Holocaust-Era Assets

Military Agency Records

The War Department and the Army Records

Records of the Army Staff (RG 319)

Records of the Collecting and Dissemination Division

Records of the Document Library Branch

Reports and Messages 1918-1951(Entry 82A)

File Title and/or Country Box # Location
G-2 Survey: Argentina 57 270/10/8/06
G-2 Survey: Portugal 111 270/10/9/07
G-2 Survey: Spain 115-116 270/10/9/07
G-2 Survey: Turkey 120 270/10/10/01
Handbook: Austria 125 270/10/10/02
Handbook: Germany 133-142 270/10/10/03
Handbook: Italy 146-150 270/10/10/05
Handbook: Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey 165 270/10/11/01
Office of Strategic Service (OSS) Research and Analysis Reports 455-519 270/10/16/07
German-Occupied Poland, March 18, 1942 Report #607 461 270/10/17/01
German Military Government Over Europe: 1937-1943: Methods and Organization of Nazi Controls-The Nazi Occupation of Norway, October 23, 1943 Report #878.1 470 270/10/17/01
The Present Situation in Hungary, November 27, 1943 Report #1011 479 270/10/17/04
Present-Day Turkish Leaders, November 13, 1943 Report #1167 480 270/10/17/04
Direction of French Collaborationist Thought: 1943, December 10, 1943, Report #1489 Rumania: The Present Situation, December 17, 1943 Report # 1518 486 270/10/17/05
Anti-Semitism as a Weapon of Axis Political Warfare in Latin America, August 15, 1944 Report #1590 487 270/10/17/05
Status and Prospects of the White Paper on Palestine, March 2, 1944 Report #1666 488 270/10/17/05
Development of German Pattern of Occupation, January 27, 1944 Report #1756 489 270/10/17/05
Concentration Camps in Germany, October 3, 1944 Report #1844 Latin American Research Studies: Argentina [308pp.], September 1945 Report #1867.1 490 270/10/17/05
A Hundred Major German Industrial Corporations, July 25, 1944 Report #1910 491 270/10/17/05
Industrial Structure of the European Iron and Steel Industry, January 5, 1945 Report #1933 Nazi Plans to go Underground, n.d., Report #1934.1S 492 270/10/17/05
The Jews in Hungary, October 19, 1944 Report #2027 493 270/10/17/06
Personalities of Certain Financiers and Industrialists inside France, May 1, 1944 Report #2038 Personalities of Certain French Financiers and Industrialists outside France, May 8, 1944 Report #2039 494 270/10/17/06
Economic and Social Changes in Rumania 1940-1944, n.d. Report #2088 An Introduction to the Irish Problem, May 23, 1944 Report # 2087 Foreign Investments in Latin America, n.d., Report #2099 495 270/10/17/06
Significance of Argentine War Minister Peron's Speech of 10 June 1944, July 4, 1944 Report #2304 499 270/10/17/06
German Military Government Over Europe: Italy, November 16, 1944 Report #2500.14 German Military Government Over Europe: The SS and Police in Occupied Europe, January 1, 1945 Report #2500.22 The Problem of Jewish Immigration into Palestine, October 4,1944 Report #2409 504 270/10/17/07
The Hungarian Coup d'Etat, October 16, 1944 Report #2628 509 270/10/18/01
Biographies of twenty Swiss Labor Leaders, June 21, 1945 Report #2955 515 270/10/18/02
Nazi Changes in the Law of Real Property, June 17, 1945 Report #3093 Sixty-Five Leading German Businessmen, June 28, 1945 Report #3020 516 270/10/18/02
The Treatment of Collaborationists in France, July 15, 1945 Report #3108 British Views and Legal Opinions on Apprehension and Trial of War Criminals, August 1, 1945 Report #3153 517 270/10/18/02
Himmler and the Machinery of German Resettlement, September 25, 1945 Report #3382 519 270/10/18/02
OSS Surveys: Argentina 521 270/10/18/03
OSS Surveys: Italy 529 270/10/18/04
OSS Surveys: Sweden 533 270/10/18/04

Top of Page

State Department (Messages and Reports) 1943-1947

Country Box # Location
Argentina 624-636 270/10/20/03
Austria 643-645 270/10/20/06
Germany 787-795 270/10/23/06
Italy 885-950 270/10/25/06
Portugal 1002-1005 270/10/28/01
Spain 1014-1030 270/10/28/03
Sweden 1032-1052 270/10/28/06
Switzerland 1053-1064 270/10/27/02
Turkey 1067-1078 270/10/29/05

