Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary


Lacayoxo: Cocos (C)

Laceplant: Pilea (E)

LACMELLEA EDULIS Karst. Lechemiel (C). The latex and fruits are sweet.

LACMELLEA FLORIBUNDA B.&H. Tachuelo (C). The fruits are edible, and suitable for making canned juices, preserves, and jellies.

Lacre: Vismia (C); Elaegia (C)

LACTOGOGUE: A substance which stimulates the flow of milk. Sesamum.

LACTUCA SATIVA L. Lettuce (E); Lechuga (S) . Lettuce fares poorly in lowland Panama, but one occsionally sees lerf lettuce, especially on the fincas of Colonistas or in a Choco azotea (an old dugout, elevated, partly filled with dirt, and used for raieing sensitive vegetables, herbs, spices, and medicinals) (!). The inspissated juice of lettuce, known as lactucarmin, acts as a sedative and has been recommended as a substitute for opium.

Ladies-tresses: Spiranthes (E)

LAFOENSIA PUNCIFOLIA DC. Amarillo (P); Moreno (P); Palomo (CR); Pino amarillo (P) (Fig. 181). The wood is favored for dugouts and cabinet work (!).

Lagartillo: Alibertia (P); Heliotropium (CR); Zanthoxylum (CR)

Lagarto: Abelmoschus (C); Zanthoxylum (CR)

Lagarto amarillo: Zanthoxylum (CR)

Lagarto negro: Lacmellia (CR); Zanthoxylum (CR)

LAGENARIA LEUCANTHA Rusby. Brujito (P); Calabash gourd (E); Calabazo (C); Cuyabra (C); Pilgrim bottle (E); Tula de mate (P) . The young fruits are cooked as a vegetable but ripe fruits are poisonous. Young shoots and leaves are used as potherbs. The seeds are taken internally for headache. The gourds are used for drinking utensils.

Lagrimas de Maria: Chiococca (P); Zephyranthes (CR)

Lagrimas de San Pedro: Coix (C); Tournefortia (C)

Laguna: Vochysia (C)

LAGUNCULARIA RACEMOSA Ga rt.f. Buttonwood (E); White mangrove (E); Mangle blanco (P); Mangle marquita (CR); Palo de SAl (CR) . Wood of this honey plant is used for charcoal, posts, and tanning. The tree is considered antidysenteric.

Laidre: Stemmadenia (C)

Lame: Ceroxylon (C)

Lampa: Hernandia (P)

Lampana: Lantana (C)

Lana: Blandowia (CR); Bombacopsis (C); Ochroma (CR,P); Pseudobombax (C)

Lana de raton, Lanilla, Lanita de raton: Aristida (P)

Lance: Maconia (C); Vismia (C)

Lancewood: Calycophyllum (E)

Lano: Ceiba (C)

Lantama: Lantana (C)

Lantana: Lantana (C)

LANTANA CAMARA L. Common lantana (E); Hierba de zorro (P); Pasarin (P); San Rafelito (P); Wild mint (J); Wild sage (J); Venturosa (C). The fruits, like those of Solanum nigrum, are reported both poisonous and edible. The leaves make a stimulant, diaphoretic, emmenagogic, and febrifugal tea; they are used for colds and stomach disorders. The plant is also used for anemia, leprosy, and rheumatism.

Lanzo: Miconia (C)

Lata: Arundo (C); Bactris (C); Gynerium (C); Pyrenoglyphis (P)

lATHYRUS ODORATUS L. Chureca (CR); Doncenon (D). The flowers, providing well forbees, even to the point of intoxication, are said to repel house flies.

Latigo: Machaerium (C); Trema (C)

Lato: Citronella (C); Hedyosmum (C)

Laurel: Cordia (S); Ehretia (CR); Myrica (C); Styrax (CR)

Laurel blanco: Cordia (S)

Laurel de cera: Myrica (C)

Laurel comino: Aniba (C)

Laurel de la Habana: Nerium (C)

Laurel macho: Cordia (N)

Laurel rosado: Nerium (C)

Laureno: Cassia (P)

Lava perro: Thevetia (P)

Lava platos: Solanum (P)

LAXATIVE: A substance which helpe evacuate the bowels. Cassia, Colocasis, Crescentia, Desmodium, Gossypium, Mangifera, Raphanus, Sesamum, Sesbania, Turnera.

Leadtree: Leucaena (E)

LEANDRA SUBSERIATA Cogn. Mora (C). Stems are used in the Choco for home-made pipes called churembelas.

