North American Wildlife

North American wildlife is just as unique and beautiful as Central and South American wildlife. Many of these animals in North America will be a lot more familiar to you than those in Central and South America. North America has many different types of habitats that wildlife need to survive. You already know some types of habitats, such as many types of wetlands. Let's see how many more types you can learn about. Remember, some of these animals live in many parts of North America.

Forest Life


The northeast is associated more with deciduous (trees that lose leaves) and coniferous (trees that keep their needle-like leaves) forests that support many species of wildlife. In the northeast, many species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians inhabit the forests. The Virginia opossum is found all over the northeast and across the US into Mexico. When they feel that they are in danger, they "play possum" (fake being dead) until the predator or danger is no longer a threat to them. Did you know that the opossum is our only native marsupial (pouched animal)? The herbivorous (plant eater) white-tailed deer are all over the northeast. Did you know that white-tailed deer is sometimes considered a nuisance mammal due to the amount of damage they do to crops and orchards? Red fox live not only all over the northeast, but over most of the US. Did you know that the red fox has 3 types of color phases: silver, black, and cross? All phases have the white tip on the end of the tail.


The wild turkey is found year round in the northeast. They flock in open woods with fields or clearings near-by. Usually they are found in oak or beech wood forests. Did you know that the wild turkey almost became the national bird of the US ? It only lost by one vote to the bald eagle in the congressional ballot. The northern goshawk is found in and at the edge of mixed or coniferous forests. In ambush attacks through dense cover, the northern goshawk hunts medium size birds. Did you know that femal e northern goshawks will boldly attack humans if they are to close to the nest even though the nest is high above the canopy? The great horned owl is our most widespread owl. It can be found in the woods and its silhouette can be seen right at dusk. This owl's call is sometimes confused with the call of the mourning dove. Did you know that great horned owls are one of the only predator that will eat skunks due to the fact that they don't have a great sense of smell?

Reptile & Amphibians

The bullfrog is found throughout the northeast. It is our largest frog in North America and can grow up to 8 inches. It is found near weedy areas in ponds and lakes and other wetlands as well. The tadpoles take two years to mature. The call of the bullfrog is a deep "jug-a-rum". Can you try to make the call of the bullfrog? The garter snake is one of the more common snakes people are familiar with. They live in areas all around the northeast and across the US. The garter snake feeds on frogs, small fish, tadpoles, toads, and earthworms. Did you know that the garter snake gives live birth to its young? The are several kinds of painted turtles. The eastern painted turtle is one of the most common turtle seen in the northeast. Many people can view them basking (sunning themselves) on logs or rocks sticking out of the water. They feed on plants, but also eat small fish. Did you know that eastern painted turtles are unique because they are the only turtle with scutes (plates on top of shell) that go straight in a row?

Swamp Life


The south is famous for its swamp life; in particular the Florida Everglades. You have already learned about wetland habitats in the everglades! Now let us discuss the different wildlife species within. In the east, the Florida panther resides only in the state of Florida. It is a carnivore (meat-eater) that feeds mostly on deer. Occasionally, it preys on farm animals. Did you know that the Florida panther is currently on the endangered species list and has been since March 11,1967? The mink is found throughout the U.S. along streams and lakes, and wetland areas. It is mainly nocturnal and feeds on mammals, birds, fish, eggs, frogs, and crayfish. Did you know that the mink is one of the most valuable fur animals? The herbivorous (plant eater) manatee lives only in southern U.S. It is a slow moving, harmless, aquatic mammal that has no natural predators. Humans, especially with boating accidents, are the only threat to these animals. Did you know that the manatee may remain under water for up to 30 minutes?


Brown pelicans are large birds that live near ocean shores, bays, and islands without mammalian predators. They will build nests in trees or just simply make a scrape in the ground. When hunting for fish, the brown pelican will dive head first into the water. Did you know that most adult brown pelicans do not make any noise? However, the young make groaning or screeching calls while in the nest. The mangrove cuckoo is one of 3 types of cuckoos. It eats insects, small frogs, fruits, and berries. It li ves in the mangrove swamp and anywhere there is dense, leafy trees and shrubs. The wood stork forages (feeds) in the shallow waters of many wetlands. It is a large bird with a heavy bill and is very slow moving. It consumes (eats) fish, aquatic invertebrates, and even some amphibians. Did you know that the adults will abandon their young if it rains too long during the dry season? They abandon them because the adults forage in small pools during the dry season because of the amount of fish that concent rate in them.

