1999 KW4 Planning


1999 KW4 is one of fewer than two dozen known Mercury-crossing asteroids. Its orbit (a = 0.64 AU, e = 0.69, i = 39°) is unique among the asteroids for its combination of high inclination and small perihelion distance (q = 0.200 AU). The only known objects that have both a smaller q and a larger inclination are comets 96P (Machholz 1) and C/1998 J1 (SOHO). Perhaps this potentially hazardous asteroid is an extinct comet nucleus.

It has been noted that ideal asteroid orbits for radar studies of relativistic effects would have semimajor axis near 0.6 AU and eccentricity slightly over 0.9. 1999 KW4 may be as useful in this respect as 1566 Icarus (a,e,i = 1.1 AU, 0.83, 23°).

P. Pravec and L. Sarounova at Ondrejov (Czech Republic) obtained photometry that suggests a period of a few hours and possibly a complex asteroid. Although nothing more is known about this object's physical properties other than its absolute visual magnitude (H = 16.7, implying an effective diameter of at least 1.4 km), the spring 2001 apparition is favorable for photometry and vis-IR spectroscopy, so the rotation period and taxonomic class may become available soon. The next 1999 KW4 radar opportunity this good is in 2036.

1999 KW4 passes deeply into the Goldstone detectability window and then enters northern declinations at its 0.033-AU closest approach. Our goals are to use Goldstone to refine the ephemerides (although initial uncertainties are likely to be small) and to define the object's basic properties (possibly developing a preliminary shape model) and then to exploit the much greater echo strengths available at Arecibo for imaging at ~15-m resolution, permitting construction of a comparably detailed physical model. The asteroid crosses about 1/3 of the sky over the course of the proposed two-observatory experiment, enhancing the likelihood that our orientational coverage will establish the pole direction and will yield a very accurate shape model.

During Goldstone tracks on May 26, 27, and 28, during overlap with the Arecibo view periods, we will attempt S-band interferometry with Arecibo transmitting and both Arecibo and Goldstone receiving simultaneously. On May 27 we have the telescope from 0220-1350 but we do not have transmit authorization.


M.P.E.C. 1999-K28                                Issued 1999 May 22, 16:56 UT
     The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
         minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
   on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
          Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                          Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
          URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                   1999 KW4
     J99K04W* C1999 05 20.36553 21 03 02.55 +07 31 00.0          17.1        704
     J99K04W  C1999 05 22.46446 20 56 42.35 +11 40 24.6                      658
Observer details:
046 Klet.  Observers J. Ticha, M. Tichy.  Measurer M. Tichy.  0.57-m f/5.2
    reflector + CCD.
327 Peking Observatory, Xinglong Station.  Observers J. Zhu, X. M. Teng.  0.6-m
    Schmidt + CCD.
557 Ondrejov.  Observer L. Sarounova.  0.65-m f/3.6 reflector + CCD.
620 Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca.  Observers A. Lopez, R. Pacheco.
    0.30-m f/3.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
658 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.  Observer D. D. Balam.  1.82-m
    reflector + CCD.
693 Catalina Station, Tucson.  Observers C. W. Hergenrother, A. E. Gleason.
    1.5-m reflector + CCD.
704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico.  Observers M. Blythe, F. Shelly,
    M. Bezpalko, M. Elowitz.  Measurers J. Stuart, H. Viggh, R. Sayer.  1.0-m
    f/2.15 reflector + CCD.
Orbital elements:
1999 KW4                                                             PHA 0.031A
Epoch 1999 May 2.0 TT = JDT 2451300.5                   Williams
M 130.47690              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   1.91811710     Peri.  192.47339     +0.25925309     -0.77482290
a   0.6415334      Node   245.13480     +0.93171611     +0.35786177
e   0.6914228      Incl.   39.45584     +0.25434805     -0.52113763
P   0.51           H   16.6           G   0.15
From 33 observations 1999 May 20-22.
Gareth V. Williams           (C) Copyright 1999 MPC           M.P.E.C. 1999-K28

