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Federal Register Publications 2006

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71 FR 78267 12-28-06  Debt Service Reserve Pilot Program HTML PDF
71 FR 71231 12-08-06  Applications for Urban Partnership Agreement as Part of Congestion Initiative HTML PDF
71 FR 70583 12-05-06  Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands Program HTML PDF
71 FR 70449 12-04-06  Notice of Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Projects HTML PDF
71 FR 70447 12-04-06  Over-the-Road Bus Accessibility Program Announcement of Project Selections HTML PDF
71 FR 69195 11-30-06  Controlled Substances and Alcohol Misuse Testing HTML PDF
71 FR 69411 11-30-06  Buy America Requirements; End Product Analysis and Waiver Procedures HTML PDF
71 FR 67523 11-22-06  Charter service: Grant recipients prohibition from providing charter bus service; negotiated rulemaking advisory committee; meetings HTML PDF
71 FR 66576 11-15-06  Notice of Availability of Guidance on Section 6002 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) HTML PDF
71 FR 65327 11-07-06  FY 07 Annual List of Certifications and Assurances for Federal Transit Administration Grants and Cooperative Agreements HTML PDF
71 FR 64332 11-01-06  Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Dumbarton Rail Corridor Project in the Southern Portion of the San Francisco Bay Area, CA HTML PDF
71 FR 63838 10-31-06  Clarification for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Implementation for the Elderly Individuals and Individuals With Disabilities, Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC), and New Freedom Programs HTML PDF
71 FR 63836 10-31-06  Notice of Granted Buy America Waivers HTML PDF
71 FR 61534 10-18-06  Notice of Intent to Transfer Federally Assisted Land or Facility HTML PDF
71 FR 60681 10-16-06  Clean Fuels Grant Program Notice of Proposed Rulemaking HTML PDF
71 FR 60460 10-13-06  Charter Service Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee Notice of Meeting Location and Time of the Meeting HTML PDF
71 FR 59853 10-11-06  Notice of Proposed Safety and Security Management Circular HTML PDF
71 FR 53745 09-12-06  Reports and guidance documents: Public transportation projects; Federally-funded joint development improvements HTML PDF
71 FR 53740 09-12-06  Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands Program: Announcement of Project Selections HTML PDF
71 FR 53739 09-12-06  Environmental statements; notice of intent: Adams County, CO; North Metro Corridor HTML PDF
71 FR 53738 09-12-06  Agency information collection activities; proposals, submissions, and approvals HTML PDF
71 FR 52849 09-07-06  Policy Statement: High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes HTML PDF
71 FR 52610 09-06-06  Elderly Individuals and Individuals With Disabilities, Job Access and Reverse Commute, and New Freedom Programs: Coordinated Planning Guidance for FY 2007 and Proposed Circulars HTML PDF
71 FR 51274 08-29-06  Notice of Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Projects; Correction HTML PDF
71 FR 51274 08-29-06  Charter Service Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee HTML PDF
71 FR 51268 08-29-06  National Resource Center for Human Service Transportation Coordination; Solicitation for Proposals HTML PDF
71 FR 48579 08-21-06  Disadvantaged Business Enterprises; Western States Guidance for Public Transportation Providers HTML PDF
71 FR 47561 08-17-06  Notice of Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Projects HTML PDF
71 FR 47560 08-17-06  Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review HTML PDF
71 FR 46959 08-15-06  Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program; Tribal Transit Program HTML PDF
71 FR 45100 08-08-06  Notice of Availability of Interim Guidance and Instructions for Small Starts HTML PDF
71 FR 44957 08-08-06  Emergency Procedures for Public Transportation Systems HTML PDF
71 FR 43284 07-31-06  Notice of Correction HTML PDF
71 FR 43280 07-31-06  Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Areas Program (49 U.S.C. 5311): Notice of Program Guidance HTML PDF
71 FR 42611 07-27-06  Parks, Recreation Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, and Historic Sites HTML PDF
71 FR 41508 07-21-06  Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement on Transit Improvements for the Gold Line Corridor HTML PDF
71 FR 40178 07-14-06  Notice of Proposed Title VI Circular HTML PDF
71 FR 38446 07-06-06  Notice of Public Meetings on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for Statewide and Metropolitan Planning Requirements HTML PDF
71 FR 37156 06-29-06  Notice of Availability of Proposed Guidance on Section 6002 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and Request for Comments HTML PDF
71 FR 35479 06-20-06  Notice of Request for the Extension of Currently Approved Information Collections HTML PDF
