Representative Robert E. Andrews
New Jersey — First Congressional District
Message of the Day



October 22, 2002

Yesterday, I addressed the employees and invited guests at a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Steinenger Behavioral Care Services in Cherry Hill, N.J.  I thanked this organization for the  invaluable service they provide to our community by helping patients and their families cope with menatl illness.  Despite the tremendous work done by organizations like Steinenger Behavioral Care Services to benefit individuals afflicted with a mental illness, there exists a signigficant void in the quality and availability of mental health services in our Nation.

While many health insurers currently offer excellent benefits to cover physical ailments, they do not offer comparable coverage to treat mental illnesses or substance abuse. As the Ranking Democrat on the Employee-Employer Relations Subcommittee, I have worked with the members of this organization to ensure that individuals with mental illnesses receive the same care as would a patient with a broken leg or life-threatening disease.  I have cosponsored HR 162, the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity Amendments of 2001, which would prohibit group and individual health plans from imposing treatment limitations or financial requirements on the coverage of mental health benefits. It will also require that a health plan cover substance abuse and chemical dependency benefits if similar limitations or requirements are not imposed on medical and surgical benefits. It is important that our nation's health care system provide proper medical care for mental health and substance abuse problems. I believe this legislation is an important step in that direction and I would urge my colleagues in Congress to join with me by supporting this measure. 

To view a copy of this legislation go to the "Cosponsored Legislation" link on our homepage and scroll down to item 61.



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