SNR Calculation

1999 KW4  (with assumed diameter = 1.4 km and period = 4 h) 
                                     Arecibo   Goldstone
  UTC Date       RA  Dec  Dist.      Max SNR   Max SNR 
yyyy mon day    (h) (deg) (AU)          /run   /run

2001 May 21     22.3 -26  0.061           0      20
2001 May 22     21.8 -24  0.052           0      37
2001 May 23     21.1 -19  0.043           0      72
2001 May 24     20.3 -15  0.037           0     130
2001 May 25     19.2  -7  0.033           0     210
2001 May 26     18.3   1  0.032        2600     220 
2001 May 27     17.2  10  0.035        2200     150 
2001 May 28     16.3  17  0.041        1300      87 
2001 May 29     15.6  21  0.050         700      40

Goldstone Track Assignments

TX windows

DOY             Goldstone  Arecibo
141     May 21  1405-1630
142     May 22  1145-1600
143     May 23  1015-1355 
144     May 24  0855-1535
145     May 25  0830-1445
146     May 26  0520-1400  0550-0709
147     May 27  S-band rcv 0408-0632 <== No transmitting at Goldstone on this day
148     May 28  0235-0655  0302-0543
149     May 29  0535-1030  0216-0500 GOLDSTONE S-BAND RECEIVE CANCELLED



Note that on May 27 Goldstone will receive but not transmit.
This is indicated below with "g"

                     DOY 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
UTC    AST    PDT    May  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29
0200  22:00   7pm                                     Sun eve 
  15                                                  eve   A
  30                                                   G    A
  45                                                   G    A
0300  23:00   8pm                                      GA   A
  15                                                   GA   A
  30                                                   GA   A
  45                                              Sat  GA   A
0400  00:00   9pm                                 eve  GA   A
  15                                               Ag  GA   A
  30                                               Ag  GA   A
  45                                          Fri  Ag  GA   A
0500  01:00  10pm                             eve  Ag  GA   A
  15                                           G   Ag  GA   
  30                                           G   Ag  GA  G                 
  45                                           GA  Ag  GA  G                 
0600  02:00  11pm                              GA  Ag  G   G
  15                                           GA  Ag  G   G             
  30                                           GA  Ag  G   G             
  45                                           GA  Ag  G   G            
0700  03:00  12mid                             GA      G   G
  15                                           GA          G                   
  30                                           G           G                   
  45                                           G           G                   
0800  04:00   1am                         Fri  G           G
  15                                     morn  G           G                  
  30                                 Thur  G   G           G       
  45                                 morn  G   G           G                  
0900  05:00   2am                      G   G   G           G
  15                                   G   G   G           G
  30                                   G   G   G           G 
  45                             Wed   G   G   G           G 
1000  06:00   3am                morn  G   G   G           G 
  15                               G   G   G   G           G 
  30                               G   G   G   G           G
  45                               G   G   G   G 
1100  07:00   4am                  G   G   G   G 
  15                         Tues  G   G   G   G 
  30                         morn  G   G   G   G 
  45                           G   G   G   G   G 
1200  08:00   5am              G   G   G   G   G 
  15                           G   G   G   G   G 
  30                           G   G   G   G   G 
  45                           G   G   G   G   G 
1300  09:00   6am              G   G   G   G   G 
  15                           G   G   G   G   G 
  30                      Mon  G   G   G   G   G 
  45                     morn  G   G   G   G   G 
1400  10:00   7am          G   G   G   G   G   G
  15                       G   G       G   G
  30                       G   G       G   G
  45                       G   G       G   G    
1500  11:00   8am          G   G       G
  15                       G   G       G
  30                       G   G       G 
  45                       G   G
1600  12:00   9am          G   G

                     DOY 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
UTC    AST    PDT    May  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29


Uncertainties (from Jon Giorgini)

