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coast and geodetic survey annual reports 1844-1910 bibliography





Appendix No. 1864 - Pp. 227-308. Consolidated alphabetical index of the ten annual Coast Survey reports from 1854 to 1863, inclusive. [Index.]

Appendix No. 1864 - Pp. 309-315. Consolidated index of sketches embraced in the Coast Survey reports from 1854 to 1863 inclusive. [Index.]


Appendix No. 1883 - 7. Pp. 137-237. A table of depths for the harbors of the coasts of the United States. Prepared in outline by Commander Edward P. Lull, U.S.N.. Expanded and extended by Assistant J. S. Bradford and Mr. John W. Parsons. Tides; table of depths for Atlantic coast, Gulf Coast, Pacific coast, Alaska and Arctic coasts, and eastern coast of Asia. [Hydrography; Coast Pilot; Data Report.]


Appendix No. 1846 - 8. Pp. 68-70. Tides at the entrance of Mobile Bay. (This was written while Patterson was a Naval Officer on duty with the Coast Survey. He became the fourth superintendent of the Coast Survey in 1874.) [Oceanography; Tides.]


Appendix No. 1853 - 31. P. 84. On longitude from moon culminations. On the determination of longitude from observation of moon culminations; standard probable error of observation of interpolated lunar transits; constant errors of epoch and periodical one of half lunations. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1854 - 36. Pp. 108-120. Longitude by moon culminations. General considerations; constant errors, and personal equations; correction of the lunar ephemeris; standard probable error of observation of a lunar transit; limit of accuracy attainable; longitude of the National Observatory, Washington, D.C.; three forms of correcting lunar ephemeris and modes of computation. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Error Analysis; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 42. Pp. 267-274. Longitudes. - Report on the method of determining longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 24. Pp. 191-197. Pleiades . - On the determination of longitude by occultations of the Pleiades; formulas for the correction of the coordinates of the stars; table for 1840; table of logarithms for h and k for the principal observatories. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1857 - 29. Pp. 311-314. Longitude methods. On the relative precision of determinations by occultations and solar eclipses; upon the use of solar eclipses; upon the occultations of the Pleiades. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1858 - 30. Pp. 210-213. Cotidal lines of an inclosed sea, as derived from the equilibrium theory. General theory and its modification by the incompleteness of the inclosure. [Oceanography; Tides.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 16. Pp. 182-195. Report upon the determination of the longitude of America and Europe from the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851. Discussion of observations of the solar eclipse of July, 1851; observations of the total phase; European observations, of which the beginning and the end, both observed at the same place, have been admitted into the computation; American observations; method of computation. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 17. Pp. 196-221. Report of Professor Benjamin Peirce on an example for the determination of longitudes by occultations of the Pleiades. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1862 - 12. Pp. 155-156. On the computations of the occultations of the Pleiades for longitude. Longitude of America from Europe. On the result from occultations of the Pleiades. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1862 - 13. Pp. 157-158. Upon the tables of the Moon used in the reduction of the Pleiades. Lunar tables used in reducing observations of the Pleiades for longitude. On their progressive improvements. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1863 - 17. Pp. 146-154. Occultations of the Pleiades in 1841-'42. On computations for longitude, Nos. I, II, and V; records of Edinburgh, Washington, and Cambridge observations; ephemeris; stereographic coordinates of the moon referred to Alcyone; equations for corrections of the moon's place and of the longitude; solutions. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1864 - 11. P. 114. Longitude. On the method of determining longitude by occultations of the Pleiades. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1865 - 12. Pp. 138-146. Report on progress of determining longitude from occultations of the Pleiades, continued from previous reports. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1865 - 13. Pp. 146-149. Method of determining longitude from the occultations of the Pleiades continued from previous reports. Corrections of lunar semidiameter, mean place, ellipticity of orbit; longitude of perihelion, coefficient of annual parallax, and longitude of Europe and America; example. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1870 - 16a. P. 229. Report on the solar eclipse of December 22, 1870. [Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 6. P. 81-82. A new system of Binary Arithmetic. [Miscellaneous.]

Appendix No. 1879 - 14. P. 201. Internal constitution of the earth. [Geophysics.]


Appendix No. 1870 - 21. Pp. 200-224. On the theory of errors of observation. [Computations; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1875 - 15. Pp. 249-253. Description of an apparatus for recording the mean of the times of a set of observations. [Instrumentation; Geodesy; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 14. Pp. 197-201. Note on the theory of economy in research. [Miscellaneous.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 15. Pp. 292-337. Measurements of gravity at initial stations in America and Europe. Stations: Geneva, Paris, Berlin, Kew, Hoboken; instruments; observations of the duration of an oscillation; corrections 1 to 12; correction for rate of timekeeper; Paris meridian clock; Stand und Gang von Serffert, 1876, April 15 - June 16; Kew; comparison of chronometers; Hoboken; table of instrumental constants; comparison of chronometers; instrumental constants; rates of chronometers; correction for arc; tables showing times of reading half amplitudes; table of decrement of arc from 1o 10'; diminution of arc; decrement of pendulum arc, Hoboken, N.J., times of reaching different amplitudes; reduction to a vacuum; coefficient of expansion; comparison of meters "A" and "49"; correction for wearing of knife-edges; correction for slip of the knife-edges; correction for shorter length with heavy end up; for flexure of the support; length of the pendulum; on the tenths of millimeters at the end of the United States Coast Survey pendulum meter, and on the screw revolutions of the Repsold vertical comparator; value of the screw revolutions of the upper microscope; of the lower microscope; results of observations of length; summary of results of comparison of lengths between the standard meter "49" and others; comparison of Prussian and United States pendulum standards, 1875; concluded length of the pendulum; center of mass; periods of oscillation and values of gravity; length of seconds pendulum at Geneva; tables of experiments, Paris, 1876, Berlin, Kew, Hoboken, N.J. (This paper established Charles S. Peirce as a scientist of note and the United States as a leader in gravity research.) [Geophysics; Gravity; Error Analysis; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 15. P. 410-416. Addendum to Appendix No. 15. Tables showing the modes of reducing the experiments. [Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1877 - 15. Pp. 191-192. A quincuncial projection of the sphere. [Cartography; Projections.]

Appendix No. 1881 - 14. Pp. 359-441. On the flexure of pendulum supports. [Geophysics; Gravity; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1881 - 15. Pp. 442-456. On the deduction of the ellipticity of the earth, from pendulum experiments. [Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1881 - 16. Pp. 457-460. On a method of observing the coincidence of vibrations of two pendulums. [Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1881 - 17. Pp. 461-463. On the value of gravity at Paris. [Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1883 - 19. Pp. 473-486. Determinations of gravity at Allegheny, Ebensburg, and York, Pa, in 1879 and 1880. [Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1884 - 15. Pp. 475-482. On the use of the noddy for measuring the amplitude of swaying in a pendulum support. [Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1884 - 16. Pp. 483-485. Note on the effect of the flexure of a pendulum upon its period of oscillation. [Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1885 - 15. Pp. 503-508. Note on a device for abbreviating time reductions. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Time; Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1885 - 16. Pp. 509-510. On the influence of a noddy on the period of a pendulum. [Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1885 - 17. Pp. 511-512. On the effect of unequal temperature upon a reversible pendulum. [Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation; Error Analysis.]


Appendix No. 1850 - 8. Pp. 80-81. Encroachment of the sea on the south side of Long Island. [Hydrography; Topography; Shoreline Changes.]


Appendix No. 1856 - 25. Pp. 198-203. Lunar-spot transits. On the substitution of lunar spots for the moon's limb in observing culminations. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1871 - 14. Pp. 180-184. Total solar eclipse, December 22, 1870. [Astronomy.]


Appendix No. 1882 - 19. Pp. 459-461. Recent deep-sea soundings off the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Development of the bed of the Gulf Stream. A general summary of the operations of the U.S. Coast Survey steamer BLAKE in the examination of the western Atlantic basin in 1880, 1881, 1882, and 1883. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Deep Sea Soundings.]

Appendix No. 1885 - 14. Pp. 495-501. Report on deep sea current work in the Gulf Stream. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Currents; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1886 - 11. Pp. 281-290. A report of Gulf Stream explorations. Observations of currents, 1886. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Currents.]

Appendix No. 1887 - 8. Pp. 173-184. Gulf Stream explorations; observations of currents, 1887. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Currents.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 16. Pp. 467-477. Gulf Stream explorations; observations of currents, 1888-1889. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Currents.]

Appendix No. 1890 - 10. Pp. 461-620. The Gulf Stream; a description of the methods employed in the investigation and the results of the research. Preface; introduction; general historical account of the Gulf Stream and its investigation up to the time of Franklin to those made by the U.S. Coast Survey; Gulf Stream investigations made by the U.S. Coast Survey until 1884 and those contemporary with them; outfit of the BLAKE for anchoring at sea and observing the currents; characteristics of the Gulf Stream in the Straits of Florida and in the Yucatan Passage; the Gulf Stream off Jupiter Inlet and Cape Hatteras; the equatorial current; causes of the Gulf Stream and of Atlantic currents; conclusions; index. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Currents; Instrumentation; History.]


Appendix No. 1853 - 30. Pp. 82-83. Examination of specimens of bottom obtained in Gulf Stream. [Oceanography; Deep Sea Soundings; Gulf Stream; Marine Geology.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 43. Pp. 271-272. Winds of Albemarle Sound. Discussion of their effect upon the tide. [Oceanography; Tides; Meteorology.]

Appendix No. 1858 - 39. Pp. 248-250. Analysis, microscopical, of specimens of bottom taken in sounding. Green and ochraceous incrustation of Foraminifera, and jet tint of specimens. [Oceanography; Deep Sea Soundings; Gulf Stream; Marine Geology; Marine Biology.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 27. Pp. 350-351. Eastport station, Maine. General description of magnetic station. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1867 - 16. Pp. 180-182. Fauna of the Gulf Stream. Dredgings in the Straits of Florida. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Marine Biology.]

Appendix No. 1868 - 12. Pp. 168-170. Report upon dredgings near the Florida Reef. Organic specimens; corals, echinoderms, brachiopods; etc. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Marine Biology.]

Appendix No. 1869 - 11. Pp. 220-225. The Gulf Stream. -- Characteristics of the Atlantic sea bottom off the coast of the United States. Manner of dredging; silicious formation; green sand formation. [Oceanography; Gulf Stream; Marine Geology; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1872 - 11. Pp. 213-221. Voyage of the Steamer HASSLER from Boston to San Francisco. [Oceanography; Marine Biology; Marine Geology.]


