PEA Descriptor Site(s): W6 ------ Contains characteristic data on Pisum (Pea) accessions proposed by the Pisum Crop Germplasm Committee. For more information, contact Clarice Coyne at the Western RPIS in Pullman, WA 99164-6402, ph (509) 335-1502, email: Descriptor: ASCOCHYTA obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Percent damage caused by ascochyta. Maturity ratings: 0=still flowering, 1=flat pods; 2=semi-mature pods, 3=mature botto pods, 4=mature, 5=completely mature pods Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 20.00 - 29.00 30 47.00 - 56.00 332 74.00 - 83.00 223 29.00 - 38.00 316 56.00 - 65.00 261 83.00 - 92.00 65 38.00 - 47.00 385 65.00 - 74.00 344 92.00 - 101.00 37 Descriptor: BIOMASS obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Above ground biomass measured in kg/ha taken at physiological maturity (leaves, stems, pods and seeds) and allowed to air dry to about 8% moisture Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 55.80 - 1552.94 176 4547.22 - 6044.36 239 9038.64 - 10535.7 60 1552.94 - 3050.08 395 6044.36 - 7541.50 205 10535.7 - 12032.9 20 3050.08 - 4547.22 314 7541.50 - 9038.64 139 12032.9 - 13530.0 3 Descriptor: BLOOMDAY obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Day of the year when flowering begins. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 9.00 - 31.56 1 76.68 - 99.24 0 144.36 - 166.92 1280 31.56 - 54.12 0 99.24 - 121.80 34 166.92 - 189.48 650 54.12 - 76.68 0 121.80 - 144.36 1591 189.48 - 212.04 4 Descriptor: CORE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES A flag to indicate the accession is part of the core subset Code Definition ---- ---------- Y YES, THE ACCESSION IS PART OF THE CORE Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- Y 504 Descriptor: COTYLCOLOR obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Cotyledon color, should be evaluated from unweathered, unbleached pods. Code Definition ---- ---------- G Green M Mixed O Other Y Yellow Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- G 466 O 19 Y 1845 M 997 Descriptor: CRUSHFORCE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Crushing force required to crush the 8th internode - Newton's force Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 3.50 - 7.31 7 14.93 - 18.74 128 26.36 - 30.17 10 7.31 - 11.12 54 18.74 - 22.55 47 30.17 - 33.98 2 11.12 - 14.93 130 22.55 - 26.36 10 33.98 - 37.79 1 Descriptor: DAYSDRY obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of days from first bloom to maturity Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 12.00 - 19.89 15 35.67 - 43.56 365 59.34 - 67.23 6 19.89 - 27.78 215 43.56 - 51.45 78 67.23 - 75.12 1 27.78 - 35.67 949 51.45 - 59.34 11 75.12 - 83.01 1 Descriptor: DAYSFLOWER obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of days from sowing seed to first observed flower Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 22.00 - 32.22 3 52.66 - 62.88 2573 83.32 - 93.54 52 32.22 - 42.44 146 62.88 - 73.10 778 93.54 - 103.76 3 42.44 - 52.66 1308 73.10 - 83.32 169 103.76 - 113.98 1 Descriptor: DAYSMATURE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of days from sowing to maturity/harvest Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 73.00 - 79.22 2 91.66 - 97.88 3 110.32 - 116.54 64 79.22 - 85.44 3 97.88 - 104.10 19 116.54 - 122.76 46 85.44 - 91.66 4 104.10 - 110.32 42 122.76 - 128.98 41 Descriptor: DEGREEFLW obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Degree days from planting to flowering Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 344.60 - 407.16 42 532.28 - 594.84 486 719.96 - 782.52 28 407.16 - 469.72 145 594.84 - 657.40 347 782.52 - 845.08 11 469.72 - 532.28 325 657.40 - 719.96 170 845.08 - 907.64 5 Descriptor: DEGREEMAT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Degree days from planting to maturity Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 643.40 - 730.71 10 905.33 - 992.64 284 1167.26 - 1254.57 194 730.71 - 818.02 42 992.64 - 1079.95 500 1254.57 - 1341.88 28 818.02 - 905.33 126 1079.95 - 1167.26 369 1341.88 - 1429.19 5 Descriptor: FLOWERCOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Flower color Code Definition ---- ---------- M Mixed P Pigmented W White Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- M 107 P 1445 W 2402 Descriptor: FLOWPEDUNC obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Maximum number of flowers per peduncle. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 0.58 1 1.74 - 2.32 1945 3.48 - 4.06 4 0.58 - 1.16 903 2.32 - 2.90 0 4.06 - 4.64 0 1.16 - 1.74 0 2.90 - 3.48 29 4.64 - 5.22 0 Descriptor: FUSROOTROT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Resistance to Fusarium Root Rot caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi Code Definition ---- ---------- 0 No disease 1 Slight discoloration around cotyledonary attachment area 2 Lessions have coalesced, but do not encircle lower stem. Cotyledons are still intact. 3 Pronounced brownish-black lessions which have coalesced at 1 3 the cotyledonary attachment area, cotyledons have rotted 1 3 off. Lower stem lessions are visible, few to moderate lesion development on lower stem and upper root. 4 Pronounced brownish-black lesions at cotyledonary 1 4 attachment area. Lesions extend upward to soil line and down into root system. 5 Root system completely rotted, including coryledonary 1 5 attachment area up to soil line and/or seed rotted and plant did not emerge. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 50 3 757 5 891 2 377 4 1007 Descriptor: FUSWILT1 obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Resistance to Race 1 of Fusarium Wilt Code Definition ---- ---------- R RESISTANT R/S MIXTURE OF RESISTANT AND SUSCEPTIBLE S SUSCEPTIBLE Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- R 2280 R/S 556 S 571 Descriptor: FUSWILT2 obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Percent resistant plants to Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. pisi race 2. Data was recorded 3-5 weeks after inoculation. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 11.22 575 33.66 - 44.88 165 67.32 - 78.54 105 11.22 - 22.44 268 44.88 - 56.10 142 78.54 - 89.76 109 22.44 - 33.66 228 56.10 - 67.32 156 89.76 - 100.98 199 Descriptor: HARVESTIND obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Percent calculated by dividing seed yield by biomas (total above ground weight) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 7.67 5 23.01 - 30.68 195 46.02 - 53.69 132 7.67 - 15.34 14 30.68 - 38.35 556 53.69 - 61.36 7 15.34 - 23.01 53 38.35 - 46.02 586 61.36 - 69.03 2 Descriptor: HEIGHT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Plant height of a typical plant in centimeters from the ground to tip at maturity. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 10.00 - 44.89 240 114.67 - 149.56 702 219.34 - 254.23 13 44.89 - 79.78 1068 149.56 - 184.45 242 254.23 - 289.12 2 79.78 - 114.67 1032 184.45 - 219.34 96 289.12 - 324.01 1 Descriptor: HEIGHTFLW obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Height measured in centimeters from the ground to the first flower Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 10.00 - 26.22 52 58.66 - 74.88 288 107.32 - 123.54 50 26.22 - 42.44 313 74.88 - 91.10 258 123.54 - 139.76 21 42.44 - 58.66 430 91.10 - 107.32 140 139.76 - 155.98 2 Descriptor: HILUMCOLOR obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Hilum color Code Definition ---- ---------- C Clear M Mixed P Pigmented Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- C 1851 M 564 P 435 Descriptor: IMAGE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES A picture or image Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- collection s 12 pod 141 vegetative 496 flower 210 Descriptor: INTERNODE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Average internode length measured in centimeters Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.10 - 1.84 22 3.32 - 4.06 95 5.54 - 6.28 3 1.84 - 2.58 82 4.06 - 4.80 38 6.28 - 7.02 0 2.58 - 3.32 149 4.80 - 5.54 14 7.02 - 7.76 0 Descriptor: LEAFLETMOR obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Leaflet morphology Code Definition ---- ---------- M Mixed N Normal O Other af Afila af,tl Afila, Acacia