a_axis_radius~aaxisradius~The a_axis_radius element provides the value of the semimajor axis of a_axis_radius~aaxisradius~the ellipsoid that defines the approximate shape of a target body. 'A' a_axis_radius~aaxisradius~is usually in the equitorial plane. abstract_text~abstracttext~The abstract_text element provides a free-form, abstract_text~abstracttext~unlimited-length character string that gives a brief abstract_text~abstracttext~summary of a labeled document, differing from DESCRIPTION abstract_text~abstracttext~in that the text could be extracted for use in a abstract_text~abstracttext~bibliographic context. acceptance_detector_desc~acceptdetd~Definition TBD. acceptance_information_desc~acceptinfod~Definition TBD. pds_address_book_flag~addrbookflg~ The pds_address_book_flag data element indicates whether pds_address_book_flag~addrbookflg~or not a registered PDS user will have an entry in the PDS pds_address_book_flag~addrbookflg~telephone directory. address_text~addresstext~The address_text data element provides an unlimited-length, address_text~addresstext~formatted mailing address for an individual or institution. algorithm_desc~algd~The algorithm_desc element describes the data algorithm_desc~algd~processing function performed by an algorithm and the data algorithm_desc~algd~types to which the algorithm is applicable. algorithm_name~algname~The algorithm_name element provides (where applicable) the algorithm_name~algname~formal name which identifies an algorithm. algorithm_name~algname~Example value: RUNGE-KUTTA. algorithm_version_id~algverid~The algorithm_version_id element identifies algorithm_version_id~algverid~(where applicable) the version of an algorithm. alias_name~aliasname~The alias_name element provides an alternative term or alias_name~aliasname~identifier for a data element or object. alias_name~aliasname~Note: In the PDS, values for alias_name are accepted as alias_name~aliasname~input to the data system, but automatically changed into alias_name~aliasname~the approved term to which they relate. alternate_telephone_number~altphonenum~ The alternate_telephone_number data element provides an alternate_telephone_number~altphonenum~alternate telephone number for an individual or node. alternate_telephone_number~altphonenum~(Includes the area code.) antecedent_software_name~antswname~The antecedent_software_name element identifies the antecedent_software_name~antswname~processing software which is commonly applied to a science antecedent_software_name~antswname~data set before processing by the subject software. applicable_stop_sclk~appstopsclk~The applicable_stop_sclk element is an alias within AMMOS for applicable_stop_sclk~appstopsclk~spacecraft_clock_stop_count. applicable_stop_time~appstoptime~The applicable_stop_time element is an alias within AMMOS for applicable_stop_time~appstoptime~stop_time. applicable_stop_time~appstoptime~Note: The current AMMOS recommendation is to use stop_time applicable_stop_time~appstoptime~instead. applicable_start_sclk~appstrtsclk~The applicable_start_sclk element is an alias within AMMOS applicable_start_sclk~appstrtsclk~for spacecraft_clock_start_count. applicable_start_time~appstrttime~The applicable_start_time element is an alias within AMMOS applicable_start_time~appstrttime~for start_time. applicable_start_time~appstrttime~Note: The current AMMOS recommendation is to use start_time applicable_start_time~appstrttime~instead. archive_file_name~archfname~The archive_file_name element provides the file_name under archive_file_name~archfname~which a discrete entity is stored on the archive medium. It archive_file_name~archfname~is typically used when the project-supplied file name does archive_file_name~archfname~not meet PDS standards and must be changed on the archive archive_file_name~archfname~medium. ascending_node_longitude~ascnodelon~The ascending_node_longitude element provides the value of ascending_node_longitude~ascnodelon~the angle measured eastward along the ecliptic from the ascending_node_longitude~ascnodelon~vernal equinox to the ascending node of the orbit. ascending_node_longitude~ascnodelon~The ascending node is defined as the point where the body ascending_node_longitude~ascnodelon~in its orbit rises north of the ecliptic. author_full_name~authfullname~The author_full_name element provides the full_name of an author_full_name~authfullname~author of a document. See also: full_name. availability_id~availid~The availability_id element is a numeric key availability_id~availid~which identifies the availability of the subject program or availability_id~availid~algorithm (e.g., program permanently on line, user request availability_id~availid~necessary for operator to load program, program undergoing availability_id~availid~development and testing--use at own risk). average_eccentricity~avgecc~ The average_eccentricity element provides the value of the average_eccentricity~avgecc~eccentricity of the predicted orbit. average_inclination~avgincl~ The average_inclination element provides the value of the average_inclination~avgincl~angle of inclination of the predicted orbit with respect to average_inclination~avgincl~the xy-plane of the J2000 coordinate system. available_value_type~avlvaltype~The available_value_type element indicates whether the available_value_type~avlvaltype~available values for a PDS data element consist of a set of available_value_type~avlvaltype~literal values or represent example values (i.e. values available_value_type~avlvaltype~which must conform to a formation rule). Example values: available_value_type~avlvaltype~L (available values are literal values), or X (available available_value_type~avlvaltype~values are example values). axes~axes~The axes element identifies the number of axes or dimensions axes~axes~of an array or qube data object. axis_interval~axisinterval~The axis_interval element identifies the spacing of axis_interval~axisinterval~value(s) for an ordered sequence of regularly sampled data axis_interval~axisinterval~objects along a defined axis. For example, a spectrum axis_interval~axisinterval~measured in the 0.4 to 3.5 micrometer spectral region at axis_interval~axisinterval~0.1 micrometer intervals, but whose values are stored in axis_interval~axisinterval~decending order in an ARRAY object would have an axis_interval~axisinterval~axis_interval = -0.1. For ARRAY objects with more than 1 axis_interval~axisinterval~axis, a sequence of values is used to identify the axis_interval~axisinterval~axis_interval associated with each axis_name. axis_items~axisitems~The axis_items element provides the dimension(s) of the axis_items~axisitems~axes of an array data object. For arrays with more than 1 axis_items~axisitems~dimension, this element provides a sequence of values axis_items~axisitems~corresponding to the number of axes specified. The axis_items~axisitems~rightmost item in the sequence corresponds to the most axis_items~axisitems~rapidly varying axis, by default. axis_name~axisname~The axis_name element provides the sequence of axis names axis_name~axisname~of a qube or array data object, and identifies the order in axis_name~axisname~which the axes are stored in the object. By default, the axis_name~axisname~first axis name in the sequence identifies the array dimen- axis_name~axisname~sion that varies the slowest, followed by the next slowest, axis_name~axisname~and continuing so the rightmost axis named varies the axis_name~axisname~fastest. The number of names specified must be equal to the axis_name~axisname~value of the axes element. axis_name~axisname~Note: For ISIS qube data objects, the most frequently axis_name~axisname~varying axis is listed first, or leftmost, in the sequence. axis_order_type~axisordtype~The AXIS_ORDER_TYPE element is used to identify the storage axis_order_type~axisordtype~order for elements of a multidimensional ARRAY object. The axis_order_type~axisordtype~default storage order for an ARRAY object presumes the axis_order_type~axisordtype~rightmost or last index of a sequence varies the fastest. axis_order_type~axisordtype~This is the ordering used in the C programming language and axis_order_type~axisordtype~is equivilant to ROW_MAJOR storage order for COLUMN axis_order_type~axisordtype~elements within tables. Specifying an AXIS_ORDER_TYPE of axis_order_type~axisordtype~FIRST_INDEX_FASTEST may be used for ARRAYs that must be axis_order_type~axisordtype~labelled and referenced in the reverse, and is the ordering axis_order_type~axisordtype~used in the Fortran programming language. axis_start~axisstart~The axis_start element identifies the starting value(s) for axis_start~axisstart~an ordered sequence of regularly sampled data objects. For axis_start~axisstart~example, a spectrum that was measured in the 0.4 to 3.5 axis_start~axisstart~micrometer spectral region at 0.1 micrometer intervals, but axis_start~axisstart~whose values are stored in decending order would have axis_start~axisstart~axis_start = 3.5 and axis_interval = -0.1. For ARRAY axis_start~axisstart~objects with more than 1 axis, a sequence of values is used axis_start~axisstart~to identify the axis_start value for each dimension. axis_stop~axisstop~The axis_stop element identifies the ending value(s) for an axis_stop~axisstop~ordered sequence of regularly sampled data objects. For axis_stop~axisstop~example, a spectrum that was measured in the 0.4 to 3.5 axis_stop~axisstop~micrometer spectral region at 0.1 micrometer intervals, but axis_stop~axisstop~whose values are stored in decending order may have axis_stop~axisstop~axis_stop = 0.4 and axis_interval = -0.1. For ARRAY axis_stop~axisstop~objects with more than 1 axis, a sequence of values is used axis_stop~axisstop~to identify the axis_stop value for each dimension. axis_unit~axisunit~The axis_unit element provides the unit(s) of measure of axis_unit~axisunit~associated axes identified by the axis_name element in an axis_unit~axisunit~ARRAY data object. For arrays with more than 1 dimension, axis_unit~axisunit~this element provides a sequence of values corresponding to axis_unit~axisunit~the number of axes specified. The rightmost item in the axis_unit~axisunit~sequence corresponds to the most rapidly varying axis, by axis_unit~axisunit~default. azimuth~az~The azimuth element provides the azimuth value of a point azimuth~az~of interest (for example, the center point of an image of a azimuth~az~solar system object taken from a lander or a rover). azimuth~az~Azimuth is an angular distance from a fixed reference azimuth~az~position. azimuth~az~Azimuth is measured in a spherical coordinate system, in a azimuth~az~plane normal to the principal axis. Azimuth values azimuth~az~increase according to the right hand rule relative to the azimuth~az~positive direction of the principal axis of the spherical azimuth~az~coordinate system. See elevation. band_bin_detector~bandbindet~The band_bin_detector element of a Standard ISIS Qube band_bin_detector~bandbindet~provides the sequence of spectrometer detector numbers band_bin_detector~bandbindet~corresponding to the bands of the qube. Detector numbers band_bin_detector~bandbindet~are usually assigned consecutively from 1, in order of band_bin_detector~bandbindet~increasing wavelength. band_bin_grating_position~bandbingrpos~The band_bin_grating_position element of a Standard ISIS band_bin_grating_position~bandbingrpos~Qube provides the sequence of grating positions which band_bin_grating_position~bandbingrpos~correspond to the bands of the qube. Grating positions are band_bin_grating_position~bandbingrpos~usually assigned consecutively from 0, and increasing band_bin_grating_position~bandbingrpos~position causes increasing wavelength for each detector. band_bin_original_band~bandbinoband~The band_bin_original_band element of a Standard ISIS Qube band_bin_original_band~bandbinoband~provides the sequence of band numbers in the qube relative band_bin_original_band~bandbinoband~to some original qube. In the original qube, the values band_bin_original_band~bandbinoband~are just consecutive integers beginning with 1. In a qube band_bin_original_band~bandbinoband~which contains a subset of the bands in the original qube, band_bin_original_band~bandbinoband~the values are the original sequence numbers from that band_bin_original_band~bandbinoband~qube. band_bin_standard_deviation~bandbinstddv~The band_bin_standard_deviation element of a Standard ISIS band_bin_standard_deviation~bandbinstddv~Qube provides the sequence of standard deviations of band_bin_standard_deviation~bandbinstddv~spectrometer measurements at the wavelengths of the bands band_bin_standard_deviation~bandbinstddv~in the qube. band_bin_unit~bandbinunit~The band_bin_unit element of a Standard ISIS Qube band_bin_unit~bandbinunit~identifies the scientific unit of the values of the band_bin_unit~bandbinunit~band_bin_center element. Currently this must be band_bin_unit~bandbinunit~MICROMETER, since band_bin_center must have wavelength band_bin_unit~bandbinunit~values. band_bin_width~bandbinwidth~The band_bin_width element of a Standard ISIS Qube provides band_bin_width~bandbinwidth~the sequence of widths (at half height) of the spectrometer band_bin_width~bandbinwidth~response functions at the wavelengths of the bands in the band_bin_width~bandbinwidth~qube. bands~bands~The bands element indicates the number of spectral bands in bands~bands~image or other object. band_sequence~bandseq~The band_sequence element identifies the order in which band_sequence~bandseq~spectral bands are stored in an image or other object. band_sequence~bandseq~Note: In the PDS, this data element is used to identify band_sequence~bandseq~the primary colors composing a true color image. The band_sequence~bandseq~standard values that appear in sets of three support color band_sequence~bandseq~image display. They are not appropriate for describing band_sequence~bandseq~multi-spectral bands. For these, it is advisable to use band_sequence~bandseq~the sampling_parameter keywords defined elsewhere in the band_sequence~bandseq~PSDD. band_storage_type~bandstortype~The band_storage_type element indicates the storage band_storage_type~bandstortype~sequence of lines, samples and bands in an image. The band_storage_type~bandstortype~values describe, for example, how different samples are band_storage_type~bandstortype~interleaved in image lines, or how samples from different band_storage_type~bandstortype~bands are arranged sequentially. Example values: band_storage_type~bandstortype~BAND SEQUENTIAL, SAMPLE INTERLEAVED, LINE INTERLEAVED. bandwidth~bandwidth~The bandwidth element provides a measure of the spectral bandwidth~bandwidth~width of a filter or channel. For a root-mean-square bandwidth~bandwidth~detector this is the effective bandwidth of the filter bandwidth~bandwidth~i.e., the full width of an ideal square filter having a flat bandwidth~bandwidth~response over the bandwidth and zero response elsewhere. b_axis_radius~baxisradius~The b_axis_radius element provides the value of the intermediate axis b_axis_radius~baxisradius~of the ellipsoid that defines the approximate shape of a target body. b_axis_radius~baxisradius~'B' is usually in the equatorial plane. b1950_declination~bdeclin~ The B1950_declination element provides the declination of b1950_declination~bdeclin~a star or other object using the B1950 coordinate frame b1950_declination~bdeclin~rather than the J2000 frame. body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~The body_pole_clock_angle element specifies the direction of the body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~target body's rotation axis in an image. It is measured from the body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~'upward' direction, clockwise to the direction of the northern body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~rotational pole as projected into the image plane, assuming the image body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~is displayed as defined by the SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION and body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION elements. body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~ body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~Note: In some cases, knowledge of the inertial orientation of the body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~rotational axis improves with time. This keyword necessarily reflects body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~the state of knowledge of the rotational axis at the time of body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~preparing the data product as given by the POLE_DECLINATION and body_pole_clock_angle~bdypolclkang~POLE_RIGHT_ASCENSION elements. billing_address_line~billaddrline~This column stores text for the billing address. The text billing_address_line~billaddrline~may consist of several lines containing up to sixty (60) billing_address_line~billaddrline~characters each. bin_number~binnum~The bin_number element provides the number of a bin. bin_number~binnum~Bin_number values are dependent upon the associated binning bin_number~binnum~scheme. bin_points~binpoints~The bin_points element identifies the number of data bin_points~binpoints~samples which fall in a given bin. bin_points~binpoints~Note: For radiometry applications, the bin_points value is bin_points~binpoints~the number of points from a given sequence that are located bin_points~binpoints~in the given bin. bit_data_type~bitdatatype~The bit_data_type element provides the data type for data bit_data_type~bitdatatype~values stored in the BIT_COLUMN or BIT_ELEMENT object. bit_data_type~bitdatatype~See also: data_type. bit_mask~bitmask~The bit_mask element is a series of binary digits identi- bit_mask~bitmask~fying the active bits in a value. This is determined by bit_mask~bitmask~applying a bitwise AND (&) operation between the value and bit_mask~bitmask~the bit_mask. bit_mask~bitmask~For example, specifiying a BIT_MASK = 2#11110000# within a 1 bit_mask~bitmask~byte unsigned integer COLUMN or ELEMENT object would identif bit_mask~bitmask~only the high-order 4 bits to be used for the value of the bit_mask~bitmask~object. If other data elements are included in the object bit_mask~bitmask~description that may be dependent on a bit_mask operation bit_mask~bitmask~(e.g. DERIVED_MINIMUM, DERIVED_MAXIMUM, INVALID), the rule bit_mask~bitmask~is to apply the bit_mask first, and then apply or interpret bit_mask~bitmask~the data with the other values. Byte swapping, if required, bit_mask~bitmask~should be performed prior to applying the bit_mask. bits~bits~The bits element identifies the count of bits, or units of bits~bits~binary information, in a data representation. blemish_file_name~blmshfilenm~The blemish_file_name element indicates the file that blemish_file_name~blmshfilenm~provides corrections for blemishes (reseaus, dust spots, blemish_file_name~blmshfilenm~etc.) that affect the response of the sensor at specific blemish_file_name~blmshfilenm~locations. The blemish file is selected based on camera, blemish_file_name~blmshfilenm~filter, gain-state, camera mode, and time. blemish_protection_flag~blmshprotflg~The BLEMISH_PROTECTION_FLAG element indicates whether the blemish_protection_flag~blmshprotflg~blemish protection was on or off. bl_name~blname~The bl_name element is a unique 12-character name for bl_name~blname~elements used in any PDS data base table. These are only bl_name~blname~elements used in the data base. block_bytes~blockbytes~The block_bytes element identifies the number of bytes per block_bytes~blockbytes~physical block used to record data files on magnetic tapes. block_bytes~blockbytes~Note: In the PDS, for portability the block_bytes element block_bytes~blockbytes~should be limited to a maximum value of 32767 for a tape block_bytes~blockbytes~volume. bl_sql_format~blsqlfmt~This is the format required to generate CREATE statements bl_sql_format~blsqlfmt~in IDM SQL. band_bin_center~bndbinctr~The band_bin_center element of a Standard ISIS Qube band_bin_center~bndbinctr~provides the sequence of wavelengths describing the center band_bin_center~bndbinctr~of each 'bin' along the band axis of the qube. When band_bin_center~bndbinctr~describing data from a spectrometer, each wavelength band_bin_center~bndbinctr~corresponds to the peak of the response function for a band_bin_center~bndbinctr~particular detector and/or grating position. bond_albedo~bondalb~The bond_albedo element provides the value of the ratio of bond_albedo~bondalb~the total amount of energy reflected from a body to the bond_albedo~bondalb~total amount of energy (sunlight) incident on the body. brightness_temperature~brghtnsstemp~ The brightness_temperature element provides the value of brightness_temperature~brghtnsstemp~the planet brightness temperature, derived from the brightness_temperature~brghtnsstemp~planet_reading_system_temp after correcting for antenna brightness_temperature~brghtnsstemp~efficiency and side-lobe gain. b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~ The B1950_ring_longitude element specifies the inertial b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~longitude of a ring feature relative to the B1950 prime b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~meridian, rather than to the J2000 prime meridian. The b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~prime meridian is the ascending node of the planet's b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~invariable plane on the Earth's mean equator of B1950. b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~Longitudes are measured in the direction of orbital motion b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~along the planet's invariable plane to the ring's ascending b1950_ring_longitude~bringlong~node, and thence along the ring plane. brightness_temperature_id~britetempid~The brightness_temperature_id element provides brightness_temperature_id~britetempid~the designation of the spectral band for which particular brightness_temperature_id~britetempid~brightness temperature measurements were made. brightness_temperature_id~britetempid~In the spectral_contrast_range group, the brightness_temperature_id~britetempid~brightness_temperature_id designator may refer brightness_temperature_id~britetempid~to a planetary temperature model. browse_flag~browseflag~The browse_flag element is a yes-or-no flag which indicates browse_flag~browseflag~whether browse_format data are available for a given sample browse_flag~browseflag~interval. b1950_right_ascension~brtascen~ The B1950_right_ascension element provides the right b1950_right_ascension~brtascen~ascension of a star or other object using the B1950 b1950_right_ascension~brtascen~coordinate frame rather than the J2000 frame. build_date~builddate~The build_date element provides the date associated with the build_date~builddate~completion of the manufacture of an instrument. This date build_date~builddate~should reflect the level of technology used in the build_date~builddate~construction of the instrument. build_date~builddate~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.fff] bytes~bytes~The bytes element indicates the number of bytes allocated bytes~bytes~for a particular data representation. c_axis_radius~caxisradius~The c_axis_radius element provides the value of the semiminor axis of c_axis_radius~caxisradius~the ellipsoid that defines the approximate shape of a target body. 'C' c_axis_radius~caxisradius~is normal to the plane defined by 'A' and 'B'. ccsds_spacecraft_number~ccsdsscnum~The ccsds_spacecraft_number element provides the number ccsds_spacecraft_number~ccsdsscnum~assigned by the CCSDS to a given spacecraft. ccsds_spacecraft_number~ccsdsscnum~Note: Due to conflicting numbering schemes between the DSN ccsds_spacecraft_number~ccsdsscnum~and the CCSDS it is recommended that this element not be ccsds_spacecraft_number~ccsdsscnum~used in AMMOS catalog headers. celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~The celestial_north_clock_angle element specifies the direction of celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~celestial north at the center of an image. It is measured from the celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~'upward' direction, clockwise to the direction toward celestial north celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~(declination = +90 degrees), when the image is displayed as defined by celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~the SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION and LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION elements. The celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~epoch of the celestial coordinate system is J2000 unless otherwise celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~indicated. celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~Note: This element bears a simple relationship to the value of celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ TWIST_ANGLE: celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ When TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = DEFAULT, celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE = (180 - TWIST_ANGLE) mod 360; celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ when TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = GALILEO, celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE = (270 - TWIST_ANGLE) mod 360. celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~Note: For images pointed near either pole, the value varies celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ significantly across the image; in these cases, the element celestial_north_clock_angle~celesnclkang~ is very sensitive to the accuracy of the pointing information. center_elevation~centerelev~The CENTER_ELEVATION is the angular elevation from the azimuthal center_elevation~centerelev~reference plane of the center point of an image or observation. center_elevation~centerelev~Elevation is measured in a spherical coordinate system. The zero center_elevation~centerelev~elevation point lies in the azimuthal reference plane and positive center_elevation~centerelev~elevation is measured toward the positive direction of the principal center_elevation~centerelev~axis of the spherical coordinate system. center_latitude~centerlat~The center_latitude element provides a reference latitude center_latitude~centerlat~for certain map projections. For example, in an center_latitude~centerlat~Orthographic projection, the center_latitude along with the center_latitude~centerlat~center_longitude defines the point or tangency between the center_latitude~centerlat~sphere of the planet and the plane of the projection. The center_latitude~centerlat~map_scale (or map_resolution) is typically defined at the center_latitude~centerlat~center_latitude and center_longitude. In unprojected images, center_latitude~centerlat~center_latitude represents the latitude at the center of the center_latitude~centerlat~image frame. center_longitude~centerlon~The center_longitude element provides a reference longitude center_longitude~centerlon~for certain map projections. For example, in an center_longitude~centerlon~Orthographic projection, the center_longitude along with center_longitude~centerlon~the center_latitude defines the point or tangency between center_longitude~centerlon~the sphere of the planet and the plane of the projection. center_longitude~centerlon~The map_scale (or map_resolution) is typically defined at center_longitude~centerlon~the center_latitude and center_longitude. In unprojected center_longitude~centerlon~images, center_longitude represents the longitude at the center_longitude~centerlon~center of the image frame. change_date~changedate~The change_date data element provides the date on which change_date~changedate~a record or object was altered. change_date~changedate~Note: In the PDS, the change_date element indicates the change_date~changedate~date when a record in the data dictionary was updated per change_date~changedate~a change request. checksum~checksum~The checksum element represents an unsigned 32-bit sum of checksum~checksum~all data values in a data object. channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~The channel_geometric_factor element provides the value of G channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~in the formula: j = R/((E2-E1)G), where (E2-E1) is the channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~energy range accepted by the channel. This formula allows channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~conversion of a particle detector channel count rate, R, channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~into a differential intensity, j channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~(counts/time.area.steradians.energy). G has dimensions of channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~area.steradians, and here includes the efficiency of channel_geometric_factor~chnlgeomfact~particle counting by the relevant detector. channel_group_name~chnlgrpname~The channel_group_name element provides the name given to a channel_group_name~chnlgrpname~group of particle detector channels that are activated or channel_group_name~chnlgrpname~deactivated as a group in any instrument mode configuration. channel_group_name~chnlgrpname~The grouping is not tied to the physical groupings of channel_group_name~chnlgrpname~detectors, and more than one group can be activated during channel_group_name~chnlgrpname~any one mode. channel_id~chnlid~The channel_id element identifies the channel_id~chnlid~instrument channel through which data were obtained. channel_id~chnlid~This may refer to a spectral band or to a detector and channel_id~chnlid~filter combination. channel_integration_duration~chnlintgdur~The channel_integration_duration element provides the length channel_integration_duration~chnlintgdur~of time during which charge from incoming particles is channel_integration_duration~chnlintgdur~counted by the detectors for each channel in a given mode. channels~chnls~The channels element provides the number of channels in a channels~chnls~particular instrument, section of an instrument, or channel channels~chnls~group. classification_id~classid~The classification_id data element supplies an identifier classification_id~classid~that is used to link an abbreviated term to a full, classification_id~classid~spelled-out name that would be displayed in a data classification_id~classid~dictionary. In the PDS, classification_id is a general classification_id~classid~term that embraces both general_classification_type and classification_id~classid~system_classification_id. clustered_key~clustkey~The clustered_key element indicates whether a column in a clustered_key~clustkey~table is part of a unique clustered index. This index clustered_key~clustkey~determines uniqueness in the table and the sorting order of clustered_key~clustkey~the data. cmprs_quantz_tbl_id~cmprsqntztbl~The cmprs_quantz_tbl_id (compression quantization table identifier) cmprs_quantz_tbl_id~cmprsqntztbl~element provides the Integer Cosine Transform 8X8 quantization matrix cmprs_quantz_tbl_id~cmprsqntztbl~identifier. For Galileo the valid values are: UNIFORM, VG2, VG3, UNK. center_ring_radius~cnterringrad~The CENTER_RING_RADIUS element applies to images of center_ring_radius~cnterringrad~planetary rings only. It is the radius of the ring element center_ring_radius~cnterringrad~that passes through the center of the image. The ring plane center_ring_radius~cnterringrad~is an imaginary plane that divides the planet in half at center_ring_radius~cnterringrad~the equator and extends infinitely outward into space. The center_ring_radius~cnterringrad~center of the image is a point on the ring plane, even center_ring_radius~cnterringrad~though there may be no actual ring material there. central_body_distance~cntrlbdydist~The CENTRAL_BODY_DISTANCE element provides the distance central_body_distance~cntrlbdydist~from the spacecraft to the center of a primary target. cognizant_full_name~cogfullname~The cognizant_full_name element provides the full name of cognizant_full_name~cogfullname~the individual who has either developed the processing cognizant_full_name~cogfullname~software or has current knowledge of its use. See also: cognizant_full_name~cogfullname~full_name. column_description~cold~This is the description of an element in the data base. column_description~cold~There should be a description for every element. column_name~colname~This is the < or = to 30 character dictionary name used in column_name~colname~documentation and template objects. They are unique and column_name~colname~are an alias to the BLNAMEs. column_number~colnum~The column_number element identifies the location of a column_number~colnum~specific column within a larger data object, such as a column_number~colnum~table. For tables consisting of rows (i = 1, N) and column_number~colnum~columns (j = 1,M), the column_number is the j-th index of column_number~colnum~any row. column_order~colord~The column_order element represents the sequence number of column_order~colord~columns within a table. The sequence begins with 1 for the column_order~colord~first column and is incremented by 1 for each subsequent column_order~colord~column in the table. columns~columns~The columns element represents the number of columns in columns~columns~each row of a data object. columns~columns~Note: In the PDS, the term 'columns' is synonymous with columns~columns~'fields'. column_value~colval~The column value contains a standard ASCII value used in column_value~colval~domain validation. An element may have many possible column_value~colval~values that are valid. column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~The column_value_node_id element indicates a list of one or column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~more science nodes for which a standard value is column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~available. The list of science nodes is represented as a column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~concatenation of single-character identifiers in alphabetic column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~order. Allowable identifiers include: F (Fields and column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~Particles), I (Images), N (NAIF), U (unknown - valid only if column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~the column_value_type element is 'P' for a possible value column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~that was provided but the provider is unknown), A column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~(Atmospheres), P (Planetary Rings), R (Radiometry), S column_value_node_id~colvalnodeid~(Spectroscopy). column_value_type~colvaltype~The column_value_type element indicates whether a standard column_value_type~colvaltype~value is considered to be an available value (the value column_value_type~colvaltype~currently exists in the PDS catalog) or a possible value column_value_type~colvaltype~(the value does not currently exist in the PDS catalog but column_value_type~colvaltype~may exist in the future). Example values: A (available column_value_type~colvaltype~value) or P (possible value). comment_date~commentdate~The comment_date element indicates the date when a user's comment_date~commentdate~comment information is inserted into the data base. comment_id~commentid~The comment_id element is a unique key used to identify comment_id~commentid~a particular set of user comments. comment_text~commenttext~The comment_text indicates a line of text in a user's comment_text~commenttext~comments. compression_type~comprtype~ The compression_type element indicates the type of compression/ compression_type~comprtype~encoding used for data that was subsequently decompressed/unencoded compression_type~comprtype~before storage. committee_member_full_name~comtfullname~The committee_member_full_name element identifies a peer committee_member_full_name~comtfullname~review committee member. The member does not necessarily committee_member_full_name~comtfullname~have a PDS userid. See also: full_name. cone_angle~coneang~The cone_angle element provides the value of the angle cone_angle~coneang~between the primary spacecraft axis and the pointing cone_angle~coneang~direction of the instrument. cone_offset_angle~coneoffang~The cone_offset_angle element provides the elevation angle cone_offset_angle~coneoffang~(in the cone direction) between the pointing direction along cone_offset_angle~coneoffang~which an instrument is mounted and the cone axis of the cone_offset_angle~coneoffang~spacecraft. cone_offset_angle~coneoffang~See also cross_cone_offset_angle, twist_offset_angle, and cone_offset_angle~coneoffang~cone_angle. confidence_level_note~conflvlnote~The confidence_level_note element is a text field which confidence_level_note~conflvlnote~characterizes the reliability of data within a data set or confidence_level_note~conflvlnote~the reliability of a particular programming algorithm or confidence_level_note~conflvlnote~software component. Essentially, this note discusses the confidence_level_note~conflvlnote~level of confidence in the accuracy of the data or in the confidence_level_note~conflvlnote~ability of the software to produce accurate results. contamination_desc~contamd~The contamination_desc element describes the type of contamination_desc~contamd~data contamination which is associated with a particular contamination_desc~contamd~contamination_id value. contamination_desc~contamd~The various values of contamination_id and contamination_desc~contamd~contamination_desc are instrument dependent. contamination_id~contamid~The contamination_id element identifies a type contamination_id~contamid~of contamination which affected an instrument during a contamination_id~contamid~particular period of data acquisition. contamination_id~contamid~The associated contamination_desc element describes contamination_id~contamid~the type of contamination. coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~There are three basic types of coordinate systems: body-fixed rotating, coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~body-fixed non-rotating and inertial. A body-fixed coordinate system is one coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~associated with a body (e.g., planetary body or satellite). In contrast to coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~inertial coordinate systems, a body-fixed coordinate system is centered coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~on the body and rotates with the body (unless it is a non-rotating type). coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~For the inertial coordinate system type, the coordinate system is fixed coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~at some point in space. coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~ coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~Note: If this data element is not present in the PDS Image Map coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~Projection Object (for pre-V3.1 PDS Standards), the default coordinate coordinate_system_type~coordsystype~system is assumed to be body-fixed rotating Planetographic. copies~copies~The copies element provides the inventory software with the copies~copies~number of copies of an order that a node is willing to ship copies~copies~using a particular order. core_base~corebase~The core_base element, together with the core_multiplier core_base~corebase~element, describes the scaling performed on a 'true' data core_base~corebase~value to compute the value stored in the data object. It core_base~corebase~also defines the method for recovering the 'true' value: core_base~corebase~'true'_value = base + multiplier * stored_value In ISIS core_base~corebase~practice, the value of core_base is 0.0 for real core core_base~corebase~items, since scaling is not usually necessary for floating core_base~corebase~point data. NOTE: Base and multiplier correspond directly core_base~corebase~to the PDS standard data elements OFFSET and core_base~corebase~SCALING_FACTOR. core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~The core_high_instr_saturation element identifies a special core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~value whose presence indicates the measuring instrument was core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~saturated at the high end. This value must be core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~algebraically less than the value of the core_valid_minimum core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~element. For Standard ISIS Qubes, a value has been chosen core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~by ISIS convention. The general data type of this element core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~is determined by the core_item_type element. If the latter core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~is integer or unsigned integer, the general data type is core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~integer. If core_item_type is real, the value will be core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~hardware- specific (or rather core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~floating-point-representation-specific) so that it may be core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~specified exactly near the bottom of the allowable range of core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) general data type is core_high_instr_saturation~corehinstsat~used for this purpose; e.g. 16#FFFCFFFF# for a VAX. core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~The core_high_repr_saturation element identifies a special core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~value whose presence indicates the true value cannot be core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~represented in the chosen data type and length -- in this core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~case being above the allowable range -- which may happen core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~during conversion from another data type. This value must core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~be algebraically less than the value of the core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~core_valid_minimum element. For Standard ISIS Qubes, a core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~value has been chosen by ISIS convention. The general data core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~type of this element is determined by the core_item_type core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~element. If the latter is integer or unsigned integer, the core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~general data type is integer. If core_item_type is real, core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~the value will be hardware- specific (or rather core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~floating-point-representation-specific) so that it may be core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~specified exactly near the bottom of the allowable range of core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) general data type is core_high_repr_saturation~corehreprsat~used for this purpose; e.g. 16#FFFBFFFF# for a VAX. core_items~coreitems~The core_items element provides the sequence of dimensions core_items~coreitems~of the core of a qube data object. The size of the most core_items~coreitems~frequently varying axis is given first. The number of core_items~coreitems~items specified must be equal to the value of the axes core_items~coreitems~element and the items must be listed in storage order. core_items~coreitems~Each dimension is measured in units of the core_item_bytes core_items~coreitems~element. core_item_type~coreitemtype~The core_item_type element identifies the data type of a core_item_type~coreitemtype~core data value. A hardware-specific prefix is used on core_item_type~coreitemtype~this element for qubes whose core contains items of more core_item_type~coreitemtype~than one byte. The current VAX/VMS implementation of ISIS core_item_type~coreitemtype~allows three item types, additional types will be added for core_item_type~coreitemtype~a forthcoming Sun/Unix implementation. core_item_bytes~coreitmbytes~The core_item_bytes element identifies the size in bytes of core_item_bytes~coreitmbytes~a core data value. It is the unit of the dimensions core_item_bytes~coreitmbytes~specified by the core_items element. core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~The core_low_instr_saturation element identifies a special core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~value whose presence indicates the measuring instrument was core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~saturated at the low end. This value must be algebraically core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~less than the value of the core_valid_minimum element. For core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~Standard ISIS Qubes, a value has been chosen by ISIS core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~convention. The general data type of this element is core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~determined by the core_item_type element. If the latter is core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~integer or unsigned integer, the general data type is core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~integer. If core_item_type is real, the value will be core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~hardware- specific (or rather core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~floating-point-representation-specific) so that it may be core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~specified exactly near the bottom of the allowable range of core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) general data type is core_low_instr_saturation~corelinstsat~used for this purpose; e.g. 16#FFFDFFFF# for a VAX. core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~The core_low_repr_saturation element identifies a special core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~value whose presence indicates the true value cannot be core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~represented in the chosen data type and length -- in this core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~case being below the allowable range -- which may happen core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~during conversion from another data type. This value must core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~be algebraically less than the value of the core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~core_valid_minimum element. For Standard ISIS Qubes, a core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~value has been chosen by ISIS convention. The general data core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~type of this element is determined by the core_item_type core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~element. If the latter is integer or unsigned integer, the core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~general data type is integer. If core_item_type is real, core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~the value will be hardware- specific (or rather core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~floating-point-representation-specific) so that it may be core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~specified exactly near the bottom of the allowable range of core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) general data type is core_low_repr_saturation~corelreprsat~used for this purpose; e.g. 16#FFFEFFFF# for a VAX. core_multiplier~coremult~The core_multiplier element, together with the core_base core_multiplier~coremult~element, describes the scaling performed on a 'true' data core_multiplier~coremult~value to compute the value stored in the data object. It core_multiplier~coremult~also defines the method for recovering the 'true' value: core_multiplier~coremult~'true'_value = base + multiplier * stored_value core_multiplier~coremult~In ISIS practice, the value of core_multiplier is 1.0 for core_multiplier~coremult~real core items, since scaling is not usually necessary core_multiplier~coremult~for floating point data. core_multiplier~coremult~NOTE: In the PDS, base and multiplier correspond directly core_multiplier~coremult~to the data elements OFFSET and SCALING_FACTOR. core_name~corename~The core_name element identifies the scientific meaning of core_name~corename~the values in the core of a qube data object; e.g. core_name~corename~SPECTRAL_RADIANCE or RAW_DATA_NUMBER. core_null~corenull~The core_null element identifies a special value whose core_null~corenull~presence indicates missing data. This value must be core_null~corenull~algebraically less than the value of the core_valid_minimum core_null~corenull~element. For Standard ISIS Qubes, the null value is chosen core_null~corenull~to be the algebraically smallest value allowed by the core_null~corenull~core_item_type and core_item_bytes elements. The general core_null~corenull~data type of this element is determined by the core_null~corenull~core_item_type element. If the latter is integer or core_null~corenull~unsigned integer, the general data type is integer. If core_null~corenull~core_item_type is real, the value will be hardware- core_null~corenull~specific (or rather floating-point-representation-specific) core_null~corenull~so that it may be specified exactly at the bottom of the core_null~corenull~allowable range of values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) core_null~corenull~general data type is used for this purpose; e.g. core_null~corenull~16#FFFFFFFF# for a VAX. core_null~corenull~Note: In the PDS, the CORE_NULL element core_null~corenull~corresponds directly to the data element MISSING. core_unit~coreunit~The core_unit element identifies the scientific unit of the core_unit~coreunit~values in the core of a qube data object; e.g. core_unit~coreunit~'WATT*M**-2*SR**-1*uM**-1' (for spectral radiance) or core_unit~coreunit~'DIMENSIONLESS' (for raw data number). core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~The core_valid_minimum element identifies the minimum valid core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~core value. Values algebraically less than this value are core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~reserved for special values indicating missing data or core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~various types of invalid data. The general data type of core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~this element is determined by the core_item_type element. core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~If the latter is integer or unsigned integer, the general core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~data type is integer. If core_item_type is real, the value core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~will be hardware-specific (or rather core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~floating-point-representation-specific) so that it may be core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~specified exactly near the bottom of the allowable range of core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) general data type is core_valid_minimum~corevalidmin~used for this purpose; e.g. 16#FFEFFFFF# for a VAX. computer_vendor_name~cpuvendname~The computer_vendor_name element identifies the computer_vendor_name~cpuvendname~manufacturer of the computer hardware on which the computer_vendor_name~cpuvendname~processing software operates. coordinate_system_center_name~crdsysctrnm~The coordinate_system_center_name element identifies a coordinate_system_center_name~crdsysctrnm~named target, such as the Sun, a planet, a satellite or a coordinate_system_center_name~crdsysctrnm~spacecraft, as being the location of the center of the coordinate_system_center_name~crdsysctrnm~reference coordinate system. coordinate_system_center_name~crdsysctrnm~The coordinate_system_center_name element can also be used coordinate_system_center_name~crdsysctrnm~to identify a barycenter used for a SPICE s_ or p_kernel. coordinate_system_desc~crdsysd~The coordinate_system_desc element describes a named coordinate_system_desc~crdsysd~reference coordinate system in terms of the definitions of coordinate_system_desc~crdsysd~the axes and the `handedness' of the system. It also coordinate_system_desc~crdsysd~provides other necessary descriptive information, such as coordinate_system_desc~crdsysd~the rotation period for rotating coordinate systems. coordinate_system_ref_epoch~crdsysepoch~The coordinate_system_reference_epoch element provides the coordinate_system_ref_epoch~crdsysepoch~Julian date selected as the reference time for a geometric coordinate_system_ref_epoch~crdsysepoch~quantity that changes over time. coordinate_system_ref_epoch~crdsysepoch~For example, the location of a prime meridian may have a coordinate_system_ref_epoch~crdsysepoch~fixed value at a reference epoch, with additional coordinate_system_ref_epoch~crdsysepoch~time_dependent terms added. coordinate_system_id~crdsysid~The coordinate_system_id element provides an coordinate_system_id~crdsysid~alphanumeric identifier for the referenced coordinate coordinate_system_id~crdsysid~system. coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~The coordinate_system_name element provides the full name coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~of the coordinate system to which the state vectors are referenced. coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~PDS has currently defined body-fixed rotating coordinate systems. coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~ coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~The Planetocentric system has an origin at the center of mass of the body. coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~The planetocentric latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~and a vector connecting the point of interest and the origin of the coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~coordinate system. Latitudes are defined to be positive in the northern coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~hemisphere of the body, where north is in the direction of Earth's coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~angular momentum vector, i.e., pointing toward the hemisphere north of coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~the solar system invariant plane. Longitudes increase toward the east, coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~making the Planetocentric system right-handed. coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~The Planetographic system has an origin at the center of mass of the body. coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~The planetographic latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~and a vector through the point of interest, where the vector is normal coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~to a biaxial ellipsoid reference surface. Planetographic longitude is coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~defined to increase with time to an observer fixed in space above the coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~object of interest. Thus, for prograde rotators (rotating counter coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~clockwise as seen from a fixed observer located in the hemisphere to the coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~north of the solar system invariant plane), planetographic longitude coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~increases toward the west. For a retrograde rotator, planetographic coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~longitude increases toward the east. coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~ coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~Note: If this data element is not present in the PDS Image Map coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~Projection Object (for pre-V3.1 PDS Standards), the default coordinate coordinate_system_name~crdsysname~system is assumed to body-fixed rotating Planetographic. create_date~createdate~This date is in YYYYMMDD format and is used for storing the create_date~createdate~create date of a table or query on the data base. criticality~critical~This column stores the criticality code for an attribute. criticality~critical~A criticality id is assigned to each table's attribute so criticality~critical~the criticality can be dependent on the usage within a criticality~critical~table. This criticality is used by the catalog bulk load criticality~critical~software during a template object validation step. cross_cone_angle~crsconeang~The cross_cone_angle element provides the value of an cross_cone_angle~crsconeang~azimuthal measurement orthogonal to cone_angle. cross_cone_offset_angle~crsconoffang~The cross_cone_offset_angle element provides the azimuthal angle cross_cone_offset_angle~crsconoffang~(in the cross-cone direction) between the pointing direction cross_cone_offset_angle~crsconoffang~along which an instrument is mounted and the cross_cone axis cross_cone_offset_angle~crsconoffang~of the spacecraft. cross_cone_offset_angle~crsconoffang~See also cone_offset_angle, twist_offset_angle, and cross_cone_offset_angle~crsconoffang~cross_cone_angle. cryocooler_duration~cryocooldur~The cryocooler_duration element provides the length of time cryocooler_duration~cryocooldur~the cryocooler was on when an observation was made. cryocooler_temperature~cryocooltemp~The cryocooler_temperature element provides the temperature cryocooler_temperature~cryocooltemp~of the cryocooler at the time an observation was made. center_filter_wavelength~ctrfiltwave~The center_filter_wavelength element provides the mid_point center_filter_wavelength~ctrfiltwave~wavelength value between the minimum and maximum instrument center_filter_wavelength~ctrfiltwave~filter wavelength values. center_frequency~ctrfreq~The center_frequency element provides the frequency of center_frequency~ctrfreq~maximum transmittance of a filter or the frequency that center_frequency~ctrfreq~corresponds to the geometric center of the passband of a center_frequency~ctrfreq~filter or a channel. cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~ Galileo Solid State Imaging-specific. Images can be edited so that cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~only an image area or CUT OUT WINDOW is compressed using Integer Cosine cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~Transform, BARC or Huffman compression and transmitted to Earth. The cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~cut_out_window element indicates the location and size of this image cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~area as defined by four numbers: starting line, starting sample, number cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~of lines, number of samples (the origin of the image coordinate system cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~is at line, sample=1,1 for the upper-left corner with samples cut_out_window~cutoutwindow~increasing to the right and lines increasing down). cycle_id~cycleid~The cycle_id element identifies one of several cycles, each of which is cycle_id~cycleid~a set of repeated activities. da_contact_pds_user_id~dapdsuserid~The da_contact_pds_user_id element provides the pds_user_id da_contact_pds_user_id~dapdsuserid~of the data administration contact at a node. data_coverage_percentage~datacvgpct~The data_coverage_percentage element gives the percentage of samples data_coverage_percentage~datacvgpct~obtained compared to the maximum number that could have been obtained. data_format~dataformat~The data_format element supplies the name of the data format or data_format~dataformat~language that was used to archive the science data that this software data_format~dataformat~accesses. data_lines~datalines~ The number of complete or partial lines with valid data data_lines~datalines~within a frame of high rate data.