{number} KSC-02PP-1759 {type} Image {category} SHUTTLE.sts-113 {title} Activities commemorating John B. Herrington as first Native American astronaut {date} 10-Nov-2002 {author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Bionetics) {keywords} SHUTTLE,sts-113 {slideres} 172 x 139 {slidetype} GIF {slidesize} 34453 {tinyres} 100 x 59 {tinytype} GIF {tinysize} 6882 {lowres} 320 x 188 {lowtype} GIF {lowsize} 69018 {mediumres} 1024 x 602 {mediumtype} JPEG {mediumsize} 193859 {highres} 3000 x 1765 {hightype} JPEG {highsize} 2253160 {scannedby} Bionetics and NASA/KSC Internet Lab {captionsby} Information Dynamics, Inc (Kay Grinter, Anita Barrett, and Elaine Liston) {lasteditor} M. Downs {description} KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. -- During an administrator's briefing at the IMAX 2 theatre, Lt. Gov. Jefferson Keel of the Chickasaw Nation (far left) presents a blanket with the seal of the Chickasaw Nation to NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe (second from right). Next to O'Keefe is Chickasaw Gov. Bill Anoatubby. Next to Gov. Keel is Mrs. Laura O'Keefe. STS-113 Mission Specialist John Herrington is a tribally enrolled Chickasaw and the world's first Native American astronaut. Kennedy Space Center hosted more than 350 Native Americans in STS-113 prelaunch events surrounding the historic mission assignment of Herrington.