State Department (Annual Reports) 1947-1949

Country Box # Location
Argentina 1118 270/10/30/05
Austria 1119 270/10/30/05
Germany 1128 270/10/30/06
Italy 1134 270/10/30/07
Portugal 1142 270/10/31/01
Spain, Sweden 1143 270/10/31/01
Switzerland 1144 270/10/31/02
Turkey 1145 270/10/31/02

State Department (Telegrams)

Country Box Location
Argentina, Austria 1226 270/10/32/06
Germany 1228 270/10/32/06
Italy 1229 270/10/32/06
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey 1230 270/10/32/07

Top of Page

Formerly Security-Classified G-2 Intelligence Library "P" Publications Files ("P Files") 1946-1951 (Entry 82)

Arranged alphabetically by title or organization name. Boxes 1-3816 location: 270/7/34/06 Note-Many of the reports by the American Military Governments in Austria and Germany are not listed, unless they related to a specific topic. Researchers can locate the non-specific reports by looking through the 3-volume listing of publications in the consultation area in Room 2400.

Publication Title Box # Location
Allied Intelligence in World War II 141 270/8/2/05
"Biographies of Leading German Bankers and Industrialists, prepared by the Program Planning Section, Foreign Funds Control, Department of the Treasury 1946 317-319 270/8/6/02
Economic Warfare, Safehaven, London, England 1045 270/8/21/01
European Recovery Program County Studies: Introduction, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey 1153 270/8/23/03
Germans and Italians in Latin America 1517 270/8/30/06
IG Farben's International Cartel Connections-Office of Military Government; IG Farbenindustrie A.G. Interests in Spain 1693 270/8/34/03
Intelligence Memorandum-Foreign Economic Administration 1789-1790 270/9/1/03
Intelligence Memorandum-State Department, 1946 (4 folders) Intelligence Memorandum-State Department, Table of Contents, 1946 1791 270/9/1/03
Intelligence Notes-Office of Military Government for Germany (US) (OMGUS) 1946 (3 folders); 1792 270/9/1/03
Intelligence Reports-Office of Military Government 1946-1948 (3 folders) 1795-1796 270/9/1/03
Intelligence Summary-European Command, 1946-1947 (3 folders); 1946-1948 (6 folders); 1946-1949 (6 folders); 1949 (5 folders) 1847-1850 270/9/2/04
Intelligence Summary-Office of Military Government, Berlin District Intelligence Summary, Office of Military Government for Germany 1854 270/9/2/05
International Committee for the Study of European Questions, 1947 1885 270/9/3/02
International Conferences - State Department (3 folders) 1886 270/9/3/02
International Conferences and Meetings - State Department, 1947- 1949 (5 folders); 1887 270/9/3/03
International Conferences - State Department (2 folders) 1888 270/9/3/03
Interrogation Report Allied Commission, Austria (BE) 1983-1984 270/9/5/02
Interrogation Report-Berlin District Interrogation Center 1985 270/9/5/03
CIR-Interrogation Report-Berlin District Interrogation Center FIR-Interrogation Report-Berlin District Interrogation Center OI-Interrogation Report-Berlin District Interrogation Center Interrogation Report-Berlin District Interrogation Center 1986 270/9/5/03
Interrogation Reports, Military Intelligence Service in Austria 2005-2006 270/9/5/05
Interrogation Reports, OMGUS; includes a joint MFA&A Section, Restitution Branch, Economic Section, OMGUS/Strategic Service Unit detailed interrogation report of Hans Wendland, September 18, 1946 2010 270/9/5/06