\n data_lines~datalines~Note: Voyager data_lines~datalines~Specific: A frame of high rate waveform data can include data_lines~datalines~up to 800 lines, however, some lines may be missing due to data_lines~datalines~data outages or only a partial frame may have been data_lines~datalines~recorded. This parameter provides some visibility on how data_lines~datalines~complete a given frame is. data_object_type~dataobjtype~The data_object_type element identifies the data object data_object_type~dataobjtype~type of a given set of data. data_object_type~dataobjtype~Example values: IMAGE, MAP, SPECTRUM data_object_type~dataobjtype~Note: Within the PDS, data object types are assigned data_object_type~dataobjtype~according to the standards outlined in the PDS Standards data_object_type~dataobjtype~Reference. data_object_type~dataobjtype~Note: within AMMOS and only for the Magellan catalog, this data_object_type~dataobjtype~element is used as an alias for data_set_id. The use of data_object_type~dataobjtype~data_object_type as such provides backward compatibility data_object_type~dataobjtype~with earlier AMMOS conventions. The use of this element as data_object_type~dataobjtype~an alias for data_set_id is not recommended for any new data_object_type~dataobjtype~tables. See data_set_id. data_path_type~datapathtype~The data_path_type element identifies the type of data path for trans- data_path_type~datapathtype~mission between an instrument and the ground data storage system. data_path_type~datapathtype~Example values: REALTIME, RECORDED DATA PLAYBACK. data_quality_desc~dataquald~The data_quality_desc element describes the data data_quality_desc~dataquald~quality which is associated with a particular data_quality_desc~dataquald~data_quality_id value. data_quality_desc~dataquald~The various values of data_quality_id and data_quality_desc~dataquald~data_quality_desc are instrument dependent. data_quality_id~dataqualid~The data_quality_id element provides a numeric data_quality_id~dataqualid~key which identifies the quality of data available for a data_quality_id~dataqualid~particular time period. data_quality_id~dataqualid~The data_quality_id scheme is unique to a given data_quality_id~dataqualid~instrument and is described by the associated data_quality_id~dataqualid~data_quality_desc element. data_rate~datarate~The data_rate element provides the rate at which data were data_rate~datarate~transmitted from a spacecraft to the ground (i.e., the data_rate~datarate~telemetry rate). data_records~datarecords~The data_records data element indicates the number of data_records~datarecords~records that appear in a particular data file.\n Note: data_records~datarecords~Note: Within AMMOS, this element is used as a validation data_records~datarecords~tool to ensure data integrity for stream files that have data_records~datarecords~no end marker. data_sets~datasets~The data_sets element identifies the number of data sets data_sets~datasets~contained in a data set collection. data_source_desc~datasourced~The data_source_desc element describes the source of a data data_source_desc~datasourced~value descriptive of a target body. The source may be a data_source_desc~datasourced~document, an individual, or an institution. data_source_desc~datasourced~See also data_source_id. data_source_id~datasourceid~The data_source_id element identifies the source data_source_id~datasourceid~of a data value descriptive of a target body. The source data_source_id~datasourceid~may be a document, an individual, or an institution, as data_source_id~datasourceid~described by the associated data_source_desc element. data_stream_type~datastrmtype~The data_stream_type element identifies a particular type of data_stream_type~datastrmtype~data stream to which the given data product is related. data_stream_type~datastrmtype~Note: In AMMOS this element is used to identify the data_stream_type~datastrmtype~particular type of data stream that a given decommutation data_stream_type~datastrmtype~map can process. data_type~datatype~The data_type element supplies the internal representation data_type~datatype~and/or mathematical properties of a value being stored. data_type~datatype~See also: bit_data_type, general_data_type. data_type~datatype~Note: In the PDS, users may find a bit-level description of data_type~datatype~each data type in the Standards Reference document. diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~ The diffraction_corrected_flag element is a yes-or-no flag diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~that indicates whether a ring occultation data product has diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~been corrected for diffraction. In general, it equals 'N' diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~for stellar occultation but data may equal 'Y' or 'N' for diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~radio occultation data, depending on the processing. If diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~the data product has been corrected for diffraction, then diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~the radres element specifies the processing diffraction_corrected_flag~dcflag~resolution. decal_name~decalname~The decal_name element describes the specific decalibration decal_name~decalname~data file. This element is used only in AMMOS-Magellan decal_name~decalname~mission operations. declination~declination~The declination element provides the value of an angle, declination~declination~corresponding to latitude, used to fix position on the declination~declination~celestial sphere. declination~declination~Declination is measured positive north and negative south declination~declination~of the celestial equator, and is defined relative to a declination~declination~specified reference period or epoch. See right_ascension. defining_authority_name~defauthyname~The defining_authority_name element identifies the defining_authority_name~defauthyname~Control Authority Office (CAO) responsible for defining_authority_name~defauthyname~maintaining the definition of a particular SFDU format. defining_authority_name~defauthyname~CAOs are officially recognized by the Consultative defining_authority_name~defauthyname~Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS). delimiting_parameter_name~delimparmnm~The delimiting_parameter_name element provides the name of delimiting_parameter_name~delimparmnm~a parameter the values of which are used to establish the delimiting_parameter_name~delimparmnm~boundaries of a set of data. delimiting_parameter_name~delimparmnm~Example values: FRAME IDENTIFICATION, LOCAL TIME, MAXIMUM delimiting_parameter_name~delimparmnm~LATITUDE. derived_maximum~derivedmax~The derived_maximum element indicates the largest value derived_maximum~derivedmax~occurring in a given instance of the data object after the derived_maximum~derivedmax~application of a scaling factor and/or offset. derived_minimum~derivedmin~The derived_minimum element indicates the smallest value derived_minimum~derivedmin~occurring in a given instance of the data object after the derived_minimum~derivedmin~application of a scaling factor and/or offset. description~description~The description element provides a free-form, description~description~unlimited-length character string that represents or gives description~description~an account of something. detailed_catalog_flag~detailcatflg~The detailed_catalog_flag element is a yes-or-no flag detailed_catalog_flag~detailcatflg~which indicates whether additional information is available detailed_catalog_flag~detailcatflg~for this data set in a detailed-level catalog. detector_aspect_ratio~detaspectrto~The detector_aspect_ratio element provides the ratio of the detector_aspect_ratio~detaspectrto~horizontal to the vertical field of view of a detector. detector_desc~detd~The detector_desc element describes a detector utilized by detector_desc~detd~an instrument. detector_group_name~detgrpname~Definition TBD. detector_groups~detgrps~Definition TBD. detector_id~detid~The detector_id element identifies a particular instrument detector_id~detid~detector. detector_id~detid~The associated detector_desc element detector_id~detid~describes the detector. detectors~dets~The detectors element provides the number of detectors of a detectors~dets~specified type contained in the subject instrument. detector_temperature~dettemp~The DETECTOR_TEMPERATURE is the temperature that the instrument detector_temperature~dettemp~(detector) operated at while a measurement was made. The importance for detector_temperature~dettemp~Viking Lander is that the radiometric calibration is slightly dependent detector_temperature~dettemp~on detector temperature. detector_type~dettype~The detector_type element identifies the type of an detector_type~dettype~instrument's detector. detector_type~dettype~Example values: SI CCD, INSB, GE, VIDICON, PHOTODIODE. discipline_desc~discd~The discipline_desc element describes the discipline discipline_desc~discd~identified by the discipline_name element. discipline_name~discname~The discipline_name element identifies the major academic discipline_name~discname~or scientific domain or specialty of interest to an discipline_name~discname~individual or to a PDS Node. document_topic_type~doctopictype~The document_topic_type element is a keyword which document_topic_type~doctopictype~identifies the major topic of a reference document. document_format~documentfmt~The document_format element represents the manner in which document_format~documentfmt~documents are stored, such as TEX, POSTSCRIPT, TIFF, etc. document_format~documentfmt~Version numbers for these formats should be included when document_format~documentfmt~appropriate, such as `WORDPERFECT 5.0'. document_name~documentname~The document_name element provides the name of a document. download_id~downloadid~The download_id element is the unique mission identifier download_id~downloadid~used to indicate a download of the spacecraft's onboard download_id~downloadid~digital data storage unit. dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~The DARK_CURRENT_FILE_NAME element provides the dark dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~current image file (an image taken without opening the dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~camera shutter) which should be used to perform radiometric dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~calibration of the image. The dark current image provides dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~a reference label of the build-up of any charges on the dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~sensor that need to be subtracted from a shuttered image dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~during calibration. Selection of the appropriate dark dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~current image may be based on time, camera, temperature, dark_current_file_name~drkcrntfilnm~readout conditions, light flood, gain and offset. data_set_acceptance_date~dsacceptdate~Definition TBD. data_set_catalog_flag~dscatflag~The data_set_catalog_flag element indicates whether or not a data set data_set_catalog_flag~dscatflag~collection or a data set exists in the PDS Data Set Catalog. data_set_collection_desc~dscolld~The data_set_collection_desc element describes the content data_set_collection_desc~dscolld~and type of the related data sets contained in the data_set_collection_desc~dscolld~collection. data_set_coll_or_data_set_id~dscolldsid~The data_set_coll_or_data_set_id element provides the data_set_coll_or_data_set_id~dscolldsid~identifier for either a PDS data set collection or data data_set_coll_or_data_set_id~dscolldsid~set. data_set_collection_id~dscollid~The data_set_collection_id element is a unique alphanumeric data_set_collection_id~dscollid~identifier for a collection of related data sets or data data_set_collection_id~dscollid~products. The data set collection is treated as a single data_set_collection_id~dscollid~unit, whose components are selected according to a specific data_set_collection_id~dscollid~scientific purpose. Components are related by observation data_set_collection_id~dscollid~type, discipline, target, time, or other classifications. data_set_collection_id~dscollid~Example value: PREMGN-E/L/H/M/V-4/5-RAD/GRAV-V1.0 data_set_collection_id~dscollid~Note: In the PDS, data set collection ids are constructed data_set_collection_id~dscollid~according to PDS nomenclature standards outlined in the data_set_collection_id~dscollid~in the Standards Reference. data_set_collection_member_flg~dscollmemflg~The data_set_collection_member_flg element indicates data_set_collection_member_flg~dscollmemflg~whether or not a data set is a member of a data set data_set_collection_member_flg~dscollmemflg~collection. data_set_collection_name~dscollname~The data_set_collection_name element provides the full name data_set_collection_name~dscollname~given to a collection of related data sets or data products. data_set_collection_name~dscollname~The data set collection is treated as a single unit, whose data_set_collection_name~dscollname~components are selected according to a specific scientific data_set_collection_name~dscollname~purpose. Components are related by observation type, data_set_collection_name~dscollname~discipline, target, time, or other classifications. data_set_collection_name~dscollname~Example value: PRE-MAGELLAN E/L/H/M/V 4/5 RADAR/GRAVITY data_set_collection_name~dscollname~DATA V1.0 data_set_collection_name~dscollname~Note: In the PDS, the data set collection name is data_set_collection_name~dscollname~constructed according to nomenclature standards outlined data_set_collection_name~dscollname~in the PDS Standards Reference. data_set_collection_release_dt~dscollreldt~The data_set_collection_release_dt element provides the data_set_collection_release_dt~dscollreldt~date when the data set collection was released for use. data_set_collection_release_dt~dscollreldt~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DD data_set_collection_usage_desc~dscollusgd~The data_set_collection_usage_desc element provides data_set_collection_usage_desc~dscollusgd~information required to use the data. data_set_desc~dsd~The data_set_desc element describes the content and data_set_desc~dsd~type of a data set and provides information required to use data_set_desc~dsd~the data (such as binning information). data_set_id~dsid~The data_set_id element is a unique data_set_id~dsid~alphanumeric identifier for a data set or a data product. data_set_id~dsid~The data_set_id value for a given data set or data_set_id~dsid~product is constructed according to flight project data_set_id~dsid~naming conventions. In most cases the data_set_id is an data_set_id~dsid~abbreviation of the data_set_name. data_set_id~dsid~Example value: MR9/VO1/VO2-M-ISS/VIS-5-CLOUD-V1.0. data_set_id~dsid~Note: In the PDS, the values for both data_set_id and data_set_id~dsid~data_set_name are constructed according to standards data_set_id~dsid~outlined in the Standards Reference. data_set_or_inst_parm_desc~dsinstparmd~The data_set_or_inst_parm_desc element describes either a data_set_or_inst_parm_desc~dsinstparmd~data set or instrument parameter. data_set_or_instrument_parm_nm~dsinstparmnm~The data_set_or_instrument_parameter_name element provides data_set_or_instrument_parm_nm~dsinstparmnm~either a data_set_parameter_name or an data_set_or_instrument_parm_nm~dsinstparmnm~instrument_parameter_name. That is, this element may have data_set_or_instrument_parm_nm~dsinstparmnm~values which are either the name of a parameter derived from data_set_or_instrument_parm_nm~dsinstparmnm~measured data (the data_set_parameter_name) or the name of a data_set_or_instrument_parm_nm~dsinstparmnm~parameter measured by an instrument (the data_set_or_instrument_parm_nm~dsinstparmnm~instrument_parameter_name). data_set_local_id~dslocalid~ The DATA_SET_LOCAL_ID element provides a short (of order 3 data_set_local_id~dslocalid~characters) acronym used as the local ID of a data set data_set_local_id~dslocalid~(Example value: IGLC). It may also appear as the first data_set_local_id~dslocalid~element of file names from a particular DATA_SET (Example data_set_local_id~dslocalid~value:IGLCINDX.LBL). data_set_name~dsname~The data_set_name element provides the full name given to a data_set_name~dsname~data set or a data product. The data_set_name typically data_set_name~dsname~identifies the instrument that acquired the data, the target data_set_name~dsname~of that instrument, and the processing level of the data. data_set_name~dsname~Example value: MR9/VO1/VO2 MARS IMAGING SCIENCE data_set_name~dsname~SUBSYSTEM/VIS 5 CLOUD V1.0. See also: data_set_id. data_set_name~dsname~Note: In PDS, the data_set_name is constructed according to data_set_name~dsname~standards outlined in the Standards Reference. data_set_name~dsname~Note: This element is defined in the AMMOS Magellan catalog data_set_name~dsname~as an alias for file_name to provide backward compatibility dsn_spacecraft_num~dsnscnum~The dsn_spacecraft_num element identifies the unique Deep dsn_spacecraft_num~dsnscnum~Space Network identification number for a spacecraft or dsn_spacecraft_num~dsnscnum~other data source/sink from which a product came or to which dsn_spacecraft_num~dsnscnum~the product is to be sent. dsn_station_number~dsnstatnnum~The dsn_station_num identifies the deep space network dsn_station_number~dsnstatnnum~station number through which data were received or to dsn_station_number~dsnstatnnum~which commands are to be sent. data_set_parameter_name~dsparmname~The data_set_parameter_name element provides the name of data_set_parameter_name~dsparmname~the scientific parameter or physical quantity that was data_set_parameter_name~dsparmname~derived from measured data. A description of the dataset data_set_parameter_name~dsparmname~parameter is provided by the data_set_or_inst_parm_desc. data_set_parameter_name~dsparmname~See also instrument_parameter_name. data_set_parameter_name~dsparmname~Example value: MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY data_set_parameter_unit~dsparmunit~The data_set_parameter_unit element specifies the unit of data_set_parameter_unit~dsparmunit~measure of associated data set parameters. display_format~dspfmt~The display_format element provides display format display_format~dspfmt~information to software that formats data to an output display_format~dspfmt~device. Valid format types include DATE(x) where X is the display_format~dspfmt~number of digits in a date. Usually DATE(6) (YYYY-MM) or display_format~dspfmt~DATE(8) (YYYY-MM-DD). TIME(X) where X is the number of display_format~dspfmt~digits in a time statement. This is usually represented as display_format~dspfmt~TIME(6) (HH:MM:SS) or TIME(4) (HH:MM)> DATETIME is used display_format~dspfmt~for UTC system format date-times (MM-DD-YYYYTHH:MM:SS.HHH). JUSTLEFT is display_format~dspfmt~used for left-justified character strings, and JUSTRIGHT is display_format~dspfmt~used for right justification. DIGIT(X) is used where X is display_format~dspfmt~the number of digits in an integer, so 897 would be display_format~dspfmt~DIGIT(3). SCI(X,Y) is used where X is the number of display_format~dspfmt~significant digits before the decimal in scientific display_format~dspfmt~notation, and Y is the number following the decimal, so display_format~dspfmt~1.293E-2 would be SCI(1,3). FLOAT(X) is used where X is the display_format~dspfmt~total number of digits in a floating point number, so display_format~dspfmt~33.018746 would be FLOAT(8). USDOLLAR is used for monetary display_format~dspfmt~amounts in the indicated currency, PHONE is used for display_format~dspfmt~telephone numbers, and FTSPHONE is used for seven-digit display_format~dspfmt~numbers in the Federal Telephone System. data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~The data_set_release_date element provides the date when data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~a data set is released by the data producer for archive data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~or publication. In many systems this represents the end of data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~a proprietary or validation period. data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DD data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~Note: In AMMOS, the data_set_release_date element is used to data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~identify the date at which a product may be released to the data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~general public from proprietary access. AMMOS-related data_set_release_date~dsreleasedt~systems should apply this element only to proprietary data. dust_flag~dustflag~The DUST_FLAG parameter indicates whether a dust sequence was executed dust_flag~dustflag~in association with an image or observation. earth_received_time~earthrcvdtm~The earth_received_time element provides the time at which earth_received_time~earthrcvdtm~telemetry was received on earth. This should be earth_received_time~earthrcvdtm~represented in the UTC system format. For real time earth_received_time~earthrcvdtm~data, the difference between this time and the earth_received_time~earthrcvdtm~spacecraft_event_time is the signal travel time from the earth_received_time~earthrcvdtm~spacecraft to earth. earth_received_time~earthrcvdtm~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.fff] earth_base_desc~ebd~The earth_base_desc element describes the earth base earth_base_desc~ebd~from which particular instrument measurements where taken. earth_base_desc~ebd~An earth base can be a laboratory, observatory, etc., and is earth_base_desc~ebd~identified by the earth_base_id element. earth_base_id~ebid~The earth_base_id element provides a unique identifier for earth_base_id~ebid~the laboratory, observatory, or other location of an earth- earth_base_id~ebid~based instrument. earth_base_institution_name~ebinstnname~The earth_base_institution_name element identifies a earth_base_institution_name~ebinstnname~university, research center, NASA center or other earth_base_institution_name~ebinstnname~institution associated with a laboratory or observatory. earth_base_name~ebname~The earth_base_name element identifies the name of the earth_base_name~ebname~laboratory, observatory, or other location of a earth-based earth_base_name~ebname~instrument. edit_mode_id~editmodeid~The edit_mode_id element indicates the amount of data read edit_mode_id~editmodeid~from an imaging instrument's vidicon. '1:1' indicates the edit_mode_id~editmodeid~full-resolution of the vidicon. Example values: (Voyager) edit_mode_id~editmodeid~3:4, 1:2, 1:3, 1:5, and 1:1. edit_routine_name~editrtnname~The edit_routine_name element provides the name of a edit edit_routine_name~editrtnname~routine name that the catalog bulk loading software should edit_routine_name~editrtnname~ execute during any validation procedures. edr_file_number~edrfilename~The EDR_FILE_NUMBER element provides the file position of edr_file_number~edrfilename~the data file when it was originally recorded on an edr_file_number~edrfilename~Experiment Data Record tape. edr_software_name~edrswname~The edr_software_name element identifies the name and edr_software_name~edrswname~version of the Clementine Mission software that generated edr_software_name~edrswname~the EDR products. edr_tape_id~edrtapeid~The EDR_TAPE_ID element indicates the volume identifier of edr_tape_id~edrtapeid~the Experiment Data Record tape on which the data file was edr_tape_id~edrtapeid~originally recorded. effective_time~effctivetime~The effective_time is an alias for start_time used by AMMOS- effective_time~effctivetime~MGN ephemeris files to define the time at which the data effective_time~effctivetime~takes effect. electronic_mail_id~elecmailid~The electronic_mail_id element provides an individual's electronic_mail_id~elecmailid~mailbox name on the electronic mail system identified by electronic_mail_id~elecmailid~the electronic_mail_type element. electronic_mail_type~elecmailtype~The electronic_mail_type element identifies