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Regional Recruiter Offices

Harvard University’s 27th Annual Career Forum

Harvard University Enrollment Studies


Harvard University’s 27th
Annual Career Forum

Friday September 26, 2008
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Gordon Track and Tennis Center
Harvard University

Calling all Harvard students! Peace Corps needs you!

Seniors, still trying to figure out what comes after graduation? Juniors, already planning for after graduation? Freshmen and Sophomores, want to learn how to become better qualified for Peace Corps programs?

Mark your calendars and stop by the Peace Corps table at Harvard University’s 27th Annual Career Forum!

The application process can take up to a year, so apply now to go abroad summer/fall 2009! Apply by October 15th to be interviewed on-campus!

Unable to stop by? Email Harvard recruiter Jennifer Zeisler at the link below.

Contact: Jennifer Zeisler

Last updated Jan 16 2009