Interrogation Reports, OSS; includes Art Looting Unit interrogation report on the activity of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg [ERR] (16) in France; The Goering Collection (September 15, 1945-Consolidated Interrogation Report No. 2 [2 folders]; The Linz Hitler Museum and Library (December 15, 1945- Consolidated Interrogation Report No. 4 [2 folders]; and, Supplement of January 15, 1946 to Consolidated Interrogation Report No. 4. Also included are interrogations of Robert Schulz (17); Gustav Ruchlitz; Gunther Schiedlansseng; Bruno Lohse; Gisela Limberger; Walter Andreas Hofer; Karl Kress (18); and, Walter Bornheim. (19) 2011 270/9/5/06
Interrogation Report, US Forces in Austria (FIR) 2027-2028 270/9/6/01
Interrogation Report[s], US Forces, European Theater 2028-2033 270/9/6/02
Interrogation Summary, US Forces in Austria; 2039 270/9/6/03
Justice Department-Economic Warfare Section Reports Released for Outside Distribution 2178 270/9/9/02
Justice Department-Economic Warfare Section, Statements of Reports Released 2179 270/9/9/02
La Suisse en Armes, 1939/45 2210 270/9/9/07
Latin American Intelligence Conference Report 2211 270/9/9/07
List of German External Assets Report-State Department 2229 270/9/10/02
Monthly Report-Allied Commission, Finance Sub-Commission 2398 270/9/13/05
Monthly Report of Military Governor-Finance 2409 270/9/13/07
Nazi Party Membership Records: Afghanistan thru Belgium 2525 270/9/16/02
Nazi Party Membership Records: Bolivia thru Chile 2526 270/9/16/02
Nazi Party Membership Records: Colombia thru France 2527 270/9/16/03
Nazi Party Membership Records: Greece thru Malta 2528 270/9/16/03
Nazi Party Membership Records: Netherlands thru Paraguay 2529 270/9/16/03
Nazi Party Membership Records: Poland 2530 270/9/16/03
Nazi Party Membership Records: Portugal thru Sweden 2531 270/9/16/03
Nazi Party Membership Records: Thailand thru Venezuela 2532 270/9/16/03
Office of Military Government for Germany (US) -Abstracts of German Documents; 2574 270/9/17/02
Personality List-Office of the Military Government Germany (US) 2706 270/9/19/07
Project 60: Affairs in Sweden, 16 June 1944 2825 270/9/22/03
Project 134: Argentine-Brazil Situation, 5 July 1944 2826 270/9/22/03
Numerous projects related to Latin America 1944-1945 2827-2828 270/9/22/03
Project 367A: Political and Military Objectives of Argentina, 7 August 1944; 2830 270/9/22/04
Project 455: Estimate of Germany's Capabilities for World Conquest Through Economics, 23 August 1944. This study stressed the value of waging economic warfare against the Axis, making the point that military defeat alone was not sufficient to master Germany; that its economic vitality was greater than that of other European countries including Great Britain. Project 461: German Capabilities for Underground Operations Following Surrender, 14 August 1944 Project 467: Economic Warfare-Factors, 23 August 1944 Project 471: Smuggling in Brazil, 4 November 1944 Project 488A: German Intelligence in the Iberian Peninsula, 28 August 1944 2832 270/9/22/04
Project 541: Economic Aspects of Allied Zones of Responsibility in Germany, 2 September 1944 2833 270/9/22/04
Project 652: General Stuelpnagel's Report on Germany's Plans for World War III, 16 September 1944 Project: 658: The Political Situation in Spain, 15 December 1944 Project 686: Political Intelligence Objectives in Germany, 4 October 1944 Project 686 cont.: Political Intelligence Objectives in Germany, 11 Oct.1944; 17 Oct. 1944; 25 Oct. 1944; 8 Nov. 1944; 15 Nov. 1944 Project 686 cont.: List of Banks and Bankers for the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee, 9 January 1945 2834 270/9/22/04
Project 911: German Diplomatic Representatives in European Countries, 18 January 1945 2845 270/9/22/06
Project: 1098: Factors Which Make Spanish Morocco and Tangier in Particular a Fertile Field for Axis Financial Penetration, 18 November 1944 2847 270/9/22/06