an electronic electronic_mail_type~elecmailtype~mail system by name. electronic_mail_type~elecmailtype~Example values: TELEMAIL, NSI/DECNET. electronics_desc~elecsd~The electronics_desc element describes the electronics_desc~elecsd~electronics associated with a given instrument. electronics_id~elecsid~The electronics_id element identifies the electronics electronics_id~elecsid~associated with a given instrument. elevation~elevation~The elevation element provides the angular elevation of a elevation~elevation~point of interest (for example, the center point of an elevation~elevation~image of a solar system object taken from a lander or a elevation~elevation~rover) above the azimuthal reference plane. elevation~elevation~Elevation is measured in a spherical coordinate system. elevation~elevation~The zero elevation point lies in the azimuthal reference elevation~elevation~plane and positive elevation is measured toward the elevation~elevation~positive direction of the principal axis of the spherical elevation~elevation~coordinate system. See azimuth. emission_angle~emissang~The emission_angle element provides the value of the angle emission_angle~emissang~between the surface normal vector at the intercept point emission_angle~emissang~and a vector from the intercept point to the spacecraft. emission_angle~emissang~The emission_angle varies from 0 degrees when the emission_angle~emissang~spacecraft is viewing the subspacecraft point (nadir emission_angle~emissang~viewing) to 90 degrees when the intercept is tangent to the emission_angle~emissang~surface of the target body. Thus, higher values of emission_angle~emissang~emission_angle indicate more oblique viewing of the target. emission_angle~emissang~Values in the range of 90 to 180 degrees are possible for emission_angle~emissang~ring data. encoding_max_compression_ratio~encdcmprmax~ The encoding_max_compression_ratio element provides the maximum encoding_max_compression_ratio~encdcmprmax~compression ratio applied to the data on board the spacecraft. For encoding_max_compression_ratio~encdcmprmax~Galileo, this keyword is valid only for Integer Cosine Transform (ICT) encoding_max_compression_ratio~encdcmprmax~or Huffman compression. If the image is compressed with ICT this value encoding_max_compression_ratio~encdcmprmax~is the ICT Maximum Compression Ratio, otherwise it is the Huffman encoding_max_compression_ratio~encdcmprmax~Maximum Compression Ratio. encoding_min_compression_ratio~encdcmprmin~ The encoding_min_compression_ratio element provides the minimum encoding_min_compression_ratio~encdcmprmin~compression ratio applied to the data on board the spacecraft. For encoding_min_compression_ratio~encdcmprmin~Galileo, valid only for Integer Cosine Transform (ICT) or Huffman encoding_min_compression_ratio~encdcmprmin~compression. If the image is compressed with ICT this value is the ICT encoding_min_compression_ratio~encdcmprmin~Minimum Compression Ratio, otherwise it is the Huffman Minimum encoding_min_compression_ratio~encdcmprmin~Compression Ratio. encoding_compression_ratio~encdcmprsrto~The encoding_compression_ratio element specifies the encoding_compression_ratio~encdcmprsrto~compression factor of the data. encoding_type~encodingtype~The encoding_type element indicates the type of compression encoding_type~encodingtype~or encryption used for data storage. entropy~entropy~The ENTROPY element identifies the average entropy level entropy~entropy~(bits/pixel). Entropy is a measure of scene activity and entropy~entropy~it applies to the entire image. entropy~entropy~Note: For the Galileo SSI flight images the entropy entropy~entropy~is defined as: H = - SUM (from j= -255 to j= +255) entropy~entropy~p(j) [log(2) p(j)] where p(j) is the probability entropy~entropy~that two horizontally adjacent pixels have a entropy~entropy~different j, where - 255 , reference_key_id~refkeyid~ where reference_key_id~refkeyid~ is a maximum of 15 characters, reference_key_id~refkeyid~ and may need to be truncated. reference_key_id~refkeyid~ is 4 characters for the year published. reference_key_id~refkeyid~ is optional and consist of one character reference_key_id~refkeyid~ used to distinguish multiple papers by the reference_key_id~refkeyid~ same author(s) in the same year. reference_key_id~refkeyid~ The following variations apply: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ a. If there is one author: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Example value: SCARF1980 reference_key_id~refkeyid~ b. If there are two authors: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ & reference_key_id~refkeyid~ reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Example value: SCARF&GURNETT1977 reference_key_id~refkeyid~ c . If there are three or more authors: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ ETAL reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Example value: GURNETTETAL1979 reference_key_id~refkeyid~ d. If one author has the same last name as another: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ , reference_key_id~refkeyid~ reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Example value: FREUD,A1935 reference_key_id~refkeyid~ e. If the same author(s) published more than one paper reference_key_id~refkeyid~ in the same year: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ reference_key_id~refkeyid~ or reference_key_id~refkeyid~ & reference_key_id~refkeyid~ reference_key_id~refkeyid~ or reference_key_id~refkeyid~ ETAL reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Example values: SCARF1980A reference_key_id~refkeyid~ SCARF&GURNETT1977B reference_key_id~refkeyid~ f. In cases where an initial reference has been reference_key_id~refkeyid~ catalogued and published on an Archive medium and reference_key_id~refkeyid~ subsequent references for the same author and same reference_key_id~refkeyid~ year are needed at a later date, the following rule reference_key_id~refkeyid~ applies: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Leave the original reference as is, and add a letter reference_key_id~refkeyid~ to the subsequent references starting with the letter reference_key_id~refkeyid~ 'B' since the original reference will now be assumed reference_key_id~refkeyid~ to have an implicit 'A'. For example: PFORD1991, reference_key_id~refkeyid~ PFORD1991B. reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Note that if the initial reference has only been reference_key_id~refkeyid~ catalogued and not yet published, then it can be reference_key_id~refkeyid~ modified such that the 'A' is explicit, i.e. reference_key_id~refkeyid~ PFORD1991A. reference_key_id~refkeyid~2. If there is no author for the publication, the general reference_key_id~refkeyid~rule is: reference_key_id~refkeyid~ REFERENCE_KEY_ID = reference_key_id~refkeyid~ where reference_key_id~refkeyid~ is a maximum of 10 characters, and reference_key_id~refkeyid~ may need to be abbreviated reference_key_id~refkeyid~ is a maximum of 10 reference_key_id~refkeyid~ characters. This id may consist of a volume number, reference_key_id~refkeyid~ and/or document or issue number, and/or year of reference_key_id~refkeyid~ publication. reference_key_id~refkeyid~ Example values: SCIENCEV215N4532 reference_key_id~refkeyid~ JGRV88 reference_key_id~refkeyid~ JPLD-2468 reference_latitude~reflat~The reference_latitude element provides the new zero reference_latitude~reflat~latitude in a rotated spherical coordinate system that was reference_latitude~reflat~used in a given map_projection_type. reference_longitude~reflon~The reference_longitude element defines the zero longitude reference_longitude~reflon~in a rotated spherical coordinate system that was used in a reference_longitude~reflon~given map_projection_type. reflectance_scaling_factor~reflscalfact~The reflectance_scaling_factor element identifies the reflectance_scaling_factor~reflscalfact~conversion factor from DN to reflectance. reference_object_name~refobjname~The reference_object_name element identifies the point, reference_object_name~refobjname~vector, or plane used as the origin from which an angle or reference_object_name~refobjname~a distance is measured. reference_object_name~refobjname~As an example, the reference object could be the center of reference_object_name~refobjname~a given planet (a point), the spacecraft z_axis (a vector) reference_object_name~refobjname~or the equatorial plane. reference_radial_resolution~refradres~ The reference_radial_resolution element specifies a reference_radial_resolution~refradres~reference radial resolution to which a ring occultation reference_radial_resolution~refradres~data set may be reprocessed. It is used to specify a reference_radial_resolution~refradres~standard radial resolution so that the noise properties of reference_radial_resolution~refradres~different data products may be more reliably compared. The reference_radial_resolution~refradres~values of the parameters lowest_detectable_opacity, reference_radial_resolution~refradres~highest_detectable_opacity and scaled_noise_level depend on reference_radial_resolution~refradres~this value. reference_target_name~reftargname~The reference_target_name element provides the name of the reference_target_name~reftargname~target body being used as the reference to help define a reference_target_name~reftargname~particular vector_component_id. reference_target_name~reftargname~For example, the RJ\$ vector component is defined with the reference_target_name~reftargname~spacecraft as the reference target. registration_date~regdate~The registration_date element provides the date as of which registration_date~regdate~an individual is registered as an authorized user of the PDS registration_date~regdate~system. registration_date~regdate~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DD region_desc~regiond~The region_desc element describes a particular region_desc~regiond~region of a planetary surface, indicating its historical region_desc~regiond~significance, identifying major geological features and region_desc~regiond~providing other descriptive information. region_name~regionname~The region_name element identifies a region of a planetary region_name~regionname~surface. In many cases, the name of a region derives from region_name~regionname~the major geologic features found within the region. remote_node_privileges_id~remnodeprvid~The remote_node_priviledges_id element identifies the remote_node_privileges_id~remnodeprvid~systems at a remote node (or nodes) which a user is remote_node_privileges_id~remnodeprvid~priviledged to access. repetitions~repetitions~The repetitions data element within a data object such as repetitions~repetitions~a container, indicates the number of times that data object repetitions~repetitions~recurs. See also: items. repetitions~repetitions~Note: In the PDS, the data element ITEMS is used for repetitions~repetitions~multiple occruuences of a single object, such as a column. repetitions~repetitions~REPETITIONS is used for multiple occurrences of a repeating repetitions~repetitions~group of objects, such as a container. For fuller repetitions~repetitions~explanation of the use of these data elements, please refer repetitions~repetitions~to the PDS Standards Reference. required_element_set~reqelemntset~The required_element_set element identifies the data required_element_set~reqelemntset~elements that are mandatory members of a defined object. required_element_set~reqelemntset~Note: In the PDS, the data elements listed in this set required_element_set~reqelemntset~must be approved for inclusion in the data dictionary. required_memory_bytes~reqmembytes~The required_memory_bytes element indicates the amount of required_memory_bytes~reqmembytes~memory, in bytes, required to run the subject software. required_object_set~reqobjectset~The required_object_set element identifies the ODL objects required_object_set~reqobjectset~that are mandatory members of a defined object. required_storage_bytes~reqstorbytes~The required_storage_bytes element provides the number of bytes required_storage_bytes~reqstorbytes~required to store an uncompressed file. This value may be an required_storage_bytes~reqstorbytes~approximation and is used to ensure enough disk space is available for required_storage_bytes~reqstorbytes~the resultant file. Note: For Zip file labels, this keyword provides required_storage_bytes~reqstorbytes~the total size of all the data files in the Zip file after being required_storage_bytes~reqstorbytes~uncompressed. For the software inventory template, this is often the required_storage_bytes~reqstorbytes~size of the uncompressed distribution tar file. request_desc~requestd~The request_desc element describes a user's request for request_desc~requestd~support. request_time~requesttime~The request_time element provides the date (and time, where request_time~requesttime~appropriate) at which a user's request was received by the request_time~requesttime~Customer Support function. required_flag~requiredflag~The required_flag data element indicates whether a data required_flag~requiredflag~element or object is needed for inclusion in a system or required_flag~requiredflag~process. required_flag~requiredflag~Note: In the PDS, required_flag is used in data dictionary required_flag~requiredflag~tables to indicate whether a data element or object is a required_flag~requiredflag~required or optional component of a data object. resolution_desc~resd~The resolution_desc element describes the resolution of and resolution_desc~resd~the approach used to resolve a user's request for support. ring_event_start_time~restart~ The ring_event_start_time element indicates the starting ring_event_start_time~restart~instant of a data product as measured at the ring plane. ring_event_start_time~restart~This element differs from the observation start time ring_event_start_time~restart~because it allows for light travel time. resolution_time~restime~The resolution_time element provides the date (and time, resolution_time~restime~where appropriate) as of which a user's request is resolved. ring_event_stop_time~restop~ The ring_event_stop_time element indicates the stopping ring_event_stop_time~restop~instant of a data product as measured at the ring plane. ring_event_stop_time~restop~This element differs from the observation stop time because ring_event_stop_time~restop~it allows for light travel time. reticle_point_declination~retpointdecl~The reticle_point_declination element refers to the declination of the reticle_point_declination~retpointdecl~principle points of the camera. reticle_point_declination~retpointdecl~ reticle_point_declination~retpointdecl~Note: For the Clementine cameras the principle points are defined as the reticle_point_declination~retpointdecl~upper left pixel of the camera (line 1,sample 1), the upper right pixel reticle_point_declination~retpointdecl~(line 1, last sample), lower left (last line, sample 1), and lower right reticle_point_declination~retpointdecl~(last line, last sample). reticle_point_latitude~retpointlat~The reticle_point_latitude element provides the latitude of the surface reticle_point_latitude~retpointlat~intercept points of the principle points of the camera. reticle_point_latitude~retpointlat~ reticle_point_latitude~retpointlat~Note: For the Clementine cameras the principle points are defined as the reticle_point_latitude~retpointlat~upper left pixel of the camera (line 1,sample 1), the upper right pixel reticle_point_latitude~retpointlat~(line 1, last sample), lower left (last line, sample 1), and lower right reticle_point_latitude~retpointlat~(last line, last sample). reticle_point_longitude~retpointlon~The reticle_point_longitude element provides the longitude of the surface reticle_point_longitude~retpointlon~intercept points of the principle points of the camera. reticle_point_longitude~retpointlon~ reticle_point_longitude~retpointlon~Note: For the Clementine cameras the principle points are defined as the reticle_point_longitude~retpointlon~upper left pixel of the camera (line 1,sample 1), the upper right pixel reticle_point_longitude~retpointlon~(line 1, last sample), lower left (last line, sample 1), and lower right reticle_point_longitude~retpointlon~(last line, last sample). reticle_point_number~retpointnum~The reticle_point_number element provides the number of an reticle_point_number~retpointnum~image reticle point, as follows: 1 upper left, 3 - upper reticle_point_number~retpointnum~right, 5 - middle, 7 - lower left, 9 - lower right. reticle_point_ra~retpointra~The reticle_point_ra element refers to the right ascension of the reticle_point_ra~retpointra~principle points of the camera. reticle_point_ra~retpointra~ reticle_point_ra~retpointra~Note: For the Clementine cameras the principle points are defined as the reticle_point_ra~retpointra~upper left pixel of the camera (line 1,sample 1), the upper right pixel reticle_point_ra~retpointra~(line 1, last sample), lower left (last line, sample 1), and lower right reticle_point_ra~retpointra~(last line, last sample). revolution_number~revnum~The revolution_number element identifies the number of the revolution_number~revnum~observational pass of a spacecraft around a target body. revolution_number~revnum~Note: The Clementine Mission used this element in place of revolution_number~revnum~orbit_number because orbit number changes half way through revolution_number~revnum~the observational pass over the Moon and would not be an revolution_number~revnum~ideal parameter when interrogating the data set. The revolution_number~revnum~revolution number equals orbit number at the start of the revolution_number~revnum~observational pass. revolution_period~revper~The revolution_period element provides the time period of revolution_period~revper~revolution of a solar system object about its spin axis. peer_review_stop_date~revwstopdate~The peer_review_stop_date element provides the final date peer_review_stop_date~revwstopdate~for a peer review in YYYYMMDD format. peer_review_start_date~revwstrtdate~The peer_review_start_date element provides the beginning peer_review_start_date~revwstrtdate~date for a peer review in YYYYMMDD format. ring_event_time~ringeventt~ The ring_event_time element indicates the instant at which ring_event_time~ringeventt~a data product has been acquired as measured at the ring ring_event_time~ringeventt~plane. This element differs from the observation instant ring_event_time~ringeventt~because it allows for light travel time. ring_longitude~ringlong~ The ring_longitude element specifies the inertial ring_longitude~ringlong~longitude of a ring feature relative to the prime meridian. ring_longitude~ringlong~ In planetary ring systems, the prime meridian is the ring_longitude~ringlong~ascending node of the planet's invariable plane on the ring_longitude~ringlong~Earth's mean equator of J2000. Longitudes are measured in ring_longitude~ringlong~the direction of orbital motion along the planet's ring_longitude~ringlong~invariable plane to the ring's ascending node, and thence ring_longitude~ringlong~along the ring plane.\n ring_longitude~ringlong~Note: The invariable plane of a ring_longitude~ringlong~planet is equivalent to its equatorial plane for every ring_longitude~ringlong~ringed planet except Neptune. ring_occultation_direction~ringoccdir~ The ring_occultation_direction element indicates the ring_occultation_direction~ringoccdir~radial direction of a ring occultation track. ring_radius~ringrad~ The ring_radius element indicates a radial location within ring_radius~ringrad~a planetary ring system. Radii are measured from the ring_radius~ringrad~center of the planet along the nominal ring plane. ring_system_summary~ringsyssmy~The ring_system_summary element provides a brief and ring_system_summary~ringsyssmy~general description of the rings or ring_like features ring_system_summary~ringsyssmy~associated with a particular solar system body. role_desc~roled~The role_desc element describes the role of an individual role_desc~roled~during his or her association with a particular institution. role_desc~roled~Note that the term 'role' is a more specific role_desc~roled~characterization of the individual's activities than is role_desc~roled~'specialty' (see the specialty_name element). rotation_direction~rotdir~The rotation_direction element provides the direction rotation_direction~rotdir~of rotation as viewed from the north pole of the 'invariable rotation_direction~rotdir~plane of the solar system', which is the plane passing rotation_direction~rotdir~through the center of mass of the solar system and rotation_direction~rotdir~perpendicular to the angular momentum vector of the solar rotation_direction~rotdir~system. The value for this element is PROGRADE for counter rotation_direction~rotdir~-clockwise rotation, RETROGRADE for clockwise rotation and rotation_direction~rotdir~SYNCHRONOUS for satellites which are tidally locked with rotation_direction~rotdir~the primary. Sidereal_rotation_period and rotation_directio rotation_direction~rotdir~n_type are unknown for a number of satellites, and are not rotation_direction~rotdir~applicable (N/A) for satellites which are tumbling. rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~The rotational_element_desc element describes the rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~standard used for the definition of a planet's pole rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~orientation and prime meridian. The description defines rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~the right ascension and the declination values used to rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~define the planet pole, and the spin angle value of the rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~planet referenced to a standard time (typically EME1950 or rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~J2000 time is used). Periodically, the right ascension, rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~declination, and spin values of the planets are updated by rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~the IAU/IAG/COOSPAR Working Group On Cartographic rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~Coordinates and Rotational Elements because an unambiguous rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~definition of a planet's coordinate system requires these rotational_element_desc~rotelementd~values. row_bytes~rowbytes~The row_bytes element represents the number of bytes in row_bytes~rowbytes~each data object row. row_bytes~rowbytes~Note: In the PDS, in labels for tables, the value of row_bytes~rowbytes~row_bytes includes terminators, separators, and delimiters unless row_bytes~rowbytes~spares are used. For spares at the beginning of a row, the row_bytes~rowbytes~keyword row_prefix_bytes may be used. For spares at the end row_bytes~rowbytes~of a row, row_suffix_bytes may be used. See the Standards row_bytes~rowbytes~Reference, TABLE object for more information. row_prefix_bytes~rowpfxbytes~The row_prefix_bytes element indicates the number of bytes row_prefix_bytes~rowpfxbytes~prior to the start of the data content of each row of a row_prefix_bytes~rowpfxbytes~table. The value must represent an integral number of row_prefix_bytes~rowpfxbytes~bytes. row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~The row_prefix_structure element indicates a pointer to a row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~file that defines the structure of the row prefix bytes. row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~See also: file_name row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~Note: In the PDS this data element is obsolete. It is row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~kept in the data dictionary for historical purposes to allow row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~data validation tools to function. According to current row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~standards, the structures of prefix and suffix data are row_prefix_structure~rowpfxstruc~illustrated through the use of the table object. rows~rows~The rows element represents the number of rows in a data rows~rows~object. rows~rows~Note: In PDS, the term 'rows' is synonymous with rows~rows~'records'. In PDS attached labels, the number of rows is rows~rows~equivalent to the number of file_records minus the number rows~rows~of label_records, as indicated in the file_object rows~rows~definition. row_suffix_bytes~rowsfxbytes~The row_suffix_bytes element indicates the number of bytes row_suffix_bytes~rowsfxbytes~following the data at the end of each row. The value must row_suffix_bytes~rowsfxbytes~be an integral number of bytes. row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~The row_suffix_structure element indicates a pointer to a row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~file that defines the structure of the ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES. row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~See also: file_name row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~Note: In the PDS this data element is obsolete. It is kept row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~in the data dictionary for historical purposes to allow row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~data validation tools to function. According to current row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~standards, the structures of prefix and suffix data are row_suffix_structure~rowsfxstruc~illustrated through the use of the table object. research_topic_desc~rschtopicd~The research_topic_desc element describes the topic of research_topic_desc~rschtopicd~scientific research identified by the research_topic_name research_topic_desc~rschtopicd~element. research_topic_name~rschtopicnm~The research_topic_name element provides the name of a topic research_topic_name~rschtopicnm~of scientific research. sample_bit_mask~sampbitmask~The sample_bit_mask element identifies the active bits in a sample_bit_mask~sampbitmask~sample. sample_bit_mask~sampbitmask~Note: In the PDS, the domain of sample_bit_mask is sample_bit_mask~sampbitmask~dependent upon the currently-described value in the sample_bit_mask~sampbitmask~sample_bits element and only applies to integer values. sample_bit_mask~sampbitmask~For an 8-bit sample where all bits are active the sample_bit_mask~sampbitmask~sample_bit_mask would be 2#11111111#. sample_bits~sampbits~The sample_bits element indicates the stored number of sample_bits~sampbits~bits, or units of binary information, contained in a sample_bits~sampbits~line_sample value. sampling_desc~sampd~The sampling_desc element describes how instrument sampling_desc~sampd~parameters are sampled within an instrument or a section of sampling_desc~sampd~an instrument. Generally, this includes information on the sampling_desc~sampd~timing of samples and how they are taken as a function of sampling_desc~sampd~energy, frequency, wavelength, position, etc. sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~The SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION element is the preferred sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~orientation of samples within a line for viewing on a display sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~device. The default is right, meaning samples are viewed from sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~left to right on the display. See also LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION. sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~NULL sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~Note: The image rotation elements such as TWIST_ANGLE, sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE, and BODY_POLE_CLOCK_ANGLE are all defined sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~under the assumption that the image is displayed in its preferred sample_display_direction~sampdspdir~orientation. sampling_factor~sampfact~The sampling_factor element provides the value N, where sampling_factor~sampfact~every Nth data point was kept from the original data set by sampling_factor~sampfact~selection, averaging, or taking the median. sampling_factor~sampfact~Note: