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Citizens Advisory Committee
Meeting Summary, October 26 and 28, 2004

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.


Submitted to
U.S. EPA Gulf of Mexico Program
Stennis Space Center, MS
Contract No. 68-C-03-041
Work Assignment No. 1-01

Prepared by Battelle
397 Washington Street
Duxbury, MA 02332
(781) 934-0571

TABLE OF CONTENTS - Tuesday, October 26, 2004

  1. Roll Call - Opening Remarks (1)
  2. Election of Officers (1)
  3. CAC Participation in Break-out Session and Management Committee Meeting (1)
  4. Miscellaneous Discussions (2)

TABLE OF CONTENTS - Thursday, October 28, 2004

  1. Roll Call - Opening Remarks (3)
  2. Recap of Focus Team Meetings (3)
  3. Attendance and CAC Vacancies (4)
  4. Review and Approval of July Meeting Summary (4)
  5. Agenda Items for Spring Meeting (5)
  6. Meeting Wrap Up (5)


Gulf of Mexico Program
October 26 and 28, 2004
Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting
Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, LA

The October CAC meeting was held in New Orleans, LA in conjunction with the Gulf of Mexico Program Management Committee Meeting and the Annual Gulf of Mexico Program Comprehensive Meeting. The CAC met on Tuesday morning, October 26, 2004 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. prior to the Management Committee Meeting and then again on Thursday October 28, 2004 from 2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. following the Annual Comprehensive Meeting.

Tuesday, October 26

1. Roll Call - Opening Remarks

Members Present:
Mr. Brian Grantham, Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Chair; Mr. Robert Crowe, CAC Vice-Chair; Ms. Casi L. Callaway; Ms. Eva Golson; Mr. Paul Maclean; Ms. Jean Westbrook; Mr. J. R. Wilson; Mr. Thomas Schultz; Ms. Jenell Tompkins (Interim); Mr. Ned Meister; Mr. James W. Kachtick; Mr. David Allex (Interim); Ms. Eliska Morgan (Member-at-Large)

Members Absent:
Mr. Chris Nelson; Mr. Scottie Butler (Interim); Ms. Heidi Lovett; Mr. Robert Jones; Ms. Becky Clayton (Interim); Mr. McChord Carrico (Interim); Mr. Donald Lirette; Mr. Don Waller; Ms. Patty Caranna; Ms. Linda Shead (Interim)

Guests Present:
Ms. Gloria Car, Gulf of Mexico Program (GMP); Mr. Drew Puffer, GMP; Ms. Jennifer Field, Battelle

Mr. Brian Grantham, the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) chair, called the meeting to order. The meeting agenda and list of attendees are included as Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively.

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2. Election of Officers

The CAC elected new officers during this brief morning session. Mr. Jim Kachtick of the CAC nominating committee put forth the motion that Robert Crowe serve as Chairman, Paul Maclean serve as Vice-Chair, and Patty Caranna as Secretary again. All CAC members present unanimously accepted Robert and Paul as the new Chair and Vice-chair, respectively and Patty will keep her post as Secretary. Mr. Allex thanked Mr. Grantham for serving as chair for the past two years.

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3. CAC Participation in Break-out Session and Management Committee Meeting

Ms. Gloria Car gave a brief overview of the goals and objectives of the break-out sessions. CAC members asked if agendas were available for each of the break-out sessions. Ms. Car mentioned that the individual focus team leads were working on their agendas up until the meeting, and they were not able to get them out ahead of time.

Ms. Calloway questioned what would be discussed in the Public Health break-out group because it always appears to have two distinct pieces. Mr. Kachtick noted that he sits in on the Public Health Focus Team and they often have three distinct topics that are covered (i.e., mercury, bacterial source tracking, and shellfish). Several CAC members mentioned that they would float between the different break-out groups. Mr. Kachtick suggested that if any CAC member stayed in one particular session to please be prepared to summarize that session for the other CAC members.

