Sept. 2, 1997
This week's stories

  • ANL-East's deer, vegetation beginning to recover
  • Book fair to benefit Argonne Combined Appeal
  • ANL-W librarian adds another book to her collection
  • HR offers CPS and Russian classes
  • `Irish' win lab's 3 -on-3 basketball tournament
  • Toastmasters elect new officers
  • Square Dance lessons offered
  • Writer, futurist Frederik Pohl to speak
  • Guest house hosts shrimp boil
  • Pool players sought
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    ANL-East's deer, vegetation
    beginning to recover

    With fewer deer at Argonne-East, the site's vegetation is beginning to recover, and the deer that remain are healthier, according to Dage Blixt, of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

    Because of unusually large numbers of deer, DOE culled a portion of the population in the fall of 1995. "There was such an overpopulation of deer that much of the vegetation on-site was eaten or trampled," said.

    With fewer deer, the vegetation has started to grow back. "Still, it could be seven to 10 years before the species composition is what it was," he said.

    Blixt is working on a vegetation study to determine the extent of the damage to the habitat.

    Blixt says the health of the remaining deer is improving slowly. "There will be a lag time while the trees grow back," he said, "but their health has already improved."

    According to Blixt, an ideal deer population for an area the size of Argonne-East would be 37 or 38 white tail deer and 37 European fallow deer.

    Estimating the current population size is difficult because the deer born during the last fawning season can remain invisible in the undergrowth of the trees. However, Blixt said there are now approximately 70 white tail deer and about 40 European fallow deer on-site.

    In the fall of 1995, there were more than 600 white tail deer and 135 European fallow deer on-site.

    The USDA created a wildlife management plan which was implemented by the DOE and USDA in the fall of 1995. USDA sharpshooters thinned the herd to a healthier size. The meat was inspected, prepared, and donated to local soup kitchens to feed the needy.

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    Book fair to benefit
    Argonne Combined Appeal

    The Argonne Combined Appeal (ACA) Steering Committee will sponsor a book fair fundraiser Thursday and Friday, Sept. 4 and 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Argonne-East's Building 213 Cafeteria.

    A large assortment of used books, videos and audio cassettes will be available for purchase. Prizes, gift certificates and grab bags will be given away.

    Unsold items from the book fair will be donated to local charities either for use in their own libraries or for resale.

    For more information about the book fair contact Marietta Strachan (CMT) at ext. 2-1353.

    The Combined Appeal provides employees with a way to contribute to the Metropolitan Chicago United Way/Crusade of Mercy, United Way Will County and 18 other charities. This year's campaign will kickoff in October with a clothing drive.

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    ANL-W librarian
    adds another book
    to her collection

    Judy Krieger, the librarian at Argonne-West, is currently compiling a book entitled "The Barns of Northern Wisconsin," which will soon be completed. The book contains pictures taken by her daughter, Jennifer, and interviews of members of local communities.

    While writing the book, Krieger gathered stories from people about their barns. The variation in the architecture of the barns represents the histories of the various ethnic communities of the area. "For example, German families would build barns one way, and Polish families would build completely differently." she said. "I interviewed people in their 70s and 80s about why they built their barns the way they did."

    Krieger, a native of Clam Lake, Wisconsin, has written six books, many of them histories of the area. She most recently completed "Clam Lake, Then and Now" which describes the town's change from logging center to resort area.

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    HR offers CPS and Russian classes

    Human Resources will offer the following courses in September.

    CPS Review -- Office Technology (HR330) -- Participants will develop a clearer understanding of the impact of new technology on the office environment. This course is one of six for individuals who wish to raise their level of professionalism in areas included in the Certified Professional Secretaries exam.

    Class will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept. 16 to Oct. 16 in Argonne-East's Building 201, Room 238. Cost is $210.

    Russian Language (HR164) -- This course, taught by a native Russian, offers both beginning and intermediate coverage of reading, writing, and speaking Russian. The class meets for 1.5 hour sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A new session will begin at 10 a.m. on Sept. 2 in Argonne-East's Building 207, Room FB101.

    For more information on these courses, call Betty Iwan (HR) at ext. 2-3410. To register, contact division Training Management System representatives.

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    `Irish' win lab's 3 -on-3
    basketball tournament

    The 1997 Argonne three-on-three Basketball Tournament came to a close on Aug. 8, with "The Irish" claiming the first-place title. Team members included Mike Giacobbe (MSD), Dave Jefferson (ASD), Art Frigo (CMT), Dan Frigo (CMT) and captain Justin Jones (ASD).

    More than 50 Argonne-East employees were involved in the games. Anyone interested in playing in next year's tournament should contact Leon Reed (HEP) 2-4478 or Julius Mitchell (ER) 2-3641.

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    Toastmasters elect new officers

    Argonne's Chapter of Toastmasters has elected new officers.

    Officers are Barbara Shelby, sgt. at arms; Dorothy Kohutynski (OCF), treasurer; Richard Lee (ET), vice president of publicity; Rajeev Thakur (MCS), vice president of education; Carolyn Arthur (HR), president; and Jeffery Tilson (MCS), secretary.

    Toastmasters helps individuals improve their communication skills through public speaking.

    The Argonne Toastmasters meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. in Argonne-East's Building 201, Conference Room 274.

    For more information, contact Carolyn Arthur at ext. 2-3021.

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    Square Dance lessons offered

    The Argonne Call & Caper Square Dance Club will sponsor Square Dance Lessons at from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. :on Mondays, starting Sept. 15.

    Lessons will be held for the next 30 weeks in Argonne East's Building 951, the Argonne Park Recreation Center, and are free to all Argonne employees.

    For more information, contact Thomas Mackey at ext. 2-9736 or e-mail at

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    Writer, futurist Frederik Pohl
    to speak at Argonne-East

    Award-winning science fiction writer and futurist Frederik Pohl will present "The Shape of Things To Come" at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 4, at Argonne-East's Building 212, Conference Room A157.

    Pohl has combined three careers: writer, book and magazine editor, and lecturer and consultant. His books, including the Gateway series, have won science fiction's most prestigious prizes, including several John F. Campbell and Hugo Awards and a Grand Master Nebula, given by professional writers in the field for lifetime achievement. His talk will focus on social, technological and environmental change and its complex ramifications.

    The lecture is sponsored by the Energy Technology Division.

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    Guest house hosts shrimp boil

    The Argonne Guest House will host a New Orleans shrimp boil from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 10, on the Guest House patio.

    The menu includes boiled shell-on shrimp, jambalya, steamed red potatoes, coleslaw, pasta salad, jalapeno corn bread, bread pudding with whiskey sauce and a non-alcoholic beverage. Cost is $7.95. A $1 off coupon is available in the latest edition (No. 2) of the Guest House News.

    Guests will pay as they enter, which Guest House staff hopes will improve the flow of service.

    The patio was "inaugurated" the week of Aug. 18 with a southwestern barbecue.

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    Pool players sought

    Pool players of all skill levels are sought for the Argonne Pool League.

    The league will play at 6 p.m. on Tuesday nights beginning Sept. 16. For more information, call Vince Battaglia (CMT) at ext. 2-4544.

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