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[IGSREPORT-15860] Wk 1460 IGLOS Final Orbits

IGS Electronic Report   17 Jan 00:05:04 PST 2008      Message Number 15860

Author:   AC Coordinator / GFZ Potsdam                                               
sum-file Version 2.0
IGLOS Orbit Combination - Week 1460   (Dec 30, 2007 - Jan 05, 2008) 
Contact: Gerd Gendt     (gendt @ gfz-potsdam.de)                   
         Thomas Nischan ( nisn @ gfz-potsdam.de)                             
COMBINATION STRATEGY:                                                            
Ephemeris are combined as weighted averages computed over all centres.          
Each centre and satellite is given a position weight computed from the centers  
absolute deviation to the unweighted average orbit after removing small         
differences in the reference frames. These weights were applied in a            
second iteration to estimate Helmert transformation parameters for each         
center. Finally the transformation parameters with respect to the combined      
solution and the RMS of the fit are reported in Tables 2.1460.
For long arc computations the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs) are fixed to
the values of the final IGS (GPS) combination.                                                    
The weighted average software used was originally developed by T. Springer
and G. Beutler in 1993. The GPS long arc orbit analysis software used here for
individual centre ephemeris evaluation was developed by Beutler et al. at the
Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). For more details on
the orbit combination and complete references for both software see:

  Beutler G., Kouba J. and T. Springer, 1995, Combining the orbits of the IGS 
  Analysis Centers, Bulletin Geodesique, 69, pp 200-222.

  Kouba J., Mireault Y. and F. Lahaye, 1995, 1994 IGS Orbit/Clock Combination
  and Evaluation, Appendix I of the Analysis Coordinator Report, International
  GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) 1994 Annual Report, pp. 70-94.

  Kouba J. and Y. Mireault, 1996, IGS Analysis Coordinator Report, 
  International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) 1995 Annual Report, 
  pp. 45-76.

  Kouba J. and Y. Mireault, 1997, Analysis Coordinator Report, 
  International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) 1996 Annual Report, 
  pp. 55-100.
  Weber R., 2000, IGS Technical Report 1999                                    
PRODUCTS GENERATED:                                                             
The combined IGL-ephemerides are written to daily files in the SP3-format.     
The satellite accuracy codes in the header are based on the weighted rms.       
for each satellite. Note, that the result files contain all satellites          
that were analysed by at least one center. We refer to the 'REMARKS' section    
below, in case a satellite or center was excluded from the combination.         
The following naming convention is used for the result files:                   
 igl1460[0-6].sp3  IGLOS-PP Glonass ephemerides files for days 0-6
                   of GPS Week 1460 in the SP3 format.
 igl14607.sum      Combination Report for GPS Week 1460.

REMARKS concerning the IGL Orbit Combination:                                  

 1. Broadcast (brd) orbits and clocks are included in the combination for
    statistics only.

 2. Having only a few satellites the mcc orbits are included in the combination 
    for statistics only.

 3. Starting on 01-May-2005 (GPS Week 1321; MJD 53491)[IGSMAIL-5151] 
    BKG, ESA, and CODE will start to refer their GLONASS orbit products 
    to the following satellite antenna offset (SAO) values:
      X/Y/Z =  0.000/0.000/0.000 meter for GLONASS and
      X/Y/Z = -0.545/0.000/0.000 meter for GLONASS-M SVs.

 4. The satellite clock values in the combined orbit files are taken from the
    broadcast files. The following gps/glonass time offsets derived from the
    bkg summary files were added to the broadcast clocks.
               Day | applied clock offset
                0  |   1430.4 ns
                1  |   1415.6 ns
                2  |   1424.6 ns
                3  |   1426.3 ns
                4  |   1420.4 ns
                5  |   1366.7 ns
                6  |   1386.3 ns

 5. The following orbit solutions were excluded from the combination
    because they were biasing the weighted average (generally indicated
    by long arc RMS).
               Day | Centre | PRN list
                0  |  ESX   | R08 R19 R20 R23 R24
                1  |  ESX   | R19 R20 R23 R24
                2  |  ESX   | R19 R20 R23 R24
                3  |  ESX   | R19 R20 R23 R24
                4  |  ESX   | R19 R20 R23 R24
                5  |  ESX   | R19 R20 R23 R24
                5  |  IAC   | R23
                6  |  ESX   | R08 R19 R20 R23 R24
                6  |  IAC   | R23

