THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. 241 powers in becoming a well-informed man and an orator, this election proves certainly that American equality is not menaced by the success of the re- publican party. It menaces only the evil democra- cy, which, under the guidance of the slavery party, sought to force the nation into the path of socialism. But it will not succeed in this ; the question has just been decided. Between these two systems, which are to contend for contemporaneous commu- nities, between socialism and individualism, the choice of the United States is made. Before witnessing the affranchisement of the slaves, we shall, therefore, witness the affranchise- ment of American politics. They have endured a shameful yoke, and received sad lessons. Since Jef- ferson, the born enemy of true liberalism, founded the Democratic party, the United States had con- tinued to descend the declivity of radicalism; a work of relentless levelling was thenceforth pur- sued, and the domain of the conscience became gradually invaded. The democratic party found its fulcrum in the South. The slave States forced the enclosure of the private tribunal, and confiscated in behalf of the State the inviolable rights of the individual : neither thought, the press, nor the pulpit, were free among them ; the fundamental 11