71 FR 33503 06-09-06  Notice of Availability of Proposed Interim Guidance and Instructions for Small Starts and Request for Comments HTML PDF
71 FR 33509 06-09-06  Statewide Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning; Proposed Rule HTML PDF
71 FR 32496 06-06-06  Charter Service HTML PDF
71 FR 32298 06-05-06  Controlled Substances and Alcohol Misuse Testing HTML PDF
71 FR 32380 06-05-06  Notice of Final Policy Statement for Implementation of Notice and Comment Procedures for Documents Imposing "Binding Obligations" HTML PDF
71 FR 30716 05-30-06  Notice of Request for the Extension of Currently Approved Information Collections HTML PDF
71 FR 30014 05-24-06  Preparation of a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement on East-West Corridor Transit Improvements in Miami-Dade County, FL HTML PDF
71 FR 29382 05-22-06  Notice of Availability of Final Guidance on New Starts Policies and Procedures, Updated Reporting Instructions and New Starts Rating and Evaluation Process HTML PDF
71 FR 29380 05-22-06  Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Major Transit Improvements in the University Corridor of Metropolitan Houston, TX HTML PDF
71 FR 28915 05-18-06  Notice of Limitation on Claims Against Proposed Public Transportation Projects HTML PDF
71 FR 26171 05-03-06  Notice of Clarification of Effective Date for Guidance on New Starts Policies and Procedures HTML PDF
71 FR 20155 04-19-06  Environmental Impact Statement on New Transit Operations in Madison, WI HTML PDF
71 FR 20157 04-19-06  Elderly Individuals and Individuals With Disabilities, Job Access and Reverse Commute, New Freedom Programs and Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Plans: Notice of Public Meeting, Interim Guidance for FY06 Implementation, and Proposed Strategies... HTML PDF
71 FR 19606 04-14-06  Demonstration of Enhanced Human Service Transportation Models: Phase 1--System Development and Design HTML PDF
71 FR 19612 04-14-06  National Fuel Cell Bus Technology Development Program HTML PDF
71 FR 18056 04-10-06  Charter Service HTML PDF
71 FR 15513 03-28-06  Supplemental Request for Comments on Issues Relating to "Joint Development'' of Intercity Bus and Intercity Rail Stations and Terminals and Extension of Comment Period HTML PDF
71 FR 15511 03-28-06  Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement for the South Florida East Coast Corridor Transit Analysis in Southeast Florida; Including Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach Counties, FL HTML PDF
71 FR 14775 03-23-06  Disadvantaged Business Enterprises; Western States Guidance for Public Transportation Providers HTML PDF
71 FR 14772 03-23-06  Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands Program HTML PDF
71 FR 14568 03-22-06  Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program HTML PDF
71 FR 14617 03-22-06  Public Transportation on Indian Reservation Program (49 U.S.C. 5311(c)(1)): Notice of Public Meetings, Proposed Grant Program Provisions; Notice HTML PDF
71 FR 14568 03-22-06  Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program HTML PDF
71 FR 14112 03-21-06  Buy America Requirements; Amendments to Definitions HTML PDF
71 FR 13892 03-17-06  Environmental Impact Statement on Seattle Ferry Terminal--Seattle, WA HTML PDF
71 FR 13456 03-15-06  Elderly Individuals and Individuals With Disabilities, Job Access and Reverse Commute, New Freedom Programs and Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plans: Notice of Public Meeting, Interim Guidance for FY06 Implementation, and Propose HTML PDF
71 FR 12420 03-10-06  Environmental Impact Statement for the Denton County, TX, Transportation Authority Commuter Rail Project HTML PDF
71 FR 10589 03-01-06  Notice of Limitation on Claims on Proposed Public Transportation Projects HTML PDF
71 FR 8635 02-17-06  Environmental Impact Statement; Mukilteo, WA HTML PDF
71 FR 7111 02-10-06  FTA Fiscal year 2006 Apportionments, Allocations and Program Information; Notice of Supplemental Information HTML PDF
71 FR 5909 02-03-06  FTA Fiscal Year 2006 Apportionments and Allocations Changes and Corrections; Announcement of States Selected for Participation in Section 5310 Pilot Program HTML PDF
71 FR 5718 02-02-06  Over-the-Road Bus Accessibility Program Grants HTML PDF
71 FR 5037 01-31-06  Charter Service HTML PDF
71 FR 5109 01-31-06  Prevention of Alcohol Misuse and Prohibited Drug Use in Transit Operations HTML PDF
71 FR 5107 01-31-06  Joint Development Guidance HTML PDF
71 FR 4864 01-30-06  Major Capital Investment Projects HTML PDF
71 FR 3603 01-23-06  Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS): Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee Commuter Rail Extension HTML PDF
71 FR 3149 01-19-06  Notice of Availability of Guidance on New Starts Policies and Procedures and Request for Comments HTML PDF