h Y , 1931 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 188 inform masters a t Sault Ste. Marie of the weather con- ditions on the east end of Lake Superior and the nort,h end of Lake Huron. As previously stated, the lake ships have been equipped far beyond the requirements of law, but the major portion of the commercial fleets of both Unit8ed St.at,es and Canada is still dependent upon t.he flag and lantern displays. In addition to these unequipped vessels of the larger classes engaged in int.erlake trade there are numerous small craft, such as fishing vessels and yachts to which the flag and lante,rn displays are the only available warnings of threatened storm. I have no hesitancy, therefore, in stating t,hat no thought sho~dd be given a t the present time to the with- drawal or material contraction of the. primitive syst8eni of flag and lantern displays. On the contrary, if this service can be expanded to greater usefulness hi tQe saving of life and property the study of the Weat8her Bureau should be directed to that e,nd. .For instanc.e, these signals show merely t,hat a storm may be espected from a certain point of the compass. If 8 simplerevision of the code could be arranged to show the anticipated force of the expected storm, the additional informat.ion would be valuable. ’ I make tlie further suggestion that the Weather Bureau might render ttn added se,rvice by the forecasting ob fluc,tuations in the, lake levels, particularly in the vicinity of t,he shoal places governing the loading depths of the vessels. Some years ago Mr. Frank Jennin, the meteorol- ogist of t,he Weather Bureau at Alpena, Mich., made an eshensive study of the effects of baromet’ric pressure on the lake levels and the currents created by the transit of tfhe high and low pressure areas from one part of a lake to mother. The nie,rits of Mr. Jermin’s deductions I am not coiiipet8e,iit to discuss int~elligently with you gentle- Iiieii, but I haw s distinct recollection that Mr. Jermin said that t,liese water-level fluctuations could be forecast with reasonable accuracy about six hours in advance of t,lieir c)c,currence,. If this he t.rue, may I not recommend t,o my Weather Bureau frie,nds that consideration be given to t,he issuance of advame information with refer- ence t,o these fluct,uations? While the poe,t sings of the “bounding billows” and the “we,t sheet and flowing sea,” the mariner reads with much gre.at,er concern the indications of his barometer and the reports and warning signals of the Weather Bureau. The stories the.y tell may not be ever new, but the interest holds longer t h m i t does in other Twice-Told Tales. SIGNIFICANCE OF AIR AND SEA TEMPERATURES OBTAINED ON CRUISE VI1 OF THE “CARNEGIE” Qn the tenth of hf‘ay, 1928, the nonmagnetic ship, Carnegie, sponsored by the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, took departure from Newport News on its seventh cruise. It was possible on this cruise to inaugurate a complete meteorological program. From the middle of May, 1928, to the middle of November, 1929, except for days in port, air pressure, temperature and humidity, and sea tempera- ture were recorded continuously and a definite efr‘ort was made to obtain as accurate records as possible. These Camegie observations are particularly valuable because in some regions of the Pacific where the Carnegie cruised meteorological data of known accuracy are scanty if not altogether lacking. Of the meteorological results which are now being compiled a t the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, those of sea and air temperature are the most complete and accurate. A continuous record of sea-water tein eratures a t a mercury-in-steel bulb-and-capillary type of sea-water thermograph with daily movement. Sheets were changed daily a t Greenwich mean noon. Immediately before each change of sheet the temperature of the surface sea water was measured by the bucket method. This con- sisted in lowering a canvas bucket into the sea about two feet below the surface, quickly hauling this to the deck and measuring the water temperature by immersing a stmdardized thermometer in the bucket. The tempern- ture so obtained was entered on the thermogram. In amas where the sea-surface temperature was changing rapid€ y, aa in entering port or in calm weather, a mean of several bucket readings was taken. The thermograms were scaled a t every full hour local mean time. The dift’erences between thermograph and bucket readings have been recorded, and these values, depth of approximately two meters was o E tained with n 1 Bered 011 a paper pmented before the American hleteorologkal society, Washingto-, Ma 4,1931. .41so cf. Brooks, Charles F. Meteorological Program of the Se!enth cruise of& Concgte, l928-lS’29, MONTELY \VPATBIB REVIEW, May, 1929, vol. 67, pp. l~Gl96. used as a correction factor, applied to the hourly thermo- graph readings to obtain true sea-surface temperatures. , Bucket temperatures were higher than thermograph bemperatures by 0?8 C. to 0?9 C. a t lower sea tempera- tures and by 0 3 C. to 001 C. a t higher sea temperatures. Comparing temperatures so obtained with the sea-sur- face temperatures measured a,t the oceanographic sta- tions wihh standardized reversing thermometers a differ- ence grecter than 0:s C. never was found and a t over half the st>ations the difference was less than O ?l C. Values of corrected sea-surface temperatures range from G?4 C, (4305 F.), recorde,d just south