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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
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841577 Retrieval of Cloud Phase Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Data during the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment Spangenberg, D. , Minnis, P. , Shupe, M. , 2005 Mar 18 -
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841682 Improvements in Near-Terminator and Nocturnal Cloud Masks using Satellite Imager Data over the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Sites Trepte, Q.Z. , Minnis, P. , Heck, P.W. , 2005 Mar 18 -
  N-93-20046; NASA-CR--192181; NAS--1.26:192181 The effects of small ice crystals on the infrared radiative properties of cirrus clouds. Semiannual status report, 1 October 1989-31 March 1990 Takano, Y. , Liou, K.N. , Asano, S. , 1990 Apr 01 -
  7197484 Diurnal variability of the planetary albedo: An appraisal with satellite measurements and general circulation models Potter, G.L. , Cess, R.D. , Minnis, P. , 1988 Mar 01 -
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841570 Sensitivity of Satellite-Retrieved Cloud Properties to the Effective Variance of Cloud Droplet Size Distribution Arduini, R.F. , Minnis, P. , Smith, W.L.Jr. , 2005 Mar 18 -
  5414023 The effects of small ice crystals on cirrus infrared radiative properties Takano, Y. , Liou, K.N. , Minnis, P. 1992 Aug 15 -
  6243343 Inference of cirrus cloud properties using satellite-observed visible and infrared radiances. Part II: verification of theoretical cirrus radiative properties Minnis, P. , Heck, P.W. , Young, D.F. 1993 May 01 -
  6336468 Inference of cirrus cloud properties using satellite-observed visible and infrared radiances. Part I: parameterization of radiance fields Minnis, P. , Liou, Kuonan , Takano, Yoshihide 1993 May 01 -
  PNNL-SA-33049 Cloud Detection: One Possible Future in the ARM and EOS Timeframe Clothiaux, E E. , Ackerman, Thomas P. , Ackerman, S A. , 1999 Jun 27 -
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841654 Microphysical Properties of Clouds with Low Liquid Water Paths: An Update from Clouds with Low Optical (Water) Depth Turner, D.D. , Flynn, C. , Long, C. , 2005 Mar 18 -
  57425 A method for estimating vertical distibution of the SAGE II opaque cloud frequency Wang, P. , Mccormick, M.P. , Minnis, P. , 1995 Feb 01 -
  466625 Initialization and validation of a simulation of cirrus using FIRE-II data Westphal, D.L. , Kinne, S. , Alvarez, J.M. , 1996 Dec 01 -
  524910 Asymmetry in the diurnal variation of surface albedo Minnis, P. , Young, D.F. , Mayor, S. , 1997 Jul 01 -
  45726 Absorption of solar radiation by clouds: Observations versus models Cess, R.D. , Zhang, M.H. , Jing, X. , 1995 Jan 27 -
  6372425 Cloud-radiative forcing and climate: Results from the earth radiation budget experiment Ramanathan, V. , Ahmad, E. , Cess, R.D. , 1989 Jan 06 -
  6884049 Radiative climate forcing by the Mount Pinatubo eruption Minnis, P. , Harrison, E.F. , Stowe, L.L. , 1993 Mar 05 -
  ANL/DIS/JA-55210 Thin liquid water clouds - their importance and our challenge. Turner, D. D. , Vogelmann, A. M. , Austin, R. , 2007 Feb 01 -
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