Reptiles & Amphibians

The American alligator is found in most fresh bodies of water in the south. Look for its eyes, head, and snout sticking out of the water! It makes a nest of plant parts 4 to 7 feet high where the eggs are buried. Did you know that while under protection by the law, the alligator populations have increased and inhabit areas they once were extirpated (absent in a given area)? The green tree frog is approximately 2 inches long and can be found all throughout southeastern U.S. Its bell-like call is a famil iar sound to those living in the southeast. It varies from bright green to almost yellow in color. Did you know that the green tree frog is usually found at the windows of houses trying to feed on the insects that are attracted by the light? The alligator snapping turtle is entirely aquatic and found at the bottoms of muddy waters. It mainly feeds on fish, but will also prey on small ducklings in the spring. Did you know that the alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in the U.S. a nd one of the largest in the world?

Mountain Life


Even though the east has the Appalachian Mountains, the west is more known for its mountains such as the Colorado Rockies. The herbivorous bighorn sheep live high in the mountains away from predators. It has adapted well to the steep cliffs of the mountain terrain with two-toed cushioned hoofs. Did you know that both the male and female bighorn sheep have horns? The mountain goat is another species that prefers the steep cliffs of mountains and are also adapted to their habitat. They have short, black horns and are all white with shaggy coats to help keep them warm.


The American dipper is only found in fast moving, rocky, mountainous streams. It feeds on small fish and aquatic insects and is completely dependant on the fast moving streams. Did you know that that the American dipper dives, and walks and "flies" under water with strong wing beats? The mountain chickadee nests in natural cavities or one created by a woodpecker. They line the nest with moss, fur, feathers, and shredded bark. They feed on insects and seeds. Did you know that the female mountain chicka dee will dive at predators and hiss like a snake if she feels the nest is threatened?

Reptiles & Amphibians

You are likely to find more reptiles than amphibians near the mountains due to the windy conditions that would dry out the skin of an amphibian. Can you name and find more information on some reptiles and amphibians?

Desert Life


Many animals occupy the desert. Some are visible during the day and others come out at night when it is cooler. The quick kit fox are found here in the arid (dry), open deserts. They feed at night on desert rodents, lizards, insects, and birds. Did you know that the kit fox only grows to approximately a yard? This includes a foot of its bushy tail. The desert woodrat is found near scattered , low vegetation in the desert. It feeds on seeds, cactus, and fruits. Did you know that the desert woodrat ha s lived 5 years and 7 months in captivity?


The greater roadrunner is found in any dry, open habitat. It is well known in the deserts and usually observed perched on rocks or fence posts. It eats lizards, snakes, songbirds, fruit, insects, and cactus seeds. Did you know that this bird rarely flies and if it does, it's a low glide? The greater roadrunner prefers to run away at fast speeds from danger. Can you name some other desert birds?

Reptiles & Amphibians

How many reptiles and amphibians can you think of that live in the desert? Here's one, the desert tortoise, that is primarily herbivorous. It can go long periods of time without feeding. It feeds on low-growing plants and fresh leaves. Did you know that the desert tortoise can live as long as 100 years? What others can you name and get information on?

Ocean and coastal life

Most of the earth's water is in the oceans. Ocean water is salty, while most inland waters are fresh (or not salty). Water near the coast where the fresh water meets the salty water is called an estuary. These oceans and coastal waters provide a unique habitat for animals that can live in these salty conditions.


