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  • Submission Information
    Submission ID : 24959738 Submission Name : Alkylphenols Category
    AR Number :
    Program Flag(s) : HPVIS

    View Test Plan Submission Attachment(s) Top

    View Robust Summary Attachment(s)
    alkylphenols revised robust summaries 4-23-2002

    View EPA Chemical Characterization(s)Top
    Hazard Characterization September 2007 (PDF)  (37 pp, 351 KB, About PDF)

    View Risk-Based Decision Document(s)Top
    Risk-Based Decision Document for this submission is under development and currently not available to view.

    Submitter InformationTop
    Submitter's Name : Schenectady International, Inc
    Address :
    City :
    State :
    ZIP/Postal Code :
    Country :
    Type of Submitter : Company
    Technical Point of Contact Information
    Technical Point of Contact :
    Title :
    Phone Number :
    Fax Number :
    E-Mail Address : dawn.hynes@siigroup.com
    Additional Technical Point of Contact Information
    Technical Point of Contact :
    Title :
    Phone Number :
    Fax Number :
    E-Mail Address :

    Sponsor's Name : Schenectady International (SII)
    Address : 2750 Balltown Road
    City : Schenectady
    State : NY
    ZIP/Postal Code : 12309
    Country :
    Phone Number : 518-347-4512
    Fax Number :
    E-Mail : dawn.hynes@siigroup.com
    Type of Sponsor : COMPANY
    Technical Point of Contact Information
    Technical Point of Contact : Dawn Hynes
    Title :
    Phone Number :
    Fax Number :
    E-Mail Address : dawn.hynes@siigroup.com

    Category Information Top
    Chemical Category Name : Alkylphenols Category
    Chemicals within Category :
      Click on the chemical name link to see the tabular data entered for the study.

    Endpoint Information Top
      Click on the endpoint link to see the data on a tab page.
    Physical-Chemical SIDS
    Fate SIDS
    EcoToxicity SIDS
    EcoToxicity Other
    Mammalian Health Effects SIDS
    Mammalian Health Effects Other

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    For comments fill out the form below and when complete, click on 'Submit'.

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