tl Acacia Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- N 2355 af 20 tl 4 O 2 Descriptor: MINERAL_B obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Boron concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 4.16 - 5.37 21 7.79 - 9.00 123 11.42 - 12.63 6 5.37 - 6.58 95 9.00 - 10.21 58 12.63 - 13.84 3 6.58 - 7.79 135 10.21 - 11.42 16 13.84 - 15.05 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_CA obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Calcium concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 282.00 - 535.89 102 1043.67 - 1297.56 45 1805.34 - 2059.23 4 535.89 - 789.78 206 1297.56 - 1551.45 21 2059.23 - 2313.12 1 789.78 - 1043.67 94 1551.45 - 1805.34 7 2313.12 - 2567.01 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_CU obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Copper concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.37 - 2.86 78 5.84 - 7.33 52 10.31 - 11.80 2 2.86 - 4.35 207 7.33 - 8.82 19 11.80 - 13.29 0 4.35 - 5.84 115 8.82 - 10.31 7 13.29 - 14.78 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_FE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Iron concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 23.16 - 32.39 18 50.85 - 60.08 127 78.54 - 87.77 8 32.39 - 41.62 96 60.08 - 69.31 46 87.77 - 97.00 2 41.62 - 50.85 165 69.31 - 78.54 18 97.00 - 106.23 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_K obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Potassium concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 7126.00 - 8563.78 2 11439.3 - 12877.1 177 15752.6 - 17190.4 22 8563.78 - 10001.5 22 12877.1 - 14314.9 124 17190.4 - 18628.2 2 10001.5 - 11439.3 85 14314.9 - 15752.6 46 18628.2 - 20066.0 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_MG obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Mangnesium concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1058.00 - 1215.33 4 1529.99 - 1687.32 191 2001.98 - 2159.31 17 1215.33 - 1372.66 4 1687.32 - 1844.65 148 2159.31 - 2316.64 2 1372.66 - 1529.99 56 1844.65 - 2001.98 56 2316.64 - 2473.97 3 Descriptor: MINERAL_MN obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Manganese concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 8.04 - 13.29 143 23.79 - 29.04 20 39.54 - 44.79 0 13.29 - 18.54 244 29.04 - 34.29 5 44.79 - 50.04 0 18.54 - 23.79 68 34.29 - 39.54 0 50.04 - 55.29 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_MO obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Molybdenum concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 5.29 - 11.49 20 23.89 - 30.09 114 42.49 - 48.69 12 11.49 - 17.69 98 30.09 - 36.29 57 48.69 - 54.89 1 17.69 - 23.89 151 36.29 - 42.49 26 54.89 - 61.09 2 Descriptor: MINERAL_NI obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Nickel concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.29 - 1.69 187 4.49 - 5.89 24 8.69 - 10.09 1 1.69 - 3.09 152 5.89 - 7.29 11 10.09 - 11.49 1 3.09 - 4.49 102 7.29 - 8.69 2 11.49 - 12.89 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_P obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Phosphorus concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 2155.00 - 2766.22 6 3988.66 - 4599.88 78 5822.32 - 6433.54 83 2766.22 - 3377.44 14 4599.88 - 5211.10 83 6433.54 - 7044.76 31 3377.44 - 3988.66 36 5211.10 - 5822.32 144 7044.76 - 7655.98 6 Descriptor: MINERAL_ZN obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Zinc concentration in the seed(ppm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 16.10 - 26.27 28 46.61 - 56.78 126 77.12 - 87.29 1 26.27 - 36.44 138 56.78 - 66.95 30 87.29 - 97.46 0 36.44 - 46.61 148 66.95 - 77.12 9 97.46 - 107.63 1 Descriptor: NEMATODELF obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Resistance to the Pea Cyst Nematode (Heterodera goettingiana) - leaf rating. