168 MONTHLY . .- Middle Atlantic Rtate8.-Freehold7 New Jersey, 14th ; Wythe- ville, Virginia, 12t11, 14th, 1 7 t h , 23d; Johnstown, Virginia, 15th; Rnrnegat City, New Jersey, 17th; Albany, New York, 16th ; Delaware Bre&watcr, Del;iware, 17th ; PhiI:idelphia, Pennsyl\Fani:L, 17th, 20th, 21&, 32~1; West Washiiigtoii, n i s - trict of ColIimbi;\, 17th ; Woo(lito&, MarylaIi(1, 17t,h, 19t11; Lynchburg, Virginia, 20th. South Atlantic etates.--Hatter;ts, North CaroIin:i, 4th ; ,Jack- sonville, Florida, 20th. pbrida peni~u~a.-S>inford, IltIl, 12tl1, 13th ; Lilnona, 14th, 15th; Key West, lFith. Eastern CfuZf.-New Orleans, Louisiana, lOtli, 1lt.h. Western (Ju~.-GalvestoIl, Texas, 8tll to 11th ; Lc,a(l Ilill, Ar]