Actual source code: unary.c

  1: #define PETSCMAT_DLL

  3: /* unary.f -- translated by f2c (version of 25 March 1992  12:58:56).

  5:         This code is protected by the GNU copyright. See the file 
  6:      ilut.c in this directory for the full copyright. See below for the Author.
  7: */
 8:  #include petsc.h
  9: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 10: static PetscErrorCode SPARSEKIT2rperm(PetscInt *nrow,MatScalar *a,PetscInt *ja,PetscInt *ia,MatScalar *ao,PetscInt *jao,PetscInt *iao,PetscInt *perm,PetscInt *job)
 11: {
 12:     /* System generated locals */
 13:     PetscInt i__1,i__2;

 15:     /* Local variables */
 16:     PetscInt i,j,k,ii,ko;
 17:     PetscInt values;

 19: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 20:  */
 21: /* this subroutine permutes the rows of a matrix in CSR format. */
 22: /* rperm  computes B = P A  where P is a permutation matrix. */
 23: /* the permutation P is defined through the array perm: for each j, */
 24: /* perm(j) represents the destination row number of row number j. */
 25: /* Youcef Saad -- recoded Jan 28, 1991. */
 26: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 27:  */
 28: /* on entry: */
 29: /* ---------- */
 30: /* n         = dimension of the matrix */
 31: /* a, ja, ia = input matrix in csr format */
 32: /* perm         = integer array of length nrow containing the permutation arrays 
 33: */
 34: /*           for the rows: perm(i) is the destination of row i in the */
 35: /*         permuted matrix. */
 36: /*         ---> a(i,j) in the original matrix becomes a(perm(i),j) */
 37: /*         in the output  matrix. */

 39: /* job        = integer indicating the work to be done: */
 40: /*                 job = 1        permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao */
 41: /*                       (including the copying of real values ao and */
 42: /*                       the array iao). */
 43: /*                 job .ne. 1 :  ignore real values. */
 44: /*                     (in which case arrays a and ao are not needed nor 
 45: */
 46: /*                      used). */

 48: /* ------------ */
 49: /* on return: */
 50: /* ------------ */
 51: /* ao, jao, iao = input matrix in a, ja, ia format */
 52: /* note : */
 53: /*        if (  then the arrays a and ao are not used. */
 54: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------c
 55:  */
 56: /*           Y. Saad, May  2, 1990                                      c 
 57: */
 58: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------c
 59:  */
 60:     /* Parameter adjustments */
 61:     --perm;
 62:     --iao;
 63:     --jao;
 64:     --ao;
 65:     --ia;
 66:     --ja;
 67:     --a;

 69:     /* Function Body */
 70:     values = *job == 1;

 72: /*     determine pointers for output matix. */

 74:     i__1 = *nrow;
 75:     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
 76:         i = perm[j];
 77:         iao[i + 1] = ia[j + 1] - ia[j];
 78: /* L50: */
 79:     }

 81: /* get pointers from lengths */

 83:     iao[1] = 1;
 84:     i__1 = *nrow;
 85:     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
 86:         iao[j + 1] += iao[j];
 87: /* L51: */
 88:     }

 90: /* copying */

 92:     i__1 = *nrow;
 93:     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {

 95: /* old row = ii  -- new row = iperm(ii) -- ko = new pointer */

 97:         ko = iao[perm[ii]];
 98:         i__2 = ia[ii + 1] - 1;
 99:         for (k = ia[ii]; k <= i__2; ++k) {
100:             jao[ko] = ja[k];
101:             if (values) {
102:                 ao[ko] = a[k];
103:             }
104:             ++ko;
105: /* L60: */
106:         }
107: /* L100: */
108:     }

110:     return 0;
111: /* ---------end-of-rperm -------------------------------------------------
112:  */
113: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
114:  */
115: } /* rperm_ */

117: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
118: static PetscErrorCode SPARSEKIT2cperm(PetscInt *nrow,MatScalar * a,PetscInt * ja,PetscInt * ia,MatScalar * ao,PetscInt * jao,PetscInt * iao,PetscInt * perm,PetscInt * job)
119: {
120:     /* System generated locals */
121:     PetscInt i__1;

123:     /* Local variables */
124:     PetscInt i,k,nnz;

126: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
127:  */
128: /* this subroutine permutes the columns of a matrix a, ja, ia. */
129: /* the result is written in the output matrix  ao, jao, iao. */
130: /* cperm computes B = A P, where  P is a permutation matrix */
131: /* that maps column j into column perm(j), i.e., on return */
132: /*      a(i,j) becomes a(i,perm(j)) in new matrix */
133: /* Y. Saad, May 2, 1990 / modified Jan. 28, 1991. */
134: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
135:  */
136: /* on entry: */
137: /* ---------- */
138: /* nrow         = row dimension of the matrix */