ORBIT COMBINATION AND EVALUATION STATISTICS:                                    
Table 1 summarizes all statistics for the week. It contains means and standard 
        deviations over the week of satellite ephemeris  and  clock correction
        transformation parameters for each centre (Tables 1.1460, 1a.1460).
Table 2 contains the complete  ephemeris  and  clock correction transformation
        parameters (includes both the apriori and a posteriori values) for each
        centre and each day (Tables 2.1460.0-6)                                                                                
Table 3 contains two types of daily  RMS  for each satellite and centre, along
        with the computed  satellite position sigmas  for the  combined orbits 
        (tables 3.1460.0-6). 
        The first type of satellite RMS is based on orbit combination and  the
        second RMS type is a result of the 7-day arc evaluation of each centre
Table 1: Week 1460 summary.                      (Dec 30, 2007 - Jan 05, 2008)

Table 1.1460.a     GPS week : 1460   MJD: 54464.0-54470.0

         Mean and standard deviations of transformation parameters to the 
         combined IGL orbit.
         WRMS - orbit RMS weighted by the SP3 header accuracy codes.
         STA  - Mean number of stations in the daily solutions.
CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|   -1     4    -2   -35    15   103   .04   51   47 |       0     102   2844   2971
        |    4     6    11    76    86   259   .19           |       0     292
cod  172|   -1    -5     2    50   -69    -4  -.26   34   32 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
        |    5     3     8    38    32   111   .16           |     ---     ---
esx   48|    1     2     6    94    68     9  -.46  282   67 | 4583935   66235   9737  15807
        |    8     4    12   114   120   171   .25           | 3159775   40808
iac  n/a|    0     1    -4   -66   -26   -62   .64   40   40 | 1413532   -4450  12422  19811
        |    3     5     8    60    48    74   .19           |   28603   10767
mcc  n/a|    0    -5    54    45     6  -750   .10  955  955 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
        |    9    14    27   191   116  1561   .61           |     ---     ---

Table 1.1460.b     GPS week : 1460   MJD: 54464.0-54470.0   

         Satellite position sigmas for the combined orbits
         (coded in the IGS SP3 orbit files).
         "E" flags eclipsing satellites.
         Units: mm.

              Day of GPS week
 PRN  |    0    1    2    3    4    5    6 |  Remarks
 R01E |   18   28   22   28   21   19   17 |
 R04E |   17   22   21   21   24   22   26 |
 R06E |   22   20   23   22   22   20   30 |
 R07E |   25   23   27   30   32   26   30 |
 R08E |   29   31   27   17   14   19   29 |
 R10  |   19   16   19   18   16   15   18 |
 R14  |   14   17   24   13   24   22   21 |
 R15  |   40   28   50   26   29   19   32 |
 R17  |   41   40   34   24   36   23   28 |
 R19  |   32   20   18   21   27   30   41 |
 R20  |   16   27   46   23   25   26   26 |
 R23  |   31   48   38   36   44  213  134 |
 R24  |   40   42   27   19   31   27   33 |

Table 1.1460.c     GPS week : 1460   MJD: 54464.0-54470.0   

         Daily transformation of broadcast orbits (brd) to the combined IGL orbit.
         Mean and standard deviations of the transformation parameters for the
         whole gpsweek.

CEN WEEK DAY |   DX    DY    DZ     RX      RY      RZ   SCL   RMS   WRMS |    TOFT   TDRFT
             |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm]  [uas]   [uas]   [uas] [ppb]  [mm]  [mm] |    [ps]  [ps/d]
brd 1460 0   | -717  -221  -453    2751   -3715  -39400 106.5  5345  5345 | 1430440       0
brd 1460 1   | -964   486  -369   -6740    3568  -47990 102.6  8209  8209 | 1415608       0
brd 1460 2   | -574   249   553   -8641    3611  -30420  92.7  7159  7159 | 1424633       0
brd 1460 3   | -667  -242   555   -9859   -5134  -13440  88.2  7230  7230 | 1426299       0
brd 1460 4   | -147  -225   671    2609   -5662    6932 101.3  7190  7190 | 1420432       0
brd 1460 5   |  151   215  -395    5859     463  -38180  86.6  5704  5704 | 1366688       0
brd 1460 6   |   78    95   291     741   -3135  -26120 110.7  5557  5557 | 1386289       0
brd 1460 mean| -406    51   121   -1897   -1429  -26945  98.4  6627  6627 | 1410055       0
brd 1460 sdev|  431   287   507    6342    3952   18560   9.3  1088  1088 |   24069       0