Mr. Grantham asked the group if there was anything they would like him to mention during the update he was scheduled to give to the Management Committee at 9:40 following the CAC meeting. Several members stated that they are disappointed the Executive Order has yet to be signed. They also suggested mentioning how pleased they were with the EPA Clean Water Act “Basics” that was presented at the March CAC meeting. Several other members agreed that this was a great class and they would like to have more of those. Mr. Kachtick suggested that perhaps a “Wetlands 101” could be scheduled for the spring meeting. Mr. Puffer offered to check with Region 4 to see if there was somebody who could give a short presentation on the Wetlands issues.

Mr. Grantham also stated that the Management Committee wants to know about vacant posts within the CAC. He noted that there are still currently one vacancy each in Florida (business), Louisiana (tourism) and Texas (fisheries). It was mentioned that Texas may soon have two vacancies. Ms. Callaway suggested that the person to fill the Florida vacancy for a business representative be involved in real estate.

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4. Miscellaneous Discussions

Before the meeting concluded, Ms. Westbrook submitted a motion to change the submittal process for the meeting minutes. She would like to see Battelle submit the minutes to Mr. Puffer for review and then have Mr. Puffer distribute them to the CAC members for comment. Mr. Kachtick pointed out that the CAC needs to have a specified period of time within which to make comments. If no comments are received by that time period, the GMP and Battelle are to assume there are no comments. Mr. Puffer mentioned that this would be acceptable and the CAC approved Ms. Westbrook’s motion.

It was noted that the Gulf of Mexico Program Office (GMPO) now has a Director (Mr. Bryon Griffith was appointed from Acting Director to Director) and the CAC questioned who the Deputy Director was to be. Ms. Car mentioned that the GMPO is currently advertising for this position as well as for Mr. Bill Holland’s former position. The CAC suggested that they would like for the program office to speak to the CAC members about the different roles/responsibilities of the staff at the GMPO so they know who to interact with. It was suggested that this could be on the agenda for the spring meeting.

A question was asked about McChord Carrico, whose name appears as an Interim Business/Industry representative for Louisiana. Neither Ms. Westbrook nor Mr. Maclean knew anything about him and Mr. Puffer was asked to research the source of his nomination.

Ms. Westbrook stated that she has not been receiving copies of press releases or any other products from the Communications office. According to policy they should be sent to the CAC members. Other members said they do receive this information. Mr. Puffer agreed to check into this.

To follow up from action items from the last meeting, Mr. Allex mentioned that he spoke with Ambassador Garza of Mexico. The Ambassador is interested in sitting down and talking to the GMP Director, Mr. Griffith, about how to get Mexico and the U.S. working together.

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Thursday, October 28

1. Roll Call - Opening Remarks

Members Present:
Mr. Brian Grantham; Mr. Robert Crowe; Ms. Casi L. Callaway; Ms Eva Golson; Mr. Paul Maclean; Mr. J. R. Wilson; Mr. Lee Harbison (Alternate); Mr. Thomas Schultz; Mr. James W. Kachtick

Members Absent:
Mr. Chris Nelson; Mr. Scottie Butler (Interim); Ms. Heidi Lovett; Mr. Robert Jones; Ms. Becky Clayton (Interim); Mr. McChord Carrico (Interim); Ms. Jean Westbrook; Mr. Donald Lirette; Mr. Don Waller; Ms Patty Caranna;; Ms. Jenell Tompkins (Interim); Mr. Ned Meister; Ms. Linda Shead (Interim), Mr. David Allex (Interim)

Guests Present:
Ms. Gloria Car, Gulf of Mexico Program (GMP); Ms. Jennifer Field, Battelle; Mr. Michael Waguespach

Mr. Robert Crowe, the new CAC Chair, called the meeting to order. He asked that Mr. Michael Waguespach introduce himself. Mr. Waguespach is currently an attorney in the New Orleans area. He previously worked as an environmental engineer and has been speaking to Mr. Griffith about getting involved with the Gulf of Mexico Program. Mr. Griffith suggested he sit in on this meeting of the CAC.

