Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group

Surface Water Quality Modeling

Steven Chapra, now a professor at Tufts University, has authored a book on surface water quality modeling that will doubtless be of interest to SMIG members. Here are some details about the book and how to get it:

Chapra, Steven C., 1997, Surface Water-Quality Modeling,
  McGraw-Hill Series in Water Resources and Environmental
  Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 844 p.

Publisher's Notes

Since the 1920's scientists and engineers around the globe have been using mathematical models to simulate the transport and fate of pollutants in natural waters. Today and in the foreseeable future more of these applications are being generated in an effort to develop economical solutions to water-quality problems. The primary audience for this book is first-year graduate students, including both MA and PhD, students, although, the book could be used as a basis for senior undergraduate course. The text is divided into six major parts.

Note that an errata sheet may be available and is worth an inquiry. If you can't get it from the publisher, try the author!


Part I: Completely-Mixed Systems
Part II: Incompletely-Mixed Systems
Part III: Modeling Environments
Part IV: Dissolved Oxygen and Bacteria
Part V: Eutrophication and Temperature
Part VI: Chemistry and Toxic Substances

Book Jacket Notes

"Surface Water-Quality Modeling" presents the wealth of knowledge that Dr. Chapra has acquired through his extensive study and scholarship on surface water quality. The book provides both a thorough introduction to modeling fundamentals along with in-depth descriptions of how a variety of pollutants move and react with a variety of water bodies. Effectively written in a 'user-friendly' format, the text facilitates independent learning while balancing traditional analytical models with more recent computer-oriented approaches. Furthermore, several lectures cover advanced modeling topics, such as protozoan pollution, hydrodynamics, and sediment resuspension. Readers will also find nummerous worked-out examples that illustrate fundamental concepts as well as test their knowledge."

"Steve Chapra is currently a professor of civil, environmental, and architectural engineering at the University of Colorado. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Colorado, Chapra worked for the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and was associate professor at Texas A&M. His research, which has been used in a number of decision-making contexts, for example, the 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, primarily focuses on surface water-quality modeling and advanced computer applications in environmental engineering. Dr. Chapra has taught over forty water-quality modeling workshops in the United States, Mexico, Europe, and South America; furthermore, he has also received several awards for his scholarly contributions."

Ordering Information

There used to be a government discount on this book, but it may no longer be valid. Call McGraw-Hill to ask for more info.

Internet Orders

Follow this link to the McGraw-Hill web page, then enter "surface water quality modeling" in the search field to find the description and ording information for this book.

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