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 15:59:28 -0700 (PDT)
   With 500 optical measurements spanning 1999-May-20 to
2000-Jul-5, 1999 KW4 solution #48 1-sigma X-band uncertainties
are shown below:
      DATE          Pointing  X-band Dop     Delay  
                      (")         Hz         (sec)  
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------
20-MAY-2001 00:00      3.469       3.449    0.000734
21-MAY-2001 00:00      3.883       3.246    0.000714
22-MAY-2001 00:00      4.384       2.966    0.000712
23-MAY-2001 00:00      4.928       2.596    0.000740
24-MAY-2001 00:00      5.381       2.215    0.000807
25-MAY-2001 00:00      5.419       2.252    0.000901
26-MAY-2001 00:00      4.921       3.091    0.000963

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 12:47:27 -0700 (PDT)
   New data was reported. With 505 observations spanning 
1999-May-20 to 2001-May-14, 1999 KW4 soln#50 was computed. 
1 sigma X-band uncertainties are below. 

      DATE          Pointing  X-band Dop     Delay  
                      (")         Hz         (sec)  
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------
20-MAY-2001 00:00      1.736       2.387    0.000540
21-MAY-2001 00:00      1.951       2.282    0.000519
22-MAY-2001 00:00      2.221       2.126    0.000502
23-MAY-2001 00:00      2.542       1.892    0.000490
24-MAY-2001 00:00      2.886       1.568    0.000486
25-MAY-2001 00:00      3.146       1.297    0.000488
26-MAY-2001 00:00      3.176       1.525    0.000480

   Divide X-band Doppler uncertainty column by 3.6 to 
get S-band uncertainties.

   Doppler/delay/pointing predicts have been established
at both Goldstone and Arecibo. 

Solution residual statistics:

    Type     # pts           Mean           Std dev.           RMS
    ----     -----       ------------     ------------     ------------
1. opt RA     505        0.32238E-01      0.56870E+00      0.56905E+00
2. opt DEC    505        0.15459E-01      0.49296E+00      0.49271E+00

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

   For the 1999 KW4 solution #52 you computed, with
510 observations spanning May 20, 1999 to May 19, 2001,
plus the one delay on May 21, 1-sigma X-band uncertainties
are shown below:

      DATE          Pointing  X-band Dop     Delay  
                      (")         Hz         (sec)  
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------
20-MAY-2001 00:00      1.201       2.223    0.000530
21-MAY-2001 00:00      1.350       2.144    0.000510
22-MAY-2001 00:00      1.527       0.958    0.000032
23-MAY-2001 00:00      1.747       0.783    0.000074
24-MAY-2001 00:00      1.950       0.598    0.000135
25-MAY-2001 00:00      1.998       0.648    0.000205
26-MAY-2001 00:00      1.764       1.063    0.000262
27-MAY-2001 00:00      1.457       1.487    0.000282
28-MAY-2001 00:00      1.269       1.732    0.000269
29-MAY-2001 00:00      1.124       1.836    0.000245
30-MAY-2001 00:00      0.989       1.871    0.000223

   Close approach predict extent is now valid from approximately 
1162 to 2964. The nominal trajectory has a possible 1 lunar 
distance close-approach to the Earth-Moon system in 2929, at
a fairly high relative velocity.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

   For the 1999 KW4 sol#54 you computed, with
510 optical observations May 20, 1999 to May 19, 2001
plus two delay, 1 sigma X-band uncertainties are
as follows:

      DATE          Pointing  X-band Dop     Delay  
                      (")         Hz         (sec)  
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------
23-MAY-2001 00:00      0.397       0.247    0.000004
24-MAY-2001 00:00      0.349       0.179    0.000012
25-MAY-2001 00:00      0.385       0.145    0.000023
26-MAY-2001 00:00      0.376       0.205    0.000034
27-MAY-2001 00:00      0.326       0.302    0.000040
28-MAY-2001 00:00      0.272       0.368    0.000043
29-MAY-2001 00:00      0.227       0.401    0.000044
30-MAY-2001 00:00      0.193       0.417    0.000045