Mr. Crowe then opened the floor to Mr. Tom Herrington who wanted to address the CAC to inform them of a potential International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety in the Gulf Coast region. Mr. Herrington mentioned that he attended the 2004 conference in Galway, Ireland and that this conference would be a great venue to showcase Gulf seafood. He mentioned that the next meeting will be held in 2006, 2007 or 2009 and the location would likely be Biloxi, MS. The exact date of the meeting (’06, ’07 or ’09) would be available soon. Mr. Kachtick asked what type of support from the CAC Mr. Herrington was requesting. Mr. Herrington stated that he would leave it up to the CAC to decide how to offer support, but that letting people know about the conference and some type of financial support would be helpful. Mr. Herington mentioned that the conference would likely bring in approximately 800 participants. CAC members asked that this topic be an agenda item for the upcoming spring meeting.


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2. Recap of Focus Team Meetings

Mr. Paul Maclean opened by stating that he has served on the CAC for 12 years and he is very excited that the entire program appears to be ready to take a big leap forward and that many eyes around the country will be on the Gulf region. Mr. Maclean reinforced that the CAC has a unique and excellent opportunity to become more involved by helping to evaluate and award projects to specific focus areas. He stated that he personally will take a more active role in facilitating where the projects come from and where they go. He re-emphasized that the big effort of the meeting was on whether or not the Program is meeting its objectives and if not, how do we meet them. Ms. Callaway also mentioned the excitement of the meetings, but stated her disappointment that Alabama had poor representation at the meeting. She said that the CAC members for Alabama are active and it should be their responsibility to get their representatives to attend meetings.

Mr. Kachtick stated a concern that water quality projects may not necessarily be matching the prioritized water quality segments stated in the GMPO’s goals/objectives. The CAC would like to know where each of their respective states currently stands on water quality issues in terms of their impacted segments from the 303d list. Ms. Car mentioned that the GMPO is trying to get a better handle on this 303d list. It is a rolling list and things are continually dropping off and continually coming on. All would like to know which segments are coming off the list due to projects being implemented in those regions.

Mr. Crowe reported that the Monitoring, Modeling, and Research Committee (MMRC) met and that the break-out group for the MMRC was asked to consider ways to rebuild the MMRC. Mr. Crowe mentioned the importance of this group and that they are doing good work. He also suggested that this group will be influential, given the direction in which the Gulf region is heading.

Before moving on to the next topic, the CAC was asked if they had any advice to give the GMPO on the Comprehensive Meeting. The CAC suggested that it would benefit them to have agendas and meeting materials ahead of time. Ms. Car mentioned that the GMP will make this effort, but they were simply overloaded with this particular meeting. Additionally, EPA has been asked to try to reduce paper and go to the “greening” method of distribution by making all the information available on their website. Ms. Car mentioned that CAC members should definitely check the website prior to meetings for any information that may be posted there.

CAC members wondered if the Comprehensive Meeting will be scheduled differently in the future, since it is generally held in June and this year it was held in October. Ms. Car stated that it depends on many things including hotel availability, funding etc. Several of the CAC members mentioned that they found the October timeframe to be a better time than the summer months.

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3. Attendance and CAC Vacancies

Mr. Kachtick mentioned that in order to maximize the CAC’s impact, the problem with CAC attendance needs to be revisited. Mr. Kachtick indicated that we need to have alternates for the spots that are currently vacant. There is no reason the delegation within a particular state cannot come up with names of people to nominate for these vacancies. There also needs to be a mechanism to get the folks to come to these meetings. If they don’t have a good reason for not attending, then they need to be asked if they still want to participate. Mr. Kachtick mentioned that the CAC Chair should work with the GMPO to identify members that do not wish to participate any longer. Because things appear to be taking off rapidly, Mr. Kachtick emphasized that now it is more important than ever to have this participation.

Ms. Car stated that perhaps it was time to think about position announcements, or investigating other ways to find people to serve and get these positions filled. She did mention that now that Mr. Griffith is the Director of the GMP, he will be traveling and meeting with the different states. Ms. Callaway mentioned that it might be good for the CAC members to attend meetings with Mr. Griffith. It was also mentioned that if the Executive Order gets signed, the CAC will have more tools at their disposal to get new members onboard.