When applied to an image object, the single value sampling_factor~sampfact~represented in sampling_factor applies to both the lines sampling_factor~sampfact~and the samples. When applied to a table object, the value sampling_factor~sampfact~applies only to the rows. sample_first_pixel~sampfirstpix~The sample_first_pixel element provides the sample index sample_first_pixel~sampfirstpix~for the first pixel that was physically recorded at the sample_first_pixel~sampfirstpix~beginning of the image array. sample_first_pixel~sampfirstpix~Note: In the PDS, for a fuller explanation on sample_first_pixel~sampfirstpix~the use of this data element in the Image Map Projection sample_first_pixel~sampfirstpix~Object, please refer to the PDS Standards Reference. sample_last_pixel~samplastpix~The sample_last_pixel element provides the sample index for sample_last_pixel~samplastpix~the last pixel that was physically recorded at the end of sample_last_pixel~samplastpix~the image array. sample_last_pixel~samplastpix~Note: In the PDS, for a fuller explanation on the sample_last_pixel~samplastpix~use of this data element in the Image Map Projection sample_last_pixel~samplastpix~Object, please refer to the PDS Standards Reference. sample_type~sampletype~The sample_type element indicates the data storage sample_type~sampletype~representation of sample value. sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~The sampling_parameter_interval element identifies the sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~spacing of points at which data are sampled and at which a sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~value for an instrument or dataset parameter is available. sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~This sampling interval can be either the original (raw) sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~sampling or the result of some resampling process. sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~For example, in 48-second magnetometer data the sampling sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~interval is 48. sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~The sampling parameter (time, in the example) is identified sampling_parameter_interval~sampparmiv~by the sampling_parameter_name element. sampling_parameter_name~sampparmname~The sampling_parameter_name element provides the name of sampling_parameter_name~sampparmname~the parameter which determines the sampling interval of a sampling_parameter_name~sampparmname~particular instrument or dataset parameter. sampling_parameter_name~sampparmname~For example, magnetic field intensity is sampled in time sampling_parameter_name~sampparmname~increments, and a spectrum is sampled in wavelength or sampling_parameter_name~sampparmname~frequency. sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~The sampling_parameter_resolution element identifies the sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~resolution along the sampling parameter axis. sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~For example, spectral data may be sampled every 0.0005 cm sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~in wavelength, but the smallest resolvable width of a sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~feature could be 0.001 cm. In this example, the sampling sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~parameter resolution would be 0.001. sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~Note that the unit element identifies the unit of measure sampling_parameter_resolution~sampparmres~of the sampling parameter resolution. sampling_parameter_unit~sampparmunit~The sampling_parameter_unit element specifies the unit of sampling_parameter_unit~sampparmunit~measure of associated data sampling parameters. sample_projection_offset~sampprojoff~The sample_projection_offset element provides the sample sample_projection_offset~sampprojoff~offset value of the map projection origin position from sample_projection_offset~sampprojoff~line and sample 1,1 (line and sample 1,1 is considered the sample_projection_offset~sampprojoff~upper left corner of the digital array). Note that the sample_projection_offset~sampprojoff~positive direction is to the right and down. scaled_image_height~scaleimageht~The scaled_image_height element provides the height on the scaled_image_height~scaleimageht~target surface of the projection of an image onto the scaled_image_height~scaleimageht~surface. scaled_image_height~scaleimageht~This is the distance on the surface between intercept scaled_image_height~scaleimageht~points 2 (upper middle) and 8 (lower middle). scaled_image_width~scaleimagewd~The scaled_image_width element provides the width on the scaled_image_width~scaleimagewd~target surface of the projection of an image onto the scaled_image_width~scaleimagewd~surface. scaled_image_width~scaleimagewd~This is the distance on the surface between intercept scaled_image_width~scaleimagewd~points 4 (middle left) and 6 (middle right). scaled_pixel_height~scalepixht~The scaled_pixel_height element provides the scaled height scaled_pixel_height~scalepixht~of a pixel at a given reticle point within an image. scaled_pixel_height~scalepixht~Scaled pixel height is defined as the height on the surface scaled_pixel_height~scalepixht~of the target of the projection of a pixel onto the surface. scaled_pixel_width~scalepixwd~The scaled_pixel_width element provides the scaled width scaled_pixel_width~scalepixwd~of a pixel at a given reticle point within an image. scaled_pixel_width~scalepixwd~Scaled pixel width is defined as the width on the surface scaled_pixel_width~scalepixwd~of the target of the projection of a pixel onto the surface. scaling_factor~scalingfact~The scaling factor element provides the constant value by scaling_factor~scalingfact~which the stored value is multiplied. See also: offset. scaling_factor~scalingfact~Note: Expressed as an equation: true value = offset value scaling_factor~scalingfact~+ (scaling factor x stored value). scaling_factor~scalingfact~In PDS Magellan altimetry and radiometry labels, the scaling_factor~scalingfact~scaling_factor data element is defined as the value of scaling_factor~scalingfact~the conversion factor for the best_non_range_sharp_model_tpt scaling_factor~scalingfact~and the non_range_sharp_echo_prof element that multiplies scaling_factor~scalingfact~the integer array elements of the scaling_factor~scalingfact~best_non_range_sharp_model_tpt and the scaling_factor~scalingfact~non_range_sharp_echo_prof to yield their physical values, scaling_factor~scalingfact~expressed as equivalent radar cross-sections in units of scaling_factor~scalingfact~km**2. spacecraft_altitude~scalt~The spacecraft_altitude element provides the distance from the space- spacecraft_altitude~scalt~craft to a reference surface of the target body measured normal to that spacecraft_altitude~scalt~surface. scan_mode_id~scanmodeid~The scan_mode_id element identifies one of several internal rates for scan_mode_id~scanmodeid~data acquisition by an instrument. scan_rate~scanrate~SCAN_RATE is the measured data rate at which an instrument scanned an scan_rate~scanrate~object while acquiring a data frame. spacecraft_clock_cnt_partition~scclockpart~The spacecraft_clock_cnt_partition element indicates the clock spacecraft_clock_cnt_partition~scclockpart~partition active for the SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT and spacecraft_clock_cnt_partition~scclockpart~SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT elements. spacecraft_desc~scd~The spacecraft_desc element describes the spacecraft_desc~scd~characteristics of a particular spacecraft. This spacecraft_desc~scd~description addresses the complement of instruments spacecraft_desc~scd~carried, the onboard communications and data processing spacecraft_desc~scd~equipment, the method of stabilization, the source of power spacecraft_desc~scd~and the capabilities or limitations of the spacecraft spacecraft_desc~scd~design which are related to data-taking activities. The spacecraft_desc~scd~description may be a synopsis of available mission spacecraft_desc~scd~documentation. scet_stop_time~scetstoptime~The scet_stop_time element is defined as an alias for scet_stop_time~scetstoptime~stop_time for Magellan mission operations files only. scet_start_time~scetstrttime~The scet_start_time element is defined as an alias for scet_start_time~scetstrttime~start_time for Magellan mission operations files in AMMOS. spacecraft_id~scid~The spacecraft_id element provides a synonym or spacecraft_id~scid~mnemonic for the name of a spacecraft which is uniquely spacecraft_id~scid~associable with the spacecraft name. spacecraft_id~scid~Note: Within AMMOS only, this element is also an alias for spacecraft_id~scid~dsn_spacecraft_num. This interpretation is not portable to spacecraft_id~scid~the PDS. scientist_funding_id~scifundid~The scientist_funding_id is the NASA code which supplies scientist_funding_id~scifundid~funding to the scientist. scientific_objectives_summary~sciobjsmy~The scientific_objectives_summary element explains the scientific_objectives_summary~sciobjsmy~science data_gathering purposes for a particular type of scientific_objectives_summary~sciobjsmy~observation, for a particular observation sequence or for scientific_objectives_summary~sciobjsmy~which an instrument was designed. spacecraft_clock_stop_count~sclkstopcnt~The spacecraft_clock_stop_count element provides the value spacecraft_clock_stop_count~sclkstopcnt~of the spacecraft clock at the end of a time period of spacecraft_clock_stop_count~sclkstopcnt~interest. sclk_stop_value~sclkstopval~The sclk_stop_value element is an alias for spacecraft_ sclk_stop_value~sclkstopval~clock_stop_count which is used only in AMMOS-Magellan sclk_stop_value~sclkstopval~mission operations files. spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~The spacecraft_clock_start_count element provides the value of the spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~spacecraft clock at the beginning of a time period of interest. spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~Note: In the PDS, sclk_start_counts have been represented spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~in the following ways: spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~Voyager - Flight Data Subsystem (FDS) clock count spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~ (floating point 7.2) spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~Mariner 9 - Data Automation Subsystem, spacecraft_clock_start_count~sclkstrtcnt~Mariner 10 - FDS - spacecraft_clock sclk_start_value~sclkstrtval~The sclk_start_value element is an alias for spacecraft_ sclk_start_value~sclkstrtval~clock_start_count which is used only by AMMOS-Magellan sclk_start_value~sclkstrtval~mission operations data files. spacecraft_name~scname~The spacecraft_name element provides the full, unabbreviated spacecraft_name~scname~name of a spacecraft. See also: spacecraft_id, spacecraft_name~scname~instrument_host_id. spacecraft_operating_mode_id~scopermodeid~The spacecraft_operating_mode_id element identifies a spacecraft_operating_mode_id~scopermodeid~particular configuration in which the spacecraft takes and spacecraft_operating_mode_id~scopermodeid~returns data. spacecraft_operations_type~scopertype~The spacecraft_operation_type element spacecraft_operations_type~scopertype~provides the type of mode of operation of a spacecraft. spacecraft_operations_type~scopertype~Example values: SUN-SYNCHRONOUS, GEOSTATIONARY, LANDER, spacecraft_operations_type~scopertype~ROVER, FLYBY. spacecraft_solar_distance~scsolardist~The spacecraft_solar_distance element provides the distance spacecraft_solar_distance~scsolardist~from the spacecraft to the center of the sun. See also: spacecraft_solar_distance~scsolardist~solar_distance. sc_sun_position_vector~scsunposvect~The sc_sun_position_vector element indicates the x-, y-, sc_sun_position_vector~scsunposvect~and z- components of the position vector from observer to sc_sun_position_vector~scsunposvect~sun, center expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected sc_sun_position_vector~scsunposvect~for light time and stellar aberration, evaluated at epoch sc_sun_position_vector~scsunposvect~at which image was taken. sc_sun_velocity_vector~scsunvelvect~The sc_sun_velocity_vector element indicates the x-, y-, sc_sun_velocity_vector~scsunvelvect~and z- components of the velocity vector of sun relative to sc_sun_velocity_vector~scsunvelvect~observer, expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for sc_sun_velocity_vector~scsunvelvect~light time, evaluated at epoch at which image was taken. sc_target_position_vector~sctgposvect~The sc_target_position_vector element indicates the x-, y-, sc_target_position_vector~sctgposvect~z- components of the position vector from observer to sc_target_position_vector~sctgposvect~target center expressed in J2000 coordinates, and sc_target_position_vector~sctgposvect~corrected for light time and stellar aberration, evaluated sc_target_position_vector~sctgposvect~at epoch at which image was taken. sc_target_velocity_vector~sctgvelvect~The sc_target_velocity_vector element indicates the x-, y-, sc_target_velocity_vector~sctgvelvect~z- components of the velocity vector of target relative to sc_target_velocity_vector~sctgvelvect~observer, expressed in J2000 coordinates, and corrected for sc_target_velocity_vector~sctgvelvect~light time, evaluated at epoch at which image was taken. second_standard_parallel~secstdparll~Please refer to the definition for first_standard_parallel second_standard_parallel~secstdparll~element to see how second_standard_parallel is defined. section_id~sectid~The section_id element provides a unique identifier for a section_id~sectid~section of an instrument. An instrument section is a section_id~sectid~logical view of an instrument's operating functions, and is section_id~sectid~distinct from the instrument's physical composition. section_id~sectid~Essentially, instrument sections are a device to describe section_id~sectid~the instrument's functioning in terms of a set of 'black section_id~sectid~boxes', which are themselves described parametrically by the section_id~sectid~data which are produced. Various operational parts of the section_id~sectid~instrument, such as detectors, filters, and electronics, are section_id~sectid~considered to participate by providing data from a section, section_id~sectid~but have no direct physical relationship with the section, section_id~sectid~since the section is not a physical object. Instrument section_id~sectid~modes consist of sets of sections, and the physical section_id~sectid~implementation of a mode is the union of those physical section_id~sectid~units which are processing data for each section section_id~sectid~participating in the mode. sef_creation_time~sefcreatntm~This element is unique to the AMMOS-MGN KEY_TIMES data file. sef_creation_time~sefcreatntm~It defines the time of creation of the source sequence file. selection_query_desc~selcqueryd~The selection_query_desc element provides a query selection_query_desc~selcqueryd~statement, in Standard Query Language (SQL) or another selection_query_desc~selcqueryd~query language, which constrains the set of items selection_query_desc~selcqueryd~requested in an order. solar_elongation_sigma~selongsigma~ The standard deviation of the solar elongation determined solar_elongation_sigma~selongsigma~from variations in values from the spacecraft sun-sensor. sensitivity_desc~sensd~The sensitivity_desc element provides a textual sensitivity_desc~sensd~description of the minimum response threshold of a sensitivity_desc~sensd~detector. seq_id~seqid~The seq_id element provides an identification of the seq_id~seqid~spacecraft sequence associated with the given product. sequence_number~seqnum~The sequence_number element indicates a number designating sequence_number~seqnum~the place occupied by an item in an ordered sequence. sequence_samples~seqsamps~The sequence_samples element specifies the number of sequence_samples~seqsamps~samples in a given observation sequence. sequence_table_id~seqtableid~The sequence_table_id element provides an unique identifier sequence_table_id~seqtableid~for the sequence table that was used for a set of sequence_table_id~seqtableid~observations. The sequence table provides the image sequence_table_id~seqtableid~acquistion sequences that specify the camera and filter sequence_table_id~seqtableid~image sequencing. It indicates the order in which cameras sequence_table_id~seqtableid~are shuttered and the order for which filters are used. sequence_title~seqtitle~The sequence_title element provides the title assigned to a sequence_title~seqtitle~particular observation sequence during planning or data sequence_title~seqtitle~processing. sfdu_format_id~sfdufmtid~The sfdu_format_id element provides the 12-character sfdu_format_id~sfdufmtid~Standard Format Data Unit (SFDU) identification for a sfdu_format_id~sfdufmtid~particular set of data. shutter_offset_file_name~shtrofstflnm~The shutter_offset_file_name element identifies the file shutter_offset_file_name~shtrofstflnm~that contains the corrections for discrepancies between shutter_offset_file_name~shtrofstflnm~commanded and actual shutter times. Because the shutter shutter_offset_file_name~shtrofstflnm~blades travel in a vertical direction, offsets in actual shutter_offset_file_name~shtrofstflnm~exposure are a function of image line number. shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~The shutter_mode_id element identifies the state of an shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~imaging instrument's shutter during image acquisition. Note: shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~the instrument shutter mode affects the radiometric shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~properties of the camera. Example values: (VOYAGER) NAONLY - shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~narrow angle camera shuttered only, WAONLY - wide angle shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~camera shuttered only, BOTSIM - both cameras shuttered shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~simultaneously, BSIMAN - BOTSIM mode followed by NAONLY, shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~BODARK - shutter remained closed for narrow and wide angle shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~camera, NADARK - narrow angle read out without shuttering, shutter_mode_id~shutmodeid~WADARK - wide angle read out without shuttering. sidereal_rotation_period~sidrotper~The sidereal_rotation_period element indicates the time required for an sidereal_rotation_period~sidrotper~object to complete one full rotation about its primary axis with respect sidereal_rotation_period~sidrotper~to the stars. See rotation_direction. site_id~siteid~Short identifier for each CMD site. See CMD Subsystem doc. site_name~sitename~The site_name element is used to describe the spacecraft site_name~sitename~commanding site for AMMOS CMD subsystem. Values include site_name~sitename~MASTER, MCCC, SEQTRAN, GSOC. slant_distance~slantdist~The slant_distance element provides a measure of the distance from an slant_distance~slantdist~observing position (e.g., a spacecraft) to a point on a target body. slant_distance~slantdist~If not specified otherwise, the target point is assumed to be at the slant_distance~slantdist~center of the instrument field of view. slope_file_name~slopfilename~The SLOPE_FILE_NAME element provides the file containing slope_file_name~slopfilename~corrections for variances in responsivity (shading) across slope_file_name~slopfilename~the field-of-view of an imaging sensor. smear_azimuth~smearaz~The smear_azimuth element indicates the direction in which smear_azimuth~smearaz~an image was smeared. The values of this angle increment in smear_azimuth~smearaz~a clockwise direction from a horizontal reference line. smear_magnitude~smearmag~The smear_magnitude element indicates how far an image was smear_magnitude~smearmag~smeared during an exposure. scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~ The scaled_noise_level element provides an indicator of scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~the dynamic range within a ring occultation data set. It scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~specifies the ratio of the RMS noise level in the data to scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~the amplitude difference between an unobstructed signal scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~(corresponding to opacity = 0) and a completely obstructed scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~signal (corresponding to infinite opacity):\n (RMS noise) scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~/ (unobstructed signal - fully obstructed signal).\n The scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~value is computed assuming the data has been re-processed scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~to the radial resolution specified by the scaled_noise_level~snoiselevel~reference_radial_resolution element. solar_elongation~solarelong~ The angle between the line of sight of observation and the solar_elongation~solarelong~direction of the Sun.\n solar_elongation~solarelong~Note: For IRAS: The line of solar_elongation~solarelong~sight of observation is the boresight of the telescope as solar_elongation~solarelong~measured by the satellite sun sensor. solar_distance~soldist~The solar_distance element provides the distance from the solar_distance~soldist~center of the sun to the center of a target body. solar_latitude~sollat~The solar_latitude element provides the subsolar latitude solar_latitude~sollat~value. solar_latitude~sollat~Subsolar latitude is defined as the latitude of the point solar_latitude~sollat~on the target body surface that would be intersected by a solar_latitude~sollat~straight line from the center of the sun to the center of solar_latitude~sollat~the target body. solar_longitude~sollon~The solar_longitude element provides the value of the angle solar_longitude~sollon~between the body_Sun line at the time of interest and the solar_longitude~sollon~body_Sun line at the vernal equinox. solar_longitude~sollon~This provides a measure of season on a target body, with solar_longitude~sollon~values of 0 to 90 degrees representing northern spring, 90 solar_longitude~sollon~to 180 degrees representing northern summer, 180 to 270 solar_longitude~sollon~degrees representing northern autumn and 270 to 360 degrees solar_longitude~sollon~representing northern winter. solar_longitude~sollon~For IRAS: the geocentric ecliptic longitude (B1950) solar_longitude~sollon~of the Sun at the start of a scan. source_data_set_id~sourcedsid~The source_data_set_id element identifies a set source_data_set_id~sourcedsid~of data which was used to produce the subject data set, source_data_set_id~sourcedsid~data product or SPICE kernel. source_lines~sourcelines~The source_lines element indicates the total number of source_lines~sourcelines~lines in the image from which a rectangular sub-image has source_lines~sourcelines~been derived. source_lines~sourcelines~Note: If source_lines appears in the image source_lines~sourcelines~object, it should be greater than the value of lines, to source_lines~sourcelines~indicate that the image described by lines and line_samples source_lines~sourcelines~is a sub-image of the original (source) image. source_name~sourcename~The source_name element supplies the name of the proponent source_name~sourcename~of the data element or object. (For example, PDS source_name~sourcename~CN/J.S.Hughes) source_product_id~sourceprodid~The source_product_id data element identifies a product used source_product_id~sourceprodid~as input to create a new product. The source_product_id may source_product_id~sourceprodid~be based on a file name. See also: product_id. specialty_desc~spcld~The specialty_desc element describes an individual's area specialty_desc~spcld~of specialization during his or her association with a specialty_desc~spcld~particular institution. specialty_desc~spcld~Note that `specialty' is a more general characterization specialty_desc~spcld~of the individual's activities than is `role.' See specialty_desc~spcld~role_desc. special_instruction_id_number~specidnum~The special_instruction_id_number element is a unique key special_instruction_id_number~specidnum~that is used to identify a particular set of special special_instruction_id_number~specidnum~instructions in a user's order. spectrum_integrated_radiance~specintgrdnc~The spectrum_integrated_radiance element provides the spectrum_integrated_radiance~specintgrdnc~radiance value derived from integration across an entire spectrum_integrated_radiance~specintgrdnc~spectrum. spectrum_number~specnum~The spectrum_number element provides the number which spectrum_number~specnum~identifies a particular spectrum. spectrum_samples~specsamps~The spectrum_samples element provides the number of samples spectrum_samples~specsamps~which form a given spectrum. spice_file_name~spicefilenm~The spice_file_name element provides the names of the SPICE files used spice_file_name~spicefilenm~in processing the data. For Galileo, the SPICE files are used to spice_file_name~spicefilenm~determine navigation and lighting information. sql_format~sqlfmt~The sql_format element supplies the SQL data type used when sql_format~sqlfmt~the data element is declared as a column in a table in a sql_format~sqlfmt~relational data base management system. source_file_name~srcfilename~The source_file_name element provides the name of a specific source_file_name~srcfilename~file that resides within the same data directory and source_file_name~srcfilename~contributes data to a given product. See also: source_file_name~srcfilename~source_product_id. source_line_samples~srclinesamps~The source_line_samples element indicates the total number source_line_samples~srclinesamps~of samples in the image from which a rectangular sub-image source_line_samples~srclinesamps~has been derived. source_line_samples~srclinesamps~Note: In the PDS, if source_line_samples appears in source_line_samples~srclinesamps~the image object, it should be greater than the value of source_line_samples~srclinesamps~line_samples, to indicate that the image described by lines source_line_samples~srclinesamps~and line_samples is a sub-image of the original (source) source_line_samples~srclinesamps~image. source_sample_bits~srcsampbits~The source_sample_bits element indicates the number of source_sample_bits~srcsampbits~bits, or units of binary information, that make up a sample source_sample_bits~srcsampbits~value in the source file used to produce a sub-image. surface_emissivity~srfemissivty~ The surface_emissivity element provides the value of surface_emissivity~srfemissivty~surface microwave emissivity, calculated by dividing surface_emissivity~srfemissivty~(surface_emission_temperature - surface_emissivity~srfemissivty~assumed_warm_sky_temperature) by surface_emissivity~srfemissivty~(physical_surface_temperature - surface_emissivity~srfemissivty~assumed_warm_sky_temperature). star_description~stardesc~ The star_description element describes the properties of a star_description~stardesc~particular star. Information provided may include, for star_description~stardesc~example, the star's type, V and K magnitudes, catalog star_description~stardesc~references, alternative names, etc. star_diameter~stardiameter~ The star_diameter element indicates the angular diameter star_diameter~stardiameter~of a star. star_name~starname~ The star_name element provides the identifying name of star_name~starname~star, including the catalog name if necessary. Examples star_name~starname~include 'sigma Sgr' and 'SAO 123456' (for star number star_name~starname~123456 in the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory star_name~starname~catalog). start_azimuth~startaz~The START_AZIMUTH is the angular distance from a fixed reference start_azimuth~startaz~position at which an image or observation starts. Azimuth is measured start_azimuth~startaz~in a