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Package Status for t03.40.00

As of Mon Nov 10 07:45:56 2003

Current Release Package Status
CalibManagerTree_t test if calibration DB servers are working, for SAM shifter Present Present
D0Analyze_x Combines RecoAnalyze and TriggerAnalyze, making ntuples Present Present
D0Raw2Sim_x convert real data to simulated d0gstar data. Present Present
D0Sim_x Convert D0g* data to D0reco input data Present Present
D0TrigSim_x trigger simulator program Present Present
D0reco_x does the event reconstruction Present Present
Isawig-mssm.x Generate isawig events, minimal supersymmetric model Present Present
Isawig-sugra.x Generate isawig events, super gravity model Present Present
MCAnalyze_x Make Ntuple of MC generator information Present Present
MCCosmic.x A cosmic ray generator Present Present
MCIndexToLink.x Convert D0IndexChunk to LinkIndexChunk Not Present Not Present
MCSingle.x A single particle generator Present Present
MCbyHand.x Make a MC event by hand Present Present
MCexam_x Make ntuple with detector, MC and reco level information, calls Simexam and Recoexam Not Present Not Present
MCherwig.x Generate herwig events Present Present
MCisagen.x Generate isajet events Present Present
MCphojet.x generate diffraction events Present Present
MCpompyt.x Diffractive physics generator based Ingelman-Schlein model and Pythia Present Present
MCpomwig.x Diffractive physics generator based Ingelman-Schlein model and Herwig Present Present
MCpythia.x Generate pythia events Present Present
MCscipyt.x Implementation of Soft Color and Generalized Area Law(GAL) models in Pythia Present Present
MCstdhep.x convert stdhep i/o files to d0om/edm i/o files. Present Present
MCvecbos.x Generate vecbos events Present Present
MakeL3Calib create the calibration data for L3 central tracking Present Present
MakePlots D0Reco offline data monitoring. see recocert/doc/html/ Present Present
MergeRecoCert D0Reco offline data monitoring. see recocert/doc/html/ Present Present
Mergel3calib l3fcalibmanager: Create the calibration file for the L3 trigger tools Present Present
OverlayPlots D0Reco offline data monitoring. see recocert/doc/html/ Present Present
P13TMBfixer_x Special: Fix the P13 TMBs Present Present
ParseToolList Parse the Level 3 tools list file for trigger names Present Present
RecoAnalyze_x Creates the global ntuple from D0reco output Present Present
RecoCert_x D0Reco offline data monitoring. see recocert/doc/html/ Present Present
RecoStat_x prints general purpose statistics relating to the results of RECO Present Present
Recoexam_x Make ntuple for reconstructed quatities: cluster, tracks, jets, .. exclusively Not Present Not Present
SAMTest sam_manager demo Not Present Not Present
SMTAnalyze_x allows for studies of smt clustering, hit finding Present Present
ScriptRunner_x Level 3 tools framework Present Present
Simexam_x Make ntuple for hits and digi exclusively Not Present Not Present
SmtNtuples_x ntuple maker for SMT tracking and clustering studies Present Present
TMBAnalyze_x analyze program for thumbnail files Present Present
TrigSimAna_x does analysis of output from trigger simulator (D0TrigSim_x) Present Present
UnpThumbNail_x will generate p13 thumbnail files from p11 d0reco input files Present Present
VertexReco Combines VertexReco and VertexAnalysis modules. Present Present
addpkg SRT: add a package to a local/test release Present Present
calibBrowser GUI interface to the calibration databases Not Present Not Present
compress.plugin dspack plugin for piping through compress. Not Present Not Present
coormain.x coor/trigsim binary. Present Present
coormon.x coormon binary. Present Present
coorsim coor simulator script Present Present
coortalk.x coortalk binary. Present Present Front end python script for copyd0om.x Present Present Front end shell script for (needed on nt) Present Present
copyd0om.x Event copy/edit utility for dspack/evpack files. Present Present Front end python script for copyevpack.x Present Present
copyevpack.x Evpack physical record copy/edit utility (used on farm). Present Present "samified" version of Present Present "samified" version of Not Present Not Present
copysam.x "samified" version of copyd0om.x Present Present LIBDEPS processing Present Present LIBDEPS processing Present Present Expands library list using LIBDEPS info. Present Present Expands library list using LIBDEPS info. Present Present LIBDEPS processing Present Present LIBDEPS processing Present Present LIBDEPS processing Present Present LIBDEPS processing Present Present
