Experimental NOAA/ESRL PSD and CIRES/CDC Forecast of Hawaiian Index in Global Tropics Domain

Predictions of Hawaiian Index SSTA (blue solid line) and verification (solid red line). Dashed lines indicate one standard deviation confidence intervals appropriate to the LIM forecast. Hawaii index was calculated in the 4x10 degrees latitudeXlongitude box, centered at lat=20N, lon=155W.

*  Verification history
*  Forecasts, Lead = 3 months
*  Forecasts, Lead = 6 months
*  Forecasts, Lead = 9 months
*  Forecasts, Lead = 12 months


Time series of actual forecast errors normalized by one standard deviation of the total forecast uncertainty. Given the dynamical assumptions of the prediction model, forecast errors are Gaussian, and the horizontal lines indicate 95% confidence interval.


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