Appendix No. 1882 - 21. Pp. 469-502. A new reduction of La Caille's observations of fundamental stars in the southern heavens, made at the Cape of Good Hope between 1749 and 1757, and given in his "Astronomiae Fundamenta," together with a comparison of the results with the "Bradley-Bessel" "Fundamenta;" also, a catalogue of the places of 150 stars south of declination -30o, for the epochs 1750 and 1830. Prefatory note by J. E. Hilgard and report on the reduction of La Caille's motions by C.H. F. Peters. [Astronomy; History.]


Appendix No. 1883 - 17. Pp. 379-381. Determinations of gravity and other observations made in connection with Solar Eclipse Expedition, May, 1883, to Caroline Island. [Geophysics; Gravity; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 13. Pp. 465-470. Differential method of computing the apparent places of stars for determinations of latitude. [Geodesy; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 14. Pp. 471-563. Determinations of latitude and gravity for the Hawaiian Government. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Latitude; Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 7. Pp. 199-208. The need of a remeasurement of the Peruvian arc. [Geodesy; Arc Measurement; History.]

Appendix No. 1890 - 12. Pp. 625-684. Results of observations made to determine gravity and the magnetic elements in connection with the U.S. Scientific Expedition at stations on the west coast of Africa and on some islands in the North and South Atlantic, 1889-90. [Geophysics; Gravity; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 12. Pp. 475-477. The transit of mercury of May 9, 1881, as observed at Waikiki, Hawaiian Islands. [Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 13. Pp. 479-485. On observations for the variations of latitude, made near Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, in cooperation with the work of the International Geodetic Association, and on the determination of gravity and magnetic elements. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Latitude; Geophysics; Gravity; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1892 - 2. Pp. 53-159. On the variation of latitude at Waikiki, near Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, as determined from observations made in 1891 and 1892 in cooperation with the International Geodetic Association. [Geodesy; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1893 - 12. Pp. 509-638. Determinations of latitude, gravity, and magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian Islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Geophysics; Gravity; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1894 - 2. Pp. 57-70. Telegraphic determination of the force of gravity at Baltimore, Md., from simultaneous pendulum observations at Washington and Baltimore. [Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1895 - 7. Pp. 371 - 380. Graphic method of reducing stars from mean to apparent places. [Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 6. Pp. 285-291. Establishment of the United States Naval Observatory Circle, and the determination of the geographical position of the center of the clock room. [Geodesy; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 10. Pp. 353-371. Determination of the constant of aberration from latitude observations with the zenith telescope at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, and San Francisco, Cal. [Geodesy; Latitude; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1898 - 6. Pp. 247-260. Report on the proceedings of the International Geodetic Association Conference at Stuttgart, Germany, October 3 to 12, 1898, and on geodetic operations in the United States. a)The general conference; International Latitude Service; gravity measures; figure of the Earth; Peruvian arc; longitude of Paris, Greenwich; scientific institutions at Berlin, Potsdam, Paris, Sevres, Southampton. b) Geodetic operations in the United States; introduction; triangulations and arcs; astronomical work; miscellaneous operations; present and future operations; work of the United States Engineers. [Geodesy.]

Appendix No. 1899 - 3. Pp. 245-272. The International Geodetic Association for the Measurement of the Earth. Preface. I. Origin and growth including Russian and German work, first organization, list of general conferences. II. International Geodetic Convention; III. administrative and scientific activity; IV. Proceedings of the Twelfth General Conference. [Geodesy.]


Pratt, J.F., Appendix No. 1897 - 7. Pp. 313-318. Notes relating to self-registering tide gauges as used by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. [Oceanography; Tides; Instrumentation.]


Putnam, G.R. and Gilbert, G.K., Appendix No. 1894 - 1. Pp. 7-55. Relative determination of gravity, with half-second pendulums, and other pendulum investigations by G.R. Putnam, Assistant; and a report on a geological examination of some Coast and Geodetic Survey gravity stations by G.K. Gilbert, Geologist, United States Geological Survey. General plan of campaign; position and description of stations; instruments; determination of instrumental constantsl method of observation; rating of chronometers; reduction of observations; reduction to sea level; summary of results; mean density of the earth from Pikes Peak pendulum observations; observations with quarter-second pendulums and special pendulum observations; description of quarter-second pendulums; comparison or results with different pendulums; experiments with knife-edges of different angles; variation of period at different arcs; use of penulum apparatus for investigating chronometers. Telegraphic comparison between base stations in Washington, D.C. Summary of the connections between American and European gravity stations by means of relative pendulum observations and the reduction of absolute determinations of gravity to Washington. Anomalies in the force of gravity on the North American continent by Commandant Defforges (translation). Report on a geologic examination of some Coast and Geodetic Survey gravity stations by G.K. Gilbert. [Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation; Computations; Geology.]

Appendix No. 1895 - 10. Pp. 393-398. Tables of azimuth and apparent altitude of Polaris at different hour angles for the years 1889-1910. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Azimuth.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 9. Pp. 347-352. Field method of reducing portable transit time observations. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Time.]

Appendix No. 1897 - 5. Pp. 285-296. Results of magnetic observations made in connection with the Greenland Expedition of 1896 under Professor A.E. Burbon. [Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1897 - 6. Pp. 297-312. Results of pendulum observations made in 1895 and 1896. [Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1898 - 5. Pp. 237-246. Physical observations made in connection with the Pribilof Islands expedition of 1897. Magnetic irregularities on St. George Island; sea-water densities in the northeast Pacific and Bering Sea; determination of the force of gravity on St. Paul Island, Bering Sea. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Gravity; Oceanography; Geographic Exploration.]

Appendix No. 1901 - 5. Pp. 341-356. Determination of relative value of gravity in Europe and the United States in 1900. General statement; descriptions of stations; instruments and methods of observation; rates of chronometers; reduction of observations; summary of corrected periods; results. [Geophysics; Gravity; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1903 - 7. Pp. 1011-1016. Geographic names in Alaska. Native names for localities on St. George Island, Bering Sea. [Orthography.]


Appendix No. 1891 - 14. Pp. 487-501. Report of an expedition to Muir Glacier, Alaska, with determinations of latitude and the magnetic elements at Camp Muir, Glacier Bay. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Geophysics; Magnetism.]


Rodman, H., Appendix No. 1896 - 11. Pp. 373-394. Alaska. Compilation of the most recent information relative to the harbors, anchorages, and dangers to navigation in the vicinity of Chatham and Peril Straits, from a recent survey by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer PATTERSON, Lieutenant Commander E.K. Moore, U.S.N., and Cooks Inlet and region to the westward by W.H. Dall, U.S. Geological Survey. Alaska. Arranged and compiled by Lieutenant Hugh Rodman, U.S.N., assistant, U.S. Coast Survey. [Coast Pilot; Hydrography; Data Report.]


Appendix No. 1857 - 16. Pp. 152-153. Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina. Present condition of bar and anchorage. [Hydrography.]


Appendix No. 1864 - 9. Pp. 91-92. Tides at Tahiti, South Pacific Ocean. Their general character. Included in report of Tidal Division for 1864. [Oceanography; Tides.]


Appendix No. 1879 - 12. Pp. 192-198. Reconstruction of the dividing engine of the Coast and Geodetic Survey; table of corrected screw readings for every degree; residual errors of graduation for theodolites Nos. 5, 118, and 133. [Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1855 - 56. P. 361. Specimen box. Instrument for procuring specimens of bottoms in sounding. [Hydrography; Instrumentation; Marine Geology.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 59. P. 364. Sands' heliotrope. Description of a revolving heliotrope devised for geodetic purposes. [Geodesy; Triangulation; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 60. Pp. 365-366. Sand's hydrographic signal. Description and drawing of his gas-pipe signal used in the breakers at Dog Island Bar. [Hydrography; Signals.]

Appendix No. 1857 - 46. P. 398. Deep-sea sounding apparatus. Description of a form proposed and used by B. F. Sands. [Oceanography; Deep Sea Sounding; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1853 - 39. Pp. 96-163. Tables for projecting maps, with notes on map projection. C.A. Schott and E.B. Hunt. Map projections classified and defined; Bonne's or modified Flamsteed's projection; the polyconic, its properties and varieties; formulas used for the computation of projection tables in use at the Coast Survey Office; graphic construction of polyconic projections; rectangular polyconic method; Table I, relation between the measures of length used in different countries; II, tables for converting (A) meters into statute miles; (B) statute miles into meters; © meters into yards; (D) yards into meters; (E) yards into miles; III, length of a degree of the meridian in nautical statute miles for each fifth degree of latitude between 20o and 50 o ; IV (A) length of a degree of longitude between the parallels of 17o and 50o, for each degree of latitude, expressed in nautical miles; (B) length of a degree of longitude between the parallels of 17o and 50o for each degree of latitude, expressed in statute miles; V (A), length, in meters, of 1o of latitude and longitude for each degree of latitude between 17o and 50o; (B) coordinates of curvature for each degree of longitude from 1o to 35o between latitudes 17o and 50o; VI, projection tables giving latitude and longitude arcs and coordinates of curvature, from latitude 24o to 50o. [Cartography; Projections.]

Appendix No. 1854 - 48. Pp. 161-166. On the currents of Nantucket Shoals from Coast Survey current observations. Mean direction, maximum velocity, groups of luni-current intervals. [Oceanography; Currents.]

Appendix No. 1854 - 49. Pp. 166-168. Muskeget Channel and Marthas Vineyard currents. Tables showing the currents and rate of current in Muskeget Channel and the northeast coast of Marthas Vineyard; velocity of current; duration of ebb, flood, and slack water; current establishments. [Oceanography; Currents.]