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

   Based on the solution (#56) Lance produced, with 519
optical measurements (May 20, 1999 to May 23, 1999), and
3 radar delay, 1-sigma X-band uncertainties are:

      DATE          Pointing  X-band Dop     Delay  
                      (")         Hz         (sec)  
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------
23-MAY-2001 00:00      0.397       0.247    0.000004
24-MAY-2001 00:00      0.283       0.179    0.000003
25-MAY-2001 00:00      0.329       0.136    0.000008
26-MAY-2001 00:00      0.346       0.167    0.000015
27-MAY-2001 00:00      0.316       0.249    0.000023
28-MAY-2001 00:00      0.265       0.310    0.000029
29-MAY-2001 00:00      0.219       0.343    0.000034
30-MAY-2001 00:00      0.183       0.360    0.000038

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

2001 May 26
With the new delay from Lance and new optical data covering
the span May 20, 1999 to May 25, 2001 (539 obs), solution #60
was computed and found to have the uncertainties shown below.

      DATE          Pointing  X-band Dop     Delay  
                      (")         Hz         (sec)  
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------
20-MAY-2001 00:00      0.400       0.741    0.000177
21-MAY-2001 00:00      0.450       0.715    0.000170
22-MAY-2001 00:00      0.509       0.319    0.000011
23-MAY-2001 00:00      0.397       0.247    0.000004
24-MAY-2001 00:00      0.283       0.179    0.000003
25-MAY-2001 00:00      0.290       0.127    0.000008
26-MAY-2001 00:00      0.223       0.156    0.000013
27-MAY-2001 00:00      0.183       0.207    0.000003
28-MAY-2001 00:00      0.159       0.246    0.000007
29-MAY-2001 00:00      0.134       0.266    0.000010
30-MAY-2001 00:00      0.113       0.275    0.000014


This object's bandwidth could be as large as several hundred Hz.
The ephemeris will be good to a few Hz. 

Starting CW setup on the first track:TX polarization           

TX polarization           RCP
RCV polarization          LCP
Frequencies:              2
Dwell:                    25 seconds
Bandwidth:                4000 Hz
Sampling interval:        2500 x 0.1 usec
VME FFT for PSD files:    1024 for 3.90625-Hz resolution

Possible ranging setups:
127 x 64 10-usec single sample

baud            10 usec
code            127
gates           127
FFT             64
CLT             11
ncoh            2
bandwidth       394 Hz   
resolution      6.15 Hz
TXOFF           TBD
incoh sums      64 => 10.4 sec/record
127 x 64 11-usec single sample.

baud            11 usec
code            127
gates           127
PRP             1397
FFT             64
CLT             11
ncoh            2
bandwidth       357.9 Hz   
resolution      5.59 Hz
TXOFF           TBD
0.125-usec ranging

setup           JX1XS001  
baud            0.125 usec
code            127
gates           127
FFT             64
ncoh            1968
bandwidth       32.008 Hz     
resolution      0.5001 Hz
TXOFF           6 Hz = 12 cells, => cell 44
incoh sums      4 looks=> 8 sec/record => expect records per run ~ RTT/8
CLT gate        34.8
POSSIBLE RANGING SETUPS: (code=127, FFT=64, single-pol'n) 
   These are from JX, w/ max-band (min-acc) options from Ray Jurgens.
   Currently configured for 5-sec records.
 Setup        Baud        RP         1-acc 1-acc      
            usec   m      usec        band   res    acc  band     res 
JX1XS110  11.000 1650    1397.0      715.8  11.2      2   358     5.6
JX1XS070   7.000 1050     889.0     1124.9  17.6      3   375     5.9
JX1XS020   2.000  300     254.0     3937.0  61.5     12   328     5.1
                                                      4   984    15.4 