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 HEALTHY 2 CHLOROSIS 25% OF CANOPY 3 CHLOROSIS 50% OF CANOPY 4 CHLOROSIS 75% OF CANOPY 5 DEAD Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 2 3 766 5 295 2 56 4 1771 Descriptor: NEMATODERT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Resistance to the Pea Cyst Nematode (Heterodera goettingiana) - Root rating. Code Definition ---- ---------- D PLANTS DIED FROM PEA CYST NEMATODE AND/OR ROOT ROT H HIGH AMOUNT OF WHITE CYSTS L LOW AMOUNT OF WHITE CYSTS Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- H 2236 L 15 Descriptor: NODEFLOWER obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES A count from the second trifid bract as one, up to and including the first flowering node when 50% of the plants in a planting are flowering. Expressed as an average of five randomly chosen plants (in integers). Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 4.00 - 7.00 126 13.00 - 16.00 960 22.00 - 25.00 42 7.00 - 10.00 554 16.00 - 19.00 703 25.00 - 28.00 5 10.00 - 13.00 892 19.00 - 22.00 281 28.00 - 31.00 3 Descriptor: NODES obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of nodes on the main stem that have pods. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 2.33 2 6.99 - 9.32 489 13.98 - 16.31 19 2.33 - 4.66 26 9.32 - 11.65 124 16.31 - 18.64 6 4.66 - 6.99 235 11.65 - 13.98 50 18.64 - 20.97 3 Descriptor: PODAPEX obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pod apex measured at flat pod stage. Code Definition ---- ---------- B Blunt M Mixed O Other P Pointed Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- B 1986 M 270 P 683 Descriptor: PODCOLOR obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pod color, taken at first reproductive node at full pod stage. Code Definition ---- ---------- G Green M Mixed O Other Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- G 2615 M 15 O 9 Descriptor: PODLENGTH obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Average length of pods from first reproductive node of five different plants at full pod stage recorded in centimeters. Expressed to one decimal place. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.80 - 6.10 882 16.70 - 22.00 0 32.60 - 37.90 0 6.10 - 11.40 976 22.00 - 27.30 0 37.90 - 43.20 0 11.40 - 16.70 9 27.30 - 32.60 0 43.20 - 48.50 1 Descriptor: PODSHAPE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pod shape measured at flat pod stage. Code Definition ---- ---------- C Curved M Mixed O Other S Straight Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- C 121 M 117 S 2716 Descriptor: PODSHATTER obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Notes whether pods shatter prior to harvest of accession. Code Definition ---- ---------- + Present - Absent Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- + 5 - 40 Descriptor: PODTYPE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pod type taken at full pod stage on first reproductive node. Code Definition ---- ---------- E Flat or round edible M Mixed NE Non-edible Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- E 112 M 2 NE 1396 Descriptor: PODWALLNEO obtype: CHAR CGC: N Pod wall Neoplasia Code Definition ---- ---------- no No pod wall neoplasia yes Yes, has pod wall neoplasia Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- no 391 yes 93 Descriptor: PODWIDTH obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Average width of pods from first reproductive node of five different largest pods (each from a different plant) measured at full pod stage recorded in centimeters. Expressed to one decimal place. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.30 - 4.93 2573 14.19 - 18.82 0 28.08 - 32.71 0 4.93 - 9.56 1 18.82 - 23.45 0 32.71 - 37.34 0 9.56 - 14.19 0 23.45 - 28.08 0 37.34 - 41.97 1 Descriptor: PROTEIN obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Protein as calculated by the Leco nitrogen analyzer Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 12.38 - 14.55 4 18.89 - 21.06 150 25.40 - 27.57 28 14.55 - 16.72 25 21.06 - 23.23 116 27.57 - 29.74 6 16.72 - 18.89 88 23.23 - 25.40 56 29.74 - 31.91 6 Descriptor: R/S_RATIO obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Root shoot ratio Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.20 - 0.30 59 0.50 - 0.60 91 0.80 - 0.90 5 0.30 - 0.40 121 0.60 - 0.70 38 0.90 - 1.00 3 0.40 - 0.50 0 0.70 - 0.80 13 1.00 - 1.10 0 