various projects dealing with Argentina and other Latin American countries December 1944-March 1945 2850 270/9/22/07
Project 1306: German Plans for Economic Penetration into Neutral and Allied Countries-Supplement No. 1 Turkey, 28 December 1944 Project 1378: Swiss Supply Situation, 5 January 1945 Project 1436: Free Germany Movement in Latin America, 30 January 1945 Project 1464: German Insurance Companies-Suggested Control, 19 January 1945 2851 270/9/22/07
Project 1501A: German Blockade Running by Submarine From the Far East, 24 January 1945 2852 270/9/22/07
Project 1586: Evaluation of Reports of Economic Warfare Section, War Division, Department of Justice, 17 February 1945 2853 270/9/22/07
Project 1646: Problem Confronting SHAEF or ETO Should Nazis Go Underground, 24 February 1945 2854 270/9/22/07
Project: 1687: Axis Activities in Spain, 31 March 1945 2855 270/9/22/07
Project 1738: Data on Dutch, Belgian, Portugal, Spanish, Swiss, and Luxembourg Armies, 16 March 1945 2856 270/9/23/01
Project 1877A: Data for Special Presentation on Sweden, 3 April 1945 2858 270/9/23/01
Project 1946: Verification of Location of Salt Mines and Construction in Germany, 17 April 1945 2859 270/9/23/01
Project 1972: German Sabotage in South America, 24 April 1945 2860 270/9/23/01
Project 2080: Who's Who on Walter Schellenberg, OSS, 5 May 1945 2861 270/9/23/01
Project 2275: Current Methods of Effecting transfer of Money and Intangible Assets Among Various Countries, 25 June 1945 2869 270/9/23/02
Project 2691: Bomb Damage in Switzerland, 1 November 1945; 2877 270/9/23/04
Project: 2869: Economic Penetration of Latin America by European Powers, 24 May 1946 2880 270/9/23/04
Project 2969: Blue Book on Argentina, 25 February 1946 Project 2981: Pattern of the SAFEHAVEN Project, 27 February 1946 2882 270/9/23/04
Project 3078: Penetration of Foreign Trade into Latin America, 29 May 1946 2884 270/9/23/05
Project 3158: Foreign Propaganda Organizations in Latin America, 10 May 1946; Project 3158 (Supplement): Foreign Intelligence Organizations in Latin America, 10 May 1946 2885 270/9/23/05
Project 3200: Swiss Military System, 15 May 1946 Project 3211: Swiss Armies Activities During World War II, 25 April 1946 2888 270/9/23/05
Project 3641: Switzerland's Citizen Army, 1 April 1947 2896 270/9/23/06
Project 4019: The Military Defense of Switzerland, 8 February 1948 2902 270/9/23/07
Rotterdamsche Bank 3094 270/9/27/07
Situation in Argentina 3205 270/9/30/01
Spanish Government and the Axis-State Department 3231 270/9/30/05
Staatskalender der Schweizersschen Eidgensossenschaft- Switzerland (1947, 1948) 3266 270/9/31/03
Statement on Condition-National Bank of Czechoslovakia in Prague 3270 270/9/31/04
Strategic Intelligence Digest (arranged alphabetically by country) 3291-3312 270/9/31/07
Swiss Address Book of Industry 3369 270/9/33/04
Swiss Industry and Trade (magazine, 1947) Swiss Technics (magazine, 1951) Switzerland: A Short History Dedicated to the Members of the American Forces Visiting Switzerland by the Swiss National Tourist Office and the Swiss Office for the Development of Trade [1947?] 3370 270/9/3304
Tangier Under the Protective Actions of Spain During World War 3374 270/9/33/05
Treasury Department Documents Pertaining to Foreign Funds Control (89pp. September 15, 1946) Treasury Department - Foreign Funds Control 3573 270/10/2/05
Treaty Series (arranged alphabetically by country) 3574-3576 270/10/2/05
United States Forces, Austria, Interrogation-Austria; - Czechoslovakia; Germany; Hungary; Rumania; U.S.S.R.; and, Yugoslavia 3619-3624 270/10/3/05
White Paper Regarding the Measures for the Currency Rehabilitation in the Netherlands; 3780 270/10/6/07