Appendix No. 1854 - 50. Pp. 168-179. Tides, Long Island Sound and approaches. Range, or mean of rise and fall of tides, to April, 1853; set and maximum rates of ebb and flood streams; luni-current interval for beginning of outgoing streams; eastern part of the sound 1846-'47; western part of New York Bay and channel, 1844; New York Harbor, 1844-'45; Hell Gate, 1845; Hell Gate and Throgs Neck, 1846; mean duration of slack waters and of respective ebb and flood streams, from the middle of one slack-water period to that of the next; irregularity of luni-current intervals of successive tides. [Oceanography; Currents.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 40. Pp. 255-264. Normal equations. Solution of normal equations by indirect elimination. Computations; Geodesy.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 45. Pp. 278-286. Star Catalogues. Comparison of star places given in Rumker's and the Twelve-Year Catalogues. Table I -- comparison of right ascensions. Table II -- comparison of north polar distances. [Astronomy; Geodesy; Latitude; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 48. Pp. 306-337. (1717-1855) Secular variation in the magnetic declination. Discussion of the secular change in the magnetic declination at sixteen locations on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States and Havana, Cuba. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 49 P. 337. (1855) Magnetic observations. Results for declination, dip, and horizontal intensity, at sixteen eastern stations, July to September, 1855. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 29. P. 226. Magnetic observations. Methods used in observations of the present year; Magnet H. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 30. P. 227. (1856.) Magnetic elements. Results of observations for declination, dip, and intensity at stations in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 31. Pp. 228-235. (1792-1855.) Secular change of declination; Western coast. List of magnetic declinations observed on the western coast from the earliest to the present ones, arranged in order of geographical latitudes. Annual change at San Diego, San Pedro, Monterey, San Francisco, Cape Mendocino, and Cape Disappointment. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 32. Pp. 235-245. (1780-1855.) Secular change of inclination; at eleven Atlantic coast locations from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Baltimore, Maryland. Also includes data from Toronto, Canada. Includes: geographical positions and number of dip observations; formula for each station; probable error, epoch of minimum dip, and annual variation in current year. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; Error Analysis; Computations; History.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 33. Pp. 246-249. (1790-1855.) Secular change of inclination; Western coast. Approximate determination of the secular change of inclination determined at San Diego, San Pedro, Monterey, San Francisco, Cape Mendocino, and Cape Disappointment. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1856 - 59. Pp. 307-308. Probable error. Article from "Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 1034," translated by C.A. Schott. [Computations.]

Appendix No. 1857 - 31. Pp. 324-334. Latitude. - On the method of determination with the zenith telescope. [Geodesy; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1857 - 32. Pp. 334-342. Magnetism. Reports upon the gradual loss of magnetism of the several magnets in use in the Survey of the Coast. Account of magnets: S 8, C 32, C 9, D, C 6, H, and Smithsonian magnet used in 1855. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1858 - 25. Pp. 192-195. (1680-1850.) Secular variation of magnetic declination at Hatboro, Pa. Discussion and development of an intermediate period. Table of declinations from 1680 to 1850. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1858 - 26. Pp. 195-197. (1809-1857.) Secular variation at Washington, D.C. Declination from 1809 to 1857. Dip from 1839 to 1858. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1859 - 23. P. 296. (1859.) Declination, dip, and intensity. Results of observations made by Schott in Canada, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1859 - 24. Pp. 296-305. (1680-1860.) Secular change in declination. Variation of the needle on the coasts of the United States for every tenth year since 1680; formulas expressing secular change, used for calculating the tabular values for stations between Portland, Maine, and Williamsburg, Virginia, with table of observations made between 1680 and 1860; southern and western coast stations -- record of all observed declinations made use of and not previously published in Coast Survey reports. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Computations; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 21. Pp. 268-271. (1860.) Edward Goodfellow and Charles A. Schott. Eclipse expedition to Aulezavik Island, Labrador. Report on the determination of the magnetic elements by Edward Goodfellow, Assistant, with notes by Charles A. Schott, Assistant. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 25. Pp. 324-326. Solar spots. Report of Assistant C. A. Schott on the results of observations made during the first seven months of the year 1860. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Solar Activity.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 29. P. 352. Declination, dip, and intensity, determined in 1860 on the coasts of Massachusetts, Long Island, and New Jersey. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 37. Pp 392-396. Cauchy's interpolation formula with remarks by C.A. Schott. [Computations.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 38. P. 397. Table of heights for the use of topographers. Height in feet corresponding to a given angle of elevation and distance in meters, for use in the construction of contour lines by plane table. [Topography.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 20. Pp. 239-241. Solar eclipse of July, 1860. Abstract of observations made at the Coast Survey office, Washington, D.C.; first contact; last contact; after the eclipse; heliographic position of the spots. [Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 22. Pp. 242-251. Secular change of intensity. Discussion of observations made on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States; intensity statistics; notes; table of annual changes for Atlantic and Pacific groups. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 23. Pp. 251-256. New discussion of the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. [Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 24. Pp. 256-259. New discussion of the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coasts of Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia, with a chart of the isogonic curves for 1860. [Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 25. Pp. 259-261. Solar spots. Abstract of observations made at the Coast Survey office, Washington, D.C.; table from August 1860, to December 1861, and monthly relative numbers compared to Wolf's revised numbers; spotless days. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Solar Activity.]

Appendix No. 1862 - 18. P. 212. Results for declination, dip, and horizontal intensity in Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and in New York. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1862 - 21. Pp. 231-232. Solar spots. Abstract of observations made at the Coast Survey office from January to August, 1862. Supplementary to those published in 1861. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Solar Activity; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1862 - 22. Pp. 232-235. Bessel's periodic functions developed for periods frequently occurring in magnetic and meteorological investigations, with examples. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Meteorology; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1863 - 22. P. 204. Results for the magnetic declination, dip, and intensity, from observations by C. A. Schott and G. W. Dean in Maine, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1864 - 13. Pp. 116-119. Problem in geodesy. -- Determining a position by angles observed from it on any number of stations. Solution by Gauss, with example, communicated by C. A. Schott. [Computations; Geodesy; Triangulation.]

Appendix No. 1864 - 14. Pp.120 - 144. Epping base line. Report on the methods of computation and resulting connection with the primary triangulation. [Base Line Measurement; Triangulation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1864 - 21. Pp. 220-222. Trajectory of ricochet shots from a 15-inch Rodman gun; notes on. [Civil War; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1864 - 22. P. 223. Determination of ranges of shot from 15- and 20- inch guns. [Civil War; Computations; Geodesy.]

Appendix No. 1865 - 19. Pp. 174-176. Report on the distribution of the magnetic declination on the coast and parts of the interior of the United States. Isogonic chart for 1870. [Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 8. Pp. 49 -54. Primary triangulation of the Atlantic coast. Geodetic connection of the New and Kent Island base lines, their degree of accordance and accuracy of the intervening primary triangulation, etc. [Base Line Measurement; Triangulation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 8. Supplement. P. 140. Length of the Kent Island base line. [Base Line Measurement; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 9. Pp. 55-71. The transit instrument, description, use, adjustment, and method of observation. [Instrumentation; Geodesy; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 10. Pp. 72-85. Latitude by zenith telescope. (1) General remarks on Talcott's method; (2) modification of instrument; (3) description; (4) adjustment; (5) selection of stars for observing; (6) directions for observing; (7) off the meridian; (8) general expression for the latitude; (9) determination of the value of a division of the micrometer; (10) of level; (11) correction for differential refraction; (12) reduction to the meridian; (13) record of the observations; (14) reduction of the observations; (15) discussion of the results; (16) combinations of the results by weight. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Latitude.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 11. Pp. 86-99. Astronomical azimuth. (1) Principal methods; (2) astronomical azimuth; (3) geodetic azimuth; (4) primary and secondary azimuths; (5) time; (6) instruments used; (7) azimuth marks; (8) errors eliminated; (9) circumpolar stars used; (10) high stars; (11) sets of observations; (12) method of recording and reducing; (13) observations of a close circumpolar star at its elongation; (14) at any hour angle; (15) computation by fundamental trigonometrical formula; (16) by Napier's analogies; (17) by a development into a series; (18) at equal intervals before and after culmination; (19) observation of sun for azimuth; (20) examples of records and reductions. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Azimuth.]

Appendix No. 1868 - 8. Pp. 140-146. Method of adjustment of the secondary triangulation of Long Island Sound. Example of reduction of angular measure of Shelter Island and proof of correctness. [Geodesy; Triangulation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1868 - 9. Pp. 147-153. Results of the measurement of an arc of the meridian. Length of the arc by four methods; accuracy of the preceding results; table and diagram; determination of the astronomical latitudes; recapitulation of results. [Geodesy; Arc Measurement; Triangulation; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1868 - 10. Pp. 154-165. Addenda to Appendix No. 1866 - 9 and - 10, on the determination of time by means of the transit instrument. Specimen table of local times of elongation and culminations of four circumpolar stars for 1873, latitude 40o N., longitude 6 hr. west of Greenwich, correction for altered dates and latitudes. On the astronomical determination of azimuth. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Azimuth; Time.]

Appendix No. 1869 - 6. Pp. 105-112. Connection of the primary base lines on Kent Island, Md., and on Craney Island, Va., and on the degree of accuracy of the intervening primary and sub-primary triangulation. [Base Line Measurements; Triangulation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1869 - 7. Pp. 113-115. Local deflections of the zenith in the vicinity of Washington City. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1869 - 9. Pp. 199-207. Report on the results from the observations made at the magnetic observatory on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., between 1867 and 1869. Magnetic instruments; scheme of observing; instrumental constants; results; declination on Capitol Hill; turning epochs; dip; horizontal force; tabular synopsis of magnetic elements observed in the District of Columbia. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1870 - 14. Pp. 107-110. New investigation of the secular changes in the declination, dip, and intensity of the magnetic force at Washington, D.C. [Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1870 - 15. Pp. 111-114. Results of the observations for daily variation of the magnetic declination, made at Fort Steilacoom, Washington Territory, in 1866 and at Camp Date Creek, Arizona, in 1867, by David Walker, acting assistant surgeon, U.S.A., and discussed and reported by Assistant C.A. Schott. [Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1871 - 11. Pp. 154-170. Comparison of the methods of determining heights by means of leveling, vertical angles, and barometric measures from observations at Bodega Head and Ross Mountain, California. By George Davidson and C. A. Schott. [Geodesy; Leveling; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1871 - 15. Pp. 185-188. Report on the adaptation of triangulations to various conditions of configuration and character of the surface of the country and other causes. [Geodesy; Triangulation; Topography.]