Descriptor: REFINECORE obtype: CHAR CGC: N Refined Pisum Core as of September 2005 Code Definition ---- ---------- Y Yes, The accession is part of the Pisum refined Core Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- Y 321 Descriptor: ROOTDRYWT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Root dry weight in milligrams(mg) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 6.50 - 12.18 27 23.54 - 29.22 83 40.58 - 46.26 8 12.18 - 17.86 48 29.22 - 34.90 54 46.26 - 51.94 0 17.86 - 23.54 88 34.90 - 40.58 21 51.94 - 57.62 1 Descriptor: ROOTROT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Percent damage to plants caused by common pea root rot (Aphanomyces euteiches). Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 35.00 - 42.33 7 56.99 - 64.32 65 78.98 - 86.31 797 42.33 - 49.66 3 64.32 - 71.65 181 86.31 - 93.64 395 49.66 - 56.99 8 71.65 - 78.98 391 93.64 - 100.97 348 Descriptor: ROOTSHOOT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Root shoot length in millimeters(mm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 59.00 - 94.78 33 166.34 - 202.12 6 273.68 - 309.46 100 94.78 - 130.56 19 202.12 - 237.90 30 309.46 - 345.24 39 130.56 - 166.34 5 237.90 - 273.68 90 345.24 - 381.02 8 Descriptor: RTBIOMASS obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Total root biomass in milligrams(mg) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 19.60 - 33.76 8 62.08 - 76.24 64 104.56 - 118.72 29 33.76 - 47.92 23 76.24 - 90.40 88 118.72 - 132.88 10 47.92 - 62.08 52 90.40 - 104.56 48 132.88 - 147.04 8 Descriptor: RTDIAMETER obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Average diameter in millimeters(mm) of the root Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.39 - 0.45 22 0.57 - 0.63 79 0.75 - 0.81 6 0.45 - 0.51 71 0.63 - 0.69 34 0.81 - 0.87 0 0.51 - 0.57 115 0.69 - 0.75 3 0.87 - 0.93 0 Descriptor: RTLENGTH obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Total root length in centimeters(cm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 53.65 - 92.10 28 169.00 - 207.45 70 284.35 - 322.80 3 92.10 - 130.55 52 207.45 - 245.90 57 322.80 - 361.25 2 130.55 - 169.00 82 245.90 - 284.35 35 361.25 - 399.70 1 Descriptor: RTSURFACEA obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Root surface area in cubic centimeters(cm2) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 9.43 - 16.81 34 31.57 - 38.95 77 53.71 - 61.09 3 16.81 - 24.19 61 38.95 - 46.33 48 61.09 - 68.47 1 24.19 - 31.57 92 46.33 - 53.71 13 68.47 - 75.85 1 Descriptor: RTVOLUME obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Total root volume in cubic centimeters(cm2) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.11 - 0.26 60 0.56 - 0.71 55 1.01 - 1.16 1 0.26 - 0.41 115 0.71 - 0.86 10 1.16 - 1.31 0 0.41 - 0.56 85 0.86 - 1.01 4 1.31 - 1.46 0 Descriptor: SDCOATCOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Seedcoat color Code Definition ---- ---------- M Mixed N Non-pigmented Green/White P Pigmented Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- M 579 N 2073 P 163 Descriptor: SDDWPART obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Seed dry weight partition = (average seed mass) * 100/((average seed mass) + (average pod wall DW/seed)) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 67.61 - 70.95 4 77.63 - 80.97 16 87.65 - 90.99 221 70.95 - 74.29 8 80.97 - 84.31 25 90.99 - 94.33 97 74.29 - 77.63 9 84.31 - 87.65 94 94.33 - 97.67 10 Descriptor: SDPATCOLOR obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Color of the seed pattern Code Definition ---- ---------- BL Black BR Brown BU Blue GE Grey GR Green MX Mixed PU Purple Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- BL 395 BU 1 GR 1 BR 109 GE 3 MX 209 Descriptor: SDPATTERN obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pattern of the seed color distribution Code Definition ---- ---------- M Mixed MO Mottled, regular or irregular N No pattern S Spots Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- M 401 N 2187 S 512 MO 217 Descriptor: SDPOSPOD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Seed position per pod. A mean of five pods. