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1994-96 Advisory Council Report

 Table 77   Comparison of "Moneys Worth" for the OASDI Program for Present Law and
  StdVal       Advisory Council Options With Reduced CPI*
            Present Value of Expected Benefits                    Cohort 22 in 1977
                          Composite Workers                           Married, Two Earner Couples
               (TF      -----------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------
               Real      Low      Ave     High      Max              Low/     Ave/     Ave/     High/    High/
 Package       Int)     Erns     Erns     Erns     Erns    Total      Low      Low      Ave      Ave      High
 Present Law   (2.3)    47062    78974   102057   114662    77833    52971    77001    87363   108144   115412
 5% PSA-401K   (2.3)    50487    80258   101765   108726    78845    58010    77341    91445   108607   122154
 5% PSA-USBond (2.3)    49095    77270    97292   103599    75816    56359    74693    87775   103850   116282
 1.6% IA-401KAn(2.3)    46666    77241    97791   105114    75356    53650    74614    87712   104804   114614
 1.6% IA-USBond(2.3)    46157    76146    96152   103237    74247    53046    73642    86369   103061   112465
 MB            (4.2)    47044    78928   102019   114452    77785    52951    76960    87310   108103   115370
 MTR           (2.3)    44062    71652    89424    95584    69696    50562    69659    80849    95906   103634
 LTR           (2.3)    42813    63814    77120    80684    62181    48909    62752    71256    82395    89794
            Present Value of Expected Pyrl Tax (EE + ER)               Cohort 22 in 1977
                          Composite Workers                           Married, Two Earner Couples
                        -----------------------------------------    ------------------------------------------
                         Low      Ave     High      Max              Low/     Ave/     Ave/     High/    High/
                        Erns     Erns     Erns     Erns    Total      Low      Low      Ave      Ave      High
 Present Law   (2.3)    47616   101668   152567   170815   102936    56034    89726   124520   161274   199232
 5% PSA-401K   (2.3)    49487   105653   158541   177762   106989    58238    93230   129416   167592   207068
 5% PSA-USBond (2.3)    49487   105653   158541   177762   106989    58238    93230   129416   167592   207068
 1.6% IA-401KAn(2.3)    49586   105864   158855   178128   107203    58354    93416   129676   167924   207480
 1.6% IA-USBond(2.3)    49586   105864   158855   178128   107203    58354    93416   129676   167924   207480
 MB            (4.2)    47616   101668   152567   170815   102936    56034    89726   124520   161274   199232
 MTR           (2.3)    47616   101668   152567   170815   102936    56034    89726   124520   161274   199232
 LTR           (2.3)    43333    92543   138894   154912    93659    50990    81700   113308   146812   181292
            Present Value of Expected "Net Subsidy"                    Cohort 22 in 1977
                          Composite Workers                           Married, Two Earner Couples
                        -----------------------------------------    ------------------------------------------
                         Low      Ave     High      Max              Low/     Ave/     Ave/     High/    High/
                        Erns     Erns     Erns     Erns    Total      Low      Low      Ave      Ave      High
 Present Law   (2.3)     -554   -22694   -50510   -56153   -25103    -3063   -12725   -37157   -53130   -83820
 5% PSA-401K   (2.3)     1000   -25395   -56776   -69036   -28144     -228   -15889   -37971   -58985   -84914
 5% PSA-USBond (2.3)     -392   -28382   -61249   -74163   -31172    -1879   -18537   -41641   -63742   -90786
 1.6% IA-401KAn(2.3)    -2919   -28624   -61064   -73014   -31847    -4704   -18802   -41964   -63120   -92866
 1.6% IA-USBond(2.3)    -3429   -29718   -62703   -74892   -32956    -5308   -19774   -43307   -64863   -95015
 MB            (4.2)     -572   -22740   -50548   -56363   -25152    -3083   -12766   -37210   -53171   -83862
 MTR           (2.3)    -3554   -30016   -63144   -75231   -33240    -5472   -20067   -43671   -65368   -95598
 LTR           (2.3)     -520   -28729   -61774   -74227   -31478    -2081   -18948   -42052   -64417   -91498
            Moneys Worth Ratio (BenefitsX100/Taxes)                    Cohort 22 in 1977
                          Composite Workers                           Married, Two Earner Couples
                        -----------------------------------------    ------------------------------------------
                         Low      Ave     High      Max              Low/     Ave/     Ave/     High/    High/
                        Erns     Erns     Erns     Erns    Total      Low      Low      Ave      Ave      High
 Present Law   (2.3)       99       78       67       67       76       95       86       70       67       58
 5% PSA-401K   (2.3)      102       76       64       61       74      100       83       71       65       59
 5% PSA-USBond (2.3)       99       73       61       58       71       97       80       68       62       56
 1.6% IA-401KAn(2.3)       94       73       62       59       70       92       80       68       62       55
 1.6% IA-USBond(2.3)       93       72       61       58       69       91       79       67       61       54
 MB            (4.2)       99       78       67       67       76       94       86       70       67       58
 MTR           (2.3)       93       70       59       56       68       90       78       65       59       52
 LTR           (2.3)       99       69       56       52       66       96       77       63       56       50
Note: All values based in intermediate assumptions of the 1995 Trustees Report*. All dollar values are present value at age 22, then wage indexed to 1995. * Assuming 0.21% lower COLA starting Dec 97; no change in nominal wage or interest. Office of the Actuary / Social Security Administration July 28, 1996
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