{author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 29-Mar-2003 {description} KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. - Workers in Building AE check the fitting of the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) with the payload attach fitting beneath. SIRTF will be mated with its Delta II launch vehicle via the fitting. SIRTF is currently scheduled for transportation to Launch Complex 17-B, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and hoisting atop the Delta II on or about April 4. {highres} 1877 x 3000 {highsize} 765644 {hightype} JPEG {keywords} NASA,KSC,Kennedy Space Center {lowres} 150 x 239 {lowsize} 41455 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 480 x 767 {mediumsize} 82513 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-03PD-0892 {slideres} 120 x 108 {slidesize} 15500 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 62 x 100 {tinysize} 7835 {tinytype} GIF {title} KSC-03PD-0892 {type} Image {end}