BFRL ICON Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Random Porous Media.

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Martys, N. S.

Journal of Chromatography A, Vol. 707, 35-43, 1995.


building technology; hydrodynamic dispersion; porous media; diffusion; convection; conductivity; chromatography


In this paper we present results demonstrating the utility of computational methods to numerically simulate and visualize hydrodynamic dispersion in random porous media. The role of Peclet number in the spread of a dye through porous media is illustrated. From examination of concentraion profiles, effective diffusion coefficients were numerically determined for different Peclet numbers. In contrast to the case of fluid-driven dispersion, we discuss the spread of a dilute concentration of ions driven by an electric field. We also consider a simple model of size exclusion chromatography where materials that advect and diffuse through pore space also diffuse through the solid matrix.

Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899