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ILDG Client Tools


The members of the middleware working group have developed a set of tools that are useful prototypes for interacting with the ILDG. Many of these tools can be obtained as source code from the ILDG Middleware working group project pages at NeSCForge

More conveniently members of the LDG Regional Grid have packaged these client tools, into formats that install conveniently on many systems. The packaging system relies on Red Hat Pacakge manager format (RPM), but it uses a separate, non system-wide database so that

  • the LDG Packages do not conflict with other system wide RPM pacakges
  • non root users can install the clients in their homedirectories if they are not available

A variety of Linux versions are supported by the LDG

  • SUSE 10.0,10.2, SLES 9
  • Fedora Core 3,6
  • Red Hat 7
  • Scientific Linux 3
  • Debian 3.1
  • Ubuntu 7.10

The LDG packages have 3 core components:

GRID User Interface (gui)
This is basically a globus installation - it is specific to your Linux distro. You need to install this once
Grid Certificates
This is a package that is upgraded frequently and contains certificates and signing policies and revocation lists of various Certificate Authorities. You to update this package regularly (once a week or so)
Utility Packages
These are the packages that contain the various utilities. Each package consists of two .rpm files. One contains a particular version of a package, and the other contains some wrappers/links that point to the default version. Typically a package foo will therefore be made up of foo.rpm and foo-default.rpm. The utilities we are interested in are
  • The Java Runtime jre.rpm and jre-default.rpm
  • The SRMCP Client srmcp.rpm and srmcp-default.rpm
  • The ILDG Client ildg-client.rpm and ildg-client-default.rpm. This package contains the ildg-get utility.
  • The ILDG Utility pack ildg-util.rpm and ildg-util-default.rpm. This package contains the ildg_cksum utility.

Installing the software

We follow here the instructions from the LDG Software documentation page, but customize it, since we don't need the LTOOLS that are specific to LDG. We need to perform the following steps:

  1. Check that you have at least 90 MB of disk space free
  2. Download the following setup script
  3. Create a top level installation directory, we'll refer to it as installdir and copy the setup script to it. Then execute the following (for bash shell)
    $ cd installdir
    $ sh setup
    $ LROOT=`pwd`/lroot; export LROOT
    for C-Shell like shells do
    $ cd installdir
    $ sh setup
    $ setenv LROOT `pwd`/lroot
    These instructions should set up and initialize the separate RPM database, and download the wrapped RPM utility called lrpm. Further package management then has to be performed with lrpm
  4. Now install the Grid User Interface package for your system. Select the lastest software release (<rel>), the latest RPM release (<rpmrel>), and the required linux version (<unix>). Execute the installation commands:
    $ $LROOT/bin/lrpm -i gui-<rel>-<rpmrel>.<unix>.noarch.rpm
    $ $LROOT/bin/lrpm -i gui-default-<rel>-<rpmrel>.<unix>.noarch.rpm
    $ $LROOT/bin/lrpm -i env.rpm

    The available values of the <unix> tag are:

    debian31Debian 3.1 (Sarge)
    fc3Fedora Core 3, Fedora Core 4
    fc6Fedora Core 6, Fedora Core 7
    rh7Red Hat 7
    sl3Scientific Linux 3
    sles9Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9
    suse10Suse 9.2, Suse 9.3, Suse 10
    ubuntu710Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy)

    values of the <rel>-<rpmrel> range between 2.1-1 and 3.1-1. For all the various combinations of OS-s and versions see the full list of RPMs and select your favourite version.

  5. At this point the Grid User Interface is installed, and we are ready to layer on the rest. To use the Grid User Interface in the future you need to perform the following initialisation (something to put in your shell startup scripts perhaps):

    Bash Users:

    $ LROOT=installdir/lroot
    $ export LROOT
    $. $LROOT/etc/

    or for C-Shell like users:

    $ setenv LROOT installdir/lroot
    $ source $LROOT/etc/env.csh

    Note that LROOT should not contain a terminating '/'.

  6. Once the $LROOT shell variable is set and the file is sourced finish the installation by executing the remaining packages with the following commands
    $ lrpm -ivh cert.rpm
    $ lrpm -ivh jre.rpm jre-default.rpm
    $ lrpm -ivh srmcp.rpm srmcp-default.rpm
    $ lrpm -ivh ildg-client.rpm ildg-client-default.rpm
    $ lrpm -ivh ildg-util.rpm ildg-util-default.rpm
    Optionally you may wish to also try the ILDG GUI based browser from UKQCD. You can install it with the command:
    $ lrpm -ivh ildgbrowser.rpm ildgbrowser-default.rpm
  7. Finally be aware that you need to update the package cert.rpm regularly (once every 2 weeks or so). This can be accomplished with the command (schedule for a weekly cronjob maybe):
    lrpm -U cert.rpm

Testing The Installation

At this point you should be ready to test the software. In particular you should be able to run grid-proxy-init. Assuming that your certificates are properly installed in your .globus directory and that they have the proper permissions, you should be able to have a session that goes like this:

# create a grid proxy certificate
$ grid-proxy-init
Your identity: /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Frodo Baggins 60510
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ......................................................... Done
Your proxy is valid until: Wed Sep  22 08:31:25 3019

# check certificate validity
$ grid-proxy-info
subject  : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Frodo Baggins 60510/CN=proxy
issuer   : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Frodo Baggins 60510
identity : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Frodo Baggins 60510
type     : full legacy globus proxy
strength : 512 bits
path     : /tmp/x509up_u11211
timeleft : 11:52:49

You should also be able to attempt the sample session