of the Aleutian Islands a t 12h July 8, 1929, to 3 0 2 C. (8604 F.) ap- pronching Pago Pago a t 14h, November 14, 1929. For obtaining air temperatures several types of ap- paratus were used. The Hartinnnn and Braun electric- resistance multitherniograph was installed for the purpose of obtaining lapse rates from deck to masthead. Three pairs of wet and dry bulb thermonieters were installed a t various heights above sea level-one. pair in the Steven- son shelter on de& 12 feet (3.6 meters) above sea level, another pair in a ventilated scre,en just above the cross- trees on the mainmast 72 feel, (21.9 mebers) above sea level, sncl n third pair a t the ma.sthen.d on the mainmast 113 feet (34.6 meters) above sea level. These Thermom- eters were cttlibrntecl from time to time with an Assmann aspiration psychrometer. The usefulness of these Hftrtmann and Braun records has been lessene,cl be.ca.use corrections for dl the single thermometers c.tm not be obtained. It is evident that the recorded values depend upon the effic,ienc.y of ven- tilat,ion of the screens, whic.h in turn is m0difie.d by direc- tion and velocity of the wincl. Unfortunately these wind- records were lost in the destruction of the vessel. An e,sasiination of these Hart,mann and Braun records has re,ve.aled a diurnal variation in the apparent lapse rates bet,we.en deck and crosst,rees (masthead-records were too incomplete for use). This must be due to heat- ing of the de.c,k-t,hermomete,r during the daylight hours. at *h&slb&eh' pomiple to o8e these Bartmann and Braun record< in ,coTec,tmg deck-tehperatures for overheating, as d l be explaheg later. 'The Hegretti-Zafhbra ventilating recording psychrom- eter was 'located in the Stevenson screen on the quarter- deck: . The recording wet and dry bulb thermometers of &,his $s t y m p t were calibrated daily at Greenwich mean noon, Ij;s means of an Assmann sling psychrmneter, As soon,as the wet and dry bulb temperatures were read off oxi;the Assmann they were ntered directly on the Negretti- ZambrgL thermogram. &he Negretti-Zambra traces have been' spaled at local meap time and hourly values corrected, from Assmapn, reading have been obtained. $'ram' these values tables of hourly air temperature, relafive hupidity, aQd vapor pressure have been com- piled. €'artl$ as a contribution to climatology and partly to qtudy the,, @urn81 variatiop of these elements, mean 4obrly.values for area5 have beep coniputed. The areas, f$enty-two in all, have been selected to represent regions within ,yGcp small variations of temperature were found, or regions, with like variations, such 'as the Gulf stream crossing, "Tb periads,of observation for the areas vary As mentioned previously, an examination revenled a didMa1 '"Phrfition in the apparent lapse-rate betmeen deck and crosstree temperatures recorded by the Hart- niann and Braun instrument due undoubtedly to over- heating of the deck thermometer during the day. Like- wise a diurnal variation in differences of temperature recorded by the Hartmann and Braun dry bulb at the chmtrees and the Negretti-Zambra dry bislb in the deck screen has been discovered. The amplitude of this varia- tion, however, is not as great as that of the differences in the two Hattniann .and Braun thermometers presumably bebause the Negretti-Zhmbra instrument was better venti- lttted! It has seemed justifiable to use these curves of differ- enbe$ for computing a correction to be applied to the day- time hourly mean temperatures by areas recorded by the Ne&et&i-Zambra dry bulb. The curve of differences during ' daylight hours between Negretti-Zambra dry bulb on 'deck dnd Hartmann and Braun dry bulb at the croestrees (means for areas) has been applied as a correc- tion to' the mean values of air temperatures. The result of qpplying these corrections is shown in Figure 6 . Deshed h e ' bepresents mean air temperature as read I roffi ' Negretti-Zrtlhbra dry bulb and corrected from A6srhann I'eadhngs. Broken line represents what the dean' air temperature would be with a correction of the mean differencks between Hartmann and Braun deck and crosstree temperatdes applied to the Negretti- Zambra dry-bulb means. Full line represeats air temper- atutef! corrected for the mean differences of Hartmann and Brauh crosstrees' and Negretti-Zambra deck dry- bplb temperatures, which is accepted as the most accb- rate ai* temp'erature which can be obtained from the data available.) There are theTefore corrected hourly dace temperature and of air temperature y of the ditferences betwee? air and sea temperatures was undertaken. Of the dally means for the entire cruise it was found,that in 61.5 er cent of the tqriperature. ' On the other 38.5 per cent of the days mean> air temprature exFeeded mean sea temperature. €€ owever, the? daily means of air temperature were not corrected for overbeatihg and are undoubtedly too high for actual air temperatures over the sea. Moreover the investigations were all carried out during a summer from 3 to 35 ii ays. days, the mean sea temperature excee 0 ed mean air season or in the tropics and therefore do not represe$t true annual averages. In comparing the mean differences for areas betwke'n air and sea temperatures, t'he mean air Cemperbture? corrected for radiation were wed. The difference of sea temperature minus sir temperature w49 never gs great' ad 2?0 C. In only two areas, crossing the, Gulf +ream a ~Q in the Gulf of Panama, were pienn sea temperatures r$b