Top of Page

Formerly Security-Classified Numerical Series of Intelligence Documents ("ID File") June 1944-1955 (Entry 85A) Arranged numerically (1-948,410) with some additional subseries and bulky files located at the end of the series. The "ID" files, which succeeded the wartime "regional files," relate for the most part to the postwar period; ID numbers 1-205000 are most pertinent for the period June 1944-September 1945. Despite the indicated date period, a number of reports furnish intelligence with effective dates as early as 1942. As with the regional files, the "ID" materials constitute records originated by the Military Intelligence Service and its subordinate organizations, together with intelligence data supplied by other U.S. Army, Navy, and civilian organizations and by British and other Allied intelligence agencies. Many individual reports in this series have been withdrawn or transferred to other intelligence collections, usually indicated by a withdrawal sheet. Boxes 1-10140, and Box 9866A location: 270/10/33/1 Formerly Top Secret Intelligence Documents 1943-1959 (Special Distribution [SD] and Top Secret [TSC]) (Entry UD 1041)

Boxes 1-258 location: 631/58/43/03

Special Distribution Intelligence Documents (Entry UD 1042)

Boxes 1-6 location: 631/58/48/04

Security Classified Microfilm Copy of Cross-Reference Sheets to Part of Entry 85 (May-December 1944) (Entry 84)

Boxes 1-28 location: 270/D/29/07

Geographic Index to Numerical Series of Intelligence Documents ("ID" File) 1944-1951 (Entry A1 84E)

This index is composed of 3-by-5-inch cards which are arranged by country and thereunder by the Basic Intelligence Directive (BID) System. Under this system file number "4107.0204" is used for "prevention of secretion and cloaking of enemy assets within own territories for warfare purposes or post-war refuge. Prevention of secretion and cloaking of enemy assets in foreign country (friendly to them but enemy to U.S.) for future warfare purposes or post-war refuge; safehaven." A copy of the BID system is available in the consultation area in Room 2400. Boxes 1-212 location: 270/ED/30/01

Subject, Title, or Source Index to the "P," "ID," and "SD" Files 1944-1951 (Entry A1 84F)

Boxes 1-100 location: 631/56/47/05

Top of Page

Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) Collection

The predecessor of the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) was the Military Intelligence Service's Counterintelligence Branch (before March 1942 designated the Counterintelligence Branch, G-2), which supervised the general counterintelligence activities of the CIC detachments in the field. CIC Detachments were quite active in post-war activities in Germany and Austria in efforts to locate war criminals, Nazi records, and looted property. Many of NARA's holdings concern investigations of foreign individuals and organizations during and after the war. Declassified records have generally been "sanitized" to protect security-classified information and still remain subject to NARA restrictions on privileged information.

Records of the Investigatory Records Repository The records of the Investigatory Records Repository (IRR) are arranged in two series: the impersonal and the personal name files. The impersonal files include files on a number of subjects and organizations; the personal name files includes dossiers on individuals.

IRR Case Files : Impersonal Files

This series includes reports, memorandums, interrogations, interviews, cables, affidavits, and other records collected in the investigation of individuals and organizations. Many case files relate to German wartime intelligence, security, and special forces organizations and operations. For a complete listing see the finding aid in the consulation area in Room 2400. Also, please note that some of the files in this series of records are still classified.

File Title Box # File #
RSHA Amt IV 1 XE002783
RSHA Amt VI Vol. I, Vol. V 1 XE002666
RSHA VI Gruppe VI G 1 XE019442
RSHA VI-E 1 XE002303
The NDSAP Auslands Organization 2 XE019527
German Archives 2 XE031583
Church Property in Nazi Germany 3 XE019572
Abwehr in Norway 3 XE049461
Linz Dienstell Gestapo 3 XE020505
German Police System in Occupied Czechoslovakia 4 XE003923
NSDAP Organization and Charts 5 XE019457
Biographies of War Criminals 6 XE135172
German Intelligence in Portugal 7 XE135014
Von Rippentrop Interrogation Report (also 3 reports, on Albert Speer) 8 ZZ007429
Norway, NSDAP Membership Records for 9 XE030243
Consolidated Report on Interrogation Akershus Prison, Oslo, Norway, September 9, 1945 9 XE003688
Portugal, NSDAP Membership Records 10 XE030277
War Crimes File 10 XE008573
Reich Ministries, evacuation of 10 XE030626
Netherlands, NSDAP Membership Records for (2 vols.) 10 XE029963
Luxembourg, NSDAP Membership Records for 11 XE029545
Bremen Gestapo 11 XE004075
German Intelligence Service in Spain 12 XE003920
Subversive Organization of RSHA Amt VI-F 12 XE125551
SD in Rennes 12 XE019357
German Ministry of Economy 12 XE019236
Krefeld Gestapo 12 XE019212
RSHA in Hungary 12 XE019082
Speer Ministry (2 vols.) 12 XE002186
Displaced Persons Statistics (2 vols.) 15 XE020846
Dachua concentration camp 15 XE009840
Flossenberg concentration camp records 15 XE049326
Search of Known Caves in US Zones 15 XE219286
German Society Paraguay August 1943 (vol. I) 30 ZA011849
Displaced Persons Camps December 1945-January 1949 34 no number
Illegal Emigration to Spain June 1946-Nov. 1948 34 no number
Hamburg American North German Lloyd Line November, 1942-December 1943 (vol. I) 35 ZA003165
Aachen Nazi Personalities March-July 1945 (vol. I) 37 XE022695
SS Personalities 1940(?) August 1946 37 XE008157
Werewolf Activities February 1945-March 1947 (vol. I) 37 XE049888
German General Watch List Feb. 1946-Feb. 1949 (vol. I) 37 XE049474
Darmstadt Gestapo July-November 1945 37 XE003411
Swiss Traitors August 1945-March 1946 v. 1 37 XE003500
RSHA Amt IV September 1945 (vol. I) 38 XE002783
Sonderkommando Dora October 1945-December 1946 38 XE007527
Mauthausen concentration camp (vol. I) 38 02/000530
Odessa Movement, Coburg Movement October 1946-, September 1947 (vol. I) 39 XE180023
Luxembourg Gestapo Jan. 1943-April 1946 (vol. I) 40 XE022912
Counterintelligence Corps Historical Information March, 1945-June 1949 v. 1 40 XC500871
German Intelligence Activities in the Near East and Related, Areas (undated) (vol. I) 40 ZA0022138
War Criminals and Security Suspects June 1948 (vol. I) 41 ZA0210833
SHAEF G-2 Weekly Intelligence Reports: #43-48, #50, January 14, 1945-March 4, 1945 45A no number
SHAEF G-2 Weekly Intelligence Reports: #51-56, #59, March 11, 1945-May 6, 1945 45B no number
Natzweiler concentration camp 48 ZE152750
SS Personnel 48 I18D029
SS Personnel Property of Berlin 48 XE240184
Red Orchestra (vols. I-VI) 59-60 ZA020253
Odessa Organization 64 ZF015116
Nazi Party membership Records-Latvia 76 ZF011655

