function [MSL,Dstd,Dout] = rdsurface(rawdata,ADCP_offset,ensembles,progPath,DepthFile); %function [MSL,Dstd,Dout] = rdsurface(rawdata,ADCP_offset,ensembles,progPath,DepthFile); %This function will run the RDI surface program to obtain an approximate %water depth. If file names are not given, they will be requested. % %INPUTS: % rawdata = ADCP Binary data file % ADCP_offset = the height of the ADCP above the bottom in meters! % if not give will be pulled from netcdf file. % ensembles = the index number for the good ensembles, % is likely to be different than the ensemble numbers in rawdata % progPath = the full path for the RDI surface program on your computer % DepthFile = the output depth data file name, this is created based on the % rawdata file name if not given % %Outputs: % MSL = the mean sea level % Dstd = the standard of deviation of the depth which should % be an approximate tidal fluctuation % Dout = the surface depth at each ensemble as distinguished by % RDI's surface program % Written by Jessica M. Cote % for the U.S. Geological Survey % Coastal and Marine Geology Program % Woods Hole, MA % % Please report bugs to %version 1.0 % update 03-Jan-2001 14:18:52 - need to account for place holders for missing ens numbers % created by fixEns.m % update 27-Dec-2000 15:29:06 - to read long and short ADCP data file names (ALR) % updated 06-sep-2000 - to read long ADCP data file names % updated 17-Feb-2000 14:32:50 % updated 02-Feb-2000 09:34:12 % - if run with batch, will be prompted to look at depth limits unless % a depth is explicitly defined %updated 10-Aug-1999 16:20:42 if nargin < 1, rawdata='';, end if nargin < 2, ADCP_offset = '';, end if nargin < 3, ensembles='';,end if nargin < 4, progPath='';,end if nargin < 5, DepthFile ='';, end if isempty(rawdata), rawdata ='*';, end if isempty(ADCP_offset), ADCP_offset = NaN;, end if isempty(DepthFile), DepthFile = '*';, end %where are we currently s=pwd; %Get binary ADCP data file if any(rawdata == '*') [dataFile, dataPath] = uigetfile(rawdata, 'Select Binary ADCP File:'); if ~any(dataFile), return, end if dataPath(end) ~= filesep, dataPath(end+1) = filesep; end rawdata = [dataPath dataFile]; else [dataPath, dataname, ext]=fileparts(rawdata); dataFile=[dataname ext]; end %get the ADCP trasnducer offset out of *.cdf file if isnan(ADCP_offset) [theFile, thePath] = uigetfile('*.cdf', 'Select Netcdf ADCP File to find ADCP offset:'); if ~any(theFile), return, end if thePath(end) ~= filesep, thePath(end+1) = filesep; end cdfFile = [thePath theFile]; f=netcdf(cdfFile); ADCP_offset=f{'D'}.xducer_offset_from_bottom(:); close(f) end %where is the program located if isempty(progPath) prompt={'In put Path:'}; title='Where is RDI surface program?'; lineNo=1; DefAns={['drive' filesep 'folder' filesep]}; dlgresult=inputdlg(prompt,title,lineNo,DefAns); progPath=char(dlgresult{1}); end if progPath(end) ~= filesep, progPath(end+1) = filesep; end %Create output file for depths if any(DepthFile == '*') [thePath,theFile,ext] = fileparts(rawdata); if length(theFile) < 7 DepthFile = fullfile(thePath, [theFile,'.dat']); else DepthFile = fullfile(thePath, [theFile(1:7) '.dat']); end end [Dpath, Dname, dext]=fileparts(DepthFile); Dfile=([Dname dext]); %SURFACE InFile OutFile [Ensembles Skip Bin1 LastBin] % Copy the ADCP file to a the RDI directory. if length(dataname) < 7 surfFile = [dataname ext]; else surfFile = [dataname(1:7) ext]; end cpfile = fullfile(progPath,surfFile) if isunix eval(['!cp ' rawdata ' ' cpfile]) elseif any(findstr(lower(computer), 'pcwin')) | isVMS eval(['!copy ' rawdata ' ' cpfile]) elseif any(findstr(lower(computer), 'mac')) & ... exist('aduplicate') == 2 feval('aduplicate', rawdata, cpfile) else fcopy(rawdata, cpfile) end %this all has to happen in the same directory as the surface program try eval(['cd ' progPath]) catch prompt={'Correct Path:'}; title='Path incorrect or missing end filesep?'; lineNo=1; DefAns={progPath}; dlgresult=inputdlg(prompt,title,lineNo,DefAns); progPath=char(dlgresult{1}); if progPath(end) ~= filesep, progPath(end+1) = filesep; end eval(['cd ' progPath]); end disp('Running RDI surface program') eval(['!surface ' surfFile ' ' Dfile]) delete(cpfile) datfile = ([Dname '.out']); datfile = mfriend(Dfile,datfile); surfdat=load(datfile); %move some stuff around %if ~isequal(Dpath,progPath) if isunix eval(['!mv ' Dfile ' ' DepthFile]) elseif any(findstr(lower(computer), 'pcwin')) | isVMS eval(['!move ' Dfile ' ' DepthFile]) elseif any(findstr(lower(computer), 'mac')) & ... exist('aduplicate') == 2 feval('aduplicate', Dfile, DepthFile) delete(Dfile) else fcopy(Dfile,DepthFile) delete(Dfile) end %end %go back to where we were before cd(s) %these are 2 ways of finding the good data, %the first is by the data quality given by rdi [m,n] = size(surfdat); qual = surfdat(:,7) > 2; Dall = surfdat(:,6); %if the records are not numbered sequentially or % the first ensemble in the raw data record does not start with 1 there % will be problems. Also problems when the fill values have been % added to the rawcdf file for missing ensemble numbers %To remedy this: datrec = surfdat(:,1); %First, check and fill missing ens if necessary dr=diff(datrec); ii=length(datrec); if max(dr)>1 iFill=find(dr>1); missEns=datrec(iFill)+1; [m,n]=size(surfdat); %size of original file l=length(missEns); %number of missing ensembles newEns=1:m+l; %number of original ens plus missing ens newTemp=ones(m+l,n)*nan; %set size of new file good_count=1; miss_count=1; for k=1:l+m % loop to fill in missing data columns if miss_count <= l % only do while we have records if newEns(k)==missEns(miss_count) % newTemp(:,k)=fillV; newTemp(k,1)=newEns(k); % added to give ensemble number at head of column miss_count=miss_count+1; end end % loop to fill in good data columns if good_count <= ii % only do while we have records if newEns(k)==datrec(good_count) newTemp(k,:)=surfdat(good_count,:); good_count=good_count+1; end end end surfdat = newTemp; qual = surfdat(:,7) > 2; Dall = surfdat(:,6); datrec = surfdat(:,1); end %(if loop, filling in missing ens numbers) %Now check to see what ens number the data starts and ends on if ~isempty(ensembles) ens1 = find(datrec == ensembles(1)); ens2 = find(datrec == ensembles(end)); else ens1 = datrec(1); ens2 = length(datrec); end idgood = ens1(1):ens2(end); %Use just the depths for the ensembles we consider to be good if ~isempty(idgood) qual = qual(idgood); Dall = Dall(idgood); end %need to preserve the depth in the same length variable for output %However, also need the depth variable to operate on Dout = Dall.*qual; Dm = Dall(qual); Davg=mean(Dm); Dmin=min(Dm); Dmax=max(Dm); Dstd=std(Dm); disp(['RDI surface program found the following depth constraints in meters: min = '... num2str(Dmin) ' max = ' num2str(Dmax) ' Mean = ' num2str(Davg)]) %are we really getting only the good data? p=figure;, plot(Dm,'r.'), hold %Depth_constraints.Are_these_depths_reasonable={'radiobutton',0} %Depth_constraints.Minimum_depth_in_meters={num2str(Dmin)}; %Depth_constraints.Maximum_depth={num2str(Dmax)}; %Depth_constraints=uigetinfo(Depth_constraints); prompt={'Minimum depth in meters:',... 'Maximum depth in meters:','Are these depths reasonable?'}; title='Check surface program output'; lineNo=1; DefAns={num2str(Dmin),num2str(Dmax),'N'}; dlgresult=inputdlg(prompt,title,lineNo,DefAns); if ~isequal(Dmin,str2num(dlgresult{1})) | ~isequal(Dmax,str2num(dlgresult{2})) Dmin=str2num(dlgresult{1}); Dmax=str2num(dlgresult{2}); idgood=find(Dm >= Dmin & Dm <= Dmax); clf, plot(Dm(idgood),'r.');,hold; elseif upper(char(dlgresult{3}))=='N'; prompt={'Minimum depth allowed:',... 'Maximum depth allowed:'}; title='Input valid range for depth'; lineNo=1; DefAns={num2str(Dmin),num2str(Dmax)}; dlgresult=inputdlg(prompt,title,lineNo,DefAns); Dmin=str2num(dlgresult{1}); Dmax=str2num(dlgresult{2}); idgood=find(Dm >= Dmin & Dm <= Dmax); clf, plot(Dm(idgood),'r.'); else Dmin=str2num(dlgresult{1}); Dmax=str2num(dlgresult{2}); idgood=find(Dm >= Dmin & Dm <= Dmax); end if exist('idgood') Davg=mean(Dm(idgood)); Dstd=std(Dm(idgood)); Dm=Dm(idgood); disp(['User modified depth constraints in meters: min = '... num2str(Dmin) ' max = ' num2str(Dmax) ' Mean = ' num2str(Davg)]) end MSL=Davg+ADCP_offset; disp(['ADCP measured ' num2str(MSL) ' m from surface to the seabed (mean sea level)']); disp(['The tidal range is approximately ' num2str(Dstd) ' m']); disp([' ']) pause(3) close(p);