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Building Products- Japan

Building Products  




(millions of U.S. $)                        2004                 2005                2006(estimated)

Total Market Size                      118,172            115,778            110,622

Total Local Production               108,331            106,364            101,701

Total Exports                                 1,853                2,122                 2,109

Total Imports                               11,694               11,536              11,031

Imports from the U.S.                    1,116                    953                   907

(Note: The above statistics include residential and commercial building products and are unofficial estimates.  The exchange rates used are 108.15 yen/US$ for 2004, 110.11 yen for 2005, and 116.31 yen for 2006.)


Improving economic conditions in Japan in 2006 have helped to stem the slide of commercial and residential property construction in Japan.  As a result, housing starts are expected to increase to 1.27 million in 2006.  This marks a significant turnaround in the Japanese construction industry, which saw annual housing starts fall to the 1.15 million level between 2002 and 2004.  The improving quality of Japanese constructed homes/apartments, moreover, has also led to increases in home renovations/home improvement projects in Japan.  As the Japanese economy continues to improve, combined with an increasing population of aging baby-boomers who look to modernize their homes, this trend is expected to continue.  As a whole, these trends bode well for the building products in Japan which is expected to increase in terms of Japanese Yen value in 2007, but decline slightly in dollar terms as a result of the appreciating U.S. dollar against the Yen. 


The major exporters competing with companies in the United States are China, Canada, the countries of East Asia and Scandinavia.  Since many Japanese companies are not all that familiar with imported building products, it is important for manufacturers and exporters to provide information on how to use their products, as well as to pay close attention to after sales service.


Best Prospects/Services                                          


Since it is extremely difficult for US products to compete with Chinese and other Asian building products on price, it is important to avoid price competition.  US building products that have some unique features have increased potential in Japan.  Wood windows and doors, vinyl windows, kitchen and bathroom faucets, paints and insulation materials are currently examples of imported building products that are doing well in the Japanese market.




The Japan Management Association (JMA) organizes the Japan Home & Building Show (  This show is a U.S. Department of Commerce certified trade show.  CS Japan and JMA will co-organize a USA Pavilion in the show in November 2007.  For further details, please contact .


The Economic Research Association, a private association which publishes information concerning building materials and building technologies, manages the "Kenchiku Shizai” database on its Japanese-only website (  This database lists many imported building materials that can be reviewed by Japanese general contractors and architectural design firms.  This website may be a good gateway to disseminate product information of U.S. commercial building material manufacturers.  Inquiries for registration of product information should be addressed to .


A group of Japanese architectural design firms who originally established a database for their own use have since made it open for other architectural design firms and general contractors.  This useful database, known as “Archimap,“ can be found at (in Japanese only).  Direct all inquiries to .




CS Japan Contacts:


Residential Building Products:            Mr. Kazuhisa Takabatake (CS Osaka)  


Commercial Building Products:            Mr. Koji Sudo (CS Tokyo)



Building Materials/Housing Mailing List

CS Osaka-Kobe sends “CS Market Research” reports on the Japanese housing market to U.S. companies by e-mail. To be placed on our broadcast e-mail lists, please register at


Useful Websites:


Japanese Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT)


Building Center of Japan (BCJ)


Evergreen Building Products Association


CS Japan’s Website on “Residential Building Products, Housing and Interior Textiles”


Economic Research Association (English)