Energy Citations Database
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  6079158 Transient fault currents in hvdc rectifiers Phadke, A.G. 1967 Jan 01 -
  5945518 Generation of abnormal harmonics in high voltage ac-dc power systems Phadke, A.G. 1968 Mar 01 -
  6097955 A new computer based integrated distance relay for parallel transmission lines Phadke, A.G. , Jihuang, L. 1985 Feb 01 -
  6221371 A predictive control strategy for improving HVDC converter voltage profile Rostamkolai, N. , Phadke, A.G. 1989 Feb 01 -
  7284574 Digital computer system for EHV substations: analysis and field tests Phadke, A.G. , Hlibka, T. , Ibrahim, M. 1976 Jan 01 -
  5400279 Time for computerized relaying is here Phadke, A.G. , Hlibka, T. , Ibranim, M. 1980 Feb 15 -
  CONF-870757-2 Adaptive transmission system relaying Horowitz, S.H. , Phadke, A.G. , Thorp, J.S. 1987 Jan 01 -
  CONF-870877-1 Impact of adaptive protection on power system control Phadke, A.G. , Thorp, J.S. , Horowitz, S.H. 1987 Jan 01 -
  5957863 A new measurement technique for tracking voltage phasors, local system frequency, and rate of change of frequency Phadke, A.G. , Adamiak, M.G. , Thorp, J.S. 1983 May 01 -
  7243299 Operational characteristics of a large wind-farm utility-system with a controllable AC/DC/AC/interface Thomas, R.J. , Phadke, A.G. , Pottle, C. 1988 Feb 01 -
  5921450 Evaluation of harmonic levels on an hvdc transmission line Welle, D.H. , Phadke, A.G. , Reitan, D.K. 1967 Jan 01 -
  7304299 Synchronized sampling and phasor measurements for relaying and control Phadke, A.G. , Pickett, B. , Adamiak, M. 1994 Jan 01 -
  CONF-8705108-1 Some applications of phasor measurements to adaptive protection Thorp, J.S. , Phadke, A.G. , Horowitz, S.H. , 1987 Jan 01 -
  6419310 Some applications of phasor measurements to adaptive protection Thorp, J.S. , Phadke, A.G. , Horowitz, S.H. , 1988 May 01 -
  CONF-960111-- An adaptive out-of-step relay Centeno, V. , Phadke, A.G. , Edris, A. , 1997 Jan 01 -
  6559488 Adaptive relaying Phadke, A.G. , Horowitz, S.H. 1990 Jul 01 -
  6678989 An adaptive optimal control strategy for dynamic stability enhancement of AC/DC power systems Rostamkolai, N. , Phadke, A.G. , Long, W.F. , 1988 Aug 01 -
  6882051 Voltage stability assessment through measurement of a reduced state vector Begovic, M.M. , Phadke, A.G. 1990 Feb 01 -
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ORNL/Sub--89-SD630C/1 Anatomy of power system blackouts and preventive strategies by rational supervision and control of protection systems Phadke, A.G. , Horowitz, S.H. , Thorp, J.S. 1995 Jan 01 -
  6080175 Dynamic simulation of voltage collapse Begovic, M.M. , Phadke, A.G. 1990 Nov 01 -
  6843909 Synchronized phasor measurements of a power system event Burnett, R.O. , Butts, M.M. , Cease, T.W. , 1994 Aug 01 -
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ORNL/Sub--88-SC203C/1 Monitoring and simulating real-time electric power system operation with phasor measurements Phadke, A.G. , Thorp, J.S. 1995 Jan 01 -
  6799061 Adaptive transmission system relaying Horowitz, S.H. , Phadke, A.G. , Thorp, J.S. 1988 Oct 01 -
  6768921 Computer relaying - Its impact on improved control and operation of power systems Phadke, A.G. 1988 Oct 01 -
  244792 Anatomy of power system blackouts: Preventive relaying strategies Tamronglak, S. , Phadke, A.G. , Thorp, J.S. , 1996 Apr 01 -
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