Appendix No. 1872 - 12. Pp. 222-226. Determination of weights to be given to observations for determining time with portable transit instrument, recorded by the chronographic method. [Computations; Geodesy; Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1872 - 14. Pp. 235-254. Magnetic observations by means of portable instruments. (1) Determination of the magnetic declination; adjustment of the declinometer; example of scale reading; magnetic declination; example; (2) absolute and relative measures of the magnetic force; the magnetometer; observations of deflections; horizontal intensity; deflections; form 1; magnetometer with attached theodolite; deflecting magnet in the magnetic prime vertical: form 2; theodolite magnetometer; deflecting and deflected magnets at right angles to each other; observations of oscillations; example; calculation; example of observation of deflections; (3) determination of the magnetic declination; reversal of poles of dipping needles; magnetic dip; specimen of record for finding magnetic meridian; magnetic dip; computation. Appendix includes ordinary adjustments of theodolite. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1873 - 12. Pp. 123-131. Peach Tree Ridge base, near Atlanta, Ga. [Geodesy; Base Line Measurement; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1874 - 8. Pp. 72-108. Secular change of magnetic declination in the United States and other parts of North America; new discussion. Collection of magnetic declinations from over fifty locations from York Factory on Hudson's Bay to Panama, thence to Alaska and the Kamchatka Peninsula in Asia; table of empirical expressions for magnetic declination; comparison of magnetic declination observed and computed; table of number of observations at each location; table of decennial values of the magnetic declination. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1874 - 9. Pp. 109-130. Magnetic observations, Key West, Florida. Monthly results for magnetic declination, 1860-1866; annual effect of the secular change of declination; annual variation of the declination; observed annual variation of the declination at stations near the Atlantic seaboard; monthly values for magnetic dip at Key West; annual effect of the secular change in dip; monthly values of horizontal intensity at Key West; annual effect of secular change in horizontal intensity; annual variation in the horizontal intensity; general table of results from absolute measures of the magnetic declination, dip, and intensity; differential measures of changes in magnetic declination from the Brooke magnetographs at Key West, 1860-1866; monthly means of hourly readings from the photographic traces of the fixed declination at Key West; monthly means of declinometer readings; permanency of detorsion in the suspension skein; discussion of the disturbances of the magnetic declination; monthly normals of the hourly reading of the declinometer at Key West; mean monthly normals of hourly readings from observations extending over six years; number of disturbances during six successive years; distribution of disturbances in the yearly period; in the daily period; average magnitude of disturbances during successive years; in the yearly period; in the daily period; solar diurnal variation in the magnetic declination at Key West for the epoch 1863.3; the same between 1860 and 1866; the same at Philadelphia for the epoch 1842.5; characteristic features of the daily variation; eleven-year inequality in the solar diurnal variation; mean annual normals of hourly readings of the declinometer for six years, 1860-1866, at Key West; mean annual normal deflections at each hour. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1874 - 10. Pp. 131-133. Transit of Venus, 1769. Results of observations for determining positions occupied in Lower California and Philadelphia. [Astronomy; Geodesy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1875 - 9. Pp. 139-156. Telegraphic longitude of Key West. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Instrumentation; Computations; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1875 -16. Pp. 254-278. Terrestrial magnetism. Instructions for magnetical observations. Reprinted from Appendix No. 1872 -14. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1875 - 17. Pp. 279-292. The closing of a circuit of triangulation. (Doolittle listed as second author.) [Geodesy; Triangulation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 16. Pp. 338-353. Reprint of Appendix No. 1871 - 11. [Geodesy; Leveling; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 17. Pp. 355-367. Observations of atmospheric refraction. Determination of several heights by the spirit level, and measures of refraction by zenith distances; also, observations of the barometer at Ragged Mountain, Maine by F. W. Perkins. Results of spirit level operations near the entrance of Penobscot Bay in 1874; results of observations of zenith distances at Ragged Mountain for atmospheric refraction; meteorological observations at Ragged Mountain, Mount Desert, and at White Head Light; two short simultaneous sets; resulting differences of height. [Geodesy; Leveling; Meteorology.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 18. Pp. 368-387. Atmospheric refraction and adjustment of hypsometric measures. Determination of the coefficient of refraction from zenith distances observed in northern Georgia, by Assistants C.O. Boutelle and F. P. Webber, in 1873 and 1874, and adjustment of different heights by the method of least squares. [Geodesy; Leveling; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 19. Pp. 388-390. Hypsometric formulae, based upon thermodynamic principles. [Geodesy; Leveling; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1876 - 20. Pp. 391-399. On the adaptation of triangles to various conditions, with notes on modes of observing horizontal angles and directions. [Geodesy; Triangulation.]

Appendix No. 1877 - 6. Pp. 84-95. The Pamplico-Chesapeake arc of the meridian and its combination with the Nantucket and the Peruvian arcs for a determination of the figure of the earth from American measures. Combination of arcs for determining the figure of the earth; Bessel 1841, Clarke 1866, and Coast Survey 1877. [Geodesy; Arc Measurement; Base Line Measurement; Latitude; Azimuth; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1877 - 7. Pp. 96-97. Magnetic observatory at Madison, Wisconsin. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1878 - 7. Pp. 88-91. Transit of Mercury, Washington, D.C.; Observations by R.D. Cutts, William Eimbeck, and O. H. Tittmann, Assistants. [Astronomy; Geodesy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1878 - 8. Pp. 92-118. Adjustment of the primary triangulation between the Kent Island, Maryland, and Atlanta, Georgia, base lines. (Includes paper by M. A. Doolittle.) [Geodesy; Triangulation.]

Appendix No. 1879 - 8. Pp. 110-123. Comparisons of local deflection of the plumb line. Determination of the standard geodetic latitude; table of systematic apparent deflections in the meridian; determination of the standard geodetic azimuth; table of systematic deflection at right angles to the meridian resulting from observed azimuths; determinations of the standard geodetic longitude; exhibition of the apparent local deflections of the vertical with reference to the Bessel and Clarke spheroids; table of comparison of effect of apparent local deflection of the vertical in latitude for the Bessel and Clarke spheroids; table of same for deflections in azimuth; in longitude. Appendix A, Table I, astronomical latitudes of the oblique arc along the Atlantic; comparison of the register latitudes, apparent deflections in the meridian. Appendix B, Table I, astronomical azimuths of the oblique arc along the Atlantic; comparison of the register azimuths, apparent deflections in the meridian. Appendix C, astronomical (telegraphic) longitudes of the oblique arc along the Atlantic; comparison of the register longitudes, apparent deflections in longitude, and corresponding apparent deflections in the prime vertical. [Geodesy; Arc Measurement; Astronomy; Gravity; Longitude; Latitude; Azimuth.]

Appendix No. 1879 - 9. Pp. 124-174. Secular change of magnetic declination in the United States and at some foreign stations. (Fourth edition. Contains many more stations in the interior of North America than earlier works.) [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1880 - 6. Pp. 81-92. Telegraphic longitudes. Report on the results of telegraphic longitudes determined by the Coast and Geodetic Survey up to 1880, and preliminary adjustment by least squares. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1880 - 14. Pp. 201-286. Determination of time, longitude, latitude, and azimuth. (1) Telegraphic determination of longitude; (2) Personal equation; specimen of record of results for difference of longitude; variability of personal equation; (3) weights to transit observations recorded on the chronograph; weights depending on the star's declination; weights to incomplete transits; reduction of observations for time; (4) disposition of telegraphic instruments in the observatory; (5) concluding remarks. ( The designated pages fall within a larger appendix detailing Coast Survey methods in virtually all aspects of Geodesy; Astronomy. See following entry.) [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude: Error Analysis; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1880 - 15. Pp. 287-296. A review of various projections for charts. Comparison of the relative value of the polyconic projection used in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, with some other projections. Map projections classified and defined; three groups; first group - the square projection, the rectangular projection, the rectangular equal-surface projection, Cassini's projection, projection with converging meridians, projection by development of an intersecting cylinder, Mercator's projection; second group - Flamsteed's projection, De Lorgna's, Babinet's equal-surface projection, De l'Isle's conic projection, the simple conic projection, Murdoch's projection; third group - Lambert's projection, Bonne's polyconic; remarks on the history of Coast Survey projections; formulae for computation: (1) for an arc of a great circle of a sphere; (2) for the rhumb line on Mercator's projection; (3) for the straight line on Bonne's projection; (4) for the straight line on the polyconic projection; resulting distance in nautical miles; resulting azimuths. [Cartography; Projections; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1880 - 19. Pp. 412-417. Variations of the compass off the Bahama Islands at the time of the landfall of Columbus in 1492. Remarks on the early use of the compass; at the time of Columbus; reckoning time; notes on the voyages of Columbus; line of no variation; corrections to the agonic line; track of Columbus across the Atlantic in 1492 in tabular form. [Geophysics; Magnetism; History.]

Appendix No. 1881 - 8. Pp. 126-158. Directions for magnetic observations with portable instruments. (Third and enlarged edition, with 4 plates.) Introductory remarks; selection of stations; I, determination of the magnetic declination; definition; finding the true meridian; adjustment of the theodolite and alt-azimuth instrument; formulae for determining azimuth and time; examples of record, and reductions from sun observations and from observations on Polaris; adjustment of the declinometer and magnetometer; observations for magnetic axis and scale values, with examples; table of solar diurnal variation of the declination at Toronto, Canada, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and at Key West, Florida; tables of times and azimuths of Polaris at elongation, for the use of surveyors in determining the true meridian; observations for magnetic declination; II, determination of magnetic inclination; description of the instrument; adjustment of the dip circle; reversal of poles of dipping needles; observations for inclination or dip, with example; observations for dip by means of a loaded needle (the Mayer Method), with example of record and reduction; determination of the total relative intensity by means of the dip circle in connection with deflecting weights, as devised by Rev. H. Lloyd, with formulae and example; determination of relative total intensity by means of the dip circle, combining deflections by gravity and magnetism, by Dr. Lloyd's method, with formulae and example; III, absolute and relative measures of the magnetic force; units of measure of the magnetic force; description and use of the magnetometer; observations of deflections, with examples of record and deductions; determination of magnetic constants; observations of oscillations, with example of record and reduction; corrections for inequality of temperature; example of observations of deflection for value of q (temperature coefficient); introduction of absolute for relative values of the horizontal force, as determined by oscillations alone; concluding remarks; formulas for total force; constants for the conversion of intensity into different units; list of standard works on magnetism; illustrations of the different forms of magnetometers, and of the Kew dip circle. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1881 - 9. Pp. 159-224. Terrestrial magnetism. Collection of results for declination, dip, and intensity, from observations made by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey between 1833 and 1882. Introductory remarks; explanation of the tables of magnetic results; tables of magnetic results arranged by States and Territories in alphabetical order, with a table headed "Foreign Countries," ending with a description of stations, arranged in the same order. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1882 - 7. Pp. 107-138. Description and construction of a new compensation base apparatus, with a determination of the length of two 5-metre standard bars. [Geodesy; Instrumentation; Base Line Measurement.]

Appendix No. 1882 - 11. Pp. 209 & 517-556. Results of the transcontinental line of geodetic spirit leveling near the parallel of 39o. First part from Sandy Hook, N.J., to St. Louis, Mo. Field work executed by Assistant Andrew Braid. Descriptions of bench marks; route; establishment of mean tidal level at Sandy Hook; instrumental constants; probable error of results from geodetic spirit leveling. (This appendix reported on the first half of the first precise line of levels run across the North American continent.) [Geodesy; Leveling; Error Analysis; Oceanography; Tides.]

