21 elsewhere, and of supplies generally for that region, will constitute a very profitable source of revenue, which, together with the freight on ores and bullion going eastward, cannot fail to add largely to receipts of road. It is estimated by well-informed persons now in Utah that one thousand (1,000) tons, at least, of ore and base bullion will pass over the road daily during the mining-season of this year. The production of ores will be further stimulated by the extension, during the coining summer, of the Utah Central Railroad to Payson, seventy-five miles south of Salt Lake City. LOCAL TBADE. The local trade of the road is increasing quite as rapidly as could have been anticipated. From the extended efforts that have been made by the Land Commissioner to direct attention to the large quantity of valuable agricultural lands near the line of the road, it is known that an extensive emigration from Europe and the Eastern States will be made this year to lands adjacent to the road in Platte Valley. TEXAS CATTLE TRADE. Last year, there were twenty-seven thousand (27,000) Texas cattle driven to the line of the railroad from Texas. The parties engaged in this business were so successful, that they have increased their operations, and now give assurances that not less than seventy-five thousand (75,000) head will be driven to the railroad and sent to Omaha during the coming season, to be transported to Chicago and the eastern cities. THROUGH BUSINESS. Arrangements recently made with steamship lines are a guaranty that there will be a large increase in overland passenger and freight business this year. Estimates have