Lech : Sepium (CR)

Lechemiel: Lacmelliea (C)

Leche perra: Helicostylia (C); Pseudolmedia (C)

Leche de perro: Asclepias (CR)

Lechero: Brosimum (CR); Calotropis (C); Euphorbia (C); Ficus (C)

Lechetrezna: Euphorbia (C)

Leche de vaca: Brosimum (C)

Lechilla: Euphorbia (CR)

Lecho: Allamanda (C)

Lecho macho: Heteropteris (C)

Lechosa: Trophis (P); Calotropis (C); Carica (C)

Lechoso: Tabernaemontana (N)

Lechudo: Clarisia (C)

Lechuga: Lactuca (S); Stemmadenia (P); Tabernaemontana (P)

Lechuga cimarrona: Pistia (C)

Lechuga maritima: Batis (N)

Lechuguilla: Chaptalia nutans (C); Conyza (CR); Elephantopus (CR); Pistia (S); Sonchus (CR)

LECYTHIS MINOR Jacq. Coco mono (C); Olla de mono (C). The oil rich seeds are eaten raw, toasted, or in confections. Some species are used in asthma remedies.

Leek: Allium (E)

LEISHMANIASIS: A tropical disease transmitted by flies. Treated with Pothomorphe.

LEMAIREOCEREUS GRISEUS Br. Cardon Candelabro (C). Both the heart and the fruit of this living-fence cactus may be eaten.

Lemon: Citrus (E)

Lemon grass: Cymbopogon (E);

Lemon verbena: Lippia (E)

Lempa: Hernandia (P)

Lena gata: Conostegia (CR)

Lengua de buey: Capparis (C); Cordia (P); Verbesina (P); Vernonia (P)

Lengua de diablo: Anthurium (CR)

Lengua de gato: Baccharis (C); Conostegia (CR)

Lengua de tigre: Datura (C); Trichomanes (C)

Lengua de vaca: Conostegia (CR); Elephantopus (P); Heliconia (P); Leandra (CR); Miconia (Ch); Rumex (C); Vernonia (P)

Lengua de venado: Bunchosia (C); Byrsonima (C); Capparis (C); Elaphoglossum (C); Polypodium (C)

LENS ESCULENTA Moench. Lentil (E); Lentejas (C). Lentils may be eaten parched or cooked in soups. Young pods are often cooked like string beans. The seed paste is applied to ulcers.

Lenteja: Lens (S)

Lentil: Lens (E)

Lentisco: Litsaea (CR)

LEPIDIUM SATIVUM L. Garden cress (E); Creson (S). Rare or absent in lowland Panama, leaves and unripe pods are eaten in salads or as a potherb. They are regarded as alterative, aphrodisiac, diuretic, tonic, and a liver cure. The seeds yield as edible oil.

LEPROSY: A chronic disease affecting the skin and nerves. Treated with Agave, Anacardium, Caesalpinia, Calotropis, Casearia, Cassia, Ceiba, Drepanocarpus, Fevillea, Hura, Hydrocotyle, Lantana, Luffa, Momordica, Pentaclethra, Plumbago, Rhizophora, Ricinus, Serjania, Smilax, Solanum.

Lerdo: Carica (CR)

Lettuce: Lactuca (E)

Lettuce, Water: Pistia (E)

LEUCAENA LEUCOCEPHALA DeWit. Leadtree (E); Acacia (S); Panelo (C) . Young fruits, leaves and flower buds are used as a potherb, but might be dangerous. Seeds, reputedly poisonous, are roasted and used as a coffee substitute and are often used in necklaces (!).

Levanta perro: Pristimera (C)

LIABUM BONPLANDII Cass. Yerba de Santa Maria (C)

LIABUM CALIENSE Hieron. Santamaria de abejas (C)

LIABUM IGNIARIUM Less. Santa Maria (C)

LIABUM MEGACEPHALUM Sch. Bip. Bejuco amarillo (C)

LIABUM NIGROPILOSUM Hieron. Santamaria (C)


Liberal: Salvia (C)

LICANIA ARBOREA Seem. Alcornoque (CR); Raspa (P); Roble blanco (CR). The fruit is probably edible. The oil rich seeds are strung on sticks as candlenuts.

LICANIA PLATYPUS Fritsch. Monkey apple (E); Chupa (C); Sangre (P). The fruit is edible.

Licorice, wild: Abrus (E)

Liendre de puerco: Eriochloe (C)

Lifeplant: Bryophyllum (E)

Liga: Sapium (C)

Lignumvitae: Guaiacum (E)

Lijo: Matayba (C)

Lila: Aster (CR); Ixora (P); Melia (S)

Lily: Lilium (E)

Lima bean: Phaseolus (E)

Lime: Citrus (E)

Lime, Spanish: Meliococcus (E)

LIMNOCHARIS FLAVA Buch. Yellow velvetleaf (E); Hoja de Buitre (S) . Young leaves and flower clusters are eaten as a potherb. this plant is a rice field weed in Colombia.