Appendix No. 1882 - 12. Pp. 211-276. On the secular variation of the magnetic declination in the United States and at some foreign stations. (Fifth Edition, November, 1882.) Introductory remarks; solar-diurnal variation; annual variation; lunar inequalities; secular variation; magnetic disturbances; historical note; the declination; isogonic charts; the secular variation of the declination; analytical expression of the secular variation of the magnetic declination; collection of magnetic declinations, observed at various places in the United States and at some foreign stations, from the earliest to the present time; Table I, formulae expressing the magnetic declination at various places and for any time within the limits of observation, deduced from the preceding results; Table 1b, expressions for the magnetic declination at subordinate stations; Table II, comparison of observed and computed magnetic declinations; Table III, annual change of the declination and other data; graphic representations of secular variation at San Francisco, Baltimore, and Paris; showing the position of the agonic line for 1790 and 1885, and annual change of the magnetic declination for the epoch 1885; chart of the secular change in the position of the agonic line of the North Atlantic between 1500 and 1900; Table IV, decennial values of the magnetic declination. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; Computations; History.]

Appendix No. 1882 - 13. Pp. 277-328. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States at the epoch, January, 1885, with three isogonic charts and one plate. Prefatory remarks; method of forming tables of observed magnetic declinations and corresponding values referred to epoch, January, 1885; a chart showing disturbed isogonics; table of results for Alaska, formed with a view of expressing the declination to 1885 in a function of the latitude and the longitude; discussion by Lloyd's formula; table of magnetic declinations, for the most part observed in the present century, reduced to the epoch, January 1, 1885, which forms the basis for the construction of three isogonic charts of the United States. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1883 - 11. Pp. 273-278. Results for the length of the primary base line in Yolo County, Cal. Measurement in 1881 by Assistant George Davidson. Computation and discussion of results. [Geodesy; Base Line Measurement; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1883 - 12. Pp. 289-321. Results of observations for atmospheric refraction on the line Mount Diablo to Martinez, California, in connection with hypsometric measures by spirit level, the vertical circle, and barometer, made in March and April, 1880, by Assistant George Davidson. [Geodesy; Leveling; Meteorology; Computations; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1883 - 13. Pp. 323-365. Account and results of magnetic observations made under the direction of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Signal Office, at the U.S. Polar Station, Ooglaamie, Point Barrow, Alaska, Lieutenant P. Henry Ray, Army Signal Office, commanding post. Part I, introduction; instructions and notes for the guidance of observers to be stationed at Point Barrow, Alaska, and at Lady Franklin Bay, north of Smith Sound, Arctic Ocean, with a plan for magnetic house for Point Barrow; memorandum furnished Point Barrow relief party, with plan for new observatory; notes on the mounting; the adjustment and the determination of instrumental constants of the Brooke differential magnetometers; (1) the declination or unifilar magnetometer, (2) the horizontal force or bifilar magnetometer, (3) the vertical force or balance magnetometer; geographical position of Ooglaamie. Alaska; Part II, absolute measures; monthly values of the magnetic declination, dip, and intensity at Ooglaamie, December, 1881, to August, 1883; Part III, differential measures; hourly variations of the declination, horizontal, and vertical intensities, with bi-monthly term-day readings, December, 1881, to August, 1883; adjustments of the Brooke declinometer; solar -diurnal variation of the declination, inclusive of the disturbances, with a graphical representation; separation of the larger magnetic variations or so-called disturbances and their discussion; the bifilar magnetometer. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1883 - 16. Pp. 371-378. Observations of the transit of Venus of December 6, 1882, at Washington, D.C., at Tepusquet Station, California, and at Lehman's Ranch, Nevada. Location of Washington station; instruments and observers; first external contact; first internal contact; second internal contact; the last contact; error of chronometer from Naval Observatory time-ball. -- Charles A. Schott ,Assistant, and J.G. Porter, Computer. Observations at Washington by B.A. Colonna, Assistant; instruments for time and for observation; comparison of timepieces; first external contact; second interior contact; second exterior contact. -- P. A. Welker's observations of third and fourth contacts at station Tepusquet, California; station; observer; instruments; outlines very sharp and distinct; hourly rate of chronometer; as reported by Assistant James S. Lawson. -- Assistant William Eimbeck's observations of third and fourth contacts at Lehman's ranch, Nevada; geographical position of stations; instrument used; atmospheric conditions; observed times of third and fourth contacts; chronometer used and its errors; method of observing; no "black drop" seen; contacts well observed; defective arrangement for screening down sun's excessive light; comparison of chronometers; comparison of results of Aid R. A. Marr with Assistant Eimbeck's; observed time of apparent middle of planet; appearance of sun and planet; no delay in regular work of the Survey. [Astronomy; Geodesy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1884 - 9. Pp. 387-390. Connection at Lake Ontario of the primary triangulation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey with that of the Lake Survey. Observations by Charles O. Boutelle. Discussion by Charles A. Schott. [Geodesy; Triangulation.]

Appendix No. 1884 - 10. Pp. 391-405. Results of a trigonometrical determination of the heights of stations forming the Davidson quadrilaterals. Observations by Assistant George Davidson, 1876-1882. [Geodesy; Leveling; Computations; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1884 - 11. Pp. 407-430. Longitudes deduced in the Coast and Geodetic Survey from determinations by means of the electric telegraph between the years 1846 and 1885. Second adjustment. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Error Analysis; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1885 - 6. Pp. 129-274. The geographical distribution and secular variation of the magnetic dip and intensity in the United States. Preface; introduction; Part I, explanation of the general table; Table I, observed magnetic dips and horizontal and total magnetic intensities in the United States and adjacent regions, arranged alphabetically; Part II, secular variation of the magnetic dip in the United States; discussion of dip by least squares; Table II, annual values of observed magnetic dip at prominent stations and comparison of observed and computed dips; two groups of stations exhibiting for every fifth year change in dip, from 1830 to 1885, to be used in connection with secular variations of the horizontal component of the force, and of the total force; type curves of the secular variation of the dip; Part III, secular variation of the horizontal component of the magnetic force and of the total intensity of the United States; Table III, annual values of observed magnetic horizontal force at prominent stations; three type curves showing secular variation of the horizontal intensity -- first for the northeastern part of the United States; second, for the eastern part of the United States; third for the western coast; secular variation of the total intensity of the magnetic force; secular variation of the direction of a freely-suspended magnetic needle, with a type curve, for the New England States, from 1820 to 1885; construction of isomagnetic maps of the United States, showing the distribution of the dip, and of the horizontal component and total value of the earth's magnetic intensity, for the epoch, January 1, 1885. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; Computations; History.]

Appendix No. 1885 - 8. Pp. 285-439. Geographical positions of trigonometric points int the States of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, determined by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey between the years 1835 and 1885, and including those determined by the Borden survey in the years 1832 to 1838. [Data Report; Geographic Positions.]