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.80 - 2.93 2 5.19 - 6.32 256 8.58 - 9.71 5 2.93 - 4.06 20 6.32 - 7.45 94 9.71 - 10.84 0 4.06 - 5.19 90 7.45 - 8.58 17 10.84 - 11.97 0 Descriptor: SEEDSPOD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Fully develops on first reproductive node. Average number of seeds from five longest pods, each from five different plants. Expressed to one decimal place. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 2.00 - 3.16 26 5.48 - 6.64 689 8.96 - 10.12 27 3.16 - 4.32 131 6.64 - 7.80 415 10.12 - 11.28 0 4.32 - 5.48 459 7.80 - 8.96 101 11.28 - 12.44 0 Descriptor: SEEDSURF obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Seed surface Code Definition ---- ---------- M Mixed O Other R Round W Wrinkled Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- M 188 R 2606 W 478 O 60 Descriptor: SEEDWGT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Weight of 100 seeds in grams. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.50 - 6.89 101 17.67 - 23.06 1560 33.84 - 39.23 67 6.89 - 12.28 749 23.06 - 28.45 593 39.23 - 44.62 12 12.28 - 17.67 1491 28.45 - 33.84 236 44.62 - 50.01 2 Descriptor: SHEARFORCE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Shearing force required to crush the internode perpendicular to the main axis - Newton's force Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 3.60 - 10.52 13 24.36 - 31.28 87 45.12 - 52.04 24 10.52 - 17.44 63 31.28 - 38.20 63 52.04 - 58.96 5 17.44 - 24.36 114 38.20 - 45.12 32 58.96 - 65.88 2 Descriptor: SHOOTDRYWT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Root shoot dry weight in milligrams(mg) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 12.50 - 22.83 10 43.49 - 53.82 71 74.48 - 84.81 27 22.83 - 33.16 21 53.82 - 64.15 84 84.81 - 95.14 13 33.16 - 43.49 57 64.15 - 74.48 41 95.14 - 105.47 6 Descriptor: SPECIALUSE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Special use of the accessions (e.g. disease differentials) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ALASKA 1 resistant Ra 6 susceptible 11 ALDERMAN 1 resistant Ra 6 susceptible 1 LITTLE MARVE 1 resistant Ra 1 susceptible 4 THOMAS LAXTO 1 resistant Ra 2 susceptible 3 WANDO 1 resistant Ra 3 susceptible 4 immune 2 resistant Ra 1 susceptible 4 resistant 18 seceptible 2 susceptible 2 Descriptor: STEMDIAM obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Stem diameter measured in millimeters Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.30 - 1.70 29 2.50 - 2.90 84 3.70 - 4.10 22 1.70 - 2.10 53 2.90 - 3.30 107 4.10 - 4.50 3 2.10 - 2.50 48 3.30 - 3.70 57 4.50 - 4.90 0 Descriptor: STEMFASC obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Stem fasciation Code Definition ---- ---------- M Mixed N No Y Yes Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- M 2 N 2268 Y 24 Descriptor: STIPULES obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Stipules Code Definition ---- ---------- M Mixed N Normal R Reduced Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- N 2322 R 14 Descriptor: STRAW obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Biomass measured in kg/ha taken after threshing (leaves, stems and pods) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 41.60 - 1078.46 223 3152.18 - 4189.04 231 6262.76 - 7299.62 39 1078.46 - 2115.32 453 4189.04 - 5225.90 158 7299.62 - 8336.48 16 2115.32 - 3152.18 298 5225.90 - 6262.76 121 8336.48 - 9373.34 3 Descriptor: TAPROOT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Taproot length in millimeters(mm) on the 14th day Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 181.00 - 209.07 2 265.21 - 293.28 25 349.42 - 377.49 83 209.07 - 237.14 4 293.28 - 321.35 65 377.49 - 405.56 25 237.14 - 265.21 11 321.35 - 349.42 103 405.56 - 433.63 12 Descriptor: YIELD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Seed production measure in kg/ha Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 575.96 184 1727.88 - 2303.84 253 3455.76 - 4031.72 48 575.96 - 1151.92 385 2303.84 - 2879.80 208 4031.72 - 4607.68 13 1151.92 - 1727.88 325 2879.80 - 3455.76 124 4607.68 - 5183.64 2