ip Release Notes

Release 2-9 Dec. 19, 2008

Release 2-8 Sept. 10, 2008

Release 2-7 Sept. 11, 2006

Release 2-6 Sept. 16, 2005

Fixed bugs in devAiMKS.c. Number of characters to send and receive was incorrect since terminators no longer are counted.

Fixed bugs in devMPC.c.

Added support for Pelco 6700 video switch.

Added support for Stanford Research Systems SR630 thermocouple scanner

Fixed support for Agilent E3631A

Release 2-5 March 29, 2005

Fixed bugs in devXxStrParm.c that prevented it working with the asyn address != 0. This meant the previous version would not work with GPIB. In previous versions the VME "signal" parameter was used to indicate a buffer start address for I/O. No existing databases seem to use this feature, and it will no longer work, since the address field is needed for device addressing.

Minor change to appearance of Keithley2kDMM_mf.adl.

Release 2-4 December 21, 2004

Tested against base 3.14.7; asyn 4.1+; ipac 2.8; seq 2.0.8 This version of ip will not work with ipac versions lower than 2.8, or asyn versions lower than 4.0.

Everything that used serial or GPIB records has been converted to use the asyn record. Everything that used MPF has been converted to use asyn. Some databases have been converted from gdct to VDCT.

st.cmd requires changes. In ipac 2.8, the argument list for tyGSOctalDevCreate() changed. tyGSAsynInit() is a wrapper around this and related calls, and its arg list must also change. Here's an example of the correct syntax:

tyGSAsynInit("serial1",  "UART_0", 0, 9600,'N',2,8,'N',"")  /* SRS570 */

serial_OI_block and GPIB_OI_block have been replaced by deviceCmdReply. Several devices previously supported in the std module have been moved here, including Heidenhain VRZ460, Keithley 199 DMM, and the Queensgate Piezo controller.

cvs log

Release 2-3, March 3, 2004

Tested against base 3.14.5; mpf 2.4.2; ipac 2.7a; seq 2.0.8

New support:

New display files:

Generic serial database no longer sets serial port parameters.

New documentation:

Release 1-2, March 6, 2002

Additions to ipApp/Db: Additions to ipApp/src: Modifications in ipApp/src: Modification in ipApp/op/adl:


December 4, 1999

Changes made to ipApp since synApps_R3.13.1.1. The most important change is the addition of support for the Message Passing Facility, MPF.

Most of these are simple conversions of the corresponding Hideos device support. The only exception is devAiMKSMPF.cc which is new device support for the HPS MKS vacuum gauge controller.

Note that the DTYP string defined for the MPF device support is the same as the old Hideos DTYPE, for example "Hideos lo stringParm" or "Hideos ai HeidND261". This was done to allow conversion to MPF without having to modify the databases at all. At some point it would be good to modify ipShare.dbd to give the DTYPs names which reflect the fact that they are for both MPF and Hideos, not just Hideos. This will require changing all of the databases as well.