ctfind CTB: Searches a list of directories for a file Present Present
ctfmtversion CTB(ctdev): Converts version string to a cvs version ("." -> "-") Present Present
ctmake_ctest CTB(ctdev): Creates a component test Present Present
ctnewpkg CTB(ctdev): Creates a new CTEST package directory or updates an existing one Present Present
ctpkgpath CTB: return the full directory path for a package Present Present
cttag CTB(ctdev): add a CVS tag to a package containing a CTEST version file Present Present
ctupdate CTB: Compares a file's contents against a string. Present Present
ctversion CTB(ctdev): Script to show the current versions (from file VERSION) Present Present
cvsmigrate SRT: allow migration between cvs repositories Present Present
d0cint d0om preprocessor. Present Present
d0ev D0om event browser (python script). Present Present
d0gstar2.x Run D0 Geant with C++ wrapper Present Present
d0gstar_int.x Run D0 Geant interactively Present Present
d0scan_qt_data_x event and detector display, real data, qt version Not Present Not Present
d0scan_qt_x event and detector display, qt version Not Present Not Present
d0ve_lite event display from D0reco or ThumbNail output Present Present
d0ve_x event display used online Not Present Not Present
ddcnstat checks distributor connection statistics Present Present
ddkill the distributor terminator Present Present
ddping the distributor sonar Present Present
depend SRT: determine package dependencies (requires .d files) Present Present
deslash.sed CTB: internal use Present Present
dff.plugin dspack federated file plugin. Not Present Not Present
dffgen dspack federated file creation utility. Not Present Not Present
dir.plugin dspack plugin for reading a set of files. Not Present Not Present
distributor the data distributor main beast Present Present
ds unified dspack client/server binary. Not Present Not Present
ds_mktemp mktemp from shell script; used by dspack. Not Present Not Present
ds_peof dspack util to write EOF to a pipe. Not Present Not Present
dsdump Dspack file dumper. Present Present
dsmgr tcl/tk dspack browser. Not Present Not Present
dspackTCPIP_server dspack network server. Not Present Not Present
dsserver dspack server start script. Not Present Not Present
dstest serverless dspack debugger. Present Present
dump_geometry_db (geometry_db) dump geometry db Present Present
eBrowser an event browser Present Present
evaddindex Utility to fix up missing/damaged evpack index records in data files. Present Present
evdump Evpack file dumper. Present Present
evgen.x l3node: used to send events from a data file to a filter node Present Present
evigen python script to generate output format L2->L3 Present Present
evsink.x l3node: used as an event sink for the filter node (emulate c/r) Present Present
extract_geometry extracts a single subdetector geometry given a complete d0 geometry. Present Present
fetch_coor_resources.x rebuild the coor resource files from the trigger database Present Present
get_d0geom_rcps CTB: copy all geometry rcp's to cwd Present Present
gtr global tracker Present Present
gtr_build_gtr build the gtr standalone program Present Present
gtr_chain merges tracking root tuples Present Present
gtr_checkout_gtr checkout all packages needed to build gtr Present Present
gtr_clean_rundir Cleans a gtr run directory Present Present
gtr_copy_private_release Copies the portion of a private release needed to run gtr Present Present
gtr_copy_public_release Copies the portion of a public release needed to run gtr Present Present
gtr_create_rundir Creates a gtr run directory Present Present
gtr_disp Display cluster, MC tracks and GTracks in global tracking. Present Present
gtr_farm_run run gtr farm jobs Present Present
gtr_farm_submit submit gtr farm jobs for batch execution Present Present
gtr_find_get_obs GTR: setup obs files for tracking Present Present
gtr_find_get_rdata_obs GTR: collects obs files for tracking real data Present Present
gtr_get_kumacs Installs the standard global tracking kumacs in a specified directory Present Present
gtr_plot_perf Generate global tracking performand plots from root ntuples Not Present Not Present
gtr_plot_times Generate global tracking performand plots from root ntuples Not Present Not Present