Table 2: Daily transformation of each centre to the combined IGL orbit and
         clocks for each day of the week. The transformation displayed is the
         sum of a priori and estimated transformations.
         WRMS - RMS weighted by the centres SP3 header accuracy codes.
         STA  - Number of stations in the daily solutions.
Table 2.1460.0  GPS week: 1460   Day: 0   MJD: 54464                            

CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|    5     0     4    12    61  -184   .07   38   32 |       0     627   3207   3482
cod  172|   -9    -4     8     9   -80    65   .00   35   34 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
esx   48|    8     1    -4   122    31   262  -.28  289   78 | 6243486   88873   8593  17272
iac  n/a|    0     2    -7  -146   -60  -151   .48   51   51 | 1450229  -27706  37330  48642
mcc  n/a|    2    11    17  -101  -189 -4263   .55   96   96 |     ---     ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1460.1  GPS week: 1460   Day: 1   MJD: 54465                            

CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|   -5     3     6  -141   -69   -83   .27   64   54 |       0      24   2662   2770
cod  172|   -2   -10    10   113   -23    -1  -.30   36   36 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
esx   48|    5     1    -5     8   237  -119  -.51  244   59 | 6400231  101659   9929  16285
iac  n/a|    3     1   -13   -44  -100    44   .42   45   45 | 1416738     -12   8362  13733
mcc  n/a|    3   -10    25    75   -90   204  -.38 1708 1708 |     ---     ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1460.2  GPS week: 1460   Day: 2   MJD: 54466                            

CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|   -6    10   -17   -97   137   345   .33   53   53 |       0      -4   2578   2684
cod  172|    6    -5    11    22   -78   -94  -.14   26   23 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
esx   48|   -8     0     2    47   -64    -5  -.31  279   69 | 6438190   91260   9191  16870
iac  n/a|   -4     7   -11   -70    28   -89   .63   50   50 | 1425470     380   8490  17554
mcc  n/a|  -14     9    51   108    39  -168  -.12  500  500 |     ---     ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1460.3  GPS week: 1460   Day: 3   MJD: 54467                            

CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|    3    -8     5    59   -60    66  -.04   38   36 |       0    -227   3343   3462
cod  172|    0    -2     0    36   -33   190  -.33   35   33 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
esx   48|   -9    10    -2   -68   150  -126  -.96  259   69 | 6503885   78704  11712  15563
iac  n/a|   -1     2    -5    38   -66  -134   .60   30   30 | 1427990   -5103   9264  15736
mcc  n/a|  -10     5    96    68   177  -446  -.40  723  723 |     ---     ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1460.4  GPS week: 1460   Day: 4   MJD: 54468                            

CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|   -1     7     2   -95   -87   539  -.12   59   53 |       0       3   2371   2442
cod  172|   -1    -9     0    89  -117   -28  -.53   38   37 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
esx   48|   -1     0    21   132   181  -129  -.55  318   62 | 6579811   88315   8663  16723
iac  n/a|    3     4    -9   -32     8   -86   .56   27   27 | 1421952   -3480   7444  15264
mcc  n/a|   -4   -10    77  -302    41  -189  -.32 1188 1188 |     ---     ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1460.5  GPS week: 1460   Day: 5   MJD: 54469                            

CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|    1     6     1   -13    66   125  -.13   58   59 |       0     -75   2979   3075
cod  172|    0    -5    -2    60   -63   -11  -.30   25   25 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
esx   48|    5    -2    10   129   -11   -57  -.32  283   54 |  -54853   11704  11984  15475
iac  n/a|   -4     2     2  -103    11   -38   .87   34   34 | 1363168    5300   9051  13803
mcc  n/a|    7   -13    55   225    39   -96   .08 2404 2404 |     ---     ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1460.6  GPS week: 1460   Day: 6   MJD: 54470                            

