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Engineering Archive

Becoming an Engineer

Index Key:   ENG065
Author:      steve
Subject:     Becoming an engineer.
How could I become an engineer?

Response #:  1 of 1
Author:      rtopper
First, do well in school.  Try to learn as much science and math as you can,
it will all help.  Also, if you get a chance to practice speaking in public
a little (like being in plays, the debate team, etc.) in school that will
help you too.  Engineers not only design things but they present their ideas
to others.  You need to be able to speak and write well, and also be good
at science and math.
So study hard in school, and try to talk to an engineer about what she/he
does at work.  If you still want to be an engineer, you will need to go to
college and get a bachelor's degree at least.  If you do not have much
money, do not let that stop you because there are scholarships out there. I
teach at an engineering school where ALL our engineering students are on
FULL SCHOLARSHIP (i.e., no tuition).

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