Appendix No. 1885 - 9. Pp. 441-467. Results deduced from the geodetic connection of the Yolo base line with the primary triangulation of California; also a reduction and adjustment of the Davidson quadrilaterals, forming part of that triangulation. [Triangulation; Base Line Measurement; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1886 - 12. Pp. 291-407. The secular variation of the magnetic declination in the United States and at some foreign stations. (Sixth edition, greatly enlarged. See Appendix 1887 - 7.) [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1887 - 7. Pp. 165-172. Fluctuations in the level of Lake Champlain and average height of its surface above the sea. Introductory remarks; fluctuations of the level of Lake Champlain, as shown by monthly means from daily observations made by the United States Engineers at Fort Montgomery, N.Y., between the years 1871 and 1882; fluctuations in the level of Lake Ontario, shown by monthly means at Charlotte Harbor as a representative station, between the years 1859 and 1881; comparison of the state of Lake Champlain with the amount of rain (and melted snow) during the years 1871-1882; table showing the effect of wind; secular variation in the level of Lake Champlain; diagram showing annual variation in the level of Lake Champlain and Lake Ontario, with annual variation in rainfall; diagram showing secular variation of the two lakes; absolute height of lake Champlain above the ocean; probable uncertainty of this result. [Hydrography; Meteorology; Geodesy; Leveling; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1887 - 9. Pp. 185-205. Heights from spirit levelings of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Carrollton (New Orleans), La. Executed by Assistant J. B. Weir in 1885-1886. [Geodesy; Leveling; Computation; Error Analysis; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1887 - 10. Pp. 207-210. The magnetic work of the Greely Arctic Expedition. A short historical account of the expeditions sent out in command of Lieutenant Greely and Lieutenant Ray; astronomical and magnetic work of Sergeant Israel; magnetic observatory at Fort Conger; determination of latitude, longitude, and azimuth; the number of magnetic observations and scheme for observing the declination; solar-diurnal variation; annual variation; hourly observations; term-day and term-hour observations; observations of oscillations; observations for dip; dates of aurora displays; tables of magnetic results derived from the work of other Arctic explorers; annual change in declination in the region; importance of a redetermination of the American pole of dip. [Geophysics; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1887 - 14. Pp. 275-300. Report of the results of spirit leveling of precision about New York Bay and vicinity in 1886 and 1887. Observations by Assistant John B. Weir and Sub-assistant John E. McGrath. [Geodesy; Leveling; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 6. Pp. 167-176. Part I. The value of the "Arcano del Mare" with reference to our knowledge of the magnetic declination in the earlier part of the seventeenth century. (This refers to the classic atlas published posthumously by Sir Robert Dudley.) Part II. Historical review of the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in connection with terrestrial magnetism. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Cartography; History.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 7. Pp. 177-312. The secular variation of the magnetic declination in the United States and at some foreign stations. (Seventh edition, June, 1889.) Introduction; the magnetic declination; the solar-diurnal variation; the annual variation; the variation depending on the solar rotation; the lunar inequalities; the secular variation; plate showing secular variation of the magnetic needle at Paris, France; magnetic disturbances or storms; historical note; the declination; isogonic charts; the secular variation of the declination; analytical expression of the secular variation of the magnetic declination; collection of observed magnetic declinations suitable for the investigation of the secular variation; Group I. -- Series of magnetic stations mainly on the Atlantic coast and in the region east of the Appalachian range; list of stations and explanation of tables; Group I. -- Collection of observed magnetic declinations, eastern series; results for Group I; comparison of observed and computed magnetic declinations; Group II. -- Series of magnetic stations mainly in the central United States between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountain ranges; results for Group II; comparison of observed and computed magnetic declinations; Group III. -- Collection of magnetic declinations from the earliest to the present time, observed on or near the Pacific coast of the United States and west of the Rocky Mountains, and extending over the region from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, northward to the Bering Strait, and the Arctic Ocean coast of Alaska; map showing isogonic lines for the year 1783, constructed from observations made by Spanish navigators between 1774 and 1790, San Blas, Mexico, to Vancouver Island; results for Group III; comparison of observed and computed magnetic declinations; graphical illustration of the secular variation and of the annual change; secular variation and the position of the agonic line of the North Atlantic and of America between the epochs 1500 and 1900 A.D.; plate showing agonic lines of 1700-1750 A.D.; progressive change in the secular variation; early attempts to locate the North American magnetic pole. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 8. Pp. 313-403. Geographical positions of trigonometrical points in the State of Connecticut, determined by the U.S. Coast And Geodetic Survey between the years 1833 and 1886. Introduction and explanation of tables by C.A. Schott. [Data Report; Geographic Positions.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 10. Pp. 409-426. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Mobile, Ala., and Okolona, Miss. Field work by Assistant John B. Weir and Sub-assistant John E. McGrath in 1884, 1886, and 1887. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 11. Pp. 427-453. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between New Orleans, La., and Arkansas City, Ark. Field work between New Orleans and Greenville, Miss., by Assistants Otto H. Tittmann and Andrew Braid, and by Sub-assistant John B. Weir in the years 1879-1881; and between Greenville, Miss, and Arkansas City, by the Mississippi River Commission in 1880 and 1881. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1888 - 12. Pp. 454- 464. Heights from spirit leveling of precision between Arkansas City, on the Mississippi River, and Little Rock, Ark. Field work by Sub-assistant John E. McGrath in 1887 and 1888. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 6. Pp. 179 -197. Relation between the metric standards of length of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and the U.S. Lake Survey. By C.A. Schott and O.H. Tittmann. [Triangulation; Base Line Measurement; Weights and Measures.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 8. Pp. 209-212. Telegraphic determination of the longitude of a station on Mount Hamilton., Cal., and its trigonometrical connection with the Lick Observatory. Field work by Assistant C.H. Sinclair and Sub-assistant R.A. Marr. (Also published in Bulletin No. 13, 1889.) [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 11. Pp. 233-402. The distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch of 1890. Retrospective view of work done by the Coast and Geodetic Survey relating to magnetic declinations; theory and effect of local disturbances in the distribution of the declination, dip, and intensity; collection and tabular arrangement of magnetic declinations; general distribution of the data in the States, Territories, and other geographical divisions; table of observed declinations and values reduced to the year 1890; construction of the isogonic curves for the United States (exclusive of Alaska) ; distribution of the declination in Alaska and adjacent regions; establishment of an analytical expression for the distribution in Alaska; construction of isogonic curves for Alaska; definition of magnetic meridians and parallels; construction of magnetic meridians for the United States (exclusive of Alaska). [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 15. Pp. 461-466. Result of spirit leveling between tide water at Annapolis, Md., and the Capitol bench mark at Washington, D.C., from observations made by Assistant Frank Wally Perkins in 1875. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 17. Pp. 479-491. Report on the resulting length and probable uncertainty of five principal base lines, measured with the Bache-Wurdemann compensation base apparatus between 1847 and 1855. [Geodesy; Base Line Measurement; Computations; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1890 - 8. Pp. 199-241. Terrestrial magnetism. Results of the observations recorded at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Magnetic Observatory at Los Angeles, California, in charge successively of Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant; Carlisle Terry, Jr., Subassistant, and Richard E. Halter, Assistant, between the years, 1882-1889. Part I. Results of the absolute measures of the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force. (Part II is found in Appendix 1890 - 9; Part III is found in Appendix No. 1891 -4; and Part IV is found in Appendix No. 1892 - 7.) [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1890 - 9. Pp. 243-457. Terrestrial magnetism. Results of the observations recorded at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Magnetic Observatory at Los Angeles, California, in charge successively of Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant; Carlisle Terry, Jr., Subassistant, and Richard E. Halter, Assistant, between the years, 1882-1889. Part II. Results of the differential measures of the magnetic declination, with hourly readings of the unifilar traces. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 1. Pp. 7 - 13. Approximate times of culminations and elongations, and of the azimuths at elongation of Polaris for the years 1889-1910. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Azimuth.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 2. Pp. 15-19. On the determination of an azimuth from micrometric observations of a close circumpolar star near elongation by means of a meridian transit, or by means of a theodolite with eyepiece micrometer. Observations by A. T. Mosman. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Azimuth.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 3. Pp. 21-39. The secular variation and annual change of the magnetic force at stations occupied by E.D. Preston, Assistant, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, in connection with the U.S. Eclipse Expedition to the west coast of Africa in 1889-1890, in charge of Professor, D.P. Todd. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 4. Pp. 41-267. Results of the observations recorded at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Magnetic Observatory at Los Angeles, California, in charge successively of Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant; Carlisle Terry, Jr., Subassistant, and Richard E. Halter, Assistant, between the years, 1882-1889. Part III. Results of the differential measures of the horizontal intensity. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 5. Pp. 269-273. On the magnetic observations made during Bering's first voyage to the coasts of Kamchatka and Eastern Asia in the years 1725-1730. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report; History.]

Appendix No. 1892 - 1. Pp. 1-51. On the variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations in cooperation with the International Geodetic Association. Part I: Description of the station, instruments, and methods of observing, by Edwin Smith. Part II: Reductions of the observations and discussion of the results, by C.A. Schott. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Latitude.]

Appendix No. 1892 - 3. Pp. 161-203. On the results of spirit leveling of precision between Okolona, Miss., and Odin, Ill., from observations made by Assistant John B. Weir, Sub-assistants Isaac Winston and P. A. Welker, and Aid F. A. Young. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1892 - 4. Pp. 205-234. On the results of spirit leveling of precision between Corinth, Miss., Memphis, Tenn., from observations made in 1890 and 1891 by Subassistant Isaac Winston and Aid F. A. Young. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1892 - 7. Pp. 253-327. Results of the observations recorded at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Observatory, Los Angeles, California, 1882-1889. Part IV, results of the differential measures of the vertical force component and the variations of dip and total force. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1892 - 11. Pp. 529-533. Results of magnetic observations at stations in Alaska and in the Northwest Territory of the Dominion of Canada. Observations at five stations in Alaska by J.E. McGrath and J.H. Turner in the years 1889, 1890, and 1891. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1893 - 2. Pp. 19-36. Heights from geodetic leveling between St. Louis and Jefferson City, Mo., 1882-1888. Executed by Assistants Andrew Braid and Gershom Bradford and by Sub-Assistant Isaac Winston. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1893 - 11. Pp. 440-508. On the variation of latitude at San Francisco, Cal., from observations made in concert with the International Geodetic Association, 1891 and 1892. - Observations by George Davidson. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Latitude.]

Appendix No. 1894 - 3. Pp. 71-85. Standard geodetic positions in southeastern Alaska, depending on astronomic observations made during 1892, 1893, and 1894. [Data Report; Geographic Positions.]

Appendix No. 1894 - 4. Pp. 87-100. Distribution of the magnetic declination in Alaska and adjacent waters for the year 1895, and construction of an isogonic chart for the same epoch. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1894 - 5. Pp. 101-116. The length of the Holton base line, Indiana, with related experimental measures, during part of July, August, September, and October, 1891. [Base Line Measurement; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1894 - 6. Pp. 117-123. The length of the St. Albans base line, West Virginia, measured in October, 1892. [Base Line Measurement; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1895 - 1. Pp. 167-320. The secular variation in direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic force in the United States and in some adjacent countries. (Eighth edition.) [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1895 - 2. Pp. 321-346. Abstract of resulting latitudes of some prominent stations in Alaska and adjacent parts as astronomically determined during 1889-1895. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Latitude.]

Appendix No. 1895 - 3. Pp. 333-344. Abstract of resulting longitudes of some prominent stations in Alaska and adjacent parts, as astronomically determined during 1889-1895. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1895 - 4. Pp. 345-346. Observation of the transit of Mercury on November 10, 1894, made at the Coast and Geodetic Survey office, Washington, D.C. Report by C.A. Schott, O.H. Tittmann, E.D. Preston, Edwin Smith, G.R. Putnam, and E.G. Fischer. [Astronomy.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 1. Pp. 147-235. Terrestrial magnetism. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for the epoch January 1, 1900. (Third edition.) Introduction; table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and adjacent regions; the isogonic chart of the United States for the epoch January , 1900; construction of the lines of equal declination; table of the most recent magnetic declinations observed in the United States and adjacent regions, and referred to the epoch, January 1, 1900. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Data Report.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 2. Pp. 237-246. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Old Point Comfort and Richmond, Va., from observations made by Sub-assistant John B. Weir in 1884 and Assistant Isaac Winston in 1891 and 1892. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 3. Pp. 247-264. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D.C., from observations made by Sub-assistant John B. Weir in 1883 and 1884, with releveling by Subassistant Weir between Richmond and Fredericksburg in 1886, and verification leveling between the two cities by Isaac Winston in 1895. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 4. Pp. 261-264. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Washington, D.C., and Hagerstown, Md., from observations made by Sub-assistant John B. Weir in 1883. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1896 - 5. Pp. 265-284. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Jefferson City, Mo., and Holliday, Kans., from observations by Assistant Isaac Winston and Aid F. A. Young, in 1891. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1897 - 1. Pp. 157-196. Distribution of the magnetic dip and magnetic intensity in the United States for the epoch January, 1890. [Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1897 - 2. Pp. 197-258. The telegraphic longitude net of the United States and its connection with that of Europe, 1866-1896. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1897 - 3. Pp. 259-268. Resulting longitudes of Kadiak (Kodiak), Unalaska, and Unga, as determined chronometrically for Sitka in 1896, by the party of Fremont Morse, Assistant. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1897 - 4. Pp. 269-284. Resulting heights from spirit-leveling between Holliday and Salina, Kansas, from observations by I. Winston, between July 11 and October 28, 1895. [Geodesy; Leveling.]

Appendix No. 1898 - 1. Pp. 183-198. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Salina and Ellis, Kansas, from observations by Isaac Winston, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey, between July 2 and September 9, 1896. Instruments; method of observing; computations; results; description of bench marks. [Geodesy; Leveling; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1898 - 2. Pp. 199-218. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Ellis, Kansas, and Hugo, Colorado, from observations by Isaac Winston, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey, between June 11 and November 17, 1897. Instruments; method of observing; computations; results; description of bench marks; list of railroad stations whose elevations were determined. [Geodesy; Leveling; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1898 - 3. Pp. 219-230. Resulting heights from spirit leveling between Hugo, Colorado, and Colorado Springs, Colorado, from observations by Isaac Winston, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey, between April 20 and July 8, 1898. Instruments; method of observing; computations; results; description of bench marks; list of railroad stations whose elevations were determined. [Geodesy; Leveling; Instrumentation; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1898 - 4. Pp. 231-236. Inquiry into the relative value and need of a check of the Peruvian arc of 1736-1743. [Geodesy; Arc Measurement.]