Top of Page

IRR Case Files: Personal Files

The personal files are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the individual. For a complete listing of the name see the finding aid for this series in the consultation area of Room 2400. Boxes 1-614 location: 631/31/54/04

File Title Box # File #
Martin Bormann 25A XE003213
Martin Bormann 269-270 XE003213
Martin Bormann 270 XE234334
Martin Bormann, Jr. 270 XA009638
Martin Bormann [wife] 270 XE187975
Emil George Buehrle 25H X8108710
Adolf Eichmann 45 XE004471
Hans Frank 51A XE000534
Walter Funk 275 XE000491
Hermann Georing 276 HE021567
Hermann Goering 276 XE000996
Hans Heinrich Lammers 545 XE000595
Pierre Laval 128 X8502377
Fritz Mandl 133 X8548658
Anton Pavelic 173 XE001109
Horace [Hjalmar] Schacht 193-194 XE003049
Walter Schellenberg 195 XE001752

Thomas M. Johnson Memorial Files (Entry UD 1075)

Boxes 1-30 location: 631/53/20/05

Historians' Source Files of CIC Publications (Entry UD 1076)

Boxes 1-5 location: 631/53/21/03

Organizational History Files (Entry UD 1077)

Boxes 1-90 location: 631/53/21/03

Card Index to "The History of the Counter Intelligence Corps in the United States Army, 1917-1953" (Entry UD 1079)

Boxes 1-14 location: 631/53/27/06

Historians' Master Copy "The History of the CIC in the United States Army, 1917-1953" (Entry UD 1080)

Boxes 1-10 location: 631/53/28/01

Historian's Background Material Files (Entry UD 1082)

Boxes 1-15 location: 631/53/27/01

Command Reporting Files (Entry UD 1083)

Boxes 1-25 location: 631/53/28/02

Historian's Background Files Concerning CIC History (Entry UD 1084)

Boxes 1-35 location: 631/53/28/06

Numbered CIC Reports (Entry UD 1085)

Boxes 1-14 location: 631/53/29/04

Historian's Miscellaneous Source Files (Entry UD 1087)

Boxes 1-7 location: 631/53/29/06

Historian's Background Files For Advice and Support: The Early Years, 1940-1962 (Entry UD 1089)

Boxes 1-27 location: 631/56/40/05

Records of the Office of the Chief of Foreign Financial Affairs

General Correspondence 1942-1964

Boxes 1-185 location: 631/36/3/03

Records Relating to the Foreign Financial Affairs Office 1942-1951

Boxes 383-487 location: 631/35/69/05

Top of Page

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272