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Dyer Images of Comet Hale-Bopp


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Observer: Patrick Dyer
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Date: April 16, 1997 01:00-02:42 UT

1. Pentax K-1000, projection from 18-mm eyepiece on Criterion RV-6 (6", f/8 Newtonian). Kodak 400, 6 seconds clockdriven ("hat trick"). west at top, south at right. Digitized from negative using Snappy 3.0 and 8-mm camcorder. My best image showing the multiple "shells" so easily seen by eye with small telescopes at medium magnification.

2. Pentax K-1000, projection from 40-mm eyepiece on Criterion RV-6 (6", f/8 Newtonian). Kodak 400, 3 seconds clockdriven ("hat trick"). west at top, south at right. Digitized from negative using Snappy 3.0 and 8-mm camcorder. If I'd know that these RV-6 images were turning out so well I would have tried for some longer exposures!

3. Kodak 400, 60 seconds piggyback on clockdriven Criterion RV-6. Digitized from negative using Snappy 3.0 and 8-mm camcorder

Patrick Dyer

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