spherical coordinate system, in a plane normal to the principal start_azimuth~startaz~axis. Azimuth values increase according to the right hand rule start_azimuth~startaz~relative to the positive direction of the principal axis of the start_azimuth~startaz~spherical coordinate system. start_bit~startbit~The start_bit element identifies the location of the first start_bit~startbit~bit of a bit field data object such as a BIT_COLUMN or BIT_ start_bit~startbit~ELEMENT. Bits are numbered from left to right, counting fro start_bit~startbit~1. The start_bit value assumes that any necessary byte start_bit~startbit~re-ordering has already been performed. start_byte~startbyte~The start_byte element in a data object identifies the start_byte~startbyte~location of the first byte of the object, counting from 1. start_byte~startbyte~For nested objects, the start_byte value is relative to the start_byte~startbyte~start of the enclosing object. start_orbit_number~startorbnum~The start_orbit_number data element provides the the lowest start_orbit_number~startorbnum~revolution orbit number that contributed data to a given start_orbit_number~startorbnum~data product. star_window~starwindow~ The star_window element provides the location and size of up to 5 star star_window~starwindow~areas (number of image areas defined by STAR_WINDOW_COUNT) in an edited star_window~starwindow~Optical Navigation (OPNAV) image. The location and size of each image star_window~starwindow~area is defined by four numbers: starting line, starting sample, number star_window~starwindow~of lines, number of samples (the origin of the image coordinate system star_window~starwindow~is at line, sample=1,1 for the upper-left corner with samples star_window~starwindow~increasing to the right and lines increasing down). This element is star_window~starwindow~Galileo Solid State Imaging- specific. star_window_count~starwindwcnt~ Galileo Solid State Imaging-specific. The star_window_count element star_window_count~starwindwcnt~indicates the number of star areas, defined in the STAR WINDOW keyword, star_window_count~starwindwcnt~in an edited Optical Navigation (OPNAV) image. status_note~statusnote~The status_note element supplies a log of modifications status_note~statusnote~made to an element or object definition. The required entry status_note~statusnote~includes . Example status_note~statusnote~format: \t 1.0 1990-03-28 DET New Data_Element status_note~statusnote~Definition status_note~statusnote~The description can continue for several lines. status_type~statustype~The status_type element indicates one of a fixed number of status_type~statustype~statuses that can describe a particular data element or status_type~statustype~object. Examples: PENDING, APPROVED. standard_deviation~stddeviation~The standard_deviation element provides the standard standard_deviation~stddeviation~deviation of the DN values in the image array. standard_value_name~stdvalname~The standard_value_name element provides a value for a standard_value_name~stdvalname~particular data element. standard_value_set~stdvalset~The standard_value_set element supplies the list of standard_value_set~stdvalset~standard values that may be assigned to a data element. The standard_value_set~stdvalset~standard_value_set may be explicitly specified via this standard_value_set~stdvalset~data element or may be implicitly derived from standard_value_set~stdvalset~GENERAL_DATA_TYPE, VALID_MINIMUM and VALID_MAXIMUM data standard_value_set~stdvalset~elements. standard_value_set_desc~stdvalsetd~The standard_value_set_desc element is used to supply standard_value_set_desc~stdvalsetd~information about or descriptions of individual members of standard_value_set_desc~stdvalsetd~the standard value set. standard_value_type~stdvaltype~The standard_value_type element indicates the type of standard_value_type~stdvaltype~standard value which exists for a PDS data element. Example standard_value_type~stdvaltype~values: static - values for the data element exist in a standard_value_type~stdvaltype~defined and fixed set of standard values, dynamic - standard_value_type~stdvaltype~values for the data element must either exist in a set of standard_value_type~stdvaltype~defined standard values or be approved by peer review for standard_value_type~stdvaltype~inclusion to the set of standard values, suggest - standard_value_type~stdvaltype~values for the data element must exist in a set of defined standard_value_type~stdvaltype~standard values or may be added to the set of standard standard_value_type~stdvaltype~values with no requirement for peer review, range - standard_value_type~stdvaltype~values for the data element must fall within a default range standard_value_type~stdvaltype~specified with the minimum and maximum elements, standard_value_type~stdvaltype~formation - values for the data element must conform to a standard_value_type~stdvaltype~formation rule. stop_azimuth~stopaz~The STOP_AZIMUTH is the angular distance from a fixed reference stop_azimuth~stopaz~position at which an image or observation stops. Azimuth is measured stop_azimuth~stopaz~in a spherical coordinate system, in a plane normal to the principal stop_azimuth~stopaz~axis. Azimuth values increase according to the right hand rule stop_azimuth~stopaz~relative to the positive direction of the principal axis of the stop_azimuth~stopaz~spherical coordinate system. stop_delimiting_parameter~stopdelimprm~The stop_delimiting_parameter element provides the ending stop_delimiting_parameter~stopdelimprm~parameter value which, together with the stop_delimiting_parameter~stopdelimprm~start_delimiting_parameter value, delimits a subset of stop_delimiting_parameter~stopdelimprm~data. stop_orbit_number~stoporbnum~The stop_orbit_number data element provides the the highest stop_orbit_number~stoporbnum~revolution orbit number that contributed data to a given stop_orbit_number~stoporbnum~data product. stop_sample_number~stopsampnum~The stop_sample_number element identifies the highest of stop_sample_number~stopsampnum~the sample numbers which define the orbit sequence portion stop_sample_number~stopsampnum~located within a given bin. stop_sequence_number~stopseqnum~The stop_sequence_number element provides the number of the stop_sequence_number~stopseqnum~last sequence in a revolution. See sequence_number. stop_time~stoptime~The stop_time element provides the date and time of the end stop_time~stoptime~of an observation or event (whether it be a spacecraft, stop_time~stoptime~ground-based, or system event) in UTC system format. stop_time~stoptime~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.fff] stop_time_from_closest_aprch~stoptmclsapr~The stop_time_from_closest_approach element provides the stop_time_from_closest_aprch~stoptmclsapr~time from spacecraft periapsis at the end of a sequence. stop_time_from_closest_aprch~stoptmclsapr~See time_from_closest_approach. storage_level_id~storlvlid~The storage_level_id element identifies a particular storage storage_level_id~storlvlid~level. storage_level_id~storlvlid~For example, if the complete pathname for a stored data file storage_level_id~storlvlid~is 'JPLPDS::DISK$USER1:[JJEANS.UNIVERSE]DESCRPTR.LIS' then storage_level_id~storlvlid~the storage_level_id element value will be one storage_level_id~storlvlid~of the following: JPLPDS, DISK$USER1, JJEANS, UNIVERSE, storage_level_id~storlvlid~DESCRPTR.LIS. storage_level_number~storlvlnum~The storage_level_number element describes the position of a storage_level_number~storlvlnum~given storage level within the overall storage hierarchy of storage_level_number~storlvlnum~an entire data set, data product, or SPICE kernel. storage_level_number~storlvlnum~As many storage levels are documented as are necessary to storage_level_number~storlvlnum~identify the data. Level 0 indicates the highest storage storage_level_number~storlvlnum~level, which successively higher level numbers indicate storage_level_number~storlvlnum~successively lower levels in the storage hierarchy. storage_level_type~storlvltype~The storage_level_type element identifies the type of storage_level_type~storlvltype~storage structure to which a given storage_level_number storage_level_type~storlvltype~refers. storage_level_type~storlvltype~Example values: DATABASE, PHOTOGRAPHIC FRAME NUMBER, TAPE storage_level_type~storlvltype~REEL NUMBER, VAX COMPUTER, VAX DIRECTORY, VAX FILE, VAX storage_level_type~storlvltype~SUBDIRECTORY. stretched_flag~stretchedflg~The stretched_flag element indicates whether a data object stretched_flag~stretchedflg~has been stretched using the minimum_stretch and stretched_flag~stretchedflg~maximum_stretch parameters. A value of TRUE means that it stretched_flag~stretchedflg~has been stretched and a value of FALSE means it has not stretched_flag~stretchedflg~been stretched. stretch_maximum~stretchmax~The stretch_maximum element provides the sample value in a stretch_maximum~stretchmax~data object which should normally be mapped to the highest stretch_maximum~stretchmax~display value available on an output device for optimum stretch_maximum~stretchmax~viewing. Sample values between stretch_minimum and stretch_maximum~stretchmax~stretch_maximum values are linearly interpolated over the stretch_maximum~stretchmax~dynamic range of the display device. If it is necessary to stretch_maximum~stretchmax~map the sample value to a value other than the highest stretch_maximum~stretchmax~display value (normally 255), the stretch_minimum is stretch_maximum~stretchmax~expressed as a sequence of values, where the first value stretch_maximum~stretchmax~represents the sample value in the data object and the stretch_maximum~stretchmax~second value represents the target output value to the stretch_maximum~stretchmax~display device. For example: stretch_maximum~stretchmax~stretch_maximum = 120 stretch_maximum~stretchmax~indicates that sample values greater than 120 should be stretch_maximum~stretchmax~mapped to 255 on the output device. stretch_maximum~stretchmax~stretch_minimum = (120,230) stretch_maximum~stretchmax~indicates that sample values greater than 120 stretch_maximum~stretchmax~should be mapped to 230 on the output device. stretch_maximum~stretchmax~The STRETCHED_FLAG keyword indicates whether the stretch has stretch_maximum~stretchmax~already been applied to the data (stretched_flag = true) or stretch_maximum~stretchmax~whether it needs to be applied (stretched_flag = false). stretch_minimum~stretchmin~The stretch_minimum element provides the sample value in a stretch_minimum~stretchmin~data object which should normally be mapped to the highest stretch_minimum~stretchmin~display value available on an output device for optimum stretch_minimum~stretchmin~viewing. Sample values between stretch_minimum and stretch_minimum~stretchmin~stretch_maximum values are linearly interpolated over the stretch_minimum~stretchmin~dynamic range of the display device. If it is necessary to stretch_minimum~stretchmin~map the sample value to a value other than the highest stretch_minimum~stretchmin~display value (normally 255), the stretch_minimum is stretch_minimum~stretchmin~expressed as a sequence of values, where the first value stretch_minimum~stretchmin~represents the sample value in the data object and the stretch_minimum~stretchmin~second value represents the target output value to the stretch_minimum~stretchmin~display device. For example: stretch_minimum~stretchmin~stretch_maximum = 120 stretch_minimum~stretchmin~indicates that sample values greater than 120 should be stretch_minimum~stretchmin~mapped to 255 on the output device. stretch_minimum~stretchmin~stretch_minimum = (120,230) stretch_minimum~stretchmin~indicates that sample values greater than 120 stretch_minimum~stretchmin~should be mapped to 230 on the output device. stretch_minimum~stretchmin~The STRETCHED_FLAG keyword indicates whether the stretch has stretch_minimum~stretchmin~already been applied to the data (stretched_flag = true) or stretch_minimum~stretchmin~whether it needs to be applied (stretched_flag = false). start_delimiting_parameter~strtdelimprm~The start_delimiting_parameter element provides the start_delimiting_parameter~strtdelimprm~beginning parameter value which, together with the start_delimiting_parameter~strtdelimprm~stop_delimiting_parameter value, delimits a subset of data. start_julian_date~strtjuldate~The start_julian_date element provides the Julian date of start_julian_date~strtjuldate~the start of a time period of interest. Julian date is start_julian_date~strtjuldate~defined as an integer count of days elapsed since noon, start_julian_date~strtjuldate~January 1, 4713 B.C. Thus, the Julian date of noon January 1, start_julian_date~strtjuldate~1960 (A.D.) is 2436935. start_time_from_closest_aprch~strtmclsapr~The start_time_from_closest_approach element provides the start_time_from_closest_aprch~strtmclsapr~time from spacecraft periapsis at the beginning of a start_time_from_closest_aprch~strtmclsapr~sequence. See time_from_closest_approach. start_page_number~strtpagenum~The start_page_number element identifies the beginning page start_page_number~strtpagenum~number of a reference document which appears (as an start_page_number~strtpagenum~article, for example) in a journal, report or other start_page_number~strtpagenum~published work. start_rescan_number~strtrscannum~The START_RESCAN_NUMBER is the scan line number at which the rescan start_rescan_number~strtrscannum~mode begins. The rescan mode consists of scanning either vertically or start_rescan_number~strtrscannum~horizontally repeatedly at the same azimuth. start_sample_number~strtsampnum~The start_sample_number element identifies the lowest of start_sample_number~strtsampnum~the sample numbers which define the orbit sequence portion start_sample_number~strtsampnum~located within a given bin. start_sequence_number~strtseqnum~The start_sequence_number element provides the number of start_sequence_number~strtseqnum~the first sequence in a revolution. See sequence_number. start_time~strttime~The start_time element provides the date and time of start_time~strttime~the beginning of an event or observation (whether it start_time~strttime~be a spacecraft, ground-based, or system event) in start_time~strttime~UTC system format. start_time~strttime~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.fff] start_time_base~strttimebase~The start_time_base element provides the elapsed time from start_time_base~strttimebase~the beginning of each frame to the beginning of a particular start_time_base~strttimebase~mode. satellite_time_from_clst_apr~sttmclstapr~The SATELLITE_TIME_FROM_CLST_APR element provides the time satellite_time_from_clst_apr~sttmclstapr~from closest approach to the nearest satellite. This satellite_time_from_clst_apr~sttmclstapr~element can be represented with a negative value, (e.g. satellite_time_from_clst_apr~sttmclstapr~before the satellite encounter). This element should not satellite_time_from_clst_apr~sttmclstapr~be confused with TIME_FROM_CLOSEST_APPROACH which is the satellite_time_from_clst_apr~sttmclstapr~from closest approach to the central body. sub_light_source_azimuth~sublitsrcaz~The sub_light_source_azimuth element provides the value of sub_light_source_azimuth~sublitsrcaz~the angle between the line from the center of an image to sub_light_source_azimuth~sublitsrcaz~the sub-light-source point and a horizontal reference line sub_light_source_azimuth~sublitsrcaz~(in the image plane) extending from the image center to the sub_light_source_azimuth~sublitsrcaz~middle right edge of the image. sub_light_source_latitude~sublitsrclat~The sub_light_source_latitude element provides the latitude sub_light_source_latitude~sublitsrclat~of the sub-light-source point. The sub-light-source point sub_light_source_latitude~sublitsrclat~is the point on a body that lies under the light source. sub_light_source_longitude~sublitsrclon~The sub_light_source_longitude element provides the sub_light_source_longitude~sublitsrclon~longitude of the sub-light-source point. The sub_light_source_longitude~sublitsrclon~sub-light-source point is the point on a body that lies sub_light_source_longitude~sublitsrclon~under the light source. sub_object_name~subobjname~The sub_object_name element provides the template object sub_object_name~subobjname~name for a child object name subordinate to a parent object sub_object_name~subobjname~name. This object name is used by the catalog bulk loading sub_object_name~subobjname~software to establish a hierarchy between template objects. sub_object_name~subobjname~For full definitions of the terms object and sub-object, sub_object_name~subobjname~please refer to PDS standards documentation. sub_spacecraft_azimuth~subscaz~The sub_spacecraft_azimuth element provides the value of sub_spacecraft_azimuth~subscaz~the angle between the line from the center of an image to sub_spacecraft_azimuth~subscaz~the subspacecraft point and a horizontal reference line (in sub_spacecraft_azimuth~subscaz~the image plane) extending from the image center to the sub_spacecraft_azimuth~subscaz~middle right edge of the image. sub_spacecraft_azimuth~subscaz~The values of this angle increase in a clockwise direction. sub_spacecraft_latitude~subsclat~The sub_spacecraft_latitude element provides the latitude of sub_spacecraft_latitude~subsclat~the subspacecraft point. The subspacecraft point is that sub_spacecraft_latitude~subsclat~point on a body which lies directly beneath the spacecraft. sub_spacecraft_line~subscline~The sub_spacecraft_line element is the image line containing the sub- sub_spacecraft_line~subscline~spacecraft point. The subspacecraft point is that point on a body's sub_spacecraft_line~subscline~reference surface where a line from the spacecraft center to the body sub_spacecraft_line~subscline~center intersects the surface. sub_spacecraft_line_sample~subsclinesmp~The sub_spacecraft_line_sample element is the image sample coordinate sub_spacecraft_line_sample~subsclinesmp~containing the supspacecraft point. The subspacecraft point is that sub_spacecraft_line_sample~subsclinesmp~point on a body's reference surface where a line from the spacecraft sub_spacecraft_line_sample~subsclinesmp~center to the body center intersects the surface. sub_spacecraft_longitude~subsclon~The sub_spacecraft_longitude element provides the longitude sub_spacecraft_longitude~subsclon~of the subspacecraft point. The subspacecraft point is that sub_spacecraft_longitude~subsclon~point on a body's reference surface where a line from the spacecraft sub_spacecraft_longitude~subsclon~center to the body center intersects the surface. sub_spacecraft_longitude~subsclon~ sub_spacecraft_longitude~subsclon~Note: The coordinate_system_type data element should be used in con- sub_spacecraft_longitude~subsclon~junction with this data element sub_solar_azimuth~subsolaz~The sub_solar_azimuth element provides the value of the sub_solar_azimuth~subsolaz~angle between the line from the center of an image to the sub_solar_azimuth~subsolaz~subsolar point and a horizontal reference line (in the sub_solar_azimuth~subsolaz~image plane) extending from the image center to the middle sub_solar_azimuth~subsolaz~right edge of the image. sub_solar_azimuth~subsolaz~The values of this angle increase in a clockwise direction. sub_solar_latitude~subsollat~The sub_solar_latitude element provides the latitude of the subsolar sub_solar_latitude~subsollat~point. The subsolar point is that point on a body's reference surface sub_solar_latitude~subsollat~where a line from the body center to the sun center intersects that sub_solar_latitude~subsollat~surface. sub_solar_longitude~subsollon~The sub_solar_longitude element provides the longitude of the subsolar sub_solar_longitude~subsollon~point. The subsolar point is that point on a body's reference surface sub_solar_longitude~subsollon~where a line from the body center to the sun center intersects that sub_solar_longitude~subsollon~surface. sub_solar_longitude~subsollon~ sub_solar_longitude~subsollon~Note: The coordinate_system_type data element should be used in con- sub_solar_longitude~subsollon~junction with this data element suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~The xxx_suffix_high_instr_sat element of a 1-3 dimensional suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~qube object (where xxx is an axis name of the qube) suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~provides the sequence of high instrument saturation values suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~of the suffix items along the xxx axis. The length of the suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~sequence is specified by the axes element, and its order suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~must correspond to the order of names in the suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS Qube, the suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and BAND. For suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~the BAND axis, for example, the element will be named suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~BAND_SUFFIX_HIGH_INSTR_SAT. suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~Each high instrument saturation value identifies the special suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~value whose presence indicates the measuring instrument was suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~saturated at the high end. This value must be algebraically suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~less than the value of the xxx_suffix_valid_minimum element. suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~For Standard ISIS Qubes, a value been chosen by ISIS suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~convention. The general data type of the value is suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~determined by the corresponding xxx_suffix_item_type suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~element. If the latter is integer or unsigned integer, the suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~general data type is integer. If core_item_type is real, suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~the value will be hardware- specific (or rather suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~floating-point-representation-specific) so that it may be suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~specified exactly near the bottom of the allowable range of suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) general data type is suffix_high_instr_sat~suffhinstsat~used for this purpose; e.g. 16#FFFCFFFF# for a VAX. suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~The xxx_suffix_item_type element of a 1-3 dimensional qube suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) provides the suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~sequence of data types of the suffix items along the xxx suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~axis. The length of the sequence is specified by the axes suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~element, and its order must correspond to the order of suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~names in the xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~Qube, the axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~BAND. For the BAND axis, for example, the element will be suffix_item_type~suffitemtype~named BAND_SUFFIX_ITEM_TYPE. suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~The xxx_suffix_item_bytes element of a 1-3 dimensional qube suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) provides the suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~sequence of sizes (in bytes) of the suffix items along the suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~xxx axis. Though all items occupy the number of bytes suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~specified by the suffix_bytes element, an item may be suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~defined to be less than 4 bytes in length. The length of suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~the sequence is specified by the axes element, and its suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~order must correspond to the order of names in the suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS Qube, the suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and BAND. For the suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~BAND axis, for example, the element will be named suffix_item_bytes~suffitmbytes~BAND_SUFFIX_ITEM_BYTES. suffix_base~suffixbase~The xxx_suffix_base element of a 1-3 dimensional qube suffix_base~suffixbase~object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) provides the suffix_base~suffixbase~sequence of base values of the suffix items along the xxx suffix_base~suffixbase~axis. The length of the sequence is specified by the axes suffix_base~suffixbase~element, and its order must correspond to the order of suffix_base~suffixbase~names in the xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS suffix_base~suffixbase~Qube, the axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and suffix_base~suffixbase~BAND. For the BAND axis, for example, the element will be suffix_base~suffixbase~named BAND_SUFFIX_BASE. Each base value, together with the suffix_base~suffixbase~corresponding multiplier, describes the scaling performed suffix_base~suffixbase~on a 'true' data value to compute the value stored in the suffix_base~suffixbase~suffix location. It also defines the method for recovering suffix_base~suffixbase~the 'true' value: suffix_base~suffixbase~'true' value = base + multiplier * stored value suffix_base~suffixbase~In ISIS practice, the value of the base is suffix_base~suffixbase~0.0 for real items, since scaling is not usually necessary suffix_base~suffixbase~for floating point data. suffix_base~suffixbase~NOTE: Base and multiplier correspond directly to the suffix_base~suffixbase~data elements OFFSET and SCALING_FACTOR. suffix_bytes~suffixbytes~The suffix_bytes element identifies the allocation in bytes suffix_bytes~suffixbytes~of each suffix data value. It is the unit of the suffix_bytes~suffixbytes~dimensions specified by the suffix_items element. In the suffix_bytes~suffixbytes~current build of ISIS, suffix_bytes must always be 4. This suffix_bytes~suffixbytes~means that all suffix items (unlike core items) occupy 4 suffix_bytes~suffixbytes~bytes, even though in some cases the defined suffix data suffix_bytes~suffixbytes~value may be less than 4 bytes in length. suffix_items~suffixitems~The suffix_items element provides the sequence of suffix_items~suffixitems~dimensions of the suffix areas of a qube data object. The suffix_items~suffixitems~suffix size of the most frequently varying axis is given suffix_items~suffixitems~first. The length of the sequence is specified by the axes suffix_items~suffixitems~element, and its order must correspond to the order of suffix_items~suffixitems~dimensions in the core_items element, and the order of suffix_items~suffixitems~names in the axis_name element. Each suffix dimension is suffix_items~suffixitems~measured in units of the suffix_bytes element. In a suffix_items~suffixitems~Standard ISIS Qube, suffix items along the SAMPLE, LINE and suffix_items~suffixitems~BAND axes correspond to 'sideplanes', bottomplanes' and suffix_items~suffixitems~'backplanes', respectively, of the core of the qube. suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~The xxx_suffix_multiplier element of a 1-3 dimensional qube suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) provides the suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~sequence of multipliers of the suffix items along the xxx suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~axis. The length of the sequence is specified by the axes suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~element, and its order must correspond to the order of suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~names in the xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~Qube, the axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~BAND. For the BAND axis, for