CENT STA|   DX    DY    DZ    RX    RY    RZ   SCL  RMS  WRMS|    TOFT   TDRFT   SDEV    RMS
        |  [mm]  [mm]  [mm] [uas] [uas] [uas] [ppb] [mm] [mm]|    [ps]  [ps/d]   [ps]   [ps]
bkg   57|   -6    12   -18    28    59   -82  -.11   45   41 |       0     368   2768   2886
cod  172|   -6     0   -12    20   -91  -153  -.21   45   37 |     ---     ---    ---    ---
esx   48|   10     5    24   292   -45   241  -.28  303   79 |  -23202    3133   8088  12466
iac  n/a|   -1   -10    11  -109    -7    20   .92   43   43 | 1389177    -533   7016  13947
mcc  n/a|   10   -27    58   244    28  -294  1.25   68   68 |     ---     ---    ---    ---

Table 3: Daily fit for each satellite and each centre resulting from weighted
         average combination and from long arc orbit dynamics (7-day). The
         first IGL column gives resulting satellite accuracy measures found in
         SP3 header. The last IGL column gives the RMS fit of the IGL orbit
         when processed through the 7-day arc evaluation.

         "E"    stands for eclipsing satellites (earth).
         "M"    stands for eclipsing satellites (moon).
         "X"    stands for excluded from the statistics but included in IGL orbit.
         "T"    stands for Total long arc orbit RMS for all satellites.
         "NE"   stands for long arc orbit RMS for Non-Eclipsing satellites only.
         "MEDI" stands for median of the centre's satellite RMS.
         Units: mm.

Table 3.1460.0  GPS week: 1460   Day: 0   MJD: 54464                            

        Weighted Average                   Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  |  brd  bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc  IGL |   bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc   IGL
 R01E | 5393   21   25   34   42  ---   17 |    51   46   38   52  ---    41
 R04E | 3843   23   24   20   46  ---   16 |    44   42   37   60  ---    46
 R06E | 3603   31   42   36   38  ---   21 |    40   53   27   48  ---    36
 R07E | 2236   33   37   51   48   96   24 |    34   23   41   49  100    27
 R08E |12038   44   21  118   51  ---   28 |    29   33   58   51  ---    35
XR10  | 3683   19   29  ---   33  ---   19 |    24   23  ---   32  ---    24
XR14  | 2505   17   19  ---   25  ---   14 |    22   29  ---   39  ---    28
XR15  | 5126   42   35  ---   89  292   39 |    40   45  ---   83   74    51
XR17  | 9144   43   56  ---   77  ---   41 |    55   90  ---   92  ---    78
 R19  | 1942   26   43  486   65  ---   31 |    71   80  490  141  ---   117
XR20  | 6599   19   22  ---   28  ---   16 |    69   89  ---   95  ---    86
 R23  | 3566   37   35  472   62  ---   31 |   427  383  116  256  ---   412
 R24  | 2305   67   45  438   48  ---   39 |   241  246  403  246  ---   251
 RMS  | 5345   38   35  289   51   96      |T   88   90  151   95   87    94
 WRMS | 5345   32   34   78   51   96      |NE 118  123  336  123   74   130
 MEDI | 3683   31   35   51   48   96      |MD  44   46   41   60   74    46

Table 3.1460.1  GPS week: 1460   Day: 1   MJD: 54465                            

        Weighted Average                   Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  |  brd  bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc  IGL |   bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc   IGL
 R01E | 9315   33   32   87   42  ---   28 |    52   56   71   49  ---    39
 R04E | 7476   30   41   46   35  ---   22 |    60   67   91   73  ---    67
 R06E | 6476   37   36   33   31  ---   20 |    37   46   31   47  ---    28
 R07E | 6983   46   20   58   39  128   23 |    30   22   60   40  109    29
 R08E |11880   85   32   46   45  ---   31 |    36   43   68   44  ---    36
XR10  | 9480   23   20  ---   23  ---   15 |    24   25  ---   26  ---    22
XR14  | 4976   18   24  ---   28  ---   17 |    22   34  ---   30  ---    28
XR15  | 6752   36   35  ---   44  278   27 |    24   46  ---   59   70    35
XR17  |10648   51   36  ---   76  ---   39 |    47   48  ---  154  ---    95
XR19  | 5165   33   18  ---   34  ---   20 |    39   61  ---   81  ---    61
XR20  | 9220   30   40  ---   40  ---   26 |    65   72  ---   92  ---    73
 R23  | 8541   88   37  497   77  ---   48 |   346  305   94  269  ---   347
 R24  | 4925   91   50  394   32 2411   42 |   223  247  270  226 9999   235
 RMS  | 8209   64   36  244   45 1707      |T   77   82   97   91   89    84
 WRMS | 8209   54   36   59   45 1707      |NE  98  104  182  117   70   112
 MEDI | 7476   36   35   58   39  278      |MD  39   48   71   59   70    39