JX1XS010   1.000  150     127.0     7874.0 123.0     41   192     3.0 
                                                      8   984    15.4 

JX1XS005   0.500   75      63.5    15748.0 246.1    123   128     2.0 
                                                     15  1050    16.4 

JX1XS002   0.250   37.5    31.75   31496.1 492.1    492    64     1.0
                                                     30  1050    16.4 
JX1XS001   0.125   18.75   15.875  62992.1 984.3   1970    32     0.5 
                                                     60  1050    16.4 


NOTE: Data should be moved to the appropriate subdirectories in intruder:/d1/1999kw4/raw/

1999kw4 POINTING:

For these observations, we need the following files:


These files were created in:	    intruder:/export/data2/osod/ops/1999kw4
have been copied to:                intruder:/d1/1999kw4/support/


                                                  TX Offsets    
Date (UTC)   DOY  hhmmss    RA      Dec   Macro  LHA      Dec    RTT  OSOD      
2001 05 28   148  020000 245.7959 15.9547   A                    40.7  50
2001 05 28   148  030000 245.2810 16.1897   
2001 05 28   148  040000 244.7690 16.4199   
2001 05 28   148  050000 244.2604 16.6449   A 0.0058   0.0026    41.6
2001 05 28   148  060000 243.7559 16.8647   
2001 05 28   148  070000 243.2562 17.0791   
2001 05 28   148  080000 242.7623 17.2882   A                    42.6

2001 05 29   149  020000 235.1523 20.3768   A                    48.8  50
2001 05 29   149  030000 234.7736 20.5203   
2001 05 29   149  040000 234.3971 20.6604   A   0.0051   0.0019  49.6
2001 05 29   149  050000 234.0235 20.7969    B                   49.9
2001 05 29   149  060000 233.6534 20.9297   A                    50.3
2001 05 29   149  070000 233.2874 21.0587   
2001 05 29   149  080000 232.9264 21.1841    B  0.0051   0.0018  51.1
2001 05 29   149  090000 232.5710 21.3059   
2001 05 29   149  100000 232.2219 21.4243   
2001 05 29   149  110000 231.8795 21.5396    B                   52.2


