Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 584-A   December 6, 1975
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
George W. Dunne, President
Roland F. Eisenbeis, Supt. of Conservation


Not all blood is red. We are so accustomed to the idea that blood is red 
that some of us are surprised to learn that it comes in other colors. It is 
true that all animals with backbones have red blood -- mammals, 
birds, turtles, snakes, frogs, salamanders and fish. However, among 
lower animals we find blood that is colorless, blue or green -- as well 
as a few with red blood.

If an animal is large enough to be seen with the naked eye, it is almost 
certain to have some sort of a circulatory system. Usually, this is a 
plumbing system with pipes, valves and pumps which brings 
nourishment and oxygen to the living cells of the animal's body and 
carries away waste products. The fluid flowing in this plumbing 
system is blood. In man and the higher animals this blood stream is 
completely enclosed in the heart, arteries, veins and their smaller 
branches. That is called a closed circulatory system.

Many lower animals, in contrast, have an open circulatory system in 
which blood fills the body spaces and bathes the living tissues directly. 
A few lower forms of animal life, although quite large, have no blood 
at all. The sponge, for example, instead of blood, circulates water 
through a network of small canals. The living parts of a jellyfish are in 
a thin outer layer in close contact with the water while its inner jelly is 
practically lifeless.

An insect has a simple tubular heart which pumps the blood forward 
into the head. From there it flows around the internal organs, through 
the legs and other appendages, then back into a central pool, or blood 
sinus, in which the heart lies. In many naked caterpillars with a 
transparent streak down the back, this pulsating heart can be seen just 
beneath the surface, and, under a microscope, the blood corpuscles as 
they rush into the heart each time the valves along its sides open. In 
insects which squirm or wriggle, the blood and the internal organs 
surge back and forth with every movement.

Insects are exceptional. Their blood furnishes little or no oxygen to the 
living tissues. Instead, they have many-branched ducts opening to the 
outside, called a tracheal system, which carry air directly to every part 
of the body.

The blood of all higher animals, from man down to fish, is made up 
largely of red blood cells whose principal work is to carry oxygen from 
the lungs or gills throughout the body. These red blood cells contain 
hemoglobin -- a protein with an atom of iron in each of its large 
molecules -- which is able to pick up or release large amounts of 
oxygen readily. Such blood is bright red when it leaves the lungs or 
gills and is dark purplish red when it returns after giving up its 
oxygen. Some lower animals such as earthworms, pond snails, land 
snails, water fleas and midge larvae also have red blood. In these the 
hemoglobin is not in blood corpuscles but is dissolved in the blood 

Many other lower animals carry oxygen in their blood stream by 
means of a dissolved substance called hemocyanin which is blue. At 
least it is blue when it is oxygenated, but colorless after the oxygen is 
released. Hemocyanin is much like hemoglobin except that the iron 
atom in the protein molecule is replaced by one of copper. The lobster, 
crab, crayfish, scorpion, octopus, squid, clam and mussel all have this 
blue blood. A few marine worms have green blood.

The blood stream of all kinds of animals has a variety of free-floating 
or creeping cells much like the white blood cells in our own blood. 
Among other tasks, these devour bacteria, foreign substances and bits 
of dead tissue.

Blue-blooded aristocrats bleed red.

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