Table 3.1460.2  GPS week: 1460   Day: 2   MJD: 54466                            

        Weighted Average                   Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  |  brd  bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc  IGL |   bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc   IGL
 R01E |12771   51   24   31   52  ---   22 |    53   57   58   57  ---    44
 R04E | 3292   48   20   50   38  ---   21 |    39   51   62   63  ---    43
 R06E | 8356   56   34   41   30  ---   22 |    43   48   42   30  ---    30
 R07E | 2120   51   23   48   74   87   27 |    28   25   43   54   42    22
 R08E |11926   66   17   73   36  ---   27 |    42   36   40   49  ---    36
XR10  | 1612   32   19  ---   34  ---   18 |    25   38  ---   28  ---    24
XR14  | 2077   41   27  ---   40  ---   24 |    23   52  ---   41  ---    34
XR15  | 7401   75   39  ---  109  289   50 |    34   35  ---   52   40    26
XR17  |10413   56   39  ---   59  ---   34 |    36   71  ---   52  ---    51
 R19  | 2005   39   15  485   27  ---   18 |    26   50  375   38  ---    54
XR20  | 2374   48   54  ---   91  ---   45 |    52   83  ---  112  ---    73
 R23  | 3008   50   37  455   79  ---   37 |   354  352  102  202  ---   358
 R24  | 2547   59   27  412   33  702   26 |   259  231  337  245  578   244
 RMS  | 7159   53   26  279   50  500      |T   78   86  132   78  220    79
 WRMS | 7159   53   23   69   50  500      |NE 101  114  271   96  309   108
 MEDI | 3008   51   27   50   40  289      |MD  39   51   58   52   42    43

Table 3.1460.3  GPS week: 1460   Day: 3   MJD: 54467                            

        Weighted Average                   Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  |  brd  bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc  IGL |   bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc   IGL
 R01E |13245   40   47   87   29  ---   28 |    41   72   76   63  ---    53
 R04E | 3874   35   25   69   24  ---   21 |    36   70   65   78  ---    61
 R06E | 5832   35   42   50   29  ---   22 |    53   47   46   45  ---    34
 R07E | 2833   60   44   61   43   84   29 |    52   30   57   66   60    47
 R08E |11348   28   29   32   27  ---   16 |    34   37   46   34  ---    24
XR10  | 2569   27   21  ---   26  ---   17 |    30   29  ---   33  ---    24
XR14  | 2181   18   15  ---   21  ---   13 |    24   26  ---   30  ---    24
XR15  | 7051   32   35  ---   39  295   25 |    55   46  ---   53   49    42
XR17  |10163   33   33  ---   35  ---   24 |    57   52  ---   40  ---    39
 R19  | 1785   31   26  455   30  ---   20 |    43   34  363   49  ---    50
XR20  | 2159   42   20  ---   31  ---   22 |    86   95  ---   95  ---    89
XR23  | 5022   32   60  ---   53  ---   36 |   328  315  ---  170  ---   307
 R24  | 1199   30   26  492   22 1018   18 |   118  142  368  135 9999   143
 RMS  | 7230   38   35  258   30  723      |T   73   76  145   68   54    72
 WRMS | 7230   36   33   69   30  723      |NE  92   92  365   75   49    89
 MEDI | 3874   32   29   69   29  295      |MD  52   47   65   53   49    47

