by mp version 2.9.2 on Fri Mar 6 13:41:52 2009