example, the element will be suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~named BAND_SUFFIX_MULTIPLIER. Each multiplier, together suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~with the corresponding base value, describes the scaling suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~performed on a 'true' data value to compute the value suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~stored in the suffix location. It also defines the method suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~for recovering the 'true' value: suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~'true'_value = base + multiplier * stored_value suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~ In ISIS practice, the value of suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~the multiplier is 1.0 for real items, since scaling is not suffix_multiplier~suffixmult~usually necessary for floating point data. suffix_name~suffixname~The xxx_suffix_name element of a 1-3 dimensional qube suffix_name~suffixname~object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) provides the suffix_name~suffixname~sequence of names of the suffix items along the xxx axis. suffix_name~suffixname~The length of the sequence is specified by the axes suffix_name~suffixname~element, and its order must correspond to the order of suffix_name~suffixname~dimensions in the core_items and suffix_items elements. In suffix_name~suffixname~a Standard ISIS Qube, the axis names are restricted to suffix_name~suffixname~SAMPLE, LINE and BAND. For the BAND axis, for example, the suffix_name~suffixname~element will be named BAND_SUFFIX_NAME. Band suffix planes suffix_name~suffixname~(backplanes) are commonly used to store geometry and other suffix_name~suffixname~information corresponding at each pixel to the pixels of suffix_name~suffixname~the core planes, such as latitude and longitude. suffix_null~suffixnull~The xxx_suffix_null element of a 1-3 dimensional qube suffix_null~suffixnull~object (where xxx is an axis name of the qube) provides the suffix_null~suffixnull~sequence of null values of the suffix items along the xxx suffix_null~suffixnull~axis. The length of the sequence is specified by the axes suffix_null~suffixnull~element, and its order must correspond to the order of suffix_null~suffixnull~names in the xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS suffix_null~suffixnull~Qube, the axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and suffix_null~suffixnull~BAND. For the BAND axis, for example, the element will be suffix_null~suffixnull~named BAND_SUFFIX_NULL. suffix_null~suffixnull~Each null value identifies the special value whose presence suffix_null~suffixnull~ indicates missing data. This value must be algebraically suffix_null~suffixnull~less than the value of the xxx_suffix_valid_minimum suffix_null~suffixnull~element. For Standard ISIS Qubes, the null value is chosen suffix_null~suffixnull~to be the algebraically smallest value allowed by suffix_null~suffixnull~the xxx_suffix_item_type and xxx_suffix_item_bytes suffix_null~suffixnull~elements. The general data type of the null value is suffix_null~suffixnull~determined by the corresponding xxx_suffix_item_type suffix_null~suffixnull~element. If the latter is integer or unsigned integer, suffix_null~suffixnull~the general data type is integer. If core_item_type suffix_null~suffixnull~is real, the value will be hardware-specific suffix_null~suffixnull~(or rather floating-point-representation-specific) suffix_null~suffixnull~so that it may be specified exactly at the bottom of the suffix_null~suffixnull~allowable range of values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) suffix_null~suffixnull~general data type is used for this purpose; e.g. suffix_null~suffixnull~16#FFFFFFFF# for a VAX. NOTE: The SUFFIX_NULL element suffix_null~suffixnull~corresponds directly to the PDS standard data element suffix_null~suffixnull~MISSING. suffix_unit~suffixunit~The xxx_suffix_unit element of a 1-3 dimensional qube suffix_unit~suffixunit~object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) provides the suffix_unit~suffixunit~sequence of scientific units of the suffix items along the suffix_unit~suffixunit~xxx axis. The length of the sequence is specified by the suffix_unit~suffixunit~axes element, and its order must correspond to the order of suffix_unit~suffixunit~names in the xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS suffix_unit~suffixunit~Qube, the axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and suffix_unit~suffixunit~BAND. For the BAND axis, for example, the element will be suffix_unit~suffixunit~named BAND_SUFFIX_UNIT. suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~The xxx_suffix_low_instr_sat element of a 1-3 dimensional suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~qube object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~provides the sequence of low instrument saturation values suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~of the suffix items along the xxx axis. The length of the suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~sequence is specified by the axes element, and its order suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~must correspond to the order of names in the suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS Qube, the suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and BAND. For suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~the BAND axis, for example, the element will be named suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~BAND_SUFFIX_LOW_INSTR_SAT. suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~Each low instrument saturation value identifies the special suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~value whose presence indicates the measuring instrument suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~was saturated at the low end. This value must be suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~algebraically less than the value of the suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~xxx_suffix_valid_minimum element. For Standard ISIS Qubes, suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~a value been chosen by ISIS convention. The general data suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~type of the value is determined by the corresponding suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~xxx_suffix_item_type element. If the latter is integer or suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~unsigned integer, the general data type is integer. If suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~core_item_type is real, the value will be hardware- suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~specific (or rather floating-point-representation-specific) suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~so that it may be specified exactly near the bottom of the suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~allowable range of values. A non-decimal (hexadecimal) suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~general data type is used for this purpose; e.g. suffix_low_instr_sat~sufflinstsat~16#FFFDFFFF# for a VAX. suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~The xxx_suffix_low_repr_sat element of a 1-3 dimensional suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~qube object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~provides the sequence of low representation saturation suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~values of the suffix items along the xxx axis. The length suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~of the sequence is specified by the axes element, and its suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~order must correspond to the order of names in the suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS Qube, the suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and BAND. For suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~the BAND axis, for example, the element will be named suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~BAND_SUFFIX_LOW_REPR_SAT. suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~Each low representation saturation value identifies the suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~special value whose presence indicates the true value cannot suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~ be represented in the chosen data type and length suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~-- in this case being below the allowable range -- suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~which may happen during conversion from another data type. suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~This value must be algebraically less than the value of suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~the xxx_suffix_valid_minimum element. suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~For Standard ISIS Qubes, a value has been chosen suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~by ISIS convention. The general data type of the value is suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~determined by the corresponding xxx_suffix_item_type suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~element. If the latter is integer or unsigned integer, the suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~general data type is integer. If the corresponding suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~xx_suffix_item_type is real, the value will be suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~hardware-specific (or rather floating-point-representation- suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~specific) so that it may be specified exactly near the suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~bottom of the allowable range of values. A non-decimal suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~(hexadecimal) general data type is used for this purpose; suffix_low_repr_sat~sufflreprsat~e.g. 16#FFFEFFFF# for a VAX. suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~The xxx_suffix_valid_minimum element of a 1-3 dimensional suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~qube object (where xxx is an axis_name of the qube) suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~provides the sequence of valid minima of the suffix items suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~along the xxx axis. The length of the sequence is specified suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~by the axes element, and its order must correspond to the suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~order of names in the xxx_suffix_names element. In a suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~Standard ISIS Qube, the axis names are restricted to suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~SAMPLE, LINE and BAND. For the BAND axis, for example, the suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~element will be named BAND_SUFFIX_VALID_MINIMUM. suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~Suffix item values algebraically less than the corresponding suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~valid minimum are reserved for special values indicating suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~missing data or various types of invalid data. The general suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~data type of this element is determined by the suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~xxx_suffix_item_type element. If the latter is integer or suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~unsigned integer, the general data type is integer. If suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~xxx_suffix_item_type is real, the general data type is suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~non-decimal (hexadecimal, e.g. 16#FFEFFFFF#) so that a suffix_valid_minimum~suffvalidmin~hardward-specific special value may be specified exactly. suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~The xxx_suffix_high_repr_sat element of a 1-3 dimensional suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~qube object (where xxx is an axis name of the qube) suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~provides the sequence of high representation saturation suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~values of the suffix items along the xxx axis. The length suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~of the sequence is specified by the axes element, and its suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~order must correspond to the order of names in the suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~xxx_suffix_names element. In a Standard ISIS Qube, the suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~axis names are restricted to SAMPLE, LINE and BAND. For suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~the BAND axis, for example, the element will be named suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~BAND_SUFFIX_HIGH_REPR_SAT. suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~Each high representation saturation value identifies suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~the special value whose presence indicates the true suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~value cannot be represented in the chosen data type and suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~length -- in this case being above the allowable range -- suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~which may happen during conversion from another data type. suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~This value must be algebraically less than the value of suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~the xxx_suffix_valid_minimum element. For Standard ISIS suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~Qubes, a value has been chosen by ISIS convention. suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~The general data type of the value is determined by the suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~corresponding xxx_suffix_item_type element. If the latter suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~is integer or unsigned integer, the general data type is suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~integer. If the corresponding xxx_suffix_item_type is suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~real, the value will be hardware-specific suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~(or rather floating-point-representation-specific) suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~so that it may be specified exactly near the suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~bottom of the allowable range of values. A non-decimal suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~(hexadecimal) general data type is used for this purpose; suffix_high_repr_sat~sufhreprsat~e.g. 16#FFFBFFFF# for a VAX. support_request_desc~supreqd~The support_request_desc element provides a textual support_request_desc~supreqd~description of an official PDS support request as recorded support_request_desc~supreqd~by the PDS operator after talking with a PDS user about a support_request_desc~supreqd~problem with the PDS. support_request_date~supreqdate~The support_request_date element provides the date that a support_request_date~supreqdate~support request was taken by the PDS operator. support_request_no~suprequestnu~The support_request_number provides a computer assigned support_request_no~suprequestnu~unique number given to each support request recorded by the support_request_no~suprequestnu~Central Node PDS operator. support_resolution~supres~The support_resolution element provides the textual support_resolution~supres~description of the resolution to a problem recorded by the support_resolution~supres~PDS operator. support_resolution_date~supresdate~The support_resolution_date element provides the date that support_resolution_date~supresdate~a support request was resolved by the PDS. support_staff_full_name~supstaffname~The support_staff_name element provides the full name of the support_staff_full_name~supstaffname~PDS person entering the support request information into support_staff_full_name~supstaffname~the PDS. See also: full_name. surface_temperature~surfacetemp~ The surface_temperature element provides the value of the surface_temperature~surfacetemp~physical surface temperature of the radiometer footprint, surface_temperature~surfacetemp~calculated from average_planetary_radius and the surface_temperature~surfacetemp~project-adopted atmospheric model. surface_clarity_percentage~surfclarpct~The surface_clarity_percentage element provides an estimate surface_clarity_percentage~surfclarpct~of the fraction of an image or observation of a surface surface_clarity_percentage~surfclarpct~which is unobscured (as by clouds). surface_clarity_percentage~surfclarpct~Surface_clarity_percentage is defined as the ratio of the surface_clarity_percentage~surfclarpct~unobscured area to the total observed area. surface_gravity~surfgrav~The surface_gravity element provides the average surface_gravity~surfgrav~gravitational acceleration at the surface of a target body. surface_gravity~surfgrav~Surface_gravity is computed from the mass and mean radius surface_gravity~surfgrav~of the target body. software_accessibility_desc~swaccessd~The software_access_desc element provides a description of software_accessibility_desc~swaccessd~the software's accessibility related to the software_type element. software_desc~swd~The software_desc element describes the functions performed software_desc~swd~by the data processing software. If the subject software is software_desc~swd~a program library, this element may provide a list of the software_desc~swd~contents of the library. software_flag~swflag~The software_flag element is a yes-or-no flag which software_flag~swflag~indicates whether documented software exists which can be software_flag~swflag~used to process a data set. software_id~swid~The software_id element is a short-hand notation for the software name, software_id~swid~typically sixteen characters in length or less (e.g., tbtool,lablib3). software_license_type~swlicensetyp~The software_license_type element indicates the licensing category software_license_type~swlicensetyp~under which this software falls. software_name~swname~The software_name element identifies data processing software_name~swname~software such as a program or a program library. software_purpose~swpurpose~The software_purpose element describes the intended use of the software_purpose~swpurpose~software. software_release_date~swreleasedt~The software_release_date element provides the date as of software_release_date~swreleasedt~which a program was released for use. software_release_date~swreleasedt~Formation rule: YYYY-MM-DD software_type~swtype~The software_type element associates a PDS software type software_type~swtype~with the processing software. software_version_id~swverid~The software_version_id element indicates the version software_version_id~swverid~(development level) of a program or a program library. synodic_rotation_period~synrotper~The synodic_rotation_period element provides the time synodic_rotation_period~synrotper~period required for a solar system object to complete one synodic_rotation_period~synrotper~full rotation about its primary, returning to the same synodic_rotation_period~synrotper~position in space relative to its primary. system_bulletin_desc~sysbulletd~The system_bulletin_desc element is the text of a PDS system_bulletin_desc~sysbulletd~system bulletin. system_bulletin_date~sysbulletdt~The system_bulletin_date element is the date and time system_bulletin_date~sysbulletdt~when the PDS operator logged a PDS system bulletin. system_bulletin_id~sysbulletid~The system_bulletin_id element is a unique integer that system_bulletin_id~sysbulletid~identifies a PDS system bulletin. system_bulletin_type~sysbullettyp~The system_bulletin_type element is a keyword that system_bulletin_type~sysbullettyp~describes the type of bulletin displayed. system_classification_id~sysclassid~The system_classification_id data element identifies a system_classification_id~sysclassid~data element or object according to the data system that system_classification_id~sysclassid~uses it. In this document, system_classification_id is an system_classification_id~sysclassid~indexing mechanism for data element names, to allow them to system_classification_id~sysclassid~be identified as either system-specific, or recommended for system_classification_id~sysclassid~common use. See also: general_classification_type. system_event_date~sysevtdate~The system_event_date element provides the beginning date system_event_date~sysevtdate~of a PDS scheduled event. system_event_user_note~sysevtusernt~The system_event_user_note element provides information system_event_user_note~sysevtusernt~about a system event. system_event_user_note~sysevtusernt~Example value: THE SYSTEM WILL BE DOWN FOR PREVENTATIVE system_event_user_note~sysevtusernt~MAINTENANCE FROM NOON UNTIL MIDNIGHT. system_expertise_level~sysexprtlvl~The system_expertise_level element identifies an system_expertise_level~sysexprtlvl~individual's level of expertise in the use of the PDS system_expertise_level~sysexprtlvl~capabilities. target_center_distance~targctrdist~The target_center_distance element provides the distance target_center_distance~targctrdist~between an instrument and the center of mass of the named target. target_desc~targetd~The target_desc element describes the target_desc~targetd~characteristics of a particular target. target_name~targname~The target_name element identifies a target. The target target_name~targname~may be a planet, satellite,ring,region, feature, target_name~targname~asteroid or comet. See target_type. target_parameter_name~targparmname~The target_parameter_name element provides the name of target_parameter_name~targparmname~a dynamic or physical parameter associated with a given target_parameter_name~targparmname~target. This element may take as values only those target_parameter_name~targparmname~names that are proper element names for the various target_parameter_name~targparmname~dynamic and physical parameters cataloged as part of target_parameter_name~targparmname~target information. Example values: BOND_ALBEDO, target_parameter_name~targparmname~MEAN_SURFACE_TEMPERATURE, OBLIQUITY, target_parameter_name~targparmname~ORBITAL_INCLINATION. target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~The target_parameter_uncertainty element provides the target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~numeric value of the uncertainty associated with the value target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~given for a particular target parameter, whose name is target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~provided in the associated target_parameter_name element. target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~The uncertainty is expressed in the same units as the value target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~of the parameter itself, and gives some measure of the target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~provider's estimate of the reliability of a particular value target_parameter_uncertainty~targparmunct~stored in the catalog. See also target_parameter_value. target_parameter_value~targparmval~The target_parameter_value element provides the numeric target_parameter_value~targparmval~value associated with a particular target parameter, whose target_parameter_value~targparmval~name is provided in the associated target_parameter_name target_parameter_value~targparmval~element. Each value provided is associated with a target_parameter_value~targparmval~particular source, which is completely referenced in the target_parameter_value~targparmval~associated data_source_desc. See also target_parameter_value~targparmval~target_parameter_uncertainty, target_parameter_epoch. target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~The target_parameter_epoch element provides the reference target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~epoch for the value associated with a particular target target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~parameter, whose name is provided in the target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~target_parameter_name element. The reference epoch is the target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~date and time associated with measurement of a quantity target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~which may vary with time. For example, the value provided target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~for the obliquity of a planet will be given for a target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~measurement taken at a specified time. That time will be target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~referenced in the target_parameter_epoch element. See also target_parameter_epoch~targprmepoch~target_parameter_value. target_type~targtype~The target_type element identifies the type of a named target_type~targtype~target. target_type~targtype~Example values: PLANET, SATELLITE, RING, REGION, FEATURE, target_type~targtype~ASTEROID, COMET. task_name~taskname~The task_name element identifies the task with which an task_name~taskname~individual is or was affiliated during his or her task_name~taskname~association with a particular institution. task_name~taskname~Note that `task' affiliations are distinct from task_name~taskname~`mission' affiliations. table_bl_name~tblblname~The table_bl_name element represents the data base tersename table_bl_name~tblblname~used by the loader software to map a template value to a table_bl_name~tblblname~column in a table. There exists a unique mapping for each table_bl_name~tblblname~template keyword=value occurrence table_bl_name~tblblname~identifies the data base column. The formulation of the table_bl_name~tblblname~tblblname is governed by rules and abbreviations as defined table_bl_name~tblblname~in the PDS Data Administration Plan document. table_desc~tbld~The table_desc element provides the ascii text description table_desc~tbld~for a table in the PDS data base. table_name~tblname~The table_name element provides a unique name for a table table_name~tblname~in the PDS data base. All tables in the data base will have table_name~tblname~a name and a description. table_storage_type~tblstortype~The table_storage_type element indicates the order of table_storage_type~tblstortype~storage for entries in a table. For enhanced portability table_storage_type~tblstortype~and ease of display, the default and recommended storage table_storage_type~tblstortype~type for tables is row major. table_type~tbltype~The table_type element denotes whether the table contains table_type~tbltype~High Level Catalog data, Detailed Level Catalog Data table_type~tbltype~(Image), Detailed Level Catalog (Fields and Particles) data, table_type~tbltype~ or system data. Examples: H, F, I, or S technical_support_type~techsupport~The technical_support_type element indicates the type of support technical_support_type~techsupport~provided for a piece of software. SOURCE_NAME = "PDS CN/S. technical_support_type~techsupport~Hughes telephone_number~telephonenum~The telephone_number element provides the area code, telephone_number~telephonenum~telephone number and extension (if any) of an individual or telephone_number~telephonenum~node. See also: fts_number. telescope_site_radius~telsiterad~ The telescope_site_radius element indicates the radial telescope_site_radius~telsiterad~distance of a telescope site from the Earth's center. temperature_translation_desc~temptransd~The temperature_translation_desc element provides temperature_translation_desc~temptransd~the conversion necessary to translate an instrument's temperature_translation_desc~temptransd~transmitted temperature reading to a value which is temperature_translation_desc~temptransd~relative to a standard temperature