CAC members mentioned that this issue needs to be on the agenda for the spring meeting. However, it was suggested that perhaps each of the states should begin thinking about how to take action and come to the meeting prepared to discuss with the group what steps/actions they have taken to remedy the situation.

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4. Review and Approval of July Meeting Summary

Eva Golson mentioned that she attended the July meeting but was not included in the meeting summary as having attended. Ms. Golson recommended that this be changed and approved the remainder of the summary. A motion was made that the July meeting summary be approved. All agreed that the summary be approved.

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5. Agenda Items for Spring Meeting

The date of the spring meeting is not currently set; however the GMPO will let the CAC members know as soon as possible. The meeting will be held in Pascagoula, MS. Mr. J.R. Wilson mentioned that he is working with a local grass roots organization, the Pascagoula River Alliance, to check into the feasibility of a ½ day field trip on the Pascagoula River.

During the course of the CAC meetings on Tuesday and Thursday, CAC members identified many potential topics for consideration at the spring meeting. These topics are listed in no particular order below:

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6. Meeting Wrap Up

Several members of the CAC mentioned that the MAP from the program office was out of date. The question was asked as to whether the GMPO can update this map and distribute it. The GMPO will take this as an action.

Following the proposal that the LA Statewide Mercury Workgroup be considered for a topic at the spring meeting, Dr. Carlton Hunt from Battelle mentioned that the New York Academy of Sciences had recently published a report that gives a nice overview of the mercury issue including sources and cycling in the environment. Battelle took this as an action to email the link (and/or document) to the CAC members.

A motion to adjourn was made and the CAC concluded at approximately 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 28, 2004.

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Appendix A - Agenda

Tuesday, October 26

Opening Remarks/Introductions
Brian Grantham, Chair

  • Election of CAC Officers
  • Discussion of CAC participation in break-out sessions

Attend Management Committee Meeting

Wednesday, October 27

Comprehensive Meeting of the Teams

  • Opening Plenary Session

Participate in Break-out Sessions

  • Nutrient Enrichment
  • Habitat
  • Public Health
  • Monitoring, Modeling and Research
  • Communications
Thursday, October 28

Break-out sessions continue


Comprehensive Meeting of the Teams

CAC Reconvenes


Recap of focus team/committee meetings from previous days



  • Review and Approval of July 2004 Meeting Summary
  • Discussion and Recommendations
  • Schedule/Topics for Spring CAC Meeting in Pascagoula
3:30 Adjourn

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Appendix B - Attendee List


Mr. Brian Grantham, CAC Chair
Teacher, Agriculture
14053 Woodland Drive
Magnolia Springs, AL 36555
(251) 943-1486 Fax: (251) 943-3538
Home: (251) 943-8267
Email: bgrantham@bcbe.org

Mr. Robert Crowe, CAC Vice-Chair
Corporate Real Estate-Mobile Division
Alabama Power Company
150 St. Joseph Street
Mobile, AL 36652-2247
(251) 694-2391/928-6615
Fax: (251) 694-2430
Email: rhcrowe@southernco.com

Ms. Casi (KC) L. Callaway
Executive Director
Mobile Bay Watch, Inc./Mobile Baykeeper
5 North Jackson Street
Mobile, AL 36604
(251) 433-4229 Fax: (251) 432-8197
Email: callaway@mobilebaywatch.org


Ms. Eva Golson
Mobile Film Office
164 St. Emanuel St.
Mobile, AL 36602
(251) 438-7102
Cell: (251) 604-8420
Email: golson@cityofmobile.org

Eliska Morgan
Deputy Chief of Staff & District Director for Representative Jo Bonner
1141 Montlimar Drive, Ste. 3010
Mobile, AL 36609
(251) 690-2811
Email: Eliska.Morgan@mail.house.gov