Goldstone PRDX.OUT.s60
RECEIVER    U.T.         RANGE         DOPPLER      LHA      DEC      RA      EL    
 2001 MAY 28 02:20     40.8216406438  -696014.710 278.1810  16.0337 245.624  15.756 
 2001 MAY 28 02:30     40.8704838827  -697652.061 280.7737  16.0730 245.538  17.870 
 2001 MAY 28 02:40     40.9194432181  -699327.149 283.3663  16.1121 245.452  19.989 
 2001 MAY 28 02:50     40.9685212745  -701039.531 285.9589  16.1511 245.366  22.114 
 2001 MAY 28 03:00     41.0177206482  -702788.673 288.5513  16.1899 245.281  24.242 
 2001 MAY 28 03:10     41.0670438973  -704573.958 291.1437  16.2286 245.195  26.373 
 2001 MAY 28 03:20     41.1164935284  -706394.683 293.7360  16.2672 245.110  28.505 
 2001 MAY 28 03:30     41.1660720014  -708250.063 296.3283  16.3056 245.024  30.638 
 2001 MAY 28 03:40     41.2157817129  -710139.230 298.9204  16.3439 244.939  32.769 
 2001 MAY 28 03:50     41.2656249985  -712061.238 301.5124  16.3820 244.854  34.898 
 2001 MAY 28 04:00     41.3156041273  -714015.064 304.1044  16.4200 244.769  37.022 
 2001 MAY 28 04:10     41.3657212890  -715999.607 306.6963  16.4579 244.684  39.140 
 2001 MAY 28 04:20     41.4159785961  -718013.697 309.2880  16.4956 244.599  41.249 
 2001 MAY 28 04:30     41.4663780765  -720056.091 311.8797  16.5332 244.514  43.349 
 2001 MAY 28 04:40     41.5169216714  -722125.478 314.4713  16.5706 244.429  45.436 
 2001 MAY 28 04:50     41.5676112223  -724220.485 317.0627  16.6079 244.345  47.506 
 2001 MAY 28 05:00     41.6184484752  -726339.672 319.6541  16.6451 244.260  49.558 
 2001 MAY 28 05:10     41.6694350727  -728481.545 322.2453  16.6821 244.176  51.586 
 2001 MAY 28 05:20     41.7205725510  -730644.550 324.8364  16.7189 244.092  53.586 
 2001 MAY 28 05:30     41.7718623382  -732827.084 327.4275  16.7556 244.007  55.553 
 2001 MAY 28 05:40     41.8233057400  -735027.492 330.0183  16.7922 243.923  57.478 
 2001 MAY 28 05:50     41.8749039554  -737244.073 332.6091  16.8286 243.839  59.355 
 2001 MAY 28 06:00     41.9266580519  -739475.086 335.1997  16.8648 243.756  61.171 
 2001 MAY 28 06:10     41.9785689842  -741718.750 337.7902  16.9010 243.672  62.916 
 2001 MAY 28 06:20     42.0306375730  -743973.250 340.3805  16.9369 243.588  64.572 
 2001 MAY 28 06:30     42.0828645107  -746236.737 342.9708  16.9727 243.505  66.122 
 2001 MAY 28 06:40     42.1352503670  -748507.340 345.5608  17.0084 243.422  67.543 
 2001 MAY 28 06:50     42.1877955716  -750783.159 348.1507  17.0439 243.339  68.808 
 2001 MAY 28 07:00     42.2405004231  -753062.279 350.7405  17.0793 243.256  69.888 

file         setup                   runs start -stop    osod    OFFSET    TX Poln    Ptx
May 21 (DOY 141)
PSD01141.1999kw4, VOLT01141.1999kw4
             CW 4000 Hz 1024 FFT      5   140744-141659   50      none      RCP
kw414103   10 us x 5.59 Hz            4   142851-143623   50      +50       RCP
kw414106   11 us x 6.15 Hz            2   144656-145002   50      +50       RCP
kw414109    1 us x 3.0 Hz            23   150144-154932   50      +30       RCP

May 22 (DOY 142)
kw414203  10 us x 6.15 Hz              1  121544-121636   52      +50       RCP
kw414206  11 us x 5.59 Hz              2  125114-125352   52      +50 
kw414209   0.5 us x 2.0 Hz             2  130640-130916   52      +30
kw414210   0.5 us x 2.0 Hz            20  131320-134841   52  +30 Hz, +30 gates
kw414211   0.5 us x 2.0 Hz            51  135304-152144   52  +30 Hz, +30 gates
kw414212   0.5 us x 2.0 Hz            19  152605-155957   52  +30 Hz, +30 gates

May 23 (DOY 143)
kw414303  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256     8  101828-10320?   54      +30 Hz              437
kw414304  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    49  103323-114849   54  +30 Hz, +50 gates       446
kw414305  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    48  115200-130552   54  +30 Hz, +50 gates       455
kw414306  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    20  131108-134123   54  +30 Hz, +50 gates       450
kw414307  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256     5  134727-135429   54  +30 Hz, +50 gates       450

May 24 (DOY 144)
kw414403  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    37  085550-094344   56     +30 Hz               433
kw414404  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    48  094748-105020   56     +30 Hz               450
kw414405  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    38  105231-114010   56     +30 Hz               442
kw414406  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    12  142632-144114   56     +30 Hz               443
kw414407  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    38  144929-153512   56     +30 Hz               443

