Design: 06.02.02/P02

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PROGRAM 2: Validity of predefined view table


OPERATOR SCRIPT: passive test.


<Inquire view facilities> to determine
  npvw = number of predefined views

TEST: #SR 4 5
      "The reported number of predefined views should be at least 6."
pass/fail depending on (npvw > 5)

TEST: #SR 4 6
      "All the predefined view entries should be accessible by
       <inquire predefined view representation>."
for ivw = 0 to npvw-1
    <inquire predefined view representation> on entry #ivw
    if (error returned) then
       goto end_access
next ivw


<inquire predefined view representation> on entry #0 to determine:
   vom(4,4) = orientation matrix
   vmm(4,4) = mapping matrix
   vclm(6)  = view clipping limits
   vcid(3)  = clipping indicators

TEST: #SR 6 7
      "The orientation and mapping matrices for predefined view #0
       should both be the identity matrix."
pass/fail depending on (vom = identity matrix and
                        vmm = identity matrix )

TEST: #SR 6 7
      "The clipping limits for predefined view #0 should be [0,1]
       in all three dimensions."
pass/fail depending on (vclm = 0,1,0,1,0,1)

TEST: #SR 6 7
      "All three clipping indicators for predefined view #0
       should be CLIP."
pass/fail depending on (vcid = CLIP, CLIP, CLIP)