Mr. Paul Maclean
Maclean Land Services, Inc.
P. O. Box 3620
Houma, LA 70361
302 Church Street
Houma, LA 70360
(985) 868-4963 Fax: (985) 851-6951
Email: mls@cajun.net


Ms. Jean Westbrook
Women for a Better Louisiana
6600 Wilty Street
Metairie, LA 70003
(504) 887-9480
Fax: (504) 887-9480 (call first)
Email: jtwdrw@hotmail.com


Mr. J. R. Wilson
709 Washington Avenue
Pascagoula, MS 39567
(228) 762-7264
Fax: (228) 696-2971(call first)
Email: salliebelle@i-55.com

Mr. Lee Harbison (Alternate)
Oil Spill Coordinator
Chevron USA Products Company
Blending & Shipping Division
250 Industrial Road
Pascagoula, MS 39581
(228) 938-4407/4600
Fax: (228) 938-4230
Email: dlhr@chevrontexaco.com


Mr. Thomas Schultz
Maintenance Technician
Coastal Research and Extension Center
Mississippi State University
2710 Beach Boulevard, Suite 1-E
Biloxi, MS 39531
(228) 388-4710 Fax: (228) 388-1375
Secretary’s Email: yvonnev@ext.msstate.edu

Ms. Jenell Tompkins (Interim)
Hancock County Board of Supervisors
P. O. Box 429
Bay St. Louis, MS 39520
Fed Ex:
Hancock County Courthouse
150 Main St.
Bay St. Louis, MS 39520
(228) 467-0172 Fax: (228)466-5994
Email: jvt@co.hancock.ms.us

Mr. Ned A. Meister
Director, Commodities & Regulatory Activities
Texas Farm Bureau
P. O. Box 2689
Waco, TX 76702-2689
7420 Fish Pond Road
Waco, Texas 76710
(254) 751-2457 Fax: (254) 751-2671
Email: nmeister@txfb.org
Secretary’s Email: dphillips@txfb.org

Mr. James W. Kachtick
9035 Hendon Lane
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 772-2598
Fax: (713) 772-2598 (call first)
Email: Jkachtick@aol.com


Mr. David Allex (Interim)
Allex and Associates International
P.O. Box 531300
Harlingen, TX 78553
FedEx: 920 W. Van Buren
Harlingen, TX 78550
(956) 425-7007 Fax: (956)425-7121
Email: aaidea@aol.com

Ms. Gloria Car
Associate Director for Administration
Gulf of Mexico Program Office
Mail Code: EPA/GMPO
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000
(228) 688-2421
Email: car.gloria@epa.gov

Mr. Drew Puffer
CAC Liaison
Gulf of Mexico Program Office
Mail Code: EPA/GMPO
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000
(228) 688-1156
Fax: (228) 688-2709/2306
Email: puffer.drew@epa.gov

Ms. Jennifer Field
1400 Centrepark Blvd.
Suite 1005
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 656-6303 Fax: (561) 683-0126
Email: fieldj@battelle.org

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Appendix C - Follow-up Action Item Summary

1. Update MAPs (membership directory, biosketches, website updates, meeting summaries, etc.) GMP/M. Manley Spring 2005 meeting
2. Organize discussion within state delegations about vacancies GMP Pending
3. Meeting minutes from Management and Policy Review Board Meeting held in March 2004 GMP Completed 1/20/05
4. Meeting minutes from Management Committee Meeting and Focus Team Meetings held during Comprehensive Meeting in October 2004 GMP ASAP
5. Potential March 2005 Agenda Topics:
  • ½ day Field Trip on Pascagoula River
  • “Wetlands 101” Seminar
  • Presentation on “Roles and Responsibilities” of GMPO staff
  • Discussion on steps each state has taken to address lack of participation
  • Discussion on how the CAC would like to provide support to the International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety
  • Discussion/presentation on Bacterial Source Tracking
  • Report on the Louisiana Statewide Mercury Workgroup
  • Presentation on “Success stories of State Projects”

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Gulf of Mexico Program Office
Mail Code: EPA/GMPO
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000
FAX: 228-688-2709

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