May 25 (DOY 145)
kw414503  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   18  083816-085852   56     +40 Hz               10 sec records
kw414504  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   48  090122-095716   56     +40 Hz                5 sec records
kw414505  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   33  095933-103826   56     +40 Hz                5 sec records
kw414506  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   21  104148-110636   56     +40 Hz                5 sec records
kw414507  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    3  115539-115828   56     +40 Hz               15 sec records
kw414508  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   48  120153-125815   56     +40 Hz               13 sec records
kw414509  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   48  130107-135722   56     +40 Hz               13 sec records
kw414510  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   15  142832-144529   56     +40 Hz               13 sec records

May 26 (DOY 146)
kw414603  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   13  052008-053530   56     +40 Hz
kw414606  1.0 us x 3.0 Hz   127x 64    8  074817-075710   56     +40 Hz
kw414607  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   32  080849-084704   56     +40 Hz
kw414608  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   17  090125-092111   58     +40 Hz
kw414609  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   45  092403-101742   58     +40 Hz,+20 gates
kw414610  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   45  102057-111423   58     +40 Hz,+20 gates
kw414611  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    6  121310-121931   58     +40 Hz,+30 gates
kw414612  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   53  122825-133107   58     +40 Hz,+30 gates
kw414613  0.125 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256   21  133517-135939   58     +40 Hz,+30 gates

May 28 (DOY 148)
kw414803  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    11  023907-025403   60     +40 Hz  bad pointing
kw414804  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    12  062047-063754   60     +40 Hz  good pointing, VAX problem
kw414805  0.25 us x 1.0 Hz 255x256    10  064128-065503   60     +40 Hz  good pointing, VAX OK

May 29 (DOY 149)
PSD01149RCP.1999kw4, VOLT01149RCP.1999kw4 
          4 kHz, 1024 FFT             5   044918-045703   60      none      RCP
PSD01149LCP.1999kw4, VOLT01149LCP.1999kw4 
          4 kHz, 1024 FFT             5   045955-050654   60      none      LCP
kw414903  1.0 us x 3.0 Hz 127x64      7   052031-053212   60     +40 Hz  
kw414906  0.5 us x 2.0 Hz 127x64     21   054237-062210   60     +30 Hz  
kw414907  0.5 us x 2.0 Hz 127x64     48   062940-075706   60     +30 Hz  
kw414908  0.5 us x 2.0 Hz 127x64     48   080122-092650   60     +30 Hz   bad pointing
kw414909  0.5 us x 2.0 Hz 127x64     34   093011-103005   60     +30 Hz   good pointing



  2001 05 21 14:40:00    R 60.7251762   10.0   8560.D6  -14      Benner, L.A.M.
  Corr'n of -272.5 us to soln 50 from 10 and 11 us ranging.

  2001 05 22 14:50:00    R 51.0844684    2.0   8560.D6  -14      Benner, L.A.M.
  Corrn of +0.5 us to soln 52 from 10, 11, & 0.5 us when the TE of the primary
  & 2ndary align in range.  Uncertainty is ~2/3 of primary's vis rng extent

  2001 05 23 10:20:00    R 44.08686953   1.5   8560.D6  -14      Benner, L.A.M.
  Corr'n of -6.25 us to soln 54 from 0.25 us imaging using TE of primary

  2001 05 26 07:50:00    R 32.496018     1.0   8560.D6  -14      Benner, L.A.M.
  Corr'n of -17 us to soln 56 from 1.0 us imaging.  TEs of primary 
  and secondary are at the same range gate (123).  CLT = gate 13.

  2001 05 29 05:30:00    R 50.119490     4.0   8560.D6  -14      Benner, L.A.M.
  Corr'n of -30 us to soln 60 from 1.0 us ranging.  COM=LE+1 gate inside primary
  & uncert = primary's vis rng extent. TE sep'ns = 1.2 km w/secondary in front.  


Dr. Lance A. M. Benner | PHONE: (818) 354-7412 300-233 | FAX: (818) 354-9476 Jet Propulsion Laboratory | email: lance@reason.jpl.nasa.gov Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Asteroid Radar Astronomy