Table 3.1460.4  GPS week: 1460   Day: 4   MJD: 54468                            

        Weighted Average                   Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  |  brd  bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc  IGL |   bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc   IGL
 R01E |11768   39   32   57   25  ---   20 |    47   43   68   51  ---    41
 R04E | 5608   80   23   57   19  ---   24 |    67   46   74   52  ---    48
 R06E | 5715   58   43   45   19  ---   22 |    29   61   26   42  ---    34
 R07E | 6335   89   54   62   32  104   31 |    71   33   63   64   50    39
 R08E |11430   32   20   33   17  ---   13 |    44   38   66   39  ---    36
XR10  | 3903   31   23  ---   20  ---   16 |    28   32  ---   28  ---    22
XR14  | 2965   29   36  ---   31  ---   23 |    42   36  ---   37  ---    30
XR15  | 5181   53   44  ---   34  228   29 |    45   45  ---   47   90    32
XR17  | 7352   61   61  ---   38  ---   36 |    54  116  ---   56  ---    77
 R19  | 1706   47   38  467   33  ---   26 |    79   68  335   58  ---    71
 R20  | 5186   58   37  516   23  ---   25 |    49   94  132   84  ---    94
XR23  | 4740   62   77  ---   47  ---   43 |   495  436  ---  422  ---   466
 R24  | 3216   40   47  558   41 1676   30 |   305  288  364  311 9999   300
 RMS  | 7190   59   38  318   27 1187      |T  104  102  141   99   70    99
 WRMS | 7190   53   37   62   27 1187      |NE 137  139  277  130   90   136
 MEDI | 5186   53   38   57   31  228      |MD  49   46   68   52   50    41

Table 3.1460.5  GPS week: 1460   Day: 5   MJD: 54469                            

        Weighted Average                   Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  |  brd  bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc  IGL |   bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc   IGL
 R01E | 9745   39   20   53   25  ---   19 |    70   47   71   49  ---    47
 R04E | 5134   57   26   41   36  ---   21 |    79   71   42   91  ---    77
 R06E | 2748   56   20   46   25  ---   20 |    30   34   32   46  ---    29
 R07E | 3823   73   31   34   49   63   25 |    47   26   42   65   49    36
 R08E | 7308   59   20   37   21  ---   18 |    36   35   34   41  ---    29
XR10  | 2357   34   11  ---   25  ---   15 |    21   25  ---   23  ---    20
XR14  | 1827   45   27  ---   29  ---   22 |    35   29  ---   34  ---    24
XR15  |14640   25   20  ---   33  299   18 |    59   60  ---   47  114    52
XR17  | 6706   60   24  ---   24  ---   23 |    60   86  ---   73  ---    74
XR19  | 2542   68   34  ---   38  ---   30 |    34   72  ---   43  ---    43
 R20  | 4550   72   18  518   30  ---   25 |    81   83  123   97  ---    89
XR23  |13281  366  122  ---  580  ---  212 |   621  694  ---  438  ---   581
 R24  | 3179   41   35  535   41 3398   27 |   124  149  464  126 9999   137
 RMS  | 5703   58   25  283   34 2403      |T   99  108  115   90   81    95
 WRMS | 5703   59   25   54   34 2403      |NE 129  149  293  110  114   127
 MEDI | 4550   57   24   46   30  299      |MD  59   60   42   49   49    47

Table 3.1460.6  GPS week: 1460   Day: 6   MJD: 54470                            

        Weighted Average                   Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  |  brd  bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc  IGL |   bkg  cod  esx  iac  mcc   IGL
 R01E | 8293   37   19   32   27  ---   17 |    52   54   54   52  ---    48
XR04E | 6889   38   27  ---   44  ---   26 |    54   56  ---   68  ---    54
 R06E | 2481   37   63   69   35  ---   30 |    28   57   49   42  ---    36
 R07E | 1574   40   45   47   69   68   29 |    51   42   58   86   45    49
 R08E |10057   45   32  179   43  ---   28 |    55   30   49   40  ---    33
XR10  | 1827   22   19  ---   34  ---   18 |    21   24  ---   24  ---    20
XR14  | 2276   28   24  ---   33  ---   20 |    28   26  ---   33  ---    24
XR15  |18082   37   44  ---   54  237   32 |    43   39  ---   44   58    34
XR17  | 7537   37   38  ---   43  ---   28 |    97  126  ---  102  ---   109
 R19  | 1233   65   65  516   35  ---   41 |    41  106  471   76  ---    94
 R20  | 2274   41   25  495   41  ---   26 |    80   95  123  100  ---   104
XR23  |16221  128  139  ---  497  ---  133 |   604  682  ---  855  ---   604
XR24  | 2563   39   56  ---   44 2564   33 |   218  195  ---  204  833   200
 RMS  | 5556   45   45  303   43   68      |T  105  117  134  132  312   108
 WRMS | 5556   41   37   79   43   68      |NE 141  161  297  179  445   148
 MEDI | 2563   38   38   69   43  237      |MD  52   56   54   68   58    49