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1:  NP_975589Reports  heat shock protei...[gi:42561138] BLink, Conserved Domains, Links
LOCUS       NP_975589                372 aa            linear   BCT 22-JUL-2008
DEFINITION  heat shock protein DnaJ (chaperone) [Mycoplasma mycoides subsp.
            mycoides SC str. PG1].
VERSION     NP_975589.1  GI:42561138
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NC_005364.2
KEYWORDS    complete genome.
SOURCE      Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC str. PG1
  ORGANISM  Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC str. PG1
            Bacteria; Tenericutes; Mollicutes; Mycoplasmataceae; Mycoplasma.
  AUTHORS   Westberg,J., Persson,A., Holmberg,A., Goesmann,A., Lundeberg,J.,
            Johansson,K.E., Pettersson,B. and Uhlen,M.
  TITLE     The Genome Sequence of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC Type
            Strain PG1T, the Causative Agent of Contagious Bovine
            Pleuropneumonia (CBPP)
  JOURNAL   Genome Res. 14 (2), 221-227 (2004)
   PUBMED   14762060
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 372)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (11-SEP-2004) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 372)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Microbial Genomes Annotation Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (25-JUN-2001) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from CAE77231.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..372
                     /organism="Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC str.
                     /host="Bison bison"
                     /host="Bos taurus"
     Protein         1..372
                     /product="heat shock protein DnaJ (chaperone)"
     Region          1..369
                     /note="DnaJ-class molecular chaperone with C-terminal Zn
                     finger domain [Posttranslational modification, protein
                     turnover, chaperones]; COG0484"
     Region          5..58
                     /note="DnaJ domain or J-domain.  DnaJ/Hsp40 (heat shock
                     protein 40) proteins are highly conserved and play crucial
                     roles in protein translation, folding, unfolding,
                     translocation, and degradation. They act primarily by
                     stimulating the ATPase activity of...; cd06257"
     Site            order(33..35,43,46..47,50..51)
                     /note="HSP70 interaction site"
     Region          139..>202
                     /note="DnaJ central domain (4 repeats); pfam00684"
     Region          236..357
                     /note="DnaJ C terminal region; pfam01556"
     CDS             1..372
                     /inference="non-experimental evidence, no additional
                     details recorded"
        1 mkkkdyyevl gvsktaseqe irqayrklak qyhpdlnksp dahdkmvein eaadvlldkd
       61 krkqydqfgh nafdgssgfs snfadfedlf snmgssgfss ftnifsdffg snksdyqrst
      121 kgqsvsvdiy ltfkellfgv dkiieldllt ncsvcfgsga esnsdisicn nchgtgevli
      181 qknmgffqfq qsakcnvcng agkiiknkck nckgkgkyle rkkievnipk girpnqqikl
      241 sqkghasinn gvngdliidi ylkeskvfei vnnndilmty nisyldailg neiiiktldg
      301 dikyklpksi nsnefiiinn kglyksinkd krgdliikvn ivvpknlnkk ekelieqiye
      361 qtsfnpenni dq

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