Appendix No. 1900 - 5. Pp. 501-524. Schlesinger, F. and Smith, E. The latitude service at Gaithersburg, Md., and Ukiah, Cal., under the auspices of the International Geodetic Association. Variations of latitude considered with special reference to the program of the International Geodetic Association; Euler's theory; early observations; recent investigations; discussion of Chandler's law; the work of the International Geodetic Association; program of observations. Description of stations, instruments, methods, etc., at Gaithersburg; location of station; the buildings; the instruments; installation of instruments and method of using; the method of observing latitude; the program of observing; the work accomplished. [Geodesy; Geodetic Astronomy; Latitude; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1870 - 19. Pp. 182-189. On the phosphate beds of South Carolina. [Geology.]


Appendix No. 1874 - 14. P. 152. Device for detaching from a line the heavy weight requisite in deep-sea soundings. [Oceanography; Deep Sea Soundings; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1857 - 41. Pp. 379-382. Florida Peninsula airline. Report of a reconnaissance between Fernandina and Cedar Keys. By Captain James H. Simpson, United States Topographical Engineers and Assistant in the Coast Survey. (Air-line refers to an overland route for the primary triangulation across the Florida Peninsula. The goal was to extend primary triangulation to the West Coast of Florida without following hundreds of miles of coast line. This line was the first major incursion of the triangulation into the interior of the country.) [Reconnaissance; Triangulation.]


Appendix No. 1881 - 6. Pp. 91-123. General index of scientific papers, methods, and results contained in the Appendices to the Annual Reports of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, from 1845 to 1880, inclusive. [Index.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 11. Pp. 365-474. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1807-1890, and to U.S. standards of weights and measures. Compiled by Edward Goodfellow, Cephas H. Sinclair; and J. B. Baylor. [Miscellaneous; History.]

Appendix No. 1900 - 3. Pp. 263-484. The oblique boundary line between California and Nevada. Formation of California and Nevada. Early surveys bearing on the eastern boundary of California; Sitgreaves, 1852; Goddard, 1855; Joseph C. Ives, 1858-1861; D.J. F. Houghton and Butler Ives, 1863; J.S. Lawson and W. McBride, (Coast Survey) 1865; examination of archives in California and Nevada by Assistant F.W. Edmonds; D.G. Majors, 1868; A. W. Von Schmidt, 1872-73; longitude of Verdi, one hundred and twentieth meridian, George Davidson (Coast Survey). United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Line, 1893-1899; instructions to George Davidson; location of Colorado River terminus, 1893; Lake Tahoe terminus, 1893; field operations of 1894-'99; the corrected line; change of area; maps; statistics of work; appropriations, cost of survey, etc., description of the Califonia and Nevada oblique boundary; altitudes. Tables showing results in detail; description of astronomic transits; appendix; descriptions of stations on the random and corrected lines. [Geodesy; Geodetic Astronomy; Latitude; Longitude; Azimuth; Computations; Data Report; Boundaries.]


Appendix No. 1875 - 14. Pp. 231-248. Transit of Venus, Chatham Island, 1874. Station; foundation; instruments; observations; photography; day of transit; work after the transit; computations and results; latitude observations; mean places of stars observed for latitude; results for latitude; magnetic observations; declination; dip; horizontal intensity; results. [Astronomy; Geodesy; Latitude; Longitude; Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1880 - 7. Pp. 93-95. Explanation of apparatus used for observation of telegraphic longitudes; description; adjustments; interchange of signals. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1884 - 14. Pp. 439-473. Determinations of gravity with the Kater pendulums at Auckland, New Zealand; Sidney, New South Wales; Singapore, British India; Tokio, Japan; San Francisco, Cal.; and Washington, D.C. [Gravity; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 9. Pp. 213-216. Description of two new portable transits for longitude work. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1892 - 1. Pp. 1-51. On the variation of latitude at Rockville, Md., as determined from observations in cooperation with the International Geodetic Association. Part I: Description of the station, instruments, and methods of observing, by Edwin Smith. Part II: Reductions of the observations and discussion of the results, by C.A. Schott. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Latitude.]

Appendix No. 1894 - 8. Pp. 263-275. Notes on some instruments recently made in the Instrument Division of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Office. [Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1899 - 4. Pp. 273-284. Determinations of gravity at Worcester, Massachusetts, and New York City. [Geophysics; Gravity.]

Appendix No. 1900 - 5. Pp. 501-524. Schlesinger, F. and Smith, E. The latitude service at Gaithersburg, Md., and Ukiah, Cal., under the auspices of the International Geodetic Association. Variations of latitude considered with special reference to the program of the International Geodetic Association; Euler's theory; early observations; recent investigations; discussion of Chandler's law; the work of the International Geodetic Association; program of observations. Description of stations, instruments, methods, etc., at Gaithersburg; location of station; the buildings; the instruments; installation of instruments and method of using; the method of observing latitude; the program of observing; the work accomplished. [Geodesy; Geodetic Astronomy; Latitude; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1900 - 8. Pp. 701-709. The determination of the mean value of a micrometer screw. [Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1904 - 4. Pp. 257-312. Telegraphic longitudes. The Pacific arcs from San Francisco to Manila, 1903-04, completing the circuit of the earth. General statement; descriptions of stations; the automatic record of cable signals; instrumental outfit; personal equation; determination of instrumental constants and chronometer corrections; San Francisco-Honolulu results of observations; Guam-Manila results of observations; Midway-Guam results of observations; Honolulu-Midway results of observations; resulting longitudes; previous determinations of longitude. (Thus finished the great work begun in the Coast Survey under Alexander Dallas Bache in the 1840's of tying the longitude of Europe to America, thence the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, and with the adoption of telegraphic longitude methods by other nations, ultimately the tying together of the whole earth by a telegraphic web.) [Geodesy; Longitude; Geodetic Astronomy; Error Analysis.]


Appendix No. 1852 - 21. Pp. 108-111. Lithographic transfer printing. [Printing.]


Appendix No. 1882 - 18. Pp. 451-457. John R. Bartlett and Werner Suess. Report on the Siemens electrical deep-sea thermometer. Test of thermometer on the U.S. Coast Survey steamer BLAKE, with tables of results obtained at different depths and under different conditions and a description of the apparatus. [Oceanography; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1857 - 13. Pp. 150-151. Depths at Hell Gate, on several rocks, as determined by the method of sweeping. (This is a description of using a weighted spar suspended at set depths by ropes between two boats. The sweeping was done in Hells Gate, New York Harbor, in conjunction with blasting operations over Pot Rock and other obstructions. This is an early reference to the method that ultimately evolved into wiredrag and wiresweep.) [Hydrography; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1857 - 48. Pp. 401-402. Experimental soundings made with Hunt's sounding apparatus. (Experiments were made with Edward Bissell Hunt's pressure sounding apparatus. This instrument was an example of an early attempt to devise an operational sounding device that did not employ "line and sinker" technology. It also employed an automatic recording device.) [Hydrography; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1899 - 6. Pp. 299-320. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Abilene, Kansas, and Norfolk, Nebraska, from observations by A.L. Baldwin, Assistant, and B.E. Tilton, Aid, between May 8 and October 17, 1899. [Geodesy; Leveling.]


Appendix No. 1879 - 15. Pp. 202-211. Instruments and methods used in precise leveling in the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Description of level, rods, and target; simultaneous double leveling in one direction; leveling in opposite directions; method of observing river crossings; bench marks; degree of precision; records and computations; curvature and refraction; temperature correction; table of curvature and refraction; form of record; form of computation; form of abstract of results. [Geodesy; Leveling; Computations; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 6. Pp. 179 - 197. Relation between the metric standards of length of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and the U.S. Lake Survey. By C.A. Schott and O.H. Tittmann. [Triangulation; Computations; Weights and Measures.]

Appendix No. 1890 - 16. Pp. 715-720. On the relation of the yard to the metre. [Weights and Measures.]

Appendix No. 1890 - 18. Historical account of United States Weights and Measures, of the inception and construction of national prototypes of the metre and kilogramme; of their transportation from Paris to Washington; of their official opening and certification, and of their deposit in the Office of Weight and Measures. [Weights and Measures.]

Appendix No. 1891 - 6. Pp. 275-277. On the reduction of hydrometer observation of salt-water densities. [Weights and Measures.]

Appendix No. 1881 - 13. Pp. 357-358. On a method of readily transferring the underground mark at a base monument. [Triangulation.]

Appendix No. 8 - 1892. Pp. 329-503. On the measurement of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley County, Ind., and the St. Albans base, Kanawha County, W. Va. Prefatory remarks by T.C. Mendenhall. Part I: extracts from the records and the reports of A.T. Mosman. Part II: The iced bar and base tape apparatus and results of measures made with them on the Holton and St. Albans bases. - by R.S. Woodward. Part III: The new secondary base apparatus of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as used in the measurement of the Holton base, Indiana. - by O.H. Tittmann. [Base Line Measurement; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1852 - 14. Pp. 97-98. Erection of screw-pile signals along the Florida reef. [Hydrography; Signals.]

Appendix No. 1853 - 18. Pp. 50-51. Climate, soil, and general character of Florida Keys. [Geography; Geology; Topography; Meteorology.]

Appendix No. 1855 - 16. Pp. 157-160. Florida reef screw-pile beacons. Description of signals. [Hydrography; Lighthouse.]


Appendix No. 1890 - 20. Pp. 775-777. On an early chart of Long Island Sound. [History; Geographic Exploration; Cartography.]


Appendix No. 1857 - 49. Pp. 402-403. Trenchard's tide gauge. [Oceanography; Tides; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1854 - 30. Pp. 37-40. Western coast tidal and magnetic observations. Report on observations at San Diego, San Pedro, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, San Francisco, Humboldt, Port Orford, Columbia River, and Cape Disappointment. [Oceanography; Tides; Geophysics; Magnetism.]

Appendix No. 1858 -37. Pp. 228-246. Deep-sea soundings. Investigation of the laws of motion governing the descent of the weight and line; formulae of velocity of descent - rates of descent and resistance, in pounds, upon the sinker and line, with one and with two 32- pound shot, attached to a line 0.07 inch in diameter; same with 96 and 128 pound weights, deep-sea line; III, influence of different lengths of line moving with the same velocity; ratios of lengths to ratio of resistances; comparison of resistances upon the same lengths of lines of different diameters, moving at the same velocity; influence of lengths at different depths; rates of descent, velocity, resistance to sinker and line, and weight of line in water, from observations made by Joseph Dayman; diameter of line, 2 inches; weight 96 pounds; specific gravity, 1.3. [Oceanography; Deep Sea Soundings; Error Analysis; Computations; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1858 - 40. Pp. 251-270. Foreign geodetic surveys. Review showing their cost and progress, and other data, for comparison with the results of the United States Coast Survey; trigonometrical surveys of England, Ireland, and Scotland; hydrography of England; analysis of report of the select committee appointed to consider the ordnance survey of Scotland, etc., 1856; France; India; Russia; Prussia; table of statistics of topographical maps in Europe; recapitulation; marine disasters -- United States vessels, 1855, 1856, and 1857; imports, exports, tonnage, etc.; Great Britain, 1852 to 1855; Gulf of Mexico shipping; Florida reef. [Miscellaneous.]