gtr_run Runs gtr in a standard run directory Present Present
gtr_show_perf shows standard performance parameters for a gtr root tuple Not Present Not Present
gunzip.plugin dspack plugin for piping through gunzip. Not Present Not Present
gzip.plugin dspack plugin for piping through gzip. Not Present Not Present
installed.dat BUILD: list of installed exes, including those not distributed Not Present Not Present
installed_files.dat List of executables and where they come from Not Present Not Present
iogen generate IO code, python script Present Present
l3filtershell.x l3node: filter executable for the nodes, contains ScriptRunner Present Present
l3ioprocess.x l3node: receives events and configuration instructions on a filter node Present Present
legoplot_x legoplot display Not Present Not Present
lnkpkg SRT: similar to addpkg, but create only sym links Present Present
make_aligned_geometry (d0_alignment) maintain aligned geometry databaser Not Present Not Present generate dependencies for running freeze. Present Present generate dependencies for running swig. Present Present
mrd mrdatae display from event_display Not Present Not Present
muo_examine monitors (including hitmaps, efficiency and resolution) raw muon data Present Present
newdist SRT: create new distribution directory Present Present
newpkg SRT: creates a new package in a local/test release (not D0) Present Present
newrel SRT: creates a new production or test release Present Present
newver SRT: adds a new version of a package to a distribution Present Present CTB: returns a package's physical path Present Present
pkgstatus SRT: query cvs for the status of files Present Present
pmcs_herwig_x A fast monte carlo simulation of the D0 detector, herwig gen Not Present Not Present
pmcs_isajet_x A fast monte carlo simulation of the D0 detector, isajet gen Not Present Not Present
pmcs_pythia_x A fast monte carlo simulation of the D0 detector, pythia gen Not Present Not Present
pmcs_vecbos_x A fast monte carlo simulation of the D0 detector, vecbos gen Present Present
pmcs_x A fast monte carlo simulation of the D0 detector Present Present
portforward.x l3node: used to keep direction of connecting as in real system Present Present
raw2edm.x l3node: Transform a file containing raw VBD data blocks into an edm/d0om event file. Present Present
readGeometry (geometry_db) read the geometry db Present Present
reldb SRT: maintains and queries a database of products in a release Present Present
relpathto SRT: Writes to stdout the relative path from the current directory to PATH Present Present
rmpkg SRT: remove a package Present Present
rmver SRT: removes a version of package from a distribution Present Present
smtGeomDisplay smt: display the smt Geometry. Not Present Not Present
srt_environment SRT: Sets, modifies and displays environment variables Present Present
srt_freeze SRT: Write protect all files in a directory Present Present
srt_int_drop SRT: shell function to remove items from a path-style variable Present Present
srt_int_info SRT: for internal use Present Present
srt_int_mkdir SRT: platform independent recursive mkdir Present Present
srt_int_querypkg SRT: for internal use Present Present
srt_layer_init SRT: initialize layered builds Present Present
srt_layer_link SRT: setup layered build links Present Present
srt_super_init SRT: initializes the super directory of a super test release Present Present
srtdepend CTB: for internal use Present Present CTB: for internal use Present Present
statusrel SRT: lists the packages in a release Present Present
svxrawdump Examine the raw data producted by SMT/CFT/PS Present Present
swig_wrap work around -I ordering problem of swig. Present Present
taker.x taker binary. Present Present Python wrapper for CalibManagerTree_t Present Present
test_smtpackages runs the reconstructor for the smt hit packages Present Present
uncompress.plugin dspack plugin for piping through uncompress. Not Present Not Present
update_db the tool used to update RCPdatabases Present Present
update_geometry_db (geometry_db) update geometry db Present Present
vgen l2iogen: python, generate release version header file. Present Present
xgooey GUI to run eXamines Not Present Not Present

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Copyright © 2002 D0 Release Managers
All Rights Reserved
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Generated: Mon Nov 10, 2003