From: Mark Anderson [] Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 12:34 AM To: Subject: S7-23-03: Dear Sirs: I am a small OTCBB stock investor and probably ill-informed of some or many of the market practices. I do however believe there is a very detrimental effect on many small companies due to naked shorting. I am in no position to determine the extent of this harm, but I do believe it is severe. I feel true shorting is an effective control of artificial stock price inflation. I also understand that naked shorting is suppose to provide liquidity. I believe full delivery of securities must be done to prevent the abuse that is going on. But I also believe there must be a mandatory accessible float to prevent abusive manipulation in the other direction. I think we need more SEC personnel to police these naked shorting practices as well as the pump and dump schemes. Why do I as an investor have just as much right as a market maker to buy a stock, but have no legal means to short an OTCBB stock? I don't think this is fair. I would also like to relate a story to you about another practice I believe is illegal. This concerns a pink sheet stock VRMD Vision Real Estate Management & Development. A person on the Raging Bull message board identified as Riceman82 flaunts how he shorts OTCBB stocks through a Canadian broker. He has identified his broker as TD Waterhouse, stated his naked short sale times, prices, and amount of shares. Even telling people when he covers these shorts, stating that he has ten days to do so, and concedes that this is not on the up and up. I believe there must be a viable, legal, and open to all investors, method for shorting OTCBB stocks so that the these "criminals" (because that's what I believe they are), aren't making a killing at the expense of other investors, the OTCBB companies, and our country. Thank You, Mark Anderson