The manatee lives in shallow coastal areas of the southeast, from North Carolina to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. They have no hair except for bristles near the snout and have thick, rough and wrinkled skin. Manatees are very large weighing up to 1300 pounds, but they eat only plants (herbivorous). They don't look anything like whales or dolphins by having a large rounded tail that looks like the shape of a pizza. Manatees are very calm and tolerant of people. Many species of whales and dolphins can be found in the oceans surrounding North America. These mammals look like large fish but are true mammals giving birth to babies that drink milk. Some species of whales and dolphins have teeth, such as the sperm whale and bottlenose dolphin. Some species of whales do not have teeth but have strips of whalebone called baleen that hang from the roof of their mouth. These whales take in large amounts of water and use the frayed edges of baleen to strain from the water small organisms that they feed upon. T he gray whale and humpback whale are a few of the whales that have baleen. Sea lions and seals are mostly marine (ocean) mammals. They like to live close to shore but may venture out into the ocean during migration. They go on land or ice to rest or to give birth to their young. The northern sea lion is found on the west coast and is known to dive very deep in the ocean feeding on fish and squid. The gray seal is found in the oceans of the northeast on rocky shores, in temperate waters with strong curr ents. It can live to be 40 years old.


Birds of all shapes and sizes are found in the ocean and coastlines. Coastal areas are very attractive for many birds because it provides an area where they can feed in shallow waters and nest or escape from predators in trees or grassy areas. Shorebirds are a group of birds common to coastal habitats. Shorebirds have long legs to wade through the water and long bills to probe the mud for insects. Dunlin (a type of shorebird) are typically seen in huge flocks along beaches and mudflats. The common eide r is found on both sides of North America including the coast and oceans of Canada. It is one of many species of diving ducks. Diving ducks prefer large, open waters. Their legs are set towards the back of the body to make them more powerful swimmers. The common eider can dive as deep as 60 feet searching for tasty mussels and crabs. Did you know that Eiders have the best quality down feathers used to make expensive clothing, comforters and pillows? Eiders have unique breeding habits in that baby bir ds of different parents join together. These groups are better protected because they have many moms looking out for predators. Puffins, such as the Atlantic puffin and horned puffin, are distinctive with their clown-like faces. Puffins are nick named "sea parrots" because of their bright orange and yellow bills. They feed on fish, and are found far out in the ocean only coming on land to nest in burrows.


Loggerhead turtles are found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They weigh up to 300 pounds and have a large head with powerful jaws. Atlantic loggerhead turtles are omnivorous (eat plants and meat) and feed on sponges, jellyfish, horseshoe crabs, clams, oysters and algae. Their powerful jaws help them crush shells with ease. Sea turtles spend most of their lives in the ocean and only come on land to rest and to lay their eggs. The mangrove salt marsh snake lives in mangrove swamps, estuaries and mudf lats in Florida. It feeds on small fish, crabs, shrimp, and other invertebrates trapped in isolated pools of water by the falling tide. Because the snake doesn't have salt glands to get rid of excess salt, they must obtain fresh water from the rain or their prey. It is a harmless snake (non-venomous) and is often seen basking in the sun.

Grassland Life


The grasslands have many different species of wildlife. This is where the fastest mammal in the US lives; the pronghorn. It can run up to speeds of 70 miles per hour. Wow! Both male and female have horns and they feed mainly on weeds, grasses, and sagebrush. Did you know that the pronghorn is the only horned mammal that shed the outer covering of their horns each year? Bison, sometimes called buffalo (but are not the same animal), are the largest wild animals in America. The grazing bison feeds mainl y on grasses, but will browse as well. It also has horns. Did you know that Bison live up to 30 years? The powerful and fierce badger lives here and feeds on small rodents and sometimes snakes, birds and their eggs. Did you know that no other North American mammal has the same physical characteristics as the badger?


The short-eared owl is sometimes confused with the northern harrier. This owl is our most aerial (in air) owl. It is also our more diurnal (daytime) owl. It flies low to the ground and forages (hunts) for rodents during times with available light. Did you know that the short-eared owl is almost silent except during the nesting season and that its alarm call is more like a bark than a "hoot"? The eastern meadowlark is found in grasslands and feeds on seeds of grasses, and some insects and fruits. Did y ou know that the eastern meadowlark make several nests in the spring, but only finishes one? Can you name other grassland birds?

Reptiles & Amphibians

Here is a challenge for you. See if you can name and collect information on 3 reptiles or amphibians. Remember, think of what predators and prey live in the grasslands. Good luck!