Kasha, p. 75

IV.3 Coordinator's Report: Chromosome 6.

K. J. Kasha, Crop Science Dept., University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada NiG 2W1.

During this first year as co-ordinator I have attempted to collect stocks with the genes known to be or thought to be on chromosome 6. The main sources have been C. R. Burnham and R. F. Eslick and to-date I have the following genes:

a) Established as on chromosome 6:
mul 2, multiflorous spikelets
ea 7, early growth habit
uc 2, uniculm
o, orange lemma
gs 4, glossy sheath
xn , Nepal xantha
msg 6, genetic male sterile
msg,,bk, genetic male sterile

b) Probably on chromosome 6:
g , pale green
alb,,f, albino
se6, shrunken endosperm
f6, chlorina seedling

I would appreciate receiving stocks of any other genes thought to be located on chromosome 6, such as ert-e, clh or others.

Crosses have now been made between stocks carrying various genes for the purposes of developing multiple marker gene stocks and checking linkage map values. Those genes requiring verification as being on chromosome 6 will be checked against the primary trisomic for chromosome 6.

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