Appendix No. 1858 - 41. Pp. 270-273. Progress of the United States Coast Survey. Ratio of results for consecutive periods of twelve years. [Miscellaneous.]

Appendix No. 1859 - 34. Pp. 359-364. Deep-sea sounding apparatus. Description of a form devised by W.P. Trowbridge, and explanation of its use. [Oceanography; Deep Sea Soundings; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 26. Pp. 326-349. Key West magnetic station. Description of instruments and plan of magnetic observatory; with results. Declinometer, recording cylinder and clock; vertical force magnetometer; adjustments; mean daily range of temperature for each month, 1851, 1852, and monthly range for four years; mean monthly temperature for fourteen years; lamps; scale measurements; temperature coefficients of the horizontal and vertical forces of magnets; photographic arrangements; magnet H -- axis and intensity; dip; scale values for intensity magnets -- tables and computation; experiments for temperature coefficients of horizontal-force magnet, with hot water and ice. [Geophysics; Magnetism; Instrumentation; Meteorology.]

Appendix No. 1861 - 11. Pp. 135-139. Sounding apparatus and log. Results obtained with an instrument devised by him. [Oceanography; Deep Sea Sounding; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1898 - 8. Pp. 409-462. A Plane Table Manual. Preliminary statement; instruments and adjustments; field work. All phases of plane table topographic work. Includes small section on "photogrammetry." [Topography; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1903 - 6. Pp. 1005-1010. Channel and Harbor Sweep. [Hydrography; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1905 - 6. Pp. 283-288. Long wire sweep. A discussion of the continuing evolution of wiredrag technology. [Hydrography; Instrumentation.]

Appendix No. 1905 - 7. Pp. 289-342. A plane table manual. Definitions: topographic map; projection; scale; datum plane; relief; control. Instruments: plane table including description, the board, movements, and tripod; mountain plane table; the alidade; stadia rod; micrometer eyepiece; plane-table sheet; projections; accessories; weights. Field work: organization of party; preliminary reconnaissance; signal poles; graphic triangulation; amount of control; three-point problem; two-point problem; deflection of long lines; distortion errors; height of instrument; relief; station routine; number of elevations to be determined; contour sketching; typical contour groups; order of development of contours; filling in; traverse lines; determinations for hydrography; high-water and storm-water line; determination of inaccessible points; large scale surveys; rapid surveys including military reconnaissance with plane table or with compass and notebook; photogrammetry; survey in advance of triangulation; office work; tables and formulas. [Topography; Instrumentation; Methods.]


Appendix No. 1846 - 10. Pp. 71-72. Differences of longitude of Philadelphia and Greenwich, by reduction of observations at Cambridge, Mass. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 9. Pp. 213-216. Description of two new portable transits for longitude work Appendix No. 1846 - 11. Pp. 72-74. Differences of longitude by telegraph. Correction for personal equation. (This is one of the first publications dealing with what came to be known as the "American Method" of longitude determination.) [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1848 - 4. Pp. 78-83. Recapitulation of results for personal equations, 1844-1848. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Error Analysis.]

Appendix No. 1848 - 19. Pp. 112-118. Longitude computations. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1850 - 13. Pp. 85-89. Telegraphic longitude operations and computations. I. Experiments for galvanic wave time between Washington and St. Louis; II, attempted experiments on wave time through different conductors; III. Experiments with the chemical telegraph line; IV, progress of the researches on the velocity of the galvanic current; the Bond spring governor. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude; Computations.]

Appendix No. 1851 - 18. Pp. 462-463. Arrangement with the president of the Maine Telegraph Company to determine the difference of longitude between Cambridge and Halifax. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1851 - 25. Pp. 476-479. Measures of wave time, made from 1849 to 1851. Specifications and tables of results. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1851 - 26. Pp. 480-481. Abstract of reports on longitudes. By moon culminations, eclipses, transits, occultations, and telegraph. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 12. Pp. 99-100. Reprint of Appendix No. 1846 - 10. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 13. Pp. 100-102. Reprint of Appendix No. 1846 - 11. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 14. Pp. 102-105. Longitude. Difference of longitude between New York, Cambridge, and Greenwich. (From Report of 1848.) [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 15. Pp. 106-108. Reprint of Appendix No. 1850 - 13. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 16. Pp. 109-111. Reprint of Appendix No. 1851 - 25. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]

Appendix No. 1866 - 17. Pp. 111-112. Reprint of Appendix No. 1851 - 26. [Geodesy; Astronomy; Longitude.]


Appendix No. 1850 - 9. Pp. 81-82. Progress of Sandy Hook 1848-1850. [Topography; Shoreline Changes.]

Appendix No. 1851 - 28. Pp. 482-484. Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina. Operative causes of its physical permanency. [Oceanography; Currents; Topography; Shoreline Changes.]

Appendix No. 1860 - 20. Pp. 216-229. Topographical and hydrographical delineations. On the contouring and reduction of maps; on the scale of shades; and on the application of photography in preparing details for the engraver; (1) generalization of contour and other natural features for reduction to 1:80,000 contour; salt marsh; sand beaches and sand hills; woods; fresh marsh; shore line; low water; (2) hydrographic reductions; (3) reductions by photography; (4) scale of shades; including report by Edward Hergesheimer. (This paper reflects the work of George Mathiot in pioneering the use of photography for cartographic purposes. Mathiot was the first to develop techniques for successfully reducing map scales from hand drawn sheets and was almost single-handedly responsible for instituting a revolution in cartographic procedures.) [Topography; Hydrography; Cartography; Printing.]

Appendix No. 1867 - 12. Pp. 149-157. Provincetown, Harbor, Massachusetts. Special survey. [Topography; Shoreline Changes.]

Appendix No. 1869 - 15. Pp. 236-259. Reports concerning Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket. -- H. L. Whiting and H. Mitchell. Edgartown Harbor, changes; Vineyard Haven its character as a port of refuge and present condition; Tables of exposures of anchorages in: Provincetown Harbor; Vineyard Haven; Great Woods Hole; Tarpaulin Cove; Old Stage Harbor; New Bedford Harbor and Quicks Hole; Plymouth Harbor; Boston Harbor and Hull Bay, President Roads, Georges Roads; Marblehead Harbor; Salem Harbor; Gloucester Harbor; Upper and Lower Bay, New York Harbor; anchorage room and average exposure in respective harbors. Surveys; physical aspects and peculiarities; Edgartown tides; Nantucket tide tables; elements of the field work. [Topography; Hydrography; Coast Pilot; Oceanography; Tides; Currents.]

Appendix No. 1872 - 17. Pp. 262-265. Shore-line changes at Edgartown Harbor, Mass. [Topography; Shoreline Changes.]

Appendix No. 1886 - 9. Pp. 263-266. Report of changes in the shore line and beaches of Martha's Vineyard, as derived from comparisons of recent with former surveys. [Topography; Shoreline Changes.]

Appendix No. 1889 - 14. Pp. 459-460. Recent changes in the south inlet into Edgartown Harbor, Martha's Vineyard. [Hydrography; Topography; Shoreline Changes.]

Appendix No. 1890 - 11. Pp. 620-623. Report in relation to a portion of the boundary line in dispute between the States of Maryland and Virginia. (The portion of the boundary line to be examined and located was near Hog Island, in the lower Potomac, and its course depended upon the method adopted of measuring the low-water line of the river.) [Topography; Oceanography; Tides.]


Appendix No. 1881 - 11. Pp. 269-353. Report on the oyster beds of the James River, Virginia, and of Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds, Maryland and Virginia. [Oceanography; Fisheries; Marine Biology.]


Appendix No. 1895 - 8. Pp. 381-382. Description of leveling rods designed and constructed for use in geodetic leveling operations. [Geodesy; Leveling; Instrumentation.]

Winston, Isaac, Appendix No. 1899 - 5. Pp. 285-298. Resulting elevations from spirit leveling between Denver, Colorado, and Rock Creek, Wyoming, from observations by Isaac Winston, Assistant, between May and October, 1899. [Geodesy; Leveling.]


Appendix No. 8 - 1892. Pp. 329-503. On the measurement of the Holton base, Holton, Ripley County, Ind., and the St. Albans base, Kanawha County, W. Va. Prefatory remarks by T.C. Mendenhall. Part I: extracts from the records and the reports of A.T. Mosman. Part II: The iced bar and base tape apparatus and results of measures made with them on the Holton and St. Albans bases. - by R.S. Woodward. Part III: The new secondary base apparatus of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as used in the measurement of the Holton base, Indiana. - by O.H. Tittmann. [Base Line Measurement; Instrumentation.]


Appendix No. 1856 - 40. Pp. 266-267. Hudson River, tidal observations made between Albany and New York City. [Oceanography; Tides.]


Appendix No. 1872 - 8. Pp. 75-172. Reports of the astronomical and meteorological observations made at Sherman, Wyoming. Part I, report of R.D. Cutts. Latitude and longitude of Sherman; terrestrial magnetism; meteorology; Table I, difference of reading of observers; Table II, daily means; Tables III and IV, hourly means; aneroid barometer; solar radiation; Table V, amount of solar radiation; Table VI, solar radiation; altitude of the sun; atmospheric electricity; Table VIII, altitude of the astronomical station; spirit level; barometer; Tables IX, X, XI, boiling-point apparatus; Table XII, temperature of boiling water at Sherman, Wyoming; Table XIII, height of Long's Peak, etc.; atmosphere and climate of Sherman; meteorological register. Part II, report of Professor C.A. Young. Spectrum of the chromosphere; catalogue of bright lines in the spectrum of the chromosphere, 1872; table showing the number of coincidences between the bright lines observed in the spectrum of the chromosphere and those in the spectrum of the chemical elements; spectra of sun spots; catalogue of lines affected in the spot-spectrum between B and b; solar eruptions and other disturbances. [Astronomy; Geodesy; Latitude; Longitude; Geophysics; Magnetism; Solar Activity.]


Appendix No. 1875 - 6. P. 87-88. Report upon electrotyping and photographing. [Cartography; Electromechanics; Printing.]


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