Limon: Citrus (S)

Limonacho: Achatocarpus (C)

Limoncillo: Achatocarpus (C); Bumelia (CR,P); Cassipourea (P); Cymbopogon (C); Gyrocarpus (C); Mollinedia (CR); Randia (CR); Sapindus (P); Schaefferia (C); Siparuna (S); Ximenia (C); Zanthoxylum (C)

Limoncillo mojan: Achatocarpus (C)

Limon real: Citrus (S)

Limon cimarron: Siparuna (C)

Limpiadente: Capparis (C); Diospyros (C)

Linden hibiscus: Hibiscus (E)

LINDERNIA DIFFUSA Wettst. Hierba de pollo (Ch). Cooked leaves are used in the choco to induce vomiting.

LIPPIA ALBA N.E.Brown. Achureiala (Cu); Lemon verbena (E); Jaunilama (CR,CR/ROC); Mastranto (P); Orozul (P). In Panama, the leaves make a tea used for stomach disorders. In Darien, the tea is used for coughs and colds. Bayano Cuna cultivate the plant as a medicinal.

LIPPIA GRAVEOLENS H.B.K.: Oregano cimarron (CR/ROC); Wild marjoram (E)

Lirio: Couma (C); Lindenia (CR); Spathiphyllum (P)

Liriio amarillo: Crocoima (C)

Lirio de mayo: Cattleya (C)

Lirio de agua: Eichhornia (CR)

Lirio de monte: Sisyrinchium (C)

Lirio de pantano: Eichhornia (C)

Lisa: Bixa (Cu)

LITHONTRIPTIC: A substance for the remobal of stones, e.g., gallstones. Bambusa, Cassia, Cissampelos, Cupania, Echinodorus, Eclipta, Jatropha, Melia, Momordica, Moringa, Polypodium, Raphanus, Solanum, Urera.

Live-forever: Bryophyllum (E)

Llagas de San Sebastian: Monstera (C)


Llanten: Plantago (C,CR/ROC); Plumbago (C)

Llanto: Guapira (P)

Llanton: Plantago (CR)

Llayo: Licania (CR); Rehdera (CR)

Lloron: Laplacea (CR); Solanum (C)

Lloron colorado: Hieronyma (CR)

Lluvia de coral: Russelia (N)

Lluvia de fuego: Russelia (C)

Lluvia de oro: Pyrostegia (C)

Lluvia de perlas: Rhipsalis (C)

Lobo: Trichillia (C)

Locktotl: Malpighia (N)

Logwood: Haematoxylon (E)

Lombricera: Spigelia (C)

Lomo de caiman: Chimarrhis (C); Platypodium (C); Zanthoxylum (C)

LONCHOCARPUS LATIFOLIUS H.B.K. Dogwood (E,J); Coto (CR) . Roots and fruits of this ornamental honey plant are said to be insecticidal. The durable timber is used in construction.

Lora : Dipterodendron (CR); Duranta (P)

Lorencillo: Euphorbia (C)

Lorito: Pithecellobium (CR); Podocarpus (CR); Trichomanes (C); Weinmannia (CR)

Lovegrass: Eragrostis (E)

Lucaica: Carludovica (C)

Lucateva: Carludovica (C)

Lucky-nut: Thevetia (E)

Lucua: Carludovica (C)

Lucuma: Pouteria (CR)

LUCUMA SALICIFOLIA H.B.K. Zapotillo (CR). The fruit is edible; it is reportedly sopo0rific. The kernels are regarded as antiperiodic and soporific. Lucutema: Cassia (C)

LUFFA ACUTANGULA Roxb. and L. CYLINDRICA Roem. Sponge gourd (E); Calabazo (S); Pazte (P); Coladera (C); Estropajole (C); Melocoton (C); Mochilita (C) . the young fruits are consumed as a vegetable. Ripe seeds are emetic and purgative. The leaves are used to treat leprosy, piles and splenitis. The ripe fruits have a coarse sponge inside, which is much used for cleaning dishes in Darien.

Luisa: Lippia (C)

Lulo: Solanum (C,P)

Lulo de perro: Solanum (C)

Lulumoco: Saurauia (C)

Lumbre: Caesalpinia (C); Tabebuia (C)

LYCOSERIS CROCATA Blake. Amapola (C); Mapola (C); Mapola de monte (C)


LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM Mill. Tomato (E); Toamte (S) . Tomatoes, eaten raw or stewed, do not fare well in the Canal Zone except with the Chinese gardeners. In Darien, the cherry varieties are occasionally grown successfully. La Nueva Negroes use the buds for yellow fever.