U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library

Campbell, M.R.

Photos 226 to 250 of 471.
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226. cmr00258.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Saddle Mountain as seen from the south. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  258
227. cmr00259.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Upper slopes of Saddle Mountain, showing contact of lava flows. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  259
228. cmr00260.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. North point of Saddle Mountain, as seen from the point near the triangulation station. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  260
229. cmr00261.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. View of the upper Ash Creek Basin from the slopes of Saddle Mountain. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  261
230. cmr00262.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. South slope of Saddle Mountain, showing contact of lava flow and gravel. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  262
231. cmr00263.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. West face of Saddle Mountain, showing lava flows. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  263
232. cmr00264.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Saddle Mountain seen from the Dudleyville Road. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  264
233. cmr00265.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Saddle Mountain and camp of the Saddle Mountain Mining Company. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  265
234. cmr00266.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Saddle Mountain and camp of the Saddle Mountain Mining Company. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  266
235. cmr00267.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Camp of the Saddle Mountain Mining Company on Ash Creek. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  267
236. cmr00268.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Canyon of Ash Creek above the camp of the Saddle Mountain Mining Company, showing large sheet of andesitic lava through which the canyon is cut. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  268
237. cmr00269.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Canyon of Ash Creek above the Camp of the Saddle Mountain Mining Company, showing large sheet of andesitic lava, through which the canyon is cut. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  269
238. cmr00270.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Canyon of Ash Creek at the narrows above the Saddle Mountain Mining Company south camp, looking down the stream. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  2709
239. cmr00271.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Canyon of Ash creek above the narrows. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  271
240. cmr00272.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Canyon of Ash Creek in the Paleozoic limestone. The limestone dips to the northeast and the ledge shown in the view is the lowest part of the Great Paleozoic Limestone Series. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  272
241. cmr00273.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Ash Creek Canyon through the Paleozoic limestones. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  273
242. cmr00274.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Ash Creek Canyon through the Paleozoic limestones, looking down stream. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  274
243. cmr00275.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Reed coal shaft on the north side of the Deer Creek Coal Field, looking east. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  275
244. cmr00276.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Small dikes cutting the coal bearing rocks about a mile east of the Reed shaft. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  276
245. cmr00277.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Large dike cutting the coal bearing rocks below the Reed shaft, looking east along the dike. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  277
246. cmr00278.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Small dike cutting andesitic conglomerate on the trail from Deer Creek to the Reed Mine, about three-quarters of a mile from the main creek. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  278
247. cmr00279.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. View of Hawk Canyon and the Gila Valley from the summit of Mescal Mountain, where it is crossed by the trail from Manning's Ranch to San Carlos. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  279
248. cmr00280.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. Manning's Ranch. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  280
249. cmr00281.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. South rim of the coal basin as seen from near Crowes coal shaft. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  281
250. cmr00282.gif Deer Creek Coal Field. South rim of the coal basin as seen from limestone knob, three miles west of Mannings. Pinal County, Arizona. 1903. ID. Campbell, M.R.  282

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