scale. terse_name~tersename~The terse_name element supplies a twelve-character unique terse_name~tersename~identifier for a data element and is an alternative to the terse_name~tersename~thirty-character data element name. In the PDS, the terse terse_name~tersename~name is an abbreviation of the data element name, according terse_name~tersename~to the abbreviations documented in the Planetary Science terse_name~tersename~Data Dictionary. threshold_cost~thrshldcost~The threshold_cost element provides the maximum cost which threshold_cost~thrshldcost~is compared to the order item's calculated cost. When the threshold_cost~thrshldcost~threshold cost is exceeded, the order item is not accepted threshold_cost~thrshldcost~by the PDS order function. time_from_closest_approach~timeclsapr~The time_from_closest_approach element provides the time with respect time_from_closest_approach~timeclsapr~to periapsis or closest approach. telescope_latitude~tlat~The telescope_latitude element indicates the planetographic telescope_latitude~tlat~latitude of a telescope site on the Earth's surface. telescope_longitude~tlong~ The telescope_longitude element indicates the longitude of telescope_longitude~tlong~a telescope site on the Earth's surface. East longitudes telescope_longitude~tlong~are positive and west longitudes are negative. telescope_diameter~tlscpdiam~The telescope_diameter element provides the diameter of the telescope_diameter~tlscpdiam~primary mirror of a telescope. telescope_f_number~tlscpfnum~The telescope_f_number element provides the value of the telescope_f_number~tlscpfnum~ratio of the focal length to the aperture of a telescope. telescope_focal_length~tlscpfoclen~The telescope_focal_length element provides the total telescope_focal_length~tlscpfoclen~optical path distance from the first element of the optics telescope_focal_length~tlscpfoclen~to the focal point of a telescope. telescope_id~tlscpid~The telescope_id element uniquely identifies a particular telescope_id~tlscpid~telescope. telescope_resolution~tlscpres~The telescope_resolution element provides the achievable telescope_resolution~tlscpres~angular resolution of a telescope. telescope_serial_number~tlscpserlnum~The telescope_serial_number element provides the serial telescope_serial_number~tlscpserlnum~number of a telescope. telescope_t_number~tlscptnum~The telescope_t_number element provides the effective telescope_t_number~tlscptnum~f_number of a telescope. telescope_t_number~tlscptnum~Note that the t_number differs from the f_number due to telescope_t_number~tlscptnum~losses in the optical system. telescope_t_number_error~tlscptnumerr~The telescope_t_number_error element indicates the error telescope_t_number_error~tlscptnumerr~associated with the t_number value for a particular telescope_t_number_error~tlscptnumerr~telescope. telescope_transmittance~tlscpxmit~The telescope_transmittance element provides the telescope_transmittance~tlscpxmit~transmittance value for a telescope. Transmittance is telescope_transmittance~tlscpxmit~defined as the ratio of transmitted to incident flux telescope_transmittance~tlscpxmit~through the telescope. template~tmplt~The template element provides the identifier that appears in template~tmplt~a physical template header. template_bl_name~tmpltblname~The template_bl_name element represents the data base terse template_bl_name~tmpltblname~name associated with a template keyword. This tersename is template_bl_name~tmpltblname~used during construction of templates to provide a reference template_bl_name~tmpltblname~to the keyword template_bl_name~tmpltblname~a full data element name rather than the terse template_bl_name~tmpltblname~representation. The formulation of the tmpltblname is template_bl_name~tmpltblname~governed by rules and abbreviations as defined in the PDS template_bl_name~tmpltblname~ Data Administration Plan document. template_name~tmpltname~The template_name element provides the name of a template template_name~tmpltname~object used in the PDS system and the bulk loading software. template_note~tmpltnote~The template_note element provides the textual description template_note~tmpltnote~of the purpose for a template object as related to the data template_note~tmpltnote~supplier. This description is distributed whenever a template_note~tmpltnote~template is sent to a data supplier. template_revision_date~tmpltrevdate~The template_revision_date element indicates the latest template_revision_date~tmpltrevdate~revision date for a template (i.e. 11/22/88). template_status~tmpltstatus~The template_status element is updated by the loader template_status~tmpltstatus~software after certain events in the catalog loading template_status~tmpltstatus~process. The value of this field indicates the current template_status~tmpltstatus~status of a template or sub-template in the load process. template_type~tmplttype~The template_type element provides a type or class of template_type~tmplttype~template object. template_use_indicator~tmpltuseind~The template_use_indicator element indicates whether or not template_use_indicator~tmpltuseind~template may recur within a set of templates. telemetry_format_id~tmtryfmtid~The TELEMETRY_FORMAT_ID element supplies a telemetry format telemetry_format_id~tmtryfmtid~code. total_fovs~totfovs~The total_fovs (fields-of-view) element indicates the total total_fovs~totfovs~number of fields of view associated with a single section of total_fovs~totfovs~an instrument. total_rescan_number~totrscannum~The TOTAL_RESCAN_NUMBER is the total number of rescan lines acquired. transfer_command_text~trnsfrcomtxt~The transfer_command_text element represents the complete transfer_command_text~trnsfrcomtxt~command used to create a data volume, such as COPY or transfer_command_text~trnsfrcomtxt~BACKUP for tape volumes. It should also include special transfer_command_text~trnsfrcomtxt~flags that were used to perform the command (eg. tar -xvf). true_anomaly_angle~trueanomang~The true_anomaly_angle element provides the value of the angle between true_anomaly_angle~trueanomang~the line connecting an orbiting body and the body around which it is true_anomaly_angle~trueanomang~orbiting (its primary) and the line connecting the periapsis position true_anomaly_angle~trueanomang~and the primary. True_anomaly is measured in the orbiting body's true_anomaly_angle~trueanomang~orbital plane in the direction of motion from periapsis. truth_window~truthwndw~ Galileo Solid State Imaging-specific. Images can be edited so that truth_window~truthwndw~only an image area or cut_out_window is compressed and transmitted to truth_window~truthwndw~Earth. Within this cut_out_window there can be an image area or truth_window~truthwndw~TRUTH_WINDOW of up to 96 X 96 pixels that will be transmitted with only truth_window~truthwndw~lossless Huffman compression applied. The truth_window element truth_window~truthwndw~indicates the location and size of this image area as defined by four truth_window~truthwndw~numbers: starting line, starting sample, number of lines, number of truth_window~truthwndw~samples (the origin of the image coordinate system is at truth_window~truthwndw~line,sample=1,1 for the upper-left corner with samples increasing to truth_window~truthwndw~the right and lines increasing down). tuple_sequence_number~tupseqnum~The tuple_sequence_number element is used in all text tuple_sequence_number~tupseqnum~tables where the ordering of the ASCII text rows is tuple_sequence_number~tupseqnum~required. This element is used in all text type tables in tuple_sequence_number~tupseqnum~the PDS data base. twist_angle~twistangle~The twist_angle element provides the angle of rotation about an twist_angle~twistangle~optical axis relative to celestial coordinates. The RIGHT_ASCENSION, twist_angle~twistangle~DECLINATION and TWIST_ANGLE elements define the pointing direction twist_angle~twistangle~and orientation of an image or scan platform. twist_angle~twistangle~ twist_angle~twistangle~Note: The specific mathematical definition of TWIST_ANGLE depends on twist_angle~twistangle~ the value of the TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE element. If unspecified, twist_angle~twistangle~ TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = GALILEO for Galileo data and twist_angle~twistangle~ TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = DEFAULT for all other data. twist_angle~twistangle~ twist_angle~twistangle~Note: This element bears a simple relationship to the value of twist_angle~twistangle~ CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE. twist_angle~twistangle~ When TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = DEFAULT, twist_angle~twistangle~ TWIST_ANGLE = (180 - CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE) mod 360; twist_angle~twistangle~ when TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = GALILEO, twist_angle~twistangle~ TWIST_ANGLE = (270 - CELESTIAL_NORTH_CLOCK_ANGLE) mod 360. twist_angle_type~twistangtype~The twist_angle_type element determines the specific mathematical twist_angle_type~twistangtype~meaning of the element TWIST_ANGLE when it is used to specify the twist_angle_type~twistangtype~pointing of an image or scan platform. Allowed values are DEFAULT and twist_angle_type~twistangtype~GALILEO. If unspecified, the value is GALILEO for Galileo data and twist_angle_type~twistangtype~DEFAULT for all other data. twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ twist_angle_type~twistangtype~The three elements RIGHT_ASCENSION, twist_angle_type~twistangtype~DECLINATION and TWIST_ANGLE define the C-matrix, which transforms a twist_angle_type~twistangtype~3-vector in celestial coordinates into a frame fixed to an image plane. twist_angle_type~twistangtype~Celestial coordinates refer to a frame in which the x-axis points twist_angle_type~twistangtype~toward the First Point of Aries and the z-axis points to the celestial twist_angle_type~twistangtype~pole; these coordinates are assumed to be in J2000 unless otherwise twist_angle_type~twistangtype~specified. Image plane coordinates are defined such that the x-axis twist_angle_type~twistangtype~points right, the y-axis points down, and the z-axis points along the twist_angle_type~twistangtype~camera's optic axis, when an image is displayed as defined by the twist_angle_type~twistangtype~SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION and LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION elements. twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ twist_angle_type~twistangtype~For TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = DEFAULT, the C-matrix is equal to twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ C-matrix = [T]3 [90-D]1 [R+90]3 twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ = |-sinR cosT-cosR sinD sinT cosR cosT-sinR sinD sinT cosD sinT| twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ | sinR sinT-cosR sinD cosT -cosR sinT-sinR sinD cosT cosD cosT| twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ | cosR cosD sinR cosD sinD | twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ twist_angle_type~twistangtype~For TWIST_ANGLE_TYPE = GALILEO, the C-matrix is defined by twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ C-matrix = [T]3 [90-D]2 [R]3 twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ = | sinR sinT+cosR sinD cosT cosR sinT+sinR sinD cosT -cosD cosT| twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ |-sinR cosT-cosR sinD sinT cosR cosT-sinR sinD sinT cosD sinT| twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ | cosR cosD sinR cosD sinD | twist_angle_type~twistangtype~ twist_angle_type~twistangtype~Here the notation [X]n specifies a rotation about the nth axis by twist_angle_type~twistangtype~angle X (in degrees). R refers to right ascension, D to declination, twist_angle_type~twistangtype~and T to twist angle. twist_offset_angle~twistoffang~The twist_offset_angle element provides the angle at which twist_offset_angle~twistoffang~an instrument is mounted, measured perpendicular to the twist_offset_angle~twistoffang~plane defined by the cone and cross-cone axes. twist_offset_angle~twistoffang~See also cone_offset_angle and cross_cone_offset_angle. text_flag~txtflag~The text_flag element indicates whether or not a data text_flag~txtflag~element contains variable-length textual information (i.e., text_flag~txtflag~a description, a note, or a summary). uncorrected_start_time~uncorrstrttm~The uncorrected_start_time element provides the time of the uncorrected_start_time~uncorrstrttm~observation as sent down by the spacecraft. This time may uncorrected_start_time~uncorrstrttm~be incorrect due to a software problem that existed onboard uncorrected_start_time~uncorrstrttm~the spacecraft. The difference between the START_TIME and uncorrected_start_time~uncorrstrttm~the UNCORRECTED_START_TIME is the estimated correction that uncorrected_start_time~uncorrstrttm~was applied to the START_TIME during ground processing. uneven_bit_weight_corr_flag~unevnbtflag~The uneven_bit_weight_corr_flag element is used to indicate uneven_bit_weight_corr_flag~unevnbtflag~whether a correction has been applied to adjust for uneven uneven_bit_weight_corr_flag~unevnbtflag~bit weighting of the analog-to-digital converter. In image uneven_bit_weight_corr_flag~unevnbtflag~processing, the correction is applied to every pixel in an uneven_bit_weight_corr_flag~unevnbtflag~image. unit~unit~The unit element provides the full name or standard unit~unit~abbreviation of a unit of measurement in which a value is unit~unit~expressed. Example values: square meter, meter per second. unit~unit~NULL unit~unit~Note: A table of standard units representing those unit~unit~published by the Systeme Internationale appears in the unit~unit~'Units of Measurement' section of the PSDD. (Please refer unit~unit~to the table of contents for its location.) The values unit~unit~in this table's 'Unit Name' column constitute the standard unit~unit~values for the data element UNIT. unit_id~unitid~The unit_id element indicates the common abbreviation or unit_id~unitid~symbol for a unit of measure. Example: The unit KILOGRAM unit_id~unitid~has the unit_id 'kg'. unit_id~unitid~Note: A table of standard units, unit ids, and measured unit_id~unitid~quantities including those published by the Systeme unit_id~unitid~Internationale appears in the 'Units of Measurement' unit_id~unitid~section of the PSDD. (Please refer to the table of contents unit_id~unitid~for its location.) The values in this table's 'Symbol' unit_id~unitid~column constitute the standard values for the data element unit_id~unitid~unit_id. unknown_constant~unknownconst~The unknown_constant element supplies the numeric value unknown_constant~unknownconst~used to represent the figurative constant 'UNK'. 'UNK' unknown_constant~unknownconst~(Unknown) is defined as indicating when values for a unknown_constant~unknownconst~particular data element in a specific instance is unknown_constant~unknownconst~permanently not known. upload_id~uploadid~The upload_id element describes a spacecraft command set upload_id~uploadid~that is associated with the given data product. usage_note~usagenote~The usage_note element provides the information about the usage_note~usagenote~use of a particular data element or object within a usage_note~usagenote~particular context. user_product_id~userprodid~The user_product_id element provides an user_product_id~userprodid~alternate logical file name constructed according to a user_product_id~userprodid~producer-defined naming convention. valid_maximum~validmax~The valid_maximum data element represents the maximum value valid_maximum~validmax~that is valid for a data object. Valid_minimum and valid_ valid_maximum~validmax~maximum define the valid range of values for a data object, valid_maximum~validmax~such as -90 to 90 for a column object containing latitude valid_maximum~validmax~values. valid_maximum~validmax~Note: this element should appear in labels only between valid_maximum~validmax~the 'OBJECT =' and 'END_OBJECT=' lines of an object with a valid_maximum~validmax~specific data type. valid_minimum~validmin~The valid_minimum data element represents the minimum value valid_minimum~validmin~that is valid for a data object. Valid_minimum and valid_ valid_minimum~validmin~maximum define the valid range of values for a data object, valid_minimum~validmin~such as -90 to 90 for a column object containing latitude valid_minimum~validmin~values. valid_minimum~validmin~Note: this element should appear in labels only between valid_minimum~validmin~the 'OBJECT =' and 'END_OBJECT=' lines of an object with a valid_minimum~validmin~specific data type. vector_component_1~vectcomp1~The vector_component_1 element provides the magnitude of vector_component_1~vectcomp1~the first component of a vector. vector_component_1~vectcomp1~The particular vector component being measured is vector_component_1~vectcomp1~identified by the vector_component_id_1 vector_component_1~vectcomp1~element. vector_component_2~vectcomp2~The vector_component_2 element provides the magnitude of vector_component_2~vectcomp2~the second component of a vector. vector_component_2~vectcomp2~The particular vector component being measured is vector_component_2~vectcomp2~identified by the vector_component_id_2 vector_component_2~vectcomp2~element. vector_component_3~vectcomp3~The vector_component_3 element provides the magnitude of vector_component_3~vectcomp3~the third component of a vector. vector_component_3~vectcomp3~The particular vector component being measured is vector_component_3~vectcomp3~identified by the vector_component_id_3 vector_component_3~vectcomp3~element. vector_component_id~vectcompid~The vector_component_id element identifies a vector_component_id~vectcompid~vector component without reference to a particular vector vector_component_id~vectcompid~component value. vector_component_id_1~vectcompid1~The vector_component_id_1 element identifies vector_component_id_1~vectcompid1~the first component of a vector. vector_component_id_1~vectcompid1~The magnitude of the first component of the vector is vector_component_id_1~vectcompid1~provided by the vector_component_1 element. vector_component_id_1~vectcompid1~Example value: RJ\$ (a radial distance). vector_component_id_2~vectcompid2~The vector_component_id_2 element identifies vector_component_id_2~vectcompid2~the second component of a vector. vector_component_id_2~vectcompid2~The magnitude of the second component of the vector is vector_component_id_2~vectcompid2~provided by the vector_component_2 element. vector_component_id_2~vectcompid2~Example value: LATJ\$S3 (a latitude). vector_component_id_3~vectcompid3~The vector_component_id_3 element identifies vector_component_id_3~vectcompid3~the third component of a vector. vector_component_id_3~vectcompid3~The magnitude of the third component of the vector is vector_component_id_3~vectcompid3~provided by the vector_component_3 element. vector_component_id_3~vectcompid3~Example value: LONJ\$S3 (a longitude). vector_component_type_desc~vectcomptypd~The vector_component_type_desc provides a vector_component_type_desc~vectcomptypd~general description of a particular vector component vector_component_type_desc~vectcomptypd~type. vector_component_type~vectcomptype~The vector_component_type element identifies the type of vector_component_type~vectcomptype~information which is provided by a particular vector vector_component_type~vectcomptype~component identification element. vector_component_type~vectcomptype~Example values: LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, VELOCITY. vector_component_unit~vectcompunit~The vector_component_unit element specifies the unit of vector_component_unit~vectcompunit~measure of associated dataset or sampling parameters. vector_component_unit~vectcompunit~For example, in the ring information entity the unit vector_component_unit~vectcompunit~element specifies that a given set of ring radii are vector_component_unit~vectcompunit~measured in kilometers. version_id~versionid~This element is an alias for product_version_id used only by version_id~versionid~AMMOS-MGN ephemeris files. version_number~versionnum~The version_number element is defined as an alias for version_number~versionnum~product_version_id and is available only for AMMOS-Magellan version_number~versionnum~mission operations products. vertical_fov~vertfov~The vertical_field_of_view element provides the angular vertical_fov~vertfov~measure of the vertical field of view of an instrument. vertical_framelet_offset~vertframeoff~The vertical_framelet_offset element provides the column vertical_framelet_offset~vertframeoff~number of a framelet within a tiled image. In the PDS, vertical_framelet_offset~vertframeoff~offsets are counted from one. vertical_pixel_fov~vertpixfov~The vertical_pixel_field_of_view element provides the vertical_pixel_fov~vertpixfov~angular measure of the vertical field of view of a single vertical_pixel_fov~vertpixfov~pixel. vertical_pixel_scale~vertpxlscal~The VERTICAL_PIXEL_SCALE element indicates the vertical vertical_pixel_scale~vertpxlscal~picture scale. volume_insert_text~volinserttxt~The volume_insert_text element provides a text field to be volume_insert_text~volinserttxt~included on the volume insert. The text field should volume_insert_text~volinserttxt~identify the data products or data sets included on the volume_insert_text~volinserttxt~volume. The text field should consist of 8 or fewer lines of volume_insert_text~volinserttxt~text where each line is no more than 60 characters wide. volume_desc~volumedesc~ The volume_desc element describes the content and type of volume_desc~volumedesc~data contained in the volume. volume_format~volumeformat~The volume_format element identifies the logical format volume_format~volumeformat~used in writing a data volume, such as ANSI, TAR, or BACKUP volume_format~volumeformat~for tape volumes and ISO-9660, HIGH-SIERRA, for CD-ROM volume_format~volumeformat~volumes. volume_id~volumeid~The volume_id element provides a unique identifier for a volume_id~volumeid~data volume. Example: MG_1001. volume_name~volumename~The volume_name element contains the name of a data volume. volume_name~volumename~ In most cases the volume_name is more specific than the volume_name~volumename~volume_set_name. For example, the volume_name for the volume_name~volumename~first volume in the VOYAGER IMAGES OF URANUS volume set is: volume_name~volumename~Volume 1: Compressed Images 24476.54 - 26439.58 volumes~volumes~The volumes element provides the number of physical data volumes~volumes~volumes contained in a volume set. Note: In the PDS, volumes~volumes~volumes represents the total number of related data volumes volumes~volumes~that comprise a single orderable unit, as represented by volumes~volumes~the volume_set_id. For example, the volume set VOYAGER volumes~volumes~IMAGES OF URANUS has the volume_set_id of volumes~volumes~USA_NASA_PDS_VG_0001_TO_VG_0003 and the value for volumes volumes~volumes~would be 3. volume_series_name~volumesernm~The volume_series_name element provides a full, formal name volume_series_name~volumesernm~that describes a broad categorization of data products or volume_series_name~volumesernm~data sets related to a planetary body or a research volume_series_name~volumesernm~campaign (e.g. International Halley Watch). A volume volume_series_name~volumesernm~series consists of one or more volume sets that represent volume_series_name~volumesernm~data from one or more missions or campaigns. For example, volume_series_name~volumesernm~the volume series MISSION TO VENUS consists of the volume_series_name~volumesernm~following three volume sets: volume_series_name~volumesernm~MAGELLAN: THE MOSAIC IMAGE DATA RECORD volume_series_name~volumesernm~MAGELLAN: THE ALTIMETRY AND RADIOMETRY DATA RECORD volume_series_name~volumesernm~PRE-MAGELLAN RADAR AND GRAVITY DATA SET COLLECTION volume_set_id~volumesetid~The volume_set_id element identifies a data volume or a set volume_set_id~volumesetid~of volumes. Volume sets are normally considered as a volume_set_id~volumesetid~single orderable entity. Examples: USA_NASA_PDS_MG_1001, volume_set_id~volumesetid~USA_NASA_PDS_GR_0001_TO_GR_0009 volume_set_name~volumesetnm~The volume_set_name element provides the full, formal name volume_set_name~volumesetnm~of one or more data volumes containing a single data set or volume_set_name~volumesetnm~a collection of related data sets. Volume sets are volume_set_name~volumesetnm~normally considered as a single orderable entity. For volume_set_name~volumesetnm~example, the volume series MISSION TO VENUS consists of the volume_set_name~volumesetnm~following three volume sets: volume_set_name~volumesetnm~MAGELLAN: THE MOSAIC IMAGE DATA RECORD volume_set_name~volumesetnm~MAGELLAN: THE ALTIMETRY AND RADIOMETRY DATA RECORD volume_set_name~volumesetnm~PRE-MAGELLAN RADAR AND GRAVITY DATA SET COLLECTION volume_set_name~volumesetnm~In certain cases, the volume_set_name can be the same as volume_set_name~volumesetnm~the volume_name, such as when the volume_set consists of volume_set_name~volumesetnm~only one volume. volume_sets~volumesets~ The volume_sets element provides the number of volume sets volume_sets~volumesets~in a volume series. For example, there are currently six volume_sets~volumesets~(6) volume sets associated with the volume series MISSION volume_sets~volumesets~TO VENUS. volume_version_id~volumeverid~The volume_version_id element indentifies the version of a volume_version_id~volumeverid~data volume. All original volumes should use a volume_version_id~volumeverid~volume_version_id of 'Version 1'. Versions are used when volume_version_id~volumeverid~data products are remade due to errors or limitations in volume_version_id~volumeverid~the original volumes (test volumes, for example), and the volume_version_id~volumeverid~new version makes the previous volume obsolete. volume_version_id~volumeverid~Enhancements or revisions to data products which constitute volume_version_id~volumeverid~alternate data products should be assigned a unique volume volume_version_id~volumeverid~id, not a new version id. Examples: Version 1, Version 2. wavelength~wavelength~ The wavelength element identifies the mean wavelength to wavelength~wavelength~which an instrument detector/filter combination is wavelength~wavelength~sensitive. westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~The following definitions describe westernmost longitude for the westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~body-fixed, rotating coordinate systems: westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~ westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~For Planetocentric coordinates and for Planetographic coordinates in westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~which longitude increases toward the east, the westernmost (leftmost) westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~longitude of a spatial area (e.g.,a map, mosaic, bin,feature or region) westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~is the minimum numercial value of longitude unless it crosses the westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~Prime Meridian. westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~ westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~For Planetographic coordinates in which longitude increases toward the westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~west (prograde rotator), the westernmost (leftmost) longitude of a westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~spatial area (e.g., a map,mosaic, bin, feature or region) is the maximum westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~numerical value of longitude unless it crosses the Prime Meridian. westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~ westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~For the Earth, Moon and Sun, PDS also supports the traditional use of westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~the range (-180,180) in which case the westernmost (leftmost) longitude westernmost_longitude~wstrnmostlon~is the maximum numerical value of longitude unless it crosses 180.