274 TRAVELS throuch dreffed as Adam was in the terrcftrial para- dife *. This young prince had a noble fhape, and a handfome appearance; he was fprightly and graceful -, during his ftay here he has been treated at the king's expence. As he was of my fize, the governor of the fort begged me to give him a blue coat, and a gold laced waift- coat, a hat with plumes, and a fhirt with laced ruffles. •o M. Aubert likewife made fome trifling prefents to this American prince, and to the officers of his court, at the king's expence, and fent them home very well fatisfied. Their country is fituated between Carolina and Eaft Florida, eaftward of Mobile ; thefe people have never been conquered by the Spaniards, who are become their declared enemies. The empe- ror always dined at M. Aaberfs table, with his regent. The others had not the fame honour done K> -'¦ The coat which the emperor had on when he arrived at the AUibamons, had been given him by a captain in the king of Great-Britain's army. He laid it by on this public day, through political views, and in order to get one from die French.