140: /* a, ja, ia = input matrix in csr format. */

142: /* perm        = integer array of length ncol (number of columns of A */
143: /*         containing the permutation array  the columns: */
144: /*         a(i,j) in the original matrix becomes a(i,perm(j)) */
145: /*         in the output matrix. */

147: /* job        = integer indicating the work to be done: */
148: /*                 job = 1        permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao */
149: /*                       (including the copying of real values ao and */
150: /*                       the array iao). */
151: /*                 job .ne. 1 :  ignore real values ao and ignore iao. */

153: /* ------------ */
154: /* on return: */
155: /* ------------ */
156: /* ao, jao, iao = input matrix in a, ja, ia format (array ao not needed) 
157: */

159: /* Notes: */
160: /* ------- */
161: /* 1. if job=1 then ao, iao are not used. */
162: /* 2. This routine is in place: ja, jao can be the same. */
163: /* 3. If the matrix is initially sorted (by increasing column number) */
164: /*    then ao,jao,iao  may not be on return. */

166: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------c
167:  */
168: /* local parameters: */

170:     /* Parameter adjustments */
171:     --perm;
172:     --iao;
173:     --jao;
174:     --ao;
175:     --ia;
176:     --ja;
177:     --a;

179:     /* Function Body */
180:     nnz = ia[*nrow + 1] - 1;
181:     i__1 = nnz;
182:     for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
183:         jao[k] = perm[ja[k]];
184: /* L100: */
185:     }

187: /*     done with ja array. return if no need to touch values. */

189:     if (*job != 1) {
190:         return 0;
191:     }

193: /* else get new pointers -- and copy values too. */

195:     i__1 = *nrow + 1;
196:     for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) {
197:         iao[i] = ia[i];
198: /* L1: */
199:     }

201:     i__1 = nnz;
202:     for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
203:         ao[k] = a[k];
204: /* L2: */
205:     }

207:     return 0;
208: /* ---------end-of-cperm--------------------------------------------------
209:  */
210: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
211:  */
212: } /* cperm_ */

214: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
215: PetscErrorCode SPARSEKIT2dperm(PetscInt *nrow,MatScalar *a,PetscInt *ja,PetscInt *ia,MatScalar *ao,PetscInt *jao,PetscInt *iao,PetscInt *perm,PetscInt *qperm,PetscInt *job)
216: {
217:     PetscInt locjob;

219: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
220:  */
221: /* This routine permutes the rows and columns of a matrix stored in CSR */

223: /* format. i.e., it computes P A Q, where P, Q are permutation matrices. 
224: */
225: /* P maps row i into row perm(i) and Q maps column j into column qperm(j):
226:  */
227: /*      a(i,j)    becomes   a(perm(i),qperm(j)) in new matrix */
228: /* In the particular case where Q is the transpose of P (symmetric */
229: /* permutation of A) then qperm is not needed. */
230: /* note that qperm should be of length ncol (number of columns) but this 
231: */
232: /* is not checked. */
233: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
234:  */
235: /* Y. Saad, Sep. 21 1989 / recoded Jan. 28 1991. */
236: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
237:  */
238: /* on entry: */
239: /* ---------- */
240: /* n         = dimension of the matrix */
241: /* a, ja, */
242: /*    ia = input matrix in a, ja, ia format */
243: /* perm         = integer array of length n containing the permutation arrays */
244: /*           for the rows: perm(i) is the destination of row i in the */
245: /*         permuted matrix -- also the destination of column i in case */
246: /*         permutation is symmetric (job .le. 2) */

248: /* qperm        = same thing for the columns. This should be provided only */
249: /*         if job=3 or job=4, i.e., only in the case of a nonsymmetric */
250: /*           permutation of rows and columns. Otherwise qperm is a dummy */

252: /* job        = integer indicating the work to be done: */
253: /* * job = 1,2 permutation is symmetric  Ao :== P * A * transp(P) */
254: /*                 job = 1        permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao */
255: /*                 job = 2 permute matrix ignoring real values. */
256: /* * job = 3,4 permutation is non-symmetric  Ao :== P * A * Q */
257: /*                 job = 3        permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao */
258: /*                 job = 4 permute matrix ignoring real values. */

260: /* on return: */
261: /* ----------- */
262: /* ao, jao, iao = input matrix in a, ja, ia format */

264: /* in case job .eq. 2 or job .eq. 4, a and ao are never referred to */
265: /* and can be dummy arguments. */
266: /* Notes: */
267: /* ------- */
268: /*  1) algorithm is in place */
269: /*  2) column indices may not be sorted on return even  though they may be
270:  */
271: /*     on entry. */
272: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------c
273:  */
274: /* local variables */

276: /*     locjob indicates whether or not real values must be copied. */

278:     /* Parameter adjustments */
279:     --qperm;
280:     --perm;
281:     --iao;
282:     --jao;
283:     --ao;
284:     --ia;
285:     --ja;
286:     --a;

288:     /* Function Body */
289:     locjob = *job % 2;

291: /* permute rows first */

293:     SPARSEKIT2rperm(nrow, &a[1], &ja[1], &ia[1], &ao[1], &jao[1], &iao[1], &perm[1], &locjob);

295: /* then permute columns */

297:     locjob = 0;

299:     if (*job <= 2) {
300:         SPARSEKIT2cperm(nrow, &ao[1], &jao[1], &iao[1], &ao[1], &jao[1], &iao[1], &perm[1], &locjob);
301:     } else {
302:         SPARSEKIT2cperm(nrow, &ao[1], &jao[1], &iao[1], &ao[1], &jao[1], &iao[1], &qperm[1], &locjob);
303:     }

305:     return 0;
306: /* -------end-of-dperm----------------------------------------------------
307:  */
308: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
309:  */
310: } /* dperm_ */

312: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
313: PetscErrorCode SPARSEKIT2msrcsr(PetscInt *n,MatScalar * a,PetscInt * ja,MatScalar * ao,PetscInt * jao,PetscInt * iao,MatScalar * wk,PetscInt * iwk)
314: {
315:     /* System generated locals */
316:     PetscInt i__1, i__2;

318:     /* Local variables */
319:     PetscInt iptr;
320:     PetscInt added;
321:     PetscInt i, j, k, idiag, ii;

323: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
324:  */
325: /*       Modified - Sparse Row  to   Compressed Sparse Row */

327: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
328:  */
329: /* converts a compressed matrix using a separated diagonal */
330: /* (modified sparse row format) in the Compressed Sparse Row */
331: /* format. */
332: /* does not check for zero elements in the diagonal. */

335: /* on entry : */
336: /* --------- */
337: /* n          = row dimension of matrix */
338: /* a, ja      = sparse matrix in msr sparse storage format */
339: /*              see routine csrmsr for details on data structure */

341: /* on return : */
342: /* ----------- */

344: /* ao,jao,iao = output matrix in csr format. */

346: /* work arrays: */
347: /* ------------ */
348: /* wk       = real work array of length n */
349: /* iwk      = integer work array of length n+1 */

351: /* notes: */
352: /*   The original version of this was NOT in place, but has */
353: /*   been modified by adding the vector iwk to be in place. */
354: /*   The original version had ja instead of iwk everywhere in */
355: /*   loop 500.  Modified  Sun 29 May 1994 by R. Bramley (Indiana). */

357: /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
358:  */
359:     /* Parameter adjustments */
360:     --iwk;
361:     --wk;
362:     --iao;
363:     --jao;
364:     --ao;
365:     --ja;
366:     --a;

368:     /* Function Body */
369:     i__1 = *n;
370:     for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) {
371:         wk[i] = a[i];
372:         iwk[i] = ja[i];
373: /* L1: */
374:     }
375:     iwk[*n + 1] = ja[*n + 1];
376:     iao[1] = 1;
377:     iptr = 1;
378: /* --------- */
379:     i__1 = *n;
380:     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii) {
381:         added = 0;
382:         idiag = iptr + (iwk[ii + 1] - iwk[ii]);
383:         i__2 = iwk[ii + 1] - 1;
384:         for (k = iwk[ii]; k <= i__2; ++k) {
385:             j = ja[k];
386:             if (j < ii) {
387:                 ao[iptr] = a[k];
388:                 jao[iptr] = j;
389:                 ++iptr;
390:             } else if (added) {
391:                 ao[iptr] = a[k];
392:                 jao[iptr] = j;
393:                 ++iptr;
394:             } else {
395: /* add diag element - only reserve a position for it. */
396:                 idiag = iptr;
397:                 ++iptr;
398:                 added = 1;
399: /*     then other element */
400:                 ao[iptr] = a[k];
401:                 jao[iptr] = j;
402:                 ++iptr;
403:             }
404: /* L100: */
405:         }
406:         ao[idiag] = wk[ii];
407:         jao[idiag] = ii;
408:         if (! added) {
409:             ++iptr;
410:         }
411:         iao[ii + 1] = iptr;
412: /* L500